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Mac Pro vs. pc

New Here ,
Feb 12, 2017 Feb 12, 2017

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my perception is mac is abandoning their loyal pro market to phone and laptop profits. Mac Pro not improved in some time and seeems difficult if not impossible to upgrade. Thinking of making switch to PC for photoshop. Any thoughts or comment?




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Community Expert ,
Feb 28, 2018 Feb 28, 2018

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A buddy of mine is forever complaining about his wife who buys every magazine going that comes with an attached DVD, and installing everything on every one of those DVDs.  I mean they are free, so why wouldn't you?   What makes this so problematic, is that this particular buddy loves a bargain, which means when he buys a laptop, it is an end of line, minimum spec device from our equivalent of

K-Mart, so you only need give it a funny look, and it slows to a crawl.  He probably doesn't have AV because the hardware couldn't handle the overhead.




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Participant ,
Mar 05, 2017 Mar 05, 2017

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For me it all boils down to the operating system.  I still consider OSX to be superior to Windows but Apple has really dropped the ball on the hardware end.  Hackintosh would be a good compromise, but I'm not into dealing with the complexities you can run in with that.  I'm running a very old Imac that I want to replace, but its like waiting for Godot!  Cook keeps saying its coming, but we still wait for its arrival. 




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Explorer ,
Feb 25, 2018 Feb 25, 2018

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I have been using Mac computers since 1991 and have been happy with their operating systems, but their computers keep getting more expensive compared to PC. Also PC allows to upgrade everything when needed. I am reluctant but what are my choices? I can't afford a new Mac Pro that isn't as powerful as a less priced PC. I'm a freelance graphic designer and I depend on my computer to run efficiently everyday. My MacBook Pro is 2011 and not quite handling the job any longer and the software will be obsolete soon I'm sure.

Any suggestions from other graphic designers?




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Community Expert ,
Feb 25, 2018 Feb 25, 2018

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Have you considered a refurbished mac? Any new macbook pro will require adapters to accommodate usb's/peripherals... it's a pain for now... soon everything will be in the cloud. Even the new pen in development writes in the air!




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New Here ,
Sep 09, 2018 Sep 09, 2018

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max it on ram and put a solid stated drive in it!




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Feb 28, 2018 Feb 28, 2018

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Agreed with you updating in pain in Mac but design is a class apart. You should try have both. Its completely depend upon to you on when you use what.




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Feb 28, 2018 Feb 28, 2018

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mithra_sr  wrote

Agreed with you updating in pain in Mac but design is a class apart. You should try have both. Its completely depend upon to you on when you use what.

Had a Mac for a couple of years.

Mac computer are made no better than any other computer. Apple uses the same hardware, even less quality hardware most of the time, as all other computer makers.

If you don't believe me just head over to the Apple forums.

Design? If you want a computer you can't upgrade in any way or replace any part that might fail, including the battery, then sure Apple has some nice designs.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2018 Mar 14, 2018

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This is an old controversy, today it's more like this:


Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe




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Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2018 Mar 14, 2018

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"Hello, I'm a Mac"

"And I'm a PC"





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Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2018 Mar 14, 2018

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And the point being...?  A bloated computer is just a bloated computer, that has nothing to do with the Windows OS - which is a very lean and efficient package.

BTW, isn't it ironic that the once "hippie" company is now among the three most profitable corporations in the world - the very symbol of a faceless monster corporation:

"In December 2014, the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights published a report which documented inhumane conditions for the 15,000 workers at a Zhen Ding Technology factory in Shenzhen, China, which serves as a major supplier of circuit boards for Apple's iPhone and iPad. According to the report, workers are pressured into 65-hour work weeks which leaves them so exhausted that they often sleep during lunch breaks. They are also made to reside in "primitive, dark and filthy dorms" where they sleep "on plywood, with six to ten workers in each crowded room." Omnipresent security personnel also routinely harass and beat the workers."

And this is what they charge those, er...bloated prices for?




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Mentor ,
Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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I disagree!




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Community Expert ,
Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Kat+Gilbert  wrote

I disagree!

Disagree with what?

That Windows is lean and efficient? A clean Windows install, like you get when you build your own system - that's nothing like Dell or HP or any laptop you like to name. All these OEMs have a lot to answer for. Don't blame Windows for that.

Or do you disagree that Apple is one of the biggest corporations in the world (and certainly much bigger than Microsoft)?

"Apple is the world's largest information technology company by revenue, the world's largest technology company by total assets, and the world's second-largest mobile phone manufacturer after Samsung. It is also the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated market capitalization of $800 billion in May 2017. In February 2015, Apple became the first U.S. corporation to be valued at over $700 billion."

"In 2011, Apple's profit margins were 40 percent, compared with between 10 and 20 percent for most other hardware companies."

I'm taking all this from the Wikipedia article, of course.




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Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/D+Fosse  wrote

That Windows is lean and efficient? A clean Windows install, like you get when you build your own system - that's nothing like Dell or HP or any laptop you like to name. All these OEMs have a lot to answer for. Don't blame Windows for that.

Or do you disagree that Apple is one of the biggest corporations in the world (and certainly much bigger than Microsoft)?

"Apple is the world's largest information technology company by revenue, the world's largest technology company by total assets, and the world's second-largest mobile phone manufacturer after Samsung. It is also the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated market capitalization of $800 billion in May 2017. In February 2015, Apple became the first U.S. corporation to be valued at over $700 billion."

"In 2011, Apple's profit margins were 40 percent, compared with between 10 and 20 percent for most other hardware companies."

I'm taking all this from the Wikipedia article, of course.

The first thing I do when getting a new notebook is Format the drive and reinstall the OS. I even did that with the Apple Mac Book Pro I had.

The one thing I realized after getting an Apple computer. They aren't built any better, don't use better parts, than any other computer company. The only thing Apple does is charge more.




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Mentor ,
Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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My point> we each have our opinion and we do not have to agree.

There are pros and cons on both platforms!

User has the correct decision.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 16, 2018 Mar 16, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Kat+Gilbert  wrote

There are pros and cons on both platforms!

Actually that's the very point I'm always trying to make, Kat.

I've got nothing against Apple products. What I dislike is the uncritical fan culture that has always surrounded Apple, fueled by some brilliant marketing strategies. One of them is, yes, can't be denied, beautiful visual design. They got the best designers. The other two major marketing strategies are deliberate overpricing, giving an aura of exclusiveness, and finally deliberate lack of backwards compatibility. You need to constantly buy new to keep up - you have to, because the old stuff stops working. Once you have the momentum rolling, this is an extremely powerful mix.

But inside it's nothing special. They use the same subcontractors as everyone else, and their quality control is no better than everyone else's. It's just another computer.

Apple marketing is one of the most spectacular success stories of the last hundred years. It's unique.




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New Here ,
Oct 19, 2018 Oct 19, 2018

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Agree with you




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Mentor ,
Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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Think long and hard... read all you can that is not bias in comments... I have lived with both and it totally depends upon how you like to address you computer when you wish to work.

Both have their pros and cons... go with your gut and your mind on what works for you!




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Guide ,
Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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Back in the day...

Macs USED to be better and worth the higher cost.

I was a big MacFanatic.

Multiple monitors? Check

Included SCSI? Check

More friendly and customizable OS? Check

Then Windows 95 came out, which was a huge improvement, then Win98...and multiple monitors, cheap scsi add-ons, easier customizations...and I could easily add multiple drives and RAM...

I turned to the darkside after Win98 and dual-monitor support and haven't looked back.

I do still have an old Intel Mac Mini here in the office though, serving up Plex... I like having a Mac around still...

But I've got that one Mac...and like 5 variations of Windows PCs/laptops




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Guide ,
Nov 03, 2018 Nov 03, 2018

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I have owned both pcs and Macs and eventually went the Mac route and haven't looked back. Apple uses intelligence and forethought when building their hardware. I am not a fan of the 6.1 "ashtray can" Mac pros as I have several 5.1 12 and 8 cores (Mid 2012). They run 24 hours a day and only get switched off when they need a clean (once every 2 months). The OS is clean and logical and isn't resource heavy like Windows. I agree that they are becoming increasingly overpriced and Apple is throttling people by not allowing self upgrades etc which is why the last generation of Mac Pros are, to me the best machines ever built. Yes, you can build a Windows machine that will outrun and outperform a Mac Pro but for reliability and longevity I doubt any pc can stand its ground against a Mac Pro. With building a super pc you need extra cooling, extra fans, bigger PSU's etc. Apple made the Mac Pro out of aluminum. It absorbs heat, It has just 3 fans and a 1100W PSU. So heating has never ever been problematic. Yes they are a little long in the tooth now but I work on them for huge visual effects projects for film and tv and they have never let me down.

If I build a pc again it all be for games, hey but thats where a PS4 comes in lol

As for Windows, well, let me not say anything besides "Windows 7 you were and always will be king of Microsofts OS"




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Nov 03, 2018 Nov 03, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Inet+Media  wrote

I have owned both pcs and Macs and eventually went the Mac route and haven't looked back. Apple uses intelligence and forethought when building their hardware. I am not a fan of the 6.1 "ashtray can" Mac pros as I have several 5.1 12 and 8 cores (Mid 2012). They run 24 hours a day and only get switched off when they need a clean (once every 2 months). The OS is clean and logical and isn't resource heavy like Windows. I agree that they are becoming increasingly overpriced and Apple is throttling people by not allowing self upgrades etc which is why the last generation of Mac Pros are, to me the best machines ever built. Yes, you can build a Windows machine that will outrun and outperform a Mac Pro but for reliability and longevity I doubt any pc can stand its ground against a Mac Pro. With building a super pc you need extra cooling, extra fans, bigger PSU's etc. Apple made the Mac Pro out of aluminum. It absorbs heat, It has just 3 fans and a 1100W PSU. So heating has never ever been problematic. Yes they are a little long in the tooth now but I work on them for huge visual effects projects for film and tv and they have never let me down.

If I build a pc again it all be for games, hey but thats where a PS4 comes in lol

As for Windows, well, let me not say anything besides "Windows 7 you were and always will be king of Microsofts OS"

What is bold and underlined is the biggest load of KWrap I have ever read.


I take that back. Most of what you wrote is a LOAD.


Apple uses the cheapest and or the same hardware that every other computer hardware maker uses.

Take a look at the Rossman group, Louis Rossman, U tube videos to see just what the quality of Apple hardware is.




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Guide ,
Nov 03, 2018 Nov 03, 2018

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I tend to disagree. Apple uses the same hardware as others? Perhaps the same materials are used but its the implementation of the design that sets them apart. So what you are saying is that a MacBook Pro Retina is the same as a Dell Inspire Laptop? Please tell me you are kidding. This is an open forum and I respect the rules so I want to avoid any arguments etc as these topics can become very heated lol. To each his own I say. You love Pc's I love Macs. Lets leave it at that. I thank you for your opinion I disagree but I do respect your opinion.




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Nov 03, 2018 Nov 03, 2018

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Well the Dell's are usually built better and last longer. I'm typing this reply on a Dell Latitude I bought in December of 2011. I also bought a Late 2011 model MBP at the same time and then sold it 2+ years later. Then Apple finally issued a Recall for GPU problems on that model. As they have for several years dating back to 2008.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2018 Nov 03, 2018

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Don't bother, Shoot. I've met enough Apple fanboys and fangirls to know that facts have nothing to do with it. It's religion, or something very close. You've all seen Steve Jobs up there on stage, haven't you...what does it make you think of? Yeah, that's right.

It's truly amazing how he did it. He pushed all the right buttons. In marketing circles, I suspect Steve really is the Messiah.




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Nov 03, 2018 Nov 03, 2018

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I really loved the Kool Aid commercial. Don't drink THEIR Kool Aid, Drink Our, Apple's, Kool Aid, Think Different.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 03, 2018 Apr 03, 2018

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I just stumbled upon this post while searching for an answer to this historical argument "MAC or PC". So I thought it would be better to share my experience and opinion which might help someone, who knows...

So, for background, I'm hard core PC user and never even bought any apple product be it mobile or computers... (Except once old second hand laptop Powerbook that died very very fast without even doing any serious job) and been assembling my own PCs with little help from professionals since ages... and I would say since the times when there was no Plug & Play term was known... I use to manually install hardware using switch settings on motherboard and specified hardware... So I'm that hardcore PC user...

But on the second note, In my 20 years of professional career, I've been using only MACs which have been a must in advertising agencies.... and recently I own an iMAC Pro which is almost 6000 dollars right now... because I work from graphics design to animation and everything around it...

So with above two paragraphs I tried to establish the understanding that I know what I'm saying and I take total responsibility... and I'm not biased to one or another... its just my opinion that is built based on personal experience with both plateforms after years of usage...

When it comes to specs, PCs are far better where you can find highest specs at very reasonable price... I must say 6000 Dollars for iMacPro can actually bring you 3 times higher specs on PC with may be not just one machine but two or three machines that combined can beat the hell out of stupid iMac Pro... but this is only based on specs... The strength of MAC is actually not in its specs but in its ecosystem... that includes complete synergy between Hardware and Software... and this is where PCs are beaten. As being OS is developed by one company and hardwares by another and as OS windows is not as smooth as Apple OS, so this is very first and important strength that MACs have, then its the hardware, and usually no matter if you have high specification on PC, if they are not compatible to each other you turn out to have a conflicting machine where GPU is making issues with memory or other issues which translates into bad performance, lags or blue screens and so on... but in MACs case because the hardware and software is built by Apple or specifically for them (by third party) so the possibility of smooth performance is obvious... and this is exactly where the magic lies... even thou I know there is huge number of stupid Apple fan boys who just use there products because it turns out to be a status symbol for them... other than that they have no idea about why they are using it...

I've been trying to finish of some freelance jobs like always on my Home PC... which is good enough to play any latest game with high graphic settings, but when it comes to running Adobe apps... I end up having serious difficulty... in short the job that takes me 2 hours on my PC can easily take half hour on MAC... and in this even developers like Adobe or Maxon and so on are also keeping the MACs in mind... no matter if in benchmarking they give good results on PC but in practicality they run more smoother and reliably on MACs than PCs... So just for this reason I'm finally looking at some cheap bargain for iMAC previous generation... as it will be more than enough....

So in conclusion, my personal opinion is that no matter how versatile PCs are with all those amazing specs at quarter the price of MAC, yet I consider MACs purely / seriously working machines... and thats why no matter how much I hate Apple and there branding/pricing strategy and there absolute absence of innovation, I'll be buying Second hand iMAC 27 inch 5K so I can keep that only for WORK and rest of the joy will be full filled on PC, where all the fun begins...

With love to both MACs and PCs




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