2월 05, 2025
03:19 PM
1 찬성표
Thanks. I did a few that way, placing the icon over the bullet point. Then select all the layers + the text layer and link them and when I move it or even resize it with the transform tool it all stays together. You just can't change the font size with the text tool and make it stay proportional. But it works. Hopefully they will add this funcitionality to Photoshop soon.
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2월 05, 2025
12:40 PM
Thanks Creative Exporer. I was afraid that would be the answer. I read somewhere that the glyphs pannel could be used but I can find no way to use any of the glyphs as bullet points, all I can make it do is change the text in the list to whatever the glyph is that I click on, but it wont' change the bullet point to that glyph. Unfortunately, I do not know how to write a script to do it. Hopefully someone will create an extension that does that, or better yet, adobe will make that feature avaliable in Photoshop. Thank you for the reply.
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2월 05, 2025
12:35 PM
Thank you Jane, but I don't have anything besides Photoshop and Lightroom Classic so I can't use InDesign or anything else.
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2월 05, 2025
11:38 AM
Is there anyway to use custom graphics/icons as bullet points in bulleted lists in photoshop? I know how to change it from the dot, dash, circle and square. I don't want to use those 4 options. I want to be able to choose a custom graphic and use that for the bullet point. Is it possible? If it is, then how would I go about doing it? I know you can make the bulleted list, then place the graphic over the dots and make it look "almost" like it was typed that way, but it would be a much better solution if you could just choose a custom graphic to use as the bullet point instead of having to do double work and spend all that extra time doing it. I sure hope this can be done, it would be such a time saver for everyone who would like to do this.
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9월 28, 2024
01:54 PM
1 찬성표
What I did was use the workaround of turning OFF the contextual task bar. When I need it, I'll just turn it on again and when I'm done with it I'll turn it OFF again. It's not a big deal for me since I rarely use it anyway. Just make sure that there is a layer open in photoshop when you try to turn it back on again, otherwise the option for it in the Windows Menu will be be grayed out and unavaliable. This is NOT a correct answer, even though I'm marking it as correct. The only reasy I'm marking it as correct is because I keep getting emails badgering me to mark one as correct. I've ignored those emails before and someone at adobe goes in a marks one as correct when none of them are, they just want to "close it out" even though the problem isn't actually fixed. And this doesn't FIX the problem, it's just a work around, for a problem caused by adobe's software engineeres and they can't be bothered to fix it. The truth is, no company should be allowed to sell subscriptions to software or any other product that is buggy and doesn't work as intended. Especially something like this where everything is working and they push out an "update" and boom, it's broken, but they still take your money for something that isn't working right.
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9월 26, 2024
09:16 PM
Thank you again! I have the automatic updates turned off and I update manually. Several years ago I got burned by those automatic updates and learned to do it manually. I also keep several "older" versions in case the new "full version" update is messed up. A "work around" is better than nothing! Though it would be nice if adobe would stop tearing things up when they are supposed to be improving them. It ought to be illegal to release an update before it's perfect and has no bugs.
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9월 26, 2024
08:53 PM
That worked, sort of. But now I do not have the contextual menu bar. I rarely ever need it. When I want to do generative fill it is necessary. The thing about it is this, I've had that contextual menu bar pinned in that same place ever since the option to pin it was made avaliable. I think, (if my memory serves me right) that the option to pin it in place has been there for over a year now. And I've never had trouble with that pop up about masks before in all the time I've had the contextual tool bar displayed, until now. So turning it off "sort of works" but it did not fix the problem. The problem is a bug that was introduced in the last "update". Otherwise I would mark this as the correct answer. I do appreciate your help. On another note, I think it should be illegal for any company that charges a monthly subscription to charge you for an update that introduces bugs and broken software that they do not imeadeately fix and give instant refunds for their coustomers time that was wasted on workarounds and aggravation. Just a thought....
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9월 26, 2024
08:35 PM
Thank you for trying to help. I tried it and it doesn't work. All that did was stop tooltips from coming up when I hover over a tool.
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9월 26, 2024
06:09 PM
4 찬성표
After the latest updat to Photoshop, I get a pop up EVERY TIME I click on a layer mask, it makes no difference if it is a white mask or black mask or one I'm about to use or just making a selection of the mask, EVERY DOG GONE TIME I click on the mask this pop up, pops up. I dismiss it and the next time I touch the layer mask, it pops up again. HOW IN HECK DO YOU SHUT IT OFF so it NEVER pops up again????
This is the annoying and persistent pop up:
I can find nothing in the perferences to shut this thing off. Right clicking on it does nothing, no menu to shut it off or anything. What in the heck do you have to do in order to kill this darn thing??? This is crazy...
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8월 01, 2024
07:44 PM
Thanks for the tip about "ideas", I put this post in that category too. Here is the link to it: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/how-to-disable-quot-linked-quot-library-files/idi-p/14775150#M22411
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8월 01, 2024
07:42 PM
After the latest "update" to photoshop, whenever I drag an item from the library to a document I'm working on a popup comes up saying it is now a "linked" file and if I want to place it as a copy, I have to hold the ALT key down while dragging it from the library. What I need to know is how do I turn this stupidity off? I'm extremely aggravated that I now have to go to the extra step of remembering to hold the ALT key down while dragging something from the library. This is stupid, just turn the crap OFF and never have to do it again. I have looked at every option in the preferences and there is nothing to turn this junk off in there. Adobe needs to STOP arbitrarily changing things and screwing with people. If you implement something, turn it off and show a ONE TIME pop up telling people they can turn it on IF THEY WANT TO. Just stop turning CRAP on that nobody wants. This is the dialog box that pops up. It never came up before this latest update. I'm not sure if it was becasue of the lastest update to photoshop or to the latest update to the CC App. I updated both at the same time so it could be either one of them. This is a change and I need to know how to reverse it. And Holding the ALT key down every frigging time is NOT an option... And right clicking on it in the library panel and choosing "place layers" is NOT an option either. I need to know how to turn this absolute stupidity off PERMENANTLY and never have to mess with it again. It was not this way a couple of weeks ago. Two or three weeks ago I could drag anything from the library panel and it wasn't "linked" at all. It was a copy of the image, as a smart object, but it wasn't places as a stupid "linked" object in the library. I could even delete it from my library after dragging it into a document and it was still in my document and there was no "missing asset" warning when I opened the file again. So it wasn't linked for me anyway, but now it is and I am really aggravated that they turned that junk on and I have no obvious way to turn it off.
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8월 01, 2024
06:55 PM
I don't know why you haven't noticed it, because I noticed it. It was not this way a couple of weeks ago. Two or three weeks ago I could drag anything from the library panel and it wasn't "linked" at all. It was a copy of the image in the library. I could even delete it from my library after dragging it into a document and it was still in my document and there was no "missing asset" warning when I opened the file again. So it wasn't linked for me anyway, but now it is and I am really aggravated that they turned that junk on and I have no obvious way to turn it off.
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8월 01, 2024
06:14 PM
Give us a way to disable the stupid new "feature" of "linked" files from libraries. After the latest "update" to photoshop, whenever I drag an item from the library to a document I'm working on a popup comes up saying it is now a "linked" file and if I want to place it as a copy, I have to hold the ALT key down while dragging it from the library. What I need to know is how do I turn this stupidity off? I'm extremely aggravated that I now have to go to the extra step of remembering to hold the ALT key down while dragging something from the library. This is stupid, just turn the crap OFF and never have to do it again. This is the dialog box that pops up. It never came up before this latest update. I'm not sure if it was becasue of the lastest update to photoshop or to the latest update to the CC App. I updated both at the same time so it could be either one of them. This is a change and I need to know how to reverse it. And Holding the ALT key down every frigging time is NOT an option... And right clicking on it in the library panel and choosing "place layers" is NOT an option either. I need to know how to turn this absolute stupidity off PERMENANTLY and never have to mess with it again. I have looked at every option in the preferences and there is nothing to turn this junk off in there.
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8월 01, 2024
06:10 PM
After the latest "update" to photoshop, whenever I drag an item from the library to a document I'm working on a popup comes up saying it is now a "linked" file and if I want to place it as a copy, I have to hold the ALT key down while dragging it from the library. What I need to know is how do I turn this stupidity off? I'm extremely aggravated that I now have to go to the extra step of remembering to hold the ALT key down while dragging something from the library. This is stupid, just turn the crap OFF and never have to do it again. I have looked at every option in the preferences and there is nothing to turn this junk off in there. Adobe needs to STOP arbitrarily changing things and screwing with people. If you implement something, turn it off and show a ONE TIME pop up telling people they can turn it on IF THEY WANT TO. Just stop turning CRAP on that nobody wants. This is the dialog box that pops up. It never came up before this latest update. I'm not sure if it was becasue of the lastest update to photoshop or to the latest update to the CC App. I updated both at the same time so it could be either one of them. This is a change and I need to know how to reverse it. And Holding the ALT key down every frigging time is NOT an option... And right clicking on it in the library panel and choosing "place layers" is NOT an option either. I need to know how to turn this absolute stupidity off PERMENANTLY and never have to mess with it again.
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5월 01, 2024
04:33 PM
4 찬성표
Where is the recently used font list in photoshop? Why the heck is it gone in this latest so called "update"? Does anyone know how to get rid of the stupidity that replaced it? I was going to change the font on some text to one that I use most frequently and when I cliced the dropdown to choose the font THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE TOP OF THE LIST I GET THIS STUPIDITY shown in this screenshot below. I can't figure out how to get rid of this ignorant stupidity and get the previous Recently Used Font List at the top of the drop down. Does anyone know how to undo this and bring back the font list that was there a week or so ago?
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4월 06, 2024
08:34 AM
Thank you Jeff. That made it start working right. Do you have any idea how it got switched? I have no idea how or why it started doing this, but I'm thankful to know what to do to reset it now.
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4월 06, 2024
08:10 AM
why is photoshop alt click shortcut for brush tool changing the background color instead of the forground color? It was working perfect until this morning. Now when using the brush tool and I want to change colors, alt-clicking samples the color but instead of making it the active forground color it changes the background color. For example the foreground color is black and the background color is white I alt-click with the broush tool and it temporarily changes to the eyedropper and samples the color I click on, say it's red that I sampled. After releasing the ALT key the cusor changes back to the brush tool and I start to paint and it's black instead of the red color I sampled. I look at the tool bar and see that the foreground is still black but the background color has changed from white to the red that I sampled. It's supposed to change the foreground when you sample colors like that so that as soon as you release the ALT key and start painting again the color is now the one you sampled. I changed nothing in the preferences or anywhere else. And I've also had other problems since "upgrading" to the latest release of photoshop 25.6.0. Quite often when starting photoshop it takes 5 to 10 seconds for the libraries to show up, then half the time they are blank and I have to close photoshop and restart it to get them to show the thumbnails for the items in the libraries. But my main concern is the ALT-Click shortcut for sampling colors while using the brush tool and how to fix it. Resetting preferences is out of the question, that never fixes anything.
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3월 19, 2024
11:12 PM
I pasted this one directly into the text box too, seems that's the only way I can get it to upload.
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3월 19, 2024
11:10 PM
I'm trying to upload one. I tried many times with the original post to upload a screenshot of it, but it will not upload. The little blue progress bar moves about 1/3 of the way across and then stops and the upload never finishes. I even waited 5 or 6 minutes a couple of times and it never finished uploading. I did a speed test of my internet connections while waiting for it to upload and my speed was nearly 100Mbps download and 30Mbps upload with 28 milisecond latency. Plenty fast enough for a 99 kilo byte file to upload which is far, far below the 45 megabyte limit on file size... I pasted that screenshot directly in the text window. The one I'm trying to upload is still stalled.. So I stopped it so I can upload this.
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3월 19, 2024
10:27 PM
I always check for updates every few day and when there is one I always update it. That's like today, the only update that was avaliable was for the Beta, so I updated that, then after a couple hours of frustration later, the update for Photoshop became avaliable to me. But as far as them not wanting frustrated customers, I don't know about that. I just "thought" that updateing from 25.5.1 to 25.6.0 this evening fixed the problem. But it didn't, it made it worse! Now when I click the "home icon", the home screen shows up with the recent files. BUT, when I click on one to open it, the tool bars come back and the laywers pannel and all that comes back showing the layer(s) of the file I opened, but the layers are transparent and the files from the home screen are still showing!
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3월 19, 2024
10:21 PM
I just "thought" it was fixed... Just another mess up from adobe. I can click the home icon and the home screen shows up with all the recent files. BUT when I click on one to open it, it doesn't open, and the home screen is still showing slighlty shifted off to the side. I can click on the layers in the layer panel and I can see the outline of the layer, but it's transparent. Way to adobe... You just can't fix a doggone thing.
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3월 19, 2024
10:04 PM
Earlier when this problem started, there was no update avaliable for photoshop. I checked the creative cloud app for updates and the only update that was avaliable was for Photoshop Beta, so I updated that and that version worked properly, but not the "stable" version 25.5.1. I tried over and over and over to find an answer to my problem and after many google searches turning up nothing, I was about to uninstall photoshop and reinstall it, through the creative cloud app. When I went to do that, there was an update to photoshop 25.6.0 that just came avaliable. So I updated photoshop and that fixed it. It makes me wonder though if adobe isn't disabling something on the sly to frustrate people into checking for updates. I don't know, but it's awefully suspicious that this "bug" hit, then a couple of hours later a (.)/patch update fixed the problem...
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3월 19, 2024
08:22 PM
3 찬성표
This just started happening. I do this several times per day and even today I did it 4 or 5 times, then suddenly, and I have no idea why, everything changed. When I clicked on the Home button the screen went to full screen with no tool bars, only the text menu at the top and nothing else. I did nothing to make it do that in that I didn't change anything, no settings or preferences were changed at all. There is nothing in the "VIEW" menu that changes it back, I've checked everything. I even closed every program and restarted my computer and that didn't help. Clicking the "HELP" menu at the top brings it back, as well as creating a new document. But, as soon as I click the "HOME ICON" which always brought up the home screen it goes blank again. I can find nothing in the preferences to change to make it stop doing this. I do have "Auto Show Home Screen" unchecked so that it doesn't show the recent files unless I click the "HOME ICON". But I changed that setting several versions ago and not today. Windows 10 with all the latest updates. Photoshop version 25.5.1 I've been trying to upload a screen shot of the problem but the file will not upload. It uploads partially then stops uploading and will not resume.
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1월 06, 2023
10:33 AM
Thank you Rikk, I appreciate it!
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1월 06, 2023
09:05 AM
Thank you Rikk. I may have to do that. A question though. Is there any way to turn it back on in the future if I decide that want to sync some photos to the cloud? I don't think I will but the reason I'm asking is that since this solution isn't obvious, what would be the steps to reverse it after discarding the throw-away catalog?
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1월 06, 2023
08:56 AM
Thank you Johan. I found the "pause" and paused it. What I need to know is how to completely disable it, not just pause it. If at some time in the future I decide to use this feature then I will turn it on. But I don't want adobe switching it on, for any reason. It had to be changed in the last update a few weeks ago, by adobe. Because I never switched syncing to the clooud on and I've been using lightroom classic for years and it's never uploaded to the cloud before. Last night I figured out that the only way to delete all of them were to select the top one, scrool down, hold shift and select a large group and the delete dialog opens at the top of the page to delete them. However, I had to do page after page after page that way to get rid of them, because lightroom had uploaded over 5,000 of them. There should be a ONE CLICK delete option that removes everything without having to manually select thousands and thousands of pictures over multiple pages. And there should be a setting in the preferences to turn off syncing, not just "pause" it. Thank you for the reply and help, it's much appreciated.
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1월 05, 2023
11:03 PM
I haven't used Lightroom since I last did an update to it. I opened it today and added some photos I took. I left it open for several hours after I finished, then when I started to close it, a dialog box came up and asking if I wanted to let it finish syncing or to close now. This has never happened before, I've NEVER synced anything to the cloud from lightroom. The only thing that's ever synced was the libraries in photoshop.
I can find no way to turn it off, nor can I find a way to delete the THOUSANDS of photos that lightroom uploaded against my will.
If someone wants to use that, that's fine, IF that's what they want. I don't want to use it. And I really resent adobe turning that on and not giving me a choice in the matter. I do not use "lightroom", I use lightroom classic. I want everything to stay on MY COMPUTER AND NOT THE CLOUD.
In the preferences for lightroom classic, I clicked on "Delete All Synced Data" and another dialog pops up telling me to "Go To Web To Proceed". I click that and I see all the photos that were uploaded but NO OBVIOUS WAY to DELETED THEM ALL. This is so absurdly stupid for adobe to do this (they had to do this because it's never happened before and I've used lightroom classic for years. And I didn't change anything. So the only ones that could have done it is some idiot at adobe in the last "update"...), that I'm getting more infuriated by the moment. Someone please help me...
I need to know several things:
1. Why did this change and start syncing my photos to the cloud?
2. How do I turn off syncing?
3. How do I delete EVERY THING that was uploaded?
4. How do I PREVENT this from being changed behind my back in the future?
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10월 27, 2022
05:48 PM
That's strange, it didn't disappear when I updated to version 24.0.0. I'm using windows 10 with all the latest updates on that. I've had a lot of trouble with photoshop in the past and still have a few issues but nothing really major with this release, that I've discovered yet that is. I hope you can get it sorted out soon!
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10월 21, 2022
05:29 PM
1 찬성표
It's still there in mine and I updated to the latest version, version 24 the other day. They do make it hard to find though.
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8월 25, 2022
10:12 AM
Well said! For every one that posts about this, there probably are thousands that read the "work around" and don't bother to post. That indicates that literally hundereds of thousands are afflicted by this bug that adobe refuses to fix. I was a maintence mechanic for years working on cnc machines, I learned how to trouble shoot, something which the "team" of "engineers" at adobe seeminly do not know how to do. All they would have to do is look back at the changes they made just prior to causing this bug, test each step until they find the cause, then fix it. But they apparently do not have enough sense to do that... They seem to be more interested in introducing more half baked “new features” that break other things that people use on a regular basis, which they don’t have time to fix but continously claim a fix is “coming in future updates”, but they rarely do.
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