‎Feb 07, 2025
07:53 AM
Thank you, @jamieclarke. I appreciate the reply. Have a great day!
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‎Feb 05, 2025
12:46 PM
Hi all. Just checking to see if there are any updates on this. It was posted May 2024 and acknowledged in October 2024. Thanks!
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‎Nov 09, 2024
06:37 AM
Hi - Does the status change to "Acknowledged" the issue was confirmed by the engineers and a possible fix could be in the works? Thanks!
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‎Oct 31, 2024
07:38 PM
1 Upvote
I second what Neil said. The new color management system is amazing. I edit footage from several different cameras, and the new color management system is awesome for that. It automatically detects the footage type and knows which clips are HDR or SDR and conforms them to whatever project color space you're using. It makes editing so much faster and easier to edit.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
01:11 PM
Forgot to add that it has to be exported in HDR too. Doesn't matter if it's PQ or HLG for the export. Both are affected. Easiest way is to add a title - make it 800-1000 nits and export that. But, you can add an SDR clip if you don't have any HDR ones and just manully inverse tone map it to 800-1000 nits. You seem to be knowledgeable about HDR, but if I didn't explain it well, just let me know.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
01:04 PM
It needs to be an HDR projet - either HLG or PQ. It doesn't happen with Rec. 709.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
06:36 AM
Hi @R Neil Haugen. I did some more testing and found a partial fix to get the video clips to export correctly, but the titles and graphics are always adjusted down to 203 nits if "Loudness Normalization" is enabled in the Effects export settings. To be honest, I don't edit with Premiere very often because this is always an issue when I work with HDR, but I'd like to make it my main editor if I can get it working right, so if you have any thoughts, I'd really appreciate it. My settings and testing methods detailed in my original post are the same, but I'm not testing on my PC desktop or laptop since the Mac is my primary editing machine. Here's a quick refresher with some updates. I'm using a Rec. 2100 HLG clip from an iPhone, a standard Rec. 709 clip and a basic text title. All are edited to have a 1000 nit peak brightness. I've tested with a Rec. 2100 HLG Color Space and Rec. 2100 PQ (with and without HDR10 metadata for the PQ) and get the same results with both. Viewer Gamma is 2.4 (Broadcast). I have Display Color Management and Extended Dynamic Range Monitoring enabled and am editing with a Mac M1 desktop connected to an LG C3 TV through the HMDI port, not through through an UltraStudio type interface. Everything displays correctly in the viewers/scopes, and the issue only occurs upon export when using the "Loudness Normalization" feature in the Effects export settings. If I have that setting disabled, everything exports correctly and looks identical to my project in the viewers and scopes. But, if I enable that setting, things change. The title brightness drops to 203 nits, and the video clips get way oversaturated. However, if I disable "Auto Tone Map Media" in the Lumetri Color Settings, the video clips export correctly, but the title brightness still drops to 203 nits. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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‎Oct 24, 2024
05:41 PM
1 Upvote
Back in July I posted a detailed report about graphics getting darker (decreased Luma) when exporting a project with Loudness Normalization enabled in the export settings, but when the Loudness Normalization feature was disabled, the Luma levels exported correctly. Others have commented on the issue & there are posts about it in other internet forums. I just installed version 25.0.0 (Build 61) final, and the issue still persists, but now it's worse - the "dark" issues persists, and the exported clips are very oversaturated. The original post is still 100% current as for settings & screenshots, so I didn't take all new screenshots to post here. Here's a link to the original post. Thanks!
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‎Oct 24, 2024
03:47 PM
Very information and well-written @R Neil Haugen. I was aware of this, but it's always great to have a refresher, especially when it's so well-written. Thanks!
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‎Oct 17, 2024
04:12 PM
1 Upvote
The skimming feature is good for some things, but it's not perfect. Thankfully, it can quickly be disabled when you want a traditional experience. LOL about Apple. I am by no means a fanboy and go with what I think is the best, but the scale is tipped to start because no one in my family uses Android. Things like sharing calendar appointments and notes wouldn't be easy, but with the release of the latest MacOS, I've been doing a lot more cursing than cheering and am considering swithing to Andorid and Windows.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
02:24 PM
No one owns any Apple junk...because they don't make junk. 😉 To elaborate on skimming, there's a secondary skimmer playhead that follows the cursor, and anything (both audio and video) that are underneath the playhead, are seen and heard in the viewer. Editors can interact with the clips that are underneath the skimmer playhead without having to click the mouse to make the primary playhead jump to that position. This makes some tasks like cutting voiceovers very fast. Move the cursor to the end of a waveform, tap the keyboard shortcut for cutting a clip, and it's cut. Then, move the cursor to the start of the next waveform and ripple delete the silence in between. Do that for 50-60 cuts, and it saves a lot of time, but it's not perfect. If you accidentally bump your mouse, you'll end up cutting in the wrong spot, and if you didn't catch it, you'll find yourself wondering where the heck the audio clip you wanted to use when you go to match them to the video.
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‎Sep 23, 2024
04:47 PM
No worries, @Kevin-Monahan I appreciate you trying. Unfortuantely, this was a big issue with my workflow, and I had to switch to other software.
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‎Aug 17, 2024
08:37 AM
Hi @Kevin-Monahan. Any update on this? Thanks!
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‎May 06, 2024
02:29 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks, Nana - this works!
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‎May 06, 2024
09:10 AM
Thank you! I have also posted a more detailed post in the bugs section.
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‎May 06, 2024
08:47 AM
Problem: If the Loudness Normalization option is enabled in the export settings, any non-video graphics (still image, text, shapes, titles...) are exported much darker than shown in the timeline. The exported graphics have a brightness of about 100 nits. When the option is disabled, exported graphics appear at the proper luminance levels. To test, I installed Premiere on a MacBook Air and tested and got the same results. Premiere Pro Version: 24.3.0 (Build 59) OS Version: Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1 (latest version) Windows 11 22631.3447 (23H2) CPU/RAM/GPU/HD: Mac Mini M1 16GB RAM 8 internal graphics cores 2TB internal SSD 4TB Thunderbold 3 external SSD MacBook Air M1 16GB RAM 8 internal graphics cores 2TB internal SSD Video Format: 3840x2160 Rec.2100 HLG & Rec.2100 PQ Workflow Details: To test this issue, I am creating a short project with 4 clips. They include a 5 second HDR HLG clip of a product, a still JPG image of the same product, a white (#FFFFFF) text clip, which is created in Premiere Pro using the text tool that says "TEST TEXT." The last clip is a white (#FFFFFF) square that's 1/4 of the screen resolution. The HDR clip has a max brightness of about 800 nits. The still has a max brightness of about 200, but I tone map it manually to match the video and have a brightness of 800. The text, is mapped to 203 nits, and the white box 1000 nits. My export settings are: HEVC (H.265), Max Depth, Max Render Quality, Hardware Encoding, Profile: Main 10, Level: 5.1, Tier: High, Color Space: Rec. 2100 HLG or Rec.2100PQ, depending on if the sequence project settings are set for HLG or PQ. If I enable the "Loudness Normalization" option in the Effects section of the Export Window, the still image, text and white box get darkened to a maximum brightness of 100 nits. If the "Loudness Normalization" option is not enabled, those same graphics export at the same brightness levels as in the timeline - 800, 203 and 1000 nits. Steps to Reproduce: 1. To produce the problem, I enable the "Loudness Normalization" options in the Effects section of the Export Window. 2. The problem doesn't happen if "Loudness Normalization" is not enabled. Expected Result: Exported video should have audio levels normalized and any graphics luminance levels should be the same as in the project's timeline. Actual Result: Audio levels are properly normalized, but graphics are darkened and have a max brightness of 100 nits.
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‎May 06, 2024
06:53 AM
To clarify the above post, when I say any non-video objects get severely darkened, I'm referring to the exported video. Everything displays correctly in the timeline.
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‎May 06, 2024
06:50 AM
Thank you for the reply. I have found the problem, and it appears to be a bug in Premiere. When the Loudness Normalization option in the export window (see attached) is enabled, any non-video objects (still images, shapes, text, titles...) get severely darkened. When that option is not enabled, those same objects export properly. I have tested this with an HLG and a PQ project on a production Mac, a laptop Mac and a Windows computer, and it happens on all 3. I haven't tested with an SDR project but will be doing that shortly. I discovered this when trying to match the luminance of a still image of a product to an HDR video of the same product. Everytime I exported the project, the still image was much darker, even though the levels matched in the timeline. I started testing and added some shapes and text to the project, and those get darkened too when Loudness Normalization is enabled upon export but are fine when it's disabled. I'm going to post about it in the bug section and hope it gets someone's attention. The auto Loudness Normalization setting is great when needing to turn videos around quickly, but I can get around it by using the old school method of using a loudness plugin.
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‎May 05, 2024
04:36 PM
I've used DaVinci Resolve for 7 years but want to switch to Premiere Pro. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing something in Premiere that I haven't in Resolve. I edit in HDR, and my graphics export as gray (100nits or less), even if they're set higher in the timeline. Videos are fine. If one peaks at 1000 nits, it exports with the same peaks at 1000. To test, I've set my graphics levels very bright at 1000 nits, but they export to 100. If I set them to 150 nits, they export to 75, and if they're 10, they export to 5. Actual videos are fine. The waveforms are identical between the timeline and the exported video. If a clip peaks at 1000 nits on the timeline, it will be 1000 nits when exported. It doesn't matter if the clip is a true HDR, LOG or a Rec.709 I had to inverse tone map. According to an Adobe employee in an older post, the "Graphics White Level" doesn't have anything to do with created graphics levels like text or shapes and simply the level that a non HDR clip is adjusted to when imported into an HDR timeline. If you import an all-white sRGB image into an HLG or PQ project, Premiere will use the Graphics White Level amount and adjust the imported image to that. The normal standard being 203 nits, so that sRGB image will max out at 203 nits. You can adjust it higher or lower one imported, but that's the base level Premiere sets it to. My sequence and export settings are standard for an HDR project (both HLG & PQ), but I've checked them multiple times and have read numerous posts and watched several videos, but I'm still missing something. Any thoughts would be awesome. Thank you!
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‎May 05, 2024
02:41 PM
But our graphics tools are not affected by this value. It's up to you to set the level properly for graphics. Hi @Francis-Crossman If this is the case, why are my graphics/texts/titles getting darkened when I export a video? My sequences are either PG or HLG, and if draw a white (#FFFFFF) box or text using and adjust it 1000 nits, it exports as 100 nits gray. This happens whatever graphics white level I have set (100/203/300) for the project and during export. If my working profile is HLG, I export to HLG, and if it's PQ, I export to PQ (tested with and without HDR10 metadata). My video footage exports fine. It's just the graphic elements that change. If the max brightness of a video clip is 1000 nits, it will be 1000 nits after export. My export settings are: HEVC (H.265), Max Depth, Max Render Quality, Hardware Encoding (for HLG only), Profile: Main 10, Level: 5.1, Tier: High, Color Space: Rec. 2100 HLG or PG. Tested with both HDR10 Metadata on and off and set appropriately. Any help would be great. Thank you!
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‎Sep 28, 2020
02:54 PM
Hi - I saw a previous post about not being about to delete mobile creations. I'm having this problem too, but mine is a little different. When I log in via the web, I have 3 mobile creations that I can't delete, move or copy. When I try to do anything with them, I get the error message "Could not delete 1 item". Interestly, the files don't show up in the Creative Cloud iPad app or any of the apps that created the files. Two files are Photoshop Sketch files, and the other is an Adobe Comp file. I tried to convert the Sketch files to Fresco via the option on the web, but that fails. Any help would be great. Thanks!
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‎Sep 28, 2020
02:35 PM
Having the same issue still - going to create a new thread, since it looks like this one isn't being watched anymore.
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‎Mar 29, 2020
05:26 PM
Thanks, I'll read that article tonight. Be well.
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‎Mar 29, 2020
04:43 PM
Thanks, Neil. Is this even the case where the monitors are 100% P3 compliant like on the 16" MBP? I just assumed (maybe incorrectly), that the color will be correct. I used to color calibrate my old monitors but haven't with the new stuff, figuring it was already accurate.
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‎Mar 29, 2020
10:53 AM
1 Upvote
Does Premiere have something like DaVinci Resolve's ACES (Academy Color Encoding Specification) or RCM (Resolve Color Management) feature where clips from different cameras are automatically converted to the same color space without having to use LUTs? Thanks.
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‎Mar 29, 2020
10:49 AM
Hi - I'm a designer and photographer but also create simple videos for clients to use on social media. Most videos are simple, with basic color grades and only a few transitions and/or titles. Once in awhile a project will require more, but it's usually not that much. I shoot Canon 4K (UHD) log for and export to either 4K or 1080P. I've mostly been an Apple/Mac user and have a 16" MacBook Pro with external monitor that I use for my creative work. I also have a Windows gaming desktop and kind of like the interface better and am thinking about switching to it for my work stuff and wondered if others have switched/tried both and which they prefer. Comparing speeds, the desktop is faster, and it has a better graphics card, but in actual use they seem similar. The Mac has a faster/newer CPU, but since it's a laptop chip, it runs slower, and it has 64GB RAM vs 32 on the gaming PC. Since I don't do much with transitions or real long videos (longest I did was 30 minutes), I'm not sure if that matters, but psychologically, in my head, it seems like a big thing. So, I'm just curious which people might think is better if they've used both or switched from one OS to the other. Thanks!
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‎Nov 04, 2019
04:02 PM
I'm trying to simplify my video editing workflow and would like to start using an iPad to do more. Some of the videos I edit are simple and others can be complex. I've tried using Rush and found it great for simple things, but I often need Premiere. If I start in Rush and bring it into Premiere I knw I can continue editing from that point on, but can I send it back to Rush or do I have to stay in Premiere once I'm there? Thanks!
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‎Oct 22, 2019
08:12 PM
Just swithced to Android from Apple and am beginning to wonder if this was a mistake. The mobile LR app seems to only support the standard camera on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, not the wide angle or telephoto. Am I missing a setup, or is this the case? Thanks!
{Moved from Lightroom Cloud to Lightroom Mobile Forum by Moderator}
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‎Sep 30, 2019
06:25 PM
Thanks! I installed Premiere on my wife's 2015 13" MBP (dual core) and created a few test proxies using ProRes 422 Proxy at 720p. Things were surprisingly smooth but very slow. No lag, though, when jumping around the timeline in proxy mode. I didn't test any other settings, but it was great to know that things went well, and will only get better when I get the iMac.
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‎Sep 28, 2019
08:00 PM
I just found this thread after posting about the very same topic. Glad to see a full editor will be available in the future.
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