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One universal stock media assets library is almost here!

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Mar 22, 2016 Mar 22, 2016

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I like the idea of putting my own media asset creations into a public media assets library with licensing control. Adobe is working on this idea. I just wonder if there will be a PayPal type ecommerce interface so that as soon as licence fees are paid, the asset is then made available for downloading. It seems there are two types of libraries at present. One for this purpose and one for storing your creations in the cloud for your own reuse across different applications and sharing with invited audiences. I can see the two merging as time rolls on and Adobe being there near the forefront...I do like to share my creations, but I also like to earn something for my hard work!






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Mar 23, 2016 Mar 23, 2016

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Not sure what you are asking here?

Once you paid the license it is available immediately for downloading now. Also sharing your own creations to be able to sell is also supported through fotolia.com.

Maybe I am missing the question you are asking?





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Contributor ,
Mar 23, 2016 Mar 23, 2016

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Hi Brad, It was more a comment than a question. I was confused about two different libraries.

Library 1)

I have discovered how to assign and apply properties like colours, font styles and sizes and other properties to the library that is inclusive of many of the Adobe CC creative applications and synchronised to the cloud, but I was wondering if whole documents could be added to the library. If the library is available in Premier Pro, can I import finished images from it into my Premier Pro project?

Library 2)

The second library is where I might upload a finished media asset to share it with the public under a paid licence. This would be the fotolia.com stock media, or media assets library—not sure what the naming trend is these days. So my second question is; Where does Behance then fit into the scheme of things?





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Mar 31, 2016 Mar 31, 2016

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Hi Flexigav,

Library 1: Anything you add to your libraries from other apps such as images created in Photoshop or Illustrator will be available to you in Premiere. Much the same with assets you create with the Adobe Mobile Apps. Maybe  this link will help answer any questions on that workflow?


Library 2: You certainly can add your creations to Fotolia.com. It's very easy to and free. Here is a link to sign  up: Fotolia - Sell your photos online to millions of image buyers. Your images or videos once approved would also be available on Adobe Stock.

As for Behance, it is more of a personal portfolio. Many artists, photographers, creatives in general have been hired based on their Behance portfolios. I highly recommend setting up a Behance portfolio if you are interested in some freelance work or are seeking work in a creative industry.

Sorry for the late reply. Hope this helps.





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