HI, I think this will help, have added a count entry, for the number of pages to apply to, this is a total number so it is affected by the Nth page apply bit. If you select every page and a count of 4 then all 4 pages will be changed, however if you select every second page and a count of 4 then only 2 pages will be changed inside that range. I hope that makes sense. // APPLY MASTER TO EVERY NTH PAGE // Copyright (c) 2017 Mads Wolff // This script is distributed under the MIT License. // https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/102800/how-to-apply-a-master-page-to-every-nth-page // MAIN FUNCTIONALITY // Make a reference to the "pages" of the active document. var pages = app.activeDocument.pages; // Make a reference to the "masterSpreads" of the active document. var masterSpreads = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads; // Applies a master to every nth page starting at a certain page. // Takes 3 arguments: // masterName the name of the master spread // firstPagethe first page to apply the master to // interval the interval (n) to apply the master at function applyMasterToEveryNthPage(masterName, firstPage, interval, count) { // Make a reference to the "masterSpread" to apply. var masterSpread = masterSpreads.item(masterName); // calculate last page, and assume this includes the start page // firstPage = 12 // count = 4 // finishPage = 15 ( 12, 13, 14, 15 - so four pages in total) var finishPage = firstPage + count - 1; // Iterate through the "pages" at the chosen "interval", starting at the chosen "firstPage". for (var i = firstPage - 1; i < finishPage; i += interval) { // Make a reference to the "page". var page = pages.item(i); // Apply the "masterSpread" to the "page" by setting its "appliedMaster" attribute. page.appliedMaster = masterSpread; } } // DIALOG // Stores all the names of the document's master spreads in an array. function getMasterSpreadNames() { var masterSpreadNames = new Array; for(i = 0; i < masterSpreads.length; i++){ masterSpreadNames.push(masterSpreads.item(i).name); } return masterSpreadNames; } // Displays the input dialog. function displayDialog(){ var dialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Add Master To Every Nth Page"}); var masterSpreadNames = getMasterSpreadNames(); with (dialog) { with (dialogColumns.add()) { with (borderPanels.add()) { with (dialogColumns.add()) { staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Master:"}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"First page:"}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Interval:"}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Count:"}); } with (dialogColumns.add()) { var masterNameDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList: masterSpreadNames, selectedIndex: 0, minWidth: 200}); var firstPageField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue: 1, minimumValue: 1, maximumValue: pages.length}); var intervalField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue: 2, minimumValue: 1, maximumValue: pages.length}); var countField = integerEditboxes.add ({editValue: 1, minimumValue: 1, maximumValue: pages.length}); } } } } var dialogReturn = dialog.show(); if (dialogReturn == true) { var masterName = masterSpreadNames[masterNameDropdown.selectedIndex]; var firstPage = firstPageField.editValue; var interval = intervalField.editValue; var count = countField.editValue; dialog.destroy(); applyMasterToEveryNthPage(masterName, firstPage, interval, count); } else { dialog.destroy(); } } displayDialog(); Regards Malcolm
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