@Stephen Marsh Hi~ I was unable to use your script correctly. Perhaps you can help modify this script to automatically update the path. Now, it is still saved to the recording path. Please help modify to the directory where the path image is located ----------------------------------------------------------------- Script name: Repeat the selected action N times Requirement: You place the action at the front of the panel ----------------------------------------------------------------- #target photoshop
// Repeat the selected action N times
// Function: GlobalVariables
// Usage: global action items that are reused
// Input: <none>
// Return: <none>
function GlobalVariables() {
gClassActionSet = charIDToTypeID( 'ASet' );
gClassAction = charIDToTypeID( 'Actn' );
gKeyName = charIDToTypeID( 'Nm ' );
gKeyNumberOfChildren = charIDToTypeID( 'NmbC' );
// Function: GetActionSetInfo
// Usage: walk all the items in the action palette and record the action set
// names and all the action children
// Input: <none>
// Return: the array of all the ActionData
// Note: This will throw an error during a normal execution. There is a bug
// in Photoshop that makes it impossible to get an acurate count of the number
// of action sets.
function GetActionSetInfo() {
var actionSetInfo = new Array();
var setCounter = 1;
while ( true ) {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( gClassActionSet, setCounter );
var desc = undefined;
try { desc = executeActionGet( ref ); }
catch( e ) { break; }
var actionData = new ActionData();
if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyName ) ) {
actionData.name = desc.getString( gKeyName );
var numberChildren = 0;
if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyNumberOfChildren ) ) {
numberChildren = desc.getInteger( gKeyNumberOfChildren );
if ( numberChildren ) {
actionData.children = GetActionInfo( setCounter, numberChildren );
actionSetInfo.push( actionData );
return actionSetInfo;
// Function: GetActionInfo
// Usage: used when walking through all the actions in the action set
// Input: action set index, number of actions in this action set
// Return: true or false, true if file or folder is to be displayed
function GetActionInfo( setIndex, numChildren ) {
var actionInfo = new Array();
for ( var i = 1; i <= numChildren; i++ ) {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( gClassAction, i );
ref.putIndex( gClassActionSet, setIndex );
var desc = undefined;
desc = executeActionGet( ref );
var actionData = new ActionData();
if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyName ) ) {
actionData.name = desc.getString( gKeyName );
var numberChildren = 0;
if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyNumberOfChildren ) ) {
numberChildren = desc.getInteger( gKeyNumberOfChildren );
actionInfo.push( actionData );
return actionInfo;
// Function: ActionData
// Usage: this could be an action set or an action
// Input: <none>
// Return: a new Object of ActionData
function ActionData() {
this.name = "";
this.children = undefined;
this.toString = function () {
var strTemp = this.name;
if ( undefined != this.children ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
strTemp += " " + this.children[i].toString();
return strTemp;
function CreateSnapshot(name) {
function cTID(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putClass( cTID('SnpS') );
desc.putReference( cTID('null'), ref );
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putProperty( cTID('HstS'), cTID('CrnH') );
desc.putReference( cTID('From'), ref1 );
desc.putString( cTID('Nm '), name);
desc.putEnumerated( cTID('Usng'), cTID('HstS'), cTID('FllD') );
executeAction( cTID('Mk '), desc, DialogModes.NO );
res ="dialog { \
text:'Repeat the selected action',\
group: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
corrdination: Panel { orientation: 'row', \
text: 'Select Action', \
cla: Group { orientation: 'row', \
d: DropDownList { alignment:'left' },\
act: Group { orientation: 'row', \
d: DropDownList { alignment:'left' },\
}, \
num: Group { orientation: 'row', \
s: StaticText { text:'Execution count:' }, \
e: EditText { preferredSize: [50, 20] } ,\
}, \
Snapshot:Group{ orientation: 'row', \
c: Checkbox { preferredSize: [16, 16]} ,\
s: StaticText {text:'Create a snapshot (select appropriate actions based on their content)'},\
}, \
buttons: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment: 'right',\
Btnok: Button { text:'determine', properties:{name:'ok'} }, \
Btncancel: Button { text:'cancellation', properties:{name:'cancel'} } \
} \
win = new Window (res);
var actionInfo = GetActionSetInfo();
var ddSet=win.group.corrdination.cla.d;
var ddAction=win.group.corrdination.act.d;
if ( actionInfo.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < actionInfo.length; i++ ) {
ddSet.add( "item", actionInfo[i].name );
ddSet.items[0].selected = true;
ddSet.onChange = function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < actionInfo[ this.selection.index ].children.length; i++ ) {
ddAction.add( "item", actionInfo[ this.selection.index ].children[ i ].name );
if ( ddAction.items.length > 0 ) {
ddAction.items[0].selected = true;
ddSet.helpTip = ddSet.items[ ddSet.selection.index ].toString();
} else {
ddSet.enabled = false;
ddAction.enabled = false;
ddAction.onChange = function() {
ddAction.helpTip = ddAction.items[ ddAction.selection.index ].toString();
win.buttons.Btncancel.onClick = function () {
win.buttons.Btnok.onClick = function () {
alert ('-_-!!! You need to run it at least once, right?')
}else {
var b=win.group.Snapshot.c.value;
if(b && app.documents.length) {CreateSnapshot(g+"Before executing the action");} //For safety reasons, establish a snapshot
doAction(ddAction.selection,ddSet.selection) //Execute the selected action
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