Our Native WebView ANE has been available for 2 years now and is used in a large number of mobile applications. The ANE was designed to be an improved version of the StageWebView provided as part of the AIR SDK. It's been through many iterations including several major updates (such as migration from UIWebView to WKWebView on iOS) due to the ever changing mobile platform ecosystems. We have been able to provide continual updates due to the many supporters of the distriqt airnativeextensions site and we are so proud to be able to provide this service to the AIR community. Current features of the ANE for Android and iOS include: HTML5 Video; Browser View Controller; Touch events; Capture BitmapData screenshot; Communicate both ways using Javascript AS3->JS & JS->AS3; Transparent background; Additional page controls: auto play, background colour; and many more. Lately we have had many requests to extend the functionality of this extension to the desktop, including Windows and macOS. While we are aware there are solutions available, our customers have requested we look into extending our extension to keep a consistent cross-platform API and keep the extension in our support program. So we are now looking to bring this same API to the desktop, macOS and Windows, and with it the reliability, stability and support that is expected from an ANE built by distriqt. We have started development but it is a massive undertaking to bring a stable ANE to the desktop environment so we need your help to be able to dedicate the many hours required to be able to provide a quality extension. To this end we have started a kickstarter project which we hope you’ll consider backing: Future Directions We are hoping that crowd funding the development on these extensions firstly allows us to bring down the cost of the extensions, and ultimately leads to us being able to completely open source the collection. You can read more on our ideas on this here​.
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