Hi, I am getting links page number from indesign document. i have used before the same below code to get page number . it was working. Now its not working correctly. When I used alert to check page number and links name its showing correctly but if i remove alert and check final output its not working correctly. Returning wrong page number. I checked using sleep but no changes in the output. I don't know the issue. Code: var inddFiles = [] var myDoc = null; var commonErr = "" var sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog(); get_File(sourceFolder, inddFiles, '.indd'); if(inddFiles.length == 0) { alert("InDesign Files Not Found!!! Please Check Input Folder!!!"); exit(); } for(var cF = 0 ; cF < inddFiles.length ; cF ++ ) { myDoc = null; var allMasterPgs = ""; linkNames = [], linkPgNos = [], docNames = []; var inddFile = File(inddFiles[cF]); inddName = decodeURI(inddFile.name); app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract; try{ myDoc = app.open(inddFile); app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract; }catch(e){ commonErr += inddName+",Problem in Opening the File.\n"; } if(myDoc != null) { doUnlock(myDoc); getLnkDetails(myDoc); alert( linkNames.length + " - " + linkPgNos.length + "\n linkNames "+ linkNames + "\nlinkPgNos" + linkPgNos) } } function getLnkDetails(myDoc) { var links = myDoc.links; var docName = myDoc.name; var lnkName = ""; for(var dlCnt = 0; dlCnt < links.length; dlCnt++) { cLink = links[dlCnt]; try{ cLink.show(); var myImgLnk = app.selection[0]; var rect = app.selection[0].parent; try{ //lnkName = File(app.selection[0].parent.graphics[0].itemLink.filePath).name lnkName = decodeURI(app.selection[0].parent.graphics[0].itemLink.name) }catch(e){ lnkName = ""; } }catch(e){} if(lnkName.length > 0) { $.sleep (2000); //lnkName = lnkName.replace("%20"," ","gi"); var lnkPg = findPage(app.selection[0].parent); if(lnkPg != null) { if(lnkPg.parent.constructor.name == "MasterSpread") { }else{ docNames.push(docName); linkNames.push(lnkName); linkPgNos.push(lnkPg.name); alert("lnkName " + lnkName +"\nlnkPg.name" + lnkPg.name) } }else{ //------ Issue on getting page number errImgs.push(lnkName); errReasons.push("Error in Getting Page Number"); } }else{ //------- issue on getting image name //~ errImgs.push(); //~ errReasons.push(); } } // alert("links "+ links.length + "\nlinkNames " + linkNames.length) } function get_File(dir,myfile_arr,extension) { var f = Folder( dir ).getFiles(); for( var i = 0; i < f.length; i++ ) { if( f instanceof Folder ) { get_File( f,myfile_arr,extension) }else { if(extension!=".*") { if( f.name.substr( -extension.length ) == extension ) myfile_arr.push(f) } else { myfile_arr.push(f); } } }//for return myfile_arr; }//fun function findPage(theObj) { var thePage = theObj; if (thePage.hasOwnProperty("baseline")) { thePage = thePage.parentTextFrames[0]; } while (thePage.constructor.name != "Page") { var whatIsIt = thePage.constructor.name; switch(whatIsIt){ case "TextFrame": thePage = thePage.parentPage; break; case "Rectangle": thePage = thePage.parentPage; break; case "Polygon": thePage = thePage.parentPage; break; case "Cell": thePage = thePage.parent.parent; break; case "Character": break; case "Story": thePage = thePage.parent.textContainers[0].parentPage; break; default : } return thePage ; } }
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