JockLaw wrote: Thanks. Another problem I've just come across is that on browsing the various suppliers sites,there are many variations of the GTX 560 ti available. 1)Is there a particular one that's more suitable for video editing? 2)I'm wondering how to objectively rate video cards generally,given that they have different Gb rating,number of cores,Mhz etc. I realise that it has to be GDDR 5;and at least a 1Gb card;and that more cores is probably better,but the choice seems confusing,as sometimes for example the Gb is higher,but it has less cores,and the same goes for the Mhz. Is there any information that could help me quickly decide,and that refers to real world performance gains to be expected by moving up to,say,a 570 or 580 card,given that I'm definately using the 2600K processor? Thanks again. Here are the results of my testing
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