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Does anyone know of good software to do DVD authoring?
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Windows only Encore alternative
Premiere Elements
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I think it's fair to say that digital downloads and online streaming are making DVD's a thing of the past.
That said, see Wikipedia 🙂
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"I think it's fair to say that digital downloads and online streaming are making DVD's a thing of the past. "
There are still a lot of places where digital downloads and online streaming is still science-fiction:
- Antarctic science stations
- Mountain refuges
- Military rest room
- Schoolar rest room
- Hospital
- Seniors establishments
- Boats, cargos, submarines
- Trains
- jungle, forest, desert
- Etc.
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When was the last time you visited Antarctica? 😉
"All stations (and ships) have permanent satellite links to the outside world providing Internet, data transfer, email and a sophisticated telephone network."
DVDs & Blu-rays may still be in use in some places (so are hand cranked Victrola's). But practically speaking, they are heading down the same road as 8-Track, Cassettes, VHS and Betamax. "Now you see me, now you don't."
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Thank you. The article was interesting. But not all businesses are alike. I work on product that is consumer based. In this market DVD is a thing. As is BlueRay and the other sundry distribution channels. I am seeking to distribute to retail for a small niche project and it is a significant area for the demographic in question. I do appreciate the information about what is occuring in other areas of the screen based market however.
Australian Capital Territory, Australia