‎Feb 24, 2025
02:45 PM
Major misunderstandings about what the resolution setting did in Dimensions aside: Dimensions never was able to created the size of file you are looking for. The "resolution setting" removal did nothing to change the output. Dimensions is not the program you are looking for. If you are looking for a 5000mm dimension file that will need to be 150 or 300ppi, you need another application. Either one that will render at that size, or an application like Topaz Gigapixel that will uprez to that size. Dimensions is only being lightly updated at this point. Adobe moved all resources to Adobe Stager for future development for this when they bought Substance.
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‎Dec 10, 2024
08:44 AM
Turn off Missing glyphs protection in Preferences > Type helped fix much of the issue for now.
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‎Apr 08, 2024
07:29 AM
I'm afraid that you will have to give us a link to the actual image and more information about what kind of file it is, size, etc. we cannot diagnose an issue blind.
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‎Apr 07, 2024
10:50 PM
Nope, you are not impatient, at least in this. It has indeed been a long wait.
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‎Apr 07, 2024
01:58 PM
@Till Krueger I love how the link title literally hallucinates huge details that are not in any way in the actual link. I don't work for Adobe, but I can tell you that as a prerelease (pre-public beta) member, AND as an Apple silicone user, I have never seen anything about 3.0 having native Apple silicon support. It is unfortunate that copilot would get your hopes up.
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‎Mar 27, 2024
01:39 PM
@Till Krueger See below on how to navigate Creative Cloud to betas:      hopefully that helps!
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‎Mar 22, 2024
10:50 AM
BTW. I added the feature request for a resolution setting. Please go here and upvote this so that Adobe sees it 🙂 https://community.adobe.com/t5/substance-3d-stager-ideas/please-add-the-resolution-settings-from-adobe-dimensions/idi-p/14507865#M165
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‎Mar 22, 2024
10:48 AM
The output size options in Stager have always been confusing to people who don't understand the relationship between ppi and pixel dimensions. Please see this thread to understand the issue: https://community.adobe.com/t5/substance-3d-stager-discussions/stager-and-print-300dpi-or-higher-web-digital-72dpi-what-s-the-deal-adobe/m-p/14507707#M2094 In Adobe Dimensions, you had canvas units and scene units together in one place. I understand why it is separated in Stager. AND, we are still missing a resolution setting and it requires us to pre-know the pixel dimensions that our printed piece is going to be at 300 dpi when we set up up camera properties for the output dimensions. Adding an output resolution setting would take away this frustration and misunderstanding. Dimensions settings: Stager settings:
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‎Mar 22, 2024
10:27 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Emma, I understand your confusion with the suggestion to change the image size in photoshop. I think that most of us that have had the 72ppi for screen and 300ppi for print drilled into us and miss that resolution is a little abstract in the sense that what we are really looking at is ppi or pixels per inch. What is at issue is that the image that Stager creates is 72ppi, but that is arbitrary in the sense that what you are really doing in Stager is creating a pixel dimension. For example in the properties you might set the pixel dimensions to 4,096px x 2,736px. And yes, this render will come out at those dimensions at 72ppi. What this means is that when you open it up in photoshop what you have is an image that measures 56.889in x 38in at 72ppi. Clearly this is not what any of us want for a print piece. When you change the resolution to 300ppi in photoshop, you do not want to "blow it up". Meaning DO NOT select the option to Resample. If you "Resample", then you change the actual pixel dimensions and not the resolution. As you can see here, changing the resolution from 72 to 300ppi really changes the document dimensions from 56.889in x 38in at 72ppi to 13.653in x 9.12in at 300ppi WITHOUT changing the actual pixel dimensions of 4,096 px x 2,736px, therefor no loss in quality because you are not actually changing the pixels at all. Just the reference information on the resolution of the file. All that said, I do agree that this is a common misunderstanding of how resolution works and that Adobe could easily provide a resolution setting so that it is easier to accurately create pixel dimensions for print files than memorizing that an 8.5 x 11 at 300dpi is a pixel dimension of 2550px x 3300px. Becasue I am nuerodivergent and math impared, what I do is take the dimensions that I want to print my render at and create a blank document in Photoshop at those inches at 300dpi. Then I take the pixel dimensions and use that for defining my output size in px in teh properties in Stager.     
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‎Mar 21, 2024
06:31 PM
1 Upvote
One more thing that donned on me randomly, if you lay the bottle on the ground plane without a plane underneath, it will render with a shadow and transparent background. Of course, you still need post in PS for the grey background, but it should cut out much of the work.
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‎Mar 15, 2024
06:29 AM
This is an interesting problem and one that you would encounter if you were shooting this in the real world as well. I am not aware of any way in stager to tell an object to ignore lights. What I would do in this instance is to make your background plane white and rendering to a .psd. In photoshop I would create a layer underneath the rendered layer that is the exact color you need for the grey background. Then set your glass object layer to multiply. in the layers panel you will find several hidden layers for "object selection" and "material selection". If needed, you can use these to select the glass object to clean up anything that might need to be separated from the background further.
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‎Mar 14, 2024
12:01 PM
um... dramatic? Tell me, what is it that you get? This did not effect you. This did not come up in front of your client. you were not made to feel like a criminal by Adobe staff and then told that it is your problem for A WEEK while notices informed you that you would be cut off, on deadline. Why are you even here? Why are you casting ablist judgments on things that in your words "you are one of the lucky ones"? As a professional, You will understand that the 1's and 0's are in the dollar signs for the many unbillable hours that I have spent dealing with this and being told that it is my problem and must be because I am sharing my account.
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‎Mar 14, 2024
09:03 AM
Look... I cannot speak for others, but I over the last week I have heard others state the same experience that I have had. This has absolutely NOT been the case for many of us that we are attempting to share, attempting to use more than 2 computers at a time. I exclusively use adobe account app to log in to my subscription. I am careful to log out a subscription in the VERY rare case I need to use a 3rd computer (only when I am testing adobe beta software on my PC laptop) I had not logged into my subscription on ANY other computer than my studio Mac for well over a month when this started happening. This only happened in Photoshop. I have a subscription to full CC, Substance and Stock. I have been a legal customer since 1992 and I was made to feel like a criminal by adobe staff when I contacted customer support to deal with this. I immediately logged out all instances through the adobe account page and changed my password (which I never use because I use the Adobe account app) and still had this countdown of being cut off for another 5 days. This pop up came up all the time during the day including during client work sessions and caused issues with my clients trust. The 2 links that you state address people that are doing suspicious things. Most of the people here in this tread were to my knowledge, like me, NOT doing suspicious things... Accidentally or on purpose. The continuing lack of addressing the trauma that has been caused by Adobe in this and pass it on to our behavior is unconscionable.
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‎Mar 11, 2024
02:41 PM
So far I have not been shut down. (knock on wood) I may go balistic if it does during my client work session today though.
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‎Mar 09, 2024
04:16 PM
1 Upvote
This is absolutely not ok. It's one thing to be help hostage by adobe for our professional tools, but this is malpractice for them to be cutting us off like this. WE ARE NOT SHARING OUR ACCOUNTS! WE HAVE PASSKEYS ON OUR ACCOUNTS! ADOBE FIX THIS!!!!
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‎Mar 08, 2024
09:55 AM
1 Upvote
 Like waiting for a bomb to go off. Adobe has cost me so much money dealing with this.
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‎Mar 07, 2024
12:42 PM
1 Upvote
Got this last night. I changed my password and signed out of all active logins immediatly yesterday, to no avail. I still get the countdown notices constantly.      
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‎Mar 07, 2024
12:36 PM
 Day 3... dealing with teh countdown and the billable hours lost... and I love how there is no way to move the widget to get to the buttons
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‎Mar 06, 2024
01:48 PM
The warning may be legit, but I do not believe that the sharing access is. The support team that I talked to last kept saying over and over again that they have been inundated by calls about this. My suspicion is that they started tightening the security and inadvertently looped in hundreds(+) of customers that are very legit. I know I have never shared my login, I have always had 2 factor set up. I checked my device login in my account settings and there were no unusual activity. I never use 2 computers at the same time. AND the screen says I will lose access in 4 days... but only in photoshop when I subscribe to Creative Cloud All Apps (since creation), Substance 3D Collection and Adobe Stock.
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‎Mar 06, 2024
01:37 PM
  Yes, I am getting this. First contact with chat support made me feel like a criminal, but then said that I should log out of all devices and change my password. that didnt change anything, kept getting it, but now it says "you will lose access to this Adobe app in 4 days" called support and got shuffled over to Photoshop because that is the only app this is happening in. Phone support said that they were getting A LOT of these calls and that it was on thier radar... and that I should not worry... I wass like "um... when you threaten to take away my livelyhood in 4 days, I am going to worry!" I logged out all devices in the adobe creative cloud online page. I did not see any unexpected activity. I changed my password. Anyway, they say that I should not be cut off in 4 days, but we will see.
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‎Mar 04, 2024
09:01 AM
While I would agree that havign an output dpi would be convenient, it is easily adusted after render. 72 dpi is arbitrary in this case and needed for specific output funcitons such as screen size. if you need things 300dpi for print, open them in a image editor such as photoshop and change the resolution from 72 to 300 (do not resample). this does not change the image at all, it simply changes the output size. for example, if you set the pixel size in Stager at 1800 x 1527, the file that you get is 25 inches x 21.208 at 72 Dpi. changing it to 300 Dpi in photoshop (or equivelant) changes the output size to 6 inches by 5.09 inches. It does not change the actual pixels in the file.
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‎Feb 27, 2024
09:23 AM
I would never be the one to argue that Stager development timeline isn't frustrating... there are a hundred things that I am frustrated with that I have been waiting since it was in beta for Stagers core functions. AND, stager has never been an animation platform. The spinning was kinda a simple add-on. I do get that you are frustrated, but honestly cannot find an official feature request for a transparent .mov file in the forum anywhere. Can you point me to it so I can upvote it?
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‎Feb 24, 2024
11:07 AM
I whole heartedly echo both Debbie and Alan in this for Stager (as well as a Mac Modeler).
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‎Jan 24, 2024
12:17 PM
Hey Carol, This might not be your experience at all, but I found that Fantactic Fold would just look like it was loading forever once you logged into your CC account at this address: https://www.fantasticfold.com/ in safari. Once I opened it in chrome, it worked like a champ.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
12:47 PM
1 Upvote
Interesting. I occassionally have these issues so I though it would be a good experiment to see if I could open one of the "no-openers". I downloaded the bear_cabin.stl and tried to open it. all I got was a totally grey viewport. I waited 10 minutes and nothing changed. I was suprised that the menu bar was responsive and so I attempted to save the file and it was sucessfully saved as a stager file. I closed out stager and opened the new stager file with teh bear cabin in it. It opened fine. see screenshot. this doesnt say anything other than this was able to be opened on a mac (m1) in a round-about way. hopefully the stager team can use this info to troubleshoot.
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‎Jan 11, 2024
03:53 PM
1 Upvote
If I understand your issue correctly, you need to set your output resolution in your camera properties. You can set it quite high. The render preset for high, ultra, etc. controls the number of samples. Also, make sure that you set resolution to "full" in the render panel.
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‎Nov 09, 2023
10:33 AM
He already answered that: Because the model does not exist in the greater Adobe 3D assets ecosystem. You are more then welcome to create or purchase a 3D model from another source and import it into Stager, like we all do when there isnt a model that fits our needs in the Adobe ecosystem. Good Luck!
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‎Nov 02, 2023
07:03 PM
Are you asking how to export the 3d data to a .psd? Because of course you can render the scene to a .psd. Unfortunately, Photoshop does not support 3d any longer, so they are not likely to add this. You can export the 3d data to an OBJ (or other supported format) and then import that into an older version of photoshop. Then you can save it to a .psd.
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‎Nov 02, 2023
06:34 AM
Certainly not an idiot. If you have never delved deep into the system, you wouldn't know it's there as it's hidden to prevent accidental changes that would be disasterous. here is a basic intro to accessing the Library folder: https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/access-hidden-user-library-files.html#:~:text=In%20the%20Finder%2C%20hold%20down,to%20make%20it%20readily%20accessible.
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‎Nov 01, 2023
12:40 PM
1 Upvote
Perfect, that is the fix
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