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Adobe ACE exams

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Jul 12, 2016 Jul 12, 2016

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Adobe retired the recertification exam.

Some of us need to be up to date with the exams since we teach at Adobe certified places.

They just announced the new exams which will be in August and I think that the "OLDER" certified community like us that have so much experience should fight together to bring back the Recertification exam.  I teach the ACA classes in USC, I give advise to students about the ACE exams and feel that it is not fair to ask us to do the entire exam again every two years.

1. In the past as an ACP we got a code from Adobe for free exams...but as everything else it went away now we get 50% off...

2. In the past Adobe certified people created the test now it is part of Pearson and actually it is a money making venture...

3. they said that the recertification was on line so was not fair, they can bring it back not on line.

Why experts like us need to do the entire test? we are the one that answers the questions...

They asking us with our experience to do the same test that a new person doing?

I think we need to do something. I have been communicating with Debra Prewitt from Adobe. She is trying to help but I think she needs help from the community.

Can we do something?

I know that I am not going to do the full blown test....not part of my plan....let create some noise!

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 08.58.01.png




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Community Expert ,
Jul 15, 2016 Jul 15, 2016

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I am not going to take them. My ACI status means absolutely nothing. It doesn't get me more students or classes, Adobe Certified Training centers don't honor it - they use uncertified instructors over the certified ones because they are cheaper. It's a complete waste of time and money for me. The ACI program is the dog Adobe kicks... I have students asking about certification all the time, I discourage it unless they know for sure will benefit them. If it went back to the way is was before, I would consider it, just because it would be a simple quick thing from home. But to make me go out and sit a whole new test? No thanks. I beta tested the last Dreamweaver test, there were a bunch of questions that were just plain wrong, not to mention stuff that wasn't even in the program anymore. I took it in Aug. 2012. I had until Oct. 31 that year to renew. They told me, Oct. 31 that I passed... I feel like Adobe is trying to get rid of ACI's - my experience in the past 8+ yrs has not been positive.

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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New Here ,
Apr 21, 2017 Apr 21, 2017

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I so agree with you wholeheartedly. Being Adobe Certified is a complete waste of time and money and of no benefit whatsoever in the UK. It is NOT an industry recognised qualification over here and will not get you any more work at a higher rate because you have to compete with non certified trainers because they are cheaper.

I have been using and teaching Adobe products since the early 90s and I am sure I speak for a a lot of us older trainers that we find it a complete insult to be expected to take these exams and have to pay for them AND we have to pay for the software also.


Come on people - let's campaign for this - we deserve it after all these years!




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 16, 2016 Jul 16, 2016

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This lounge has some strong sentiments.
Whelp, there goes my interest in becoming certified. Was literally gonna do it in two months.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 16, 2016 Jul 16, 2016

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Sorry to rain on your parade! But at least you have one opinion, for what it's worth...

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Jul 16, 2016 Jul 16, 2016

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Not worth the paper the certificate is on.

Ever since I was told I was 'over qualified' to beta test the Dreamweaver Exam on the grounds that my knowledge was above the 'Average User'. So for me it is no more than an 'Adobe Average User Certification'.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2017 Jun 02, 2017

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As an ACI, I'd like to add some thoughts on these ACE exams matters.

I've been doing these exams since 2003 in very early (and even pre-CS) versions, as the certification program became introduced here in Europe. What strikes me is that the format and the content haven't really changed that much over the one and a half decade. So whatever we'd like it to be (rather than what it was and still is), Adobe didn't and doesn't budge...

My comment on these exams (dating from 2003) is still the same:

"Some colleagues and me have taken the exams and we all share the same sentiment: they're difficult, tricky, and almost unfair. About one third of the questions is about the task at hand, covering topics having to do with the actual trade without going into the application too much. The other two thirds are about the application, and half of that is rightfully dealing with the proper use of it. But the other half (the final third) is downright tricky. They are about the exact knowledge of the most secluded commands and dialogues, assuming you never got confused by the various versions over time, and expecting you to know both your native language versions and the English one, by heart."

E.g. is it really a big deal not to know whether the guidelines ("Raster" in Dutch) to line-up items in Acrobat is called a "Grid", "Document Grid", or "Layout Grid" ? Most of the exam candidates will hopefully know and probably remember very well there's some kind of a grid thing, so they just look under "View" and see what the "Show/Hide" command offers. Is the 100% value of the flattening conversion setting in Illustrator towards the "vector" or "pixel" side ? Is a unit of measurement to be found under "Preferences", "Settings" or "Document Settings" ?

Another issue is the number of questions about uncommon situations, almost hypothetical ones, or at least problematic stuff only helpdesk staffers would need to deal with. Okay, the daily workflow of a designer does involve quite a few nasty scenarios and materials, often created (or should I say slapped together) by less proficient users of the software. But why bother designers with it in an exam ?

My experience in taking these exams for almost 15 years, is that quite a large part of the questions are just about us (and many users), trying to deal with the unintuitive and inconsistent idiosyncrasies of these Adobe applications. Is this one of the key goals of this program ? To puzzle users and blame them for not knowing these things ? After all, these applications and their very professional users are largely visually inclined. So what's the point of textually quizzing them with any of this verbatim nitty-gritty ?

So my conclusion then and now is that these exams should be exclusively aimed at helpdesk departments of large design studios, Adobe-related support staffers, trainers, and technical trouble-shooters. But are these nerds the ones we'd like to celebrate as "Adobe Certified Experts" ?

Rest assured, I'll manage, honestly. I usually took the recertification exams without any preparation, and the proctored exams with an hour on average in each application (mainly checking out even the smallest detail in any new feature). I've been fortunate enough to get acquainted with all Adobe applications and their versions as they were introduced, so I've been able to learn them on a grade. But I doubt if any new user of a current CC application will ever be able to pass these exams...

The benefit ?

An increasing number of clients in corporate industries are required to ask for a certain certification when hiring designers or trainers. But showing them any badge with an Adobe logo (whether it says ACA, ACE, ACI, Partner, or Community Professional) would probably all be the same to them.

I regard the ACI status more as an acknowledgement towards 'those in the know' like Adobe staff and training colleagues. But failing the ACE exam tells me really nothing about the talent and true proficiency of a designer or any user of an Adobe application. That's why Adobe fortunately came up with the ACA program.

melissapiccone​: if you think an AATC is incorrectly using their status in their promotion and business, then let Adobe know about this. Only by reporting such inappropriate use, we can let an ACI status claim and keep its value.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2017 Jun 02, 2017

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melissapiccone: if you think an AATC is incorrectly using their status in their promotion and business, then let Adobe know about this. Only by reporting such inappropriate use, we can let an ACI status claim and keep its value.

I have, over and over. It falls on deaf ears. All communication I I have initiated over the past 8 years has been completely ignored. No response to any emails at any time. Didn't really believe the person I was sending them to was real... however, when I have complained of this problem to others they made excuses for her. She has been replaced and I have met her replacement. I know she's real . I haven't reached out for another conversation, but I'm very happy being just an ACP. Unless a really great offer comes my way that requires me to be an ACI, I'm officially out this month. I will always be a Certified Technical Trainer... close enough.

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2017 Jun 02, 2017

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But showing them any badge with an Adobe logo (whether it says ACA, ACE, ACI, Partner, or Community Professional) would probably all be the same to them.

I totally agree.




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 09, 2017 Jul 09, 2017

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As long as it gets the client, eh?




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Jul 09, 2017 Jul 09, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Peter+Villevoye  wrote

The benefit ?

An increasing number of clients in corporate industries are required to ask for a certain certification when hiring designers or trainers. But showing them any badge with an Adobe logo (whether it says ACA, ACE, ACI, Partner, or Community Professional) would probably all be the same to them.

I'd argue that the "Community Professional" is worth more in this senario as that is recognition of skill by your fellows and can't be cheated by passing a standardised test... I would hire this person over someone with a ACE because their knowledge is less irrelevant.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 12, 2017 Jul 12, 2017

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After reading over and over, I don't understand your recent post, Ussnorway​.

First, I didn't state that a CP status is worth more when in search of a designer or trainer. I meant to say that most Office or IT-inclined HR staff probably won't know or notice much of a difference between any of them.

Next: you suggest that these "standardised tests" (ACE?) can be cheated with. I wonder, how ? The on-line recertifications were pretty easy to deal with, but the full-blown proctored exams are not something to be taken lightly !

Finally: you would hire a CP over an ACE when hiring a designer or trainer ?

Because their knowledge is "less irrelevant" – that double negation is intentional ?

Anyway, I don't get these last two sentences at all...

Shoot again !




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Jul 12, 2017 Jul 12, 2017

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First; I agree that most IT HR staff don't know what the letters stand for and Adobe doesn't appear to care so why should they... an Adobe name has the same value to them regardless of what letters come after it.

Next; = perception, standardised test can be cheated and they don't prove the person taking them has the skills you need. in this country (Australia) they are seen with open contempt because goverment offices take bribes and tests are seen as irrelevant. I remember a yong lady bus driver at the Sydney olympics with her bus drivers licence and Gov authority all in order but she couldn't start the bus because she had never driven one in her life.

Perhaps ACE is better respected where you are but here I would assume 90% of HR staff don't know what it is and arn't going to be impressed by it after you explain it to them.

Finally; yes i would hire a CP as a designer... of course I would but trainer is a different set of skills... I wouldn't hold a ACE up as any better then a CP, even though I agree the person with a ACE or CP (what ever other letters) probably will get the job.

They are hired here because they have the skills to do the job, not because they have a paper with ACE typed on it is my basic point.

p.s, yes the double negation is intentional... my mind works backwards as my IT teacher would say to me




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Participant ,
Mar 02, 2018 Mar 02, 2018

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I'm now rather nervous..

I have just shelled out $200 for the privilege of taking an examAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 ACE Exam

I have reached out to the community and now I read this thread!! I am just a user, I want to get involved at community level as a trainer and just would like to be able to say I am Adobe Certified. I thought it might impress my potential pupils.

Please tell me its OK!!





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Community Expert ,
Mar 02, 2018 Mar 02, 2018

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Trust me! It will be easier and fun!

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 07:54 astrobutch0901 <forums_noreply@adobe.com>




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Community Expert ,
Mar 02, 2018 Mar 02, 2018

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The Exams have just switched over this week to a new company. And notice your exam is 3 yrs old... come play in the forums answering questions and become an ACP

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Community Expert ,
Mar 04, 2018 Mar 04, 2018

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If you are working as a training at an Adobe Certified Training Center (AATC), it is still required. Plus, you've already paid your money. So take the test — but do report back on what it's like now.




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Participant ,
Mar 05, 2018 Mar 05, 2018

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Will do, I really run small courses at Adult ED and Art centres.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

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Don't be nervous.

  1. The format is multiple choice.
  2. The questions are meant to trip you up.
  3. Oftentimes it is difficult to work out what they're trying to ask.
  4. Pull down the exam bulletin from here. Adobe Certification Exams | Adobe Training & Certification
  5. Grab a PDF copy of the user guide from Adobe.com.
  6. Go through every bullet point on the exam bulletin and make sure you know everything there is to know about that subject.
  7. Oftentimes you will not find the answer in the user guide, so you will have to Google lots.
  8. Exam aids and other 3rd party prep tools, I have found to be of little value.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 10, 2018 Apr 10, 2018

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As I said before they are going to change the format very soon! and I think people will be happier!

We just finishing some of the ACA exams and they are way better and a new format!





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Explorer ,
Mar 02, 2018 Mar 02, 2018

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I passed the Adobe Certified Expert Exam for Adobe Premiere in 2015. I am interested in taking the Photoshop and After Effects exams to become an Adobe Video Expert.

The new certification portal is on www.certmetrics.com. I am curious/concerned that it states this: "✳ The certification track has been retired; no new ones will be granted and no existing ones will be extended. "

I searched the https://training.adobe.com/certification  site and the Premiere CC 2015 version still exists as the most recent version of the exam.

And I am not able to find the re certification exam for Premiere.

What is going on?




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Community Expert ,
Mar 02, 2018 Mar 02, 2018

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All test are coming back to Adobe so it will take few month to organize the

material and bring it up to date.


[details removed ussnorway]




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Community Expert ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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No recert exams anymore




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Community Expert ,
Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018

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i am a new ACI, do i have to repeat the ACE exam yearly to keep up my ACI?? there is no recertification? 





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Community Expert ,
Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018

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I will not repeat it yet. Wait for new information. Adobe is working on it now to create new exams!





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