Since several years I see in the forum people saying that Air is dead. I have even see some declaring that they leave Air several time since then. Leaving the first time should be enough if you ask me. It sounds to me that, convinced that Air is dead, they want to be sure that they have done the right choice by coming here saying Air dead ad nauseum. Sure if you want to kill Air continue that way. But be conscient that there are people that don't have the choice because they simply don't have the means to remake an app that they have build during several years. So it seems a bit egoist to try to destroy something a lot of people are living on. So if those guys who want to leave Air or pray that Air is dead could give a break to others who want to move along with Air... A lot of people here just want to have the pertinent information on how to make Air live. For me Harman is a very good news. Sure the roadmap is short but very clear: Android 64. And personalty I think it's fine. If they can be focused on it it's a good thing. They will have a lot of work in the future so give them some time to set up the new Air and fill up the roadmap. Regarding the price I'm sure there will have some adjustment, but I'm happy to pay Harman if they can help make Air live. If I'm not happy with the new Air, I will stop using it and stop paying for it... and I won't come here crying that Air is dead Anyway Air is alive!
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