Can you please inform us as to why the documentation is not kept up to date and what the policy is on keeping up to date documentation.
I also had a look in the release notes and was unable to find when this was changed. Should it have not appeared in the release notes? The title of the Release Notes page is called 'All Changes'. This was a change was it not?
Hi, it is not a bug, but the result of new fonctionnality and features: The Texture Generators give improved control over material creation using parametric noises, patterns and grunge options. A majority of filters that got noises, patterns and grunges embed where removed (it explaines why the presets aren't here any more). Letting the user to choose the right noise to create (in our case) the specific relief with even more control on it as the parameters are related to the texture generator and not only the filter.
I encourage you to take a look at the documentation and tutorial, it is a huge improvement.
Hi, I responded on the other thread but will copy the info here too: The change is mentionned in the release note, on the specific 4.3 release page and the all changes page :
[Content] Updated all filters to support Texture Generators
The release note has to be readable. We won't list the precise changes of each 78 filters of 3D Sampler. It will make the release note unreadable. And we update the filters page (we forgot the surface relief and will fix it as soon as we can).