Hi Markus, the library MSVCR71.dll is present at my C:\WINDOWS\System32 -folder. Meanwhile I've, following Manans recomendations, reinstalled the 4.0.2 SDK -> no cchanges the MS VS 2003-> no changes I'm quite lost. The only information I found at the invald plug-ins is the statement '??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@ZD_CxxThrowExceptionMSVCR71.dll' nearly the end of the plug-in, followed by '? _inittermß malloc»_adjust_fdivL__CppXcptFilterñ_except_handler3.?terminate@@YAXXZk__dllonexit¸ _onexit„DisableThreadLibraryCallsKERNEL32.dll On my oppinion that is causing the invalid error message of the plug-in validating/loading procedure ad ID startup. The _CxxThrowException-method belongs to the MS Complier. As the same information is contained in all the rejected Plug-In's, the reason seems not to be at my implementation. But if the compiler is throwing an exception, the building of the plug-in's should not be succeed. Do you have any suggestion, where to look at for further informations, or for the fixing of that failure? Regards Jochen
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