‎Jan 22, 2025
06:48 AM
1 Upvote
@mattchristensen First off all, thanks for having a sense of humor and not being put off!! And I apologize for not thanking you for your initial response. But most signficantly—THANK YOU for pointing to the answer!!!! You just saved me what in the long run will accumulate to be a ton of time. In the unlikely event you haven't been told yet today: YOU'RE AWESOME, Matt!!!!! Thanks again!!!!
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‎Jan 22, 2025
05:21 AM
You lost me at "I don't think ever worked." Clearly it did—otherwise you wouldn't be reading my post. The markers also showed up across projects—i.e. if I put a marker on a video file in one project and opened it up in another, that marker showed up in the same place. Again, why would I take the time to post about something I used to be able to do and now cannot? Maybe it was all a is life;)
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‎Jan 21, 2025
01:19 PM
Nope, I have seprate production audio, but I think we can remove audio from this disucssion—unless we're focusing on an alternative work flow. In case this simplifies things, here are my steps: 1) Synch interview cameras A, B, and C, and production audio by creating multicam sequences 2) Merge camera A with production audio by selecting both in the multicam sequence and dragging them into a bin 3) Create subclips from those merged clips (camera A and production audio) 4) Assemble the rough narrative in the assemble/edit sequence 5) Sych the camera A clips used in the assemble/edit sequence with their corrisponding camera B and C angles pulled from the multicam sequence via the process(es) described above. E.i. layering the alternative angles on the tracks above the camera A clips so I can cut back and forth between them. Please don't hesitate to ask me to clarify—I'm having trouble describing that last step.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
12:27 PM
Neil, I'm so glad to see you found this, you're always super helpful! I apologize for any confusion—I'm adding the video from the alternative camera angles (interviews shot with 2-3 cameras) into the actual edit/assembly sequence. Merging the audio from the multicam was just to make the master from camera A to chop into subclips. The remaining steps I described were how I bring the alternative angles into the actual edit since there doesn't seem to be an option to subclip multicam footage. If that doesn't make sense, I'm happy to explain further. Thanks again for your time!
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‎Jan 21, 2025
09:08 AM
Thanks! Since it's happening in every project I'm not sure if it's the solution, but I'll give it a shot.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
07:36 AM
1 Upvote
Annyongly, 25.1 starts all new squences with the audio panned rather than balanced—I'm thinking I can adjust this in the preferences (?), but eitherway, this isnt the problem... Nor are the problem tracks (usually 3 & 4) muted. Audio clips placed on tracks 3 & 4 register though the audio meters, but are not audible. The only solution I've found is to delete those tracks then the new tracks 3 & 4 work as expected. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Thank you!!
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‎Jan 21, 2025
07:16 AM
1 Upvote
Prior to several updates ago, if I put a marker on a subclip, it also put that marker on the same frame on the master—as well as in associated multicam sequences. On the first 2025 update this came back, then when I updated to 25.1 it dropped off again. In case it's helpful, or if someone has an alternative workflow, here's why this is costing me time... If Premiere can make subclips out of multicam sequences I'm not aware of it (I'd love to find out if this can be done). I'm left to synch interview audio and cameras via "create multicam..." and then merge the master audio with camera A by dragging from the multicam sequence into a bin and make subclips from that merged clip. After assembling the narrative, I then copy-paste cameras B and C over each corrisponding clip made from those subclips. I used to be able to simply make a marker at the beginning of a clip in the assemble sequence, that marker would then show up on camera A in the multicam sequence, I'd razor cut the alternative angles on that marker and copy them into my assemble sequence—quick and easy. Without the marker showing up, I have to open the subclip (from the assemble sequence) in the preview window, copy the in-mark timecode, then open the master clip from the multicam sequence into the preview window, paste the timecode and set the in-mark so the master clip in the mulitcam sequence reveals where to razor cut the alternative angles. I've been on the phone with Premiere support, but typically they're far from experts—it's usually a waste of time to call them. I've looked everywhere marker settings seem to be and nothing worked. Does anyone know how I might toggle the markers to be universal?
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‎Sep 18, 2024
05:34 AM
I'm on a Mac...I don't see an update to 2025 on the Creative Cloud app, so I'm still on 2024.
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‎Sep 17, 2024
10:40 AM
Nope, I'm having the EXACT same problem as the orginal post. Your original response explaining that it has to be saved—which I'm doing, as was the original poster—did not seem to address the problem expressed, that, or isn't worded in a way that makes sense to still doesn't. You seem angry—my apologies if I've ruflled your feathers, it wasn't my inetent. I do appreciate your efforts. We're not all experts like you, sometimes you need to dumb things down a little and put your self in the shoes of the people you're trying to help instead of assuming we're as smart and savvy as you are. While it's good to know Bridge 15 Beta works, I doesn't seem to be available in my Creative Cloud app, and still doesn't address the fact that 2019 works when 2024 does not...that seems to point to a problem with 2024. Thanks again for your time!
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‎Sep 17, 2024
09:07 AM
Thank you! "D)" would not appear to be "False" since those answers were not provided in the intial answer and the preferences setting is irrelevant to the problem described in the original question (if it were a preference setting wouldn't the problem be consistent?). In addition, the fact that this DOES NOT happen in 2019 Bridge (see attachment) was not addressed in your answer and suggests there is a problem with the current version of Bridge—or Adobe has removed it. I'd also like to add that Bridge has been a valuabe tool for keeping video storage organized, it's unfortuante that video's importance seems to be minimized by Adobe.
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‎Sep 14, 2024
09:21 AM
I'm having the exact same problem and it doesn't happen in the 2019 version of Bridge. So let me see if I can point out what's being missed. A) "I have Preserved File Name checked so I can keep track of the original image if I rename it." Isn't this how you save the original file name to the metadata? And doesn't it address "The 'Preserved Filename' metadata needs to be included in the file when using Batch Rename"? . B) The answer also ignores, "The issue is that sometimes the Preserved File Name appears in the Metadata Panel and sometimes it doesn't". If this were a preferences setting then wouldn't it be consistent? C) In addition to what ScottishHorseLady asked, I'll add that this only seems to happen with MP4 files, and with more recent versions of Bridge. D) If A and B are true, then the question wasn't answered. What am I missing? Thanks!
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‎Sep 13, 2024
01:16 PM
That doesn't work. Maybe next time provide all possible troubleshooting options. Thanks!
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‎Sep 13, 2024
11:33 AM
This isn't a correct answer, it's not even answering the question.
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‎Jan 10, 2024
03:06 AM
You'll have to format manually, but simply typing a bullet point (on a Mac, Option + 8), or copy-pasting one, worked for me.
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‎Nov 04, 2023
01:00 PM
Thank you!!!
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‎Apr 24, 2023
07:33 AM
I'm just curious, why is resetting to default key commands considred an option? I customize my keycommands on purpose, and don't want to re-enter them (I'm not sure if that's at risk, but won't take that step until I know). This is a bug Adobe needs to fix. The solution is always to reset my work space to any random setting, then go back to my customized workspace. It only takes a couple seconds, but it's annoying as...well, being adviced to bipass a funciton to solve a problem that should be fixed by Adobe—it disrupts work flow. Now, if there's an acutal fix, that lets me use Premiere how it's supposed to be used, I'm all ears.
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‎Mar 06, 2023
04:38 AM
This just started happening on my system...unfortunately after I'd aready done some work that I'd rather not redo. Is anyone aware of how to fix the problem rather than working around it?
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‎Feb 15, 2023
11:55 AM
Two super annoying problems: 1. Autosave is important, I don't want to turn it off. Nobody wants to be working in another program, such as AE and have their workflow interupted by Premiere's damn autosave progress bar. How it's gone on this long without being fixed by Adobe is disheartening. When Premiere is in the background it should not overtake other programs just to tell me it's autosaving. 2. Every since the first 2023 upgrade I frequently hafe to switch to a random work space, then back to my custom work space to regain full navigation. For example, today I wasn't able to move media into bins. Another common manifestation of this issue is keyboard commands, such as JKL and space bar stop working until I cycle the work spaces as described above.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
04:25 AM
1 Upvote
I don't understand why on Earth Adobe would think that if we're working in another program and Premiere autosaves that we would want Premier to take over the computer, and bring the "saving" progress bar front and center to interrupt our work. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP...if I have Premier hidden, for the love of concentration, KEEP IT HIDDEN! And, on the subject of interruptions, pretty please stop putting your dang survey up at launch. Sometimes I launch a project and walk away to let it load, and then, there are those times I come back only to find your freak'n survey stopped the process—or stopped a export in Encoder. It's time to start putting more thought into your UX. Also, another interruption. When you do your darn updates I have to re-link all my dynamic links, re-render too. Another horrendous example of neglecting UX.
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‎Jan 17, 2023
08:47 AM
This isn't a solution. It's a work around and not a good one since autosave is a smart function to keep on, it's saved me more times than I remember, and in more ways than one. But, maybe there's no need for it? That's the only way I could see this as being presented as a "correct answer". The problem is Premier brings itself to the front every time it autosaves. So if I'm working in After Effects, or writing something, it interrupts and that's a really bad thing to do to the creative flow.
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‎Oct 25, 2022
01:50 AM
Maybe I'm misssing something, but that didn't seem to provide the answer to the question of cropping text wtihout making a pre-comp and applying a mask...which seems a bit clunky. Is this possible?
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‎Aug 31, 2022
09:17 AM
1 Upvote
Oh no! I've never seen you sidestep an issue, Neil, you're always thoughtful and give excellent answers. My message somehow didn't get matched with the comment that inspired it (it didn't seem productive to question why they wanted to render the files when the problem is the render files aren't sticking—that was the sidestep and it wasn't from you.) Thanks for all you do, and being so active on this forum! gabe
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‎Aug 31, 2022
02:44 AM
You're sidestepping the problem. You shouldn't have to re-render everytime you open.
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‎May 27, 2022
03:33 AM
I'm having the same problem. Ultimately, the only thing that's worked is exporting the individual clips, as well as the entire movie, and bringing them all into Final Cut Pro for the export. Has anyone found a better solution?
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‎Apr 13, 2022
09:45 AM
Awesome!! Thank you, Jeff! gabe
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‎Apr 13, 2022
07:23 AM
I'm running Premiere 22.2.0 on a new Macbook Pro M1, 64 GB—maxed on everything except hard drive space, as good as it gets until stepping up to the MacPro. Things have been going pretty great the first month and a half—no real problems. I even did a project without proxies, but not this one. Today while subclipping inteviews I ran into an audio playback delay I haven't seen before. I play the clip at double speed to find the in and out points, make the subclip, and jump back to the source monitor to repeat the process. Around 60-80% of the time there's about a five second delay before it plays, and then the play head jumps to approximately where it would have been had it obeyed the command, without actually playing. Then things go as expected, no delays...until either the next, or several subclips down the road. It looks like I need to clear the entire media cache to accomplish one troubleshooting step, but I'm reluctant since it seems to effect more than just the current project. Any corrections or suggestions?
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‎Mar 31, 2022
03:46 AM
1 Upvote
You always provide excellent answers, Neil, thank you. However, I'm a pure creative, just a story teller, tech looses me in the details so feel free to consider me stupid in this department. Here's what I see: a) In over ten years now of using Premiere after Apple turned their back on us long time FCP users I have not run into this issue until the most recent update. One of my advertising clients submits iPhone footage to me consistently. This problem seems to be limited to the new iPhone 12, so that might be why. b) The color in Premeire looks right, so from my simpliton point view, that suggest Premeire is capable of generating the image as seen in Premiere. Therefore, it seems that image should not only be replicable in the export, but if it's not (to the extreme that I'm seeing)—if the export looks differnt that it does in Premiere—that seems to be like selling a car with a blacked out windshield. I realize I'm likely not understanding something but hopefully illustrating my view will help Adobe understand, and maybe me as well. Thanks again, Neil! gabe
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‎Mar 30, 2022
09:21 AM
1 Upvote
If I'm understanding correctly, this is 100% unacceptable. Are they even working on a fix? If I set everything correctly and the export doesn't look like it does in Premiere, that means the update isn't ready for release. It's obviously come at an expense to quite a few of Adobe's customers, it's now costing me sleep on top of chipping into my project rate. Often times it seems Adobe operates like a bull in a China shop full of the people who's backs they build their fortunes on.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
07:19 PM
1 Upvote
The answer I came to is just color grading the iPhone clips that didn't have the option to convert. It was sooooo simple I wish I'd tried it didn't look fixable but it is...mostly exposure.
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