zwetan_uk​ Gotten exactly that far already myself Though the padding in your "data" block is actually the AMF version, and will be 3 for newly created SharedObjects (AMF3). data |_ LSO name length: 2 byte short readUnsignedShort |_ LSO name bytes: readUTFBytes |_ AMF version: readInt |_ data ... I was hoping to use the ByteArray.readObject function to read the AMF data block at the end, but it's not working, keeps throwing range errors. The data definitely is there, though looks slightly different from what I've read about AMF data, but not sure if I just don't understand the AMF data format. Have you got a copy of that cvlib? Doesn't seem to be on Google Code any more? Hoping I don't have to write an AMF parser as well. ASWC​ Isn't SQLite still stored in a file in the application storage? So the user can just as easily delete that as a shared object? Definitely agree that SharedObjects aren't the best solution for storage though.
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