Hey Andrew, As for the Premiere Pro issue you can see you are not alone in this. Of course its difficult to pinpoint for sure who is the one to blame, but if one thing is standing out in this case its that it seems only Adobe apps are affected and since I was forced to work with FCP X now because of this mess, I can report ( just as others did before me) that I was able to work without ANY problem whatsoever on my new Macbook. I am a Premiere editor though and I subscribe to CC to work with Premiere Pro, After Effects and Media Encoder and I do expect a company like Adobe to test out their product immediately and very thoroughly when new Macbooks come out. If they would have done just that, let someone at Adobe work with/test their own apps for just one day on one of these new machines, they would have found out about it weeks ago THEMSELVES ! Instead many Mac/tech sites and of course us users had to bascially do their job, test their apps on the new Macbooks when they came out and discovered this issue right away (by the end of November !) . One would think maybe at that point Adobe would have noticed theres a larger problem to sort out, but not even that. It is only weeks later after several complaints on here that someone at Adobe actually notices this. And I keep asking myself honestly how can this be for a huge company like that ?
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