Fine that you've got a solution and sorry for quitting yout ID. Should have tested it more then once, it's been a quite old script and I just copy and pasted it ... just rewrote my old script a bit to run on ID CS 5.5 OSX 10.7.4 Should run over missing links of active Document, uses mdfind to find files with simular names as missing link name in the given directory, optionally reveals the file in finder and shows / selects currMissingLink in ID-file. if "ok" relinks the missing link (without quitting ID 😉 I hope). global myFolder set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5" set currDoc to active document set theMissingLinks to every link of currDoc whose status is link missing if theMissingLinks is not {} then set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Where to search for the missing links?" --select a mounted volume, folder ... repeat with missingLink from 1 to count of theMissingLinks set currMissingLink to item missingLink of theMissingLinks set currFileName to name of currMissingLink set theResultList to my mdFind(currFileName) if theResultList is not {} then repeat with i from 1 to count of theResultList set theItem to (item i of theResultList) set currDialog to display dialog theItem with title "Relink this file?" buttons {"OK", "Cancel", "Show in Finder first"} if button returned of currDialog is "OK" then try relink currMissingLink to POSIX file theItem on error e display dialog e end try else if button returned of currDialog is "Show in Finder first" then show currMissingLink --select the missing link in ID my revealInFinder(theItem) --show the found file in finder activate set currDialog to display dialog theItem with title "Please switch to Finder to see the file. Relink the file shown in Finderwindow?" buttons {"OK", "Cancel", "Continue searching"} if button returned of currDialog is "OK" then try relink currMissingLink to POSIX file theItem on error e display dialog e end try end if end if end repeat end if end repeat end tell on mdFind(currFileName) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return set PathToAllFiles to every text item of (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin '" & quoted form of POSIX path of myFolder & "'" & space & " -name '" & currFileName & "'") set PathToAllFiles to my cleanList(currFileName, PathToAllFiles) end mdFind set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid on cleanList(fileName, listOfFilePaths) set myCleanList to {} set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/" repeat with p from 1 to count of listOfFilePaths set aName to (text item -1 of (item p of listOfFilePaths)) if aName is equal to fileName then set end of myCleanList to (item p of listOfFilePaths) end repeat return myCleanList end cleanList on revealInFinder(somePosixPath) tell application "Finder" set myAlias to (POSIX file somePosixPath) as alias activate reveal myAlias end tell end revealInFinder Hope it'll run Hans-Gerd Claßen
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