‎Jan 20, 2025
09:31 PM
You saved me from insanity - not the first time - I remember you from another question I had previously posted. Sincere thanks! The 2nd snippet of code you posted did the trick. And yes, this is working in conjunction with another script (that simply places AI files in separate layers from another folder). I found unexpected randomness when PS placed the images - the images were mostly centered; but not quite. You enabled me to automate what I was having to do manually - it's euphoric when I can automate such things.
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‎Jan 20, 2025
01:21 PM
I know this is an old post - but anyways.... Your script solved the "Align to Canvas" problem perfectly! Thank you. But the "Select All" part is still driving me nuts. This script does not select any layers when I run it. Even though there is a built-in keyboard shortcut for "Select" > "All Layers" (Ctrl + Alt + a); I am failing to find scripting that does that. I tried to isolate just the "Select " > "All Layers" part - but ChatGPT, Gemini and CoPilot couldn't figure it out either. I thought this would be the easy part!
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‎Jan 08, 2025
01:43 PM
Fantastic! Thank you. I continue to be amazed by Adobe's lazyness in providing such references. In case you are curious - this is all I wanted to automate - then this script be called from more complicated scripts .... app.executeMenuCommand("selectall"); app.executeMenuCommand("Horizontal Align Center"); app.executeMenuCommand("Vertical Align Center"); ChatGPT & Gemini failed miserably. CoPilot was on the right track but the align commands were wrong. Your forum comment saved my sanity. Thx again.
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‎Jan 01, 2025
07:06 PM
Same here. Still a problem in 2025. It's maddening. The same issue exists in adobe illustrator. I wish Adobe cared more about our time. Deleting the Adobe Crash Processor works but it is still a very annoying flow killer. Update: Clunky "Crash" workaround didn't work for Illustrator.
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‎Jul 24, 2024
01:19 PM
OMG! I figured it out the same time I saw your post. Thanks again. 🙂
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‎Jul 24, 2024
01:18 PM
please ignore my last post - I'm so grateful to be able to use your code! To NOT INCLUDE metadata and thus have smaller resulting webp file sizes... I just had to change "true" values to "false" for each metadata type (2 instances of this same code) >>> saveWebP("compressionLossy", 75, false, false, false, true);
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‎Jul 24, 2024
11:42 AM
You nailed it. It was the metadata. I don't know what the metadata options do for me so when saving manually I always leave them unselected. When saving them manually, selecting all the metadata options makes the difference in file sizes. I tried commenting out the "Metadata options" in your script but it didn't change the resulting webp file sizes. Do you know how I'd edit your script so that it won't save metadata?
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‎Jul 22, 2024
10:40 PM
the script works like a dream but the saved WebP files are about double the size as when I save them manually. I see this is an old post but reaching out anyway - any suggestions on how to reduce the webp file sizes?
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‎Oct 25, 2020
09:31 PM
Windows 10, 16 GB Ram - 3 issues: 1. Illogical "Save" and "Save As" locations > The new version forces users to overwrite all existing INDD files (when opened, a new "CONVERTED" file is automatically created). When saving the new v2021 file - both the "Save" and "Save As" options drop me off in the folder of the last save location - not the location of the file that I am overwriting. It should automatically bring up the file location of the file being converted. I remember this same issue when v2020 came out. It was eventually fixed; but this what compelled me to go back to v2020 - I never signed up to be an Adobe software tester nor am I paid to be one. 2. Everytime I open INDD, my custom workspace is gone (I retrieve the xml file from the 15.x version and place it in the v16 folders (I put it both in "program files" and "users > AppData" folders in the OS directory)). Again - a lot of unnecessary effort jumping around in Windows directories and my preferences wouldn't save. 3. (not Adobe's fault - but it still stinks) It won't work with the DocsFlow importing program I paid $300 for just 7 months ago.
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‎Oct 25, 2020
01:26 PM
Stay away from INDD 2021! Causing all kinds of headaches. I uninstalled it and went back to 2020. Hey Adobe, we are not your QA / software testing team. We are your paying customers.
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‎Nov 15, 2018
11:18 AM
The latest build seems to be working for me - (v, win10, x64) - hurray! No more text box delay / program crashes (however, others have commented in another thread that the same build did not fix their issues). Here is the link if you don't want to wait for the official release. link: Adobe Prerelease​ One thing to be aware of ... in the Creative Cloud "Apps" interface - it doesn't recognize INDD as being installed. I am hoping that this is a non-issue - but thought it was worth pointing out.
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‎Nov 06, 2018
01:35 PM
When Adobe puts the burden of QA upon its paying customers - of course competing solutions are going to surface. I had never heard of Affinity until the CC 2019 update stole significant hours from my work days and I came here. I am personally glad to know that there are solutions out there that compete with the Adobe monopoly. 1000s of Adobe-subscriber hours have been lost. Hopefully Adobe is listening - but here we are... 21 days after the initial post and no INDD solution. Thanks for your speech - BobLevine - but the posts about alternative solutions are more useful than the the failed hacks cited for this BUG (I've tried several of them - install beta version / hide the ribbon / rename the caches file "inDesign SavedData" - none have worked).
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‎Nov 06, 2018
08:43 AM
1 Upvote
If anyone is curious - installing the newer Beta Version (14.0.1 x64) does not fix this issue at all. I downloaded the ~1GB update, installed it - didn't fix the bug. Is anyone else irked that the heading reads "This question is Assumed Answered."?
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‎Oct 26, 2018
10:36 AM
Just when I was starting to get past my fear of updates... Cmon Adobe!!! My Symptoms: When I double click a text-box - it freezes for about 10 seconds; then I am able to start typing. Then after time - the whole InDesign application kept crashing. It paralyzed me - couldn't get any work done. I uninstalled / reinstalled CC 2019. Now I am back to the just the maddening delay after clicking into a text box (seems like it only happens to the first doc after launching INDD for the first time); but at least it's not crashing.... so far.... I am glad anyway that the reinstall didn't wipeout my custom keyboard shortcuts this time (shortcuts associated with my scripts - like it did after I updated from CC 2018).
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