Since you did not formally SUBMIT your results, I reconstructed your Output.csv file so I can have it all in front of me in a familiar format so I can better comment, Here it is: "301","261","30","287", Premiere Version:, ? GTX 770, i7-8700K @ 4.5GHz Do not compare your results to the previous screen grab,.here is a subnittal that I got that has some very good scores with an i7-8700K at I believe 4.0GHz: "30","52","12","256", Premiere Version:,, GTX1080 Ti First look at the last numbers 287 versus 256. Your CPU intensive score at 4.5 GHz should be quitea bit better You must have some processes or programs running that are keeping you from an ideal score. The third numbere are that same timeline but this time with GPU acceleration and they look proper and of course when you test your GTX 1070 that number will drop to the low 20's. The second number is the ultra complex H.264 timeline which is both GPU and CPU dependent but I am also guessing the we might have run out of Video RAM requiring more CPU power. The first number is the Disk Intensive timleline export and it appears that it was to a harddisk drive rather than a SSD, You ask whar export device it takes to get my result it was a Samsung 960 Pro but here are other results versus export time.
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