‎Dec 19, 2024
03:15 PM
Perhaps calling this feature "Reflection Removal" is not accurate. It is truly only "Through Glass" or similar image ghosting. Just spent some time testing it on pure "Reflections on glass", and relections on shiny surfaces, including reflections on window panes. It definitely did not work, although it did try. As well, on my set-up, it was necessary to close each image file and then re-open within Photoshop just to get the tool to activate/work in ACR. FYI. macOS Ventura 13.7.2, Camera Raw 17.1, Photoshop V 26.2.0, Lightroom Classic V 14.1.1
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‎Mar 16, 2024
10:58 AM
Lovely portrait work! Not sure what to tell you, ... . When I had that similar problem, I ran a full diagnostic on my desktop (iMac - not MacBook) and the external drive(s) and my back-ups. All was fine, there, thankfully! But did not bother testing the device with the corrupted files. I just destroyed that device, and moved on. Had to start the processing work over again, ... oh, well. The file corruption definitely was not in Photoshop. I learned to never start any image work without having a complete external backup, first. Backups aren't negotiable, ever, to me. There are so many failings that could have happened as the Community Expert above - D Fosse - outlines. Wish you the best results!
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‎Mar 15, 2024
09:20 PM
Great advice, as always! Had that happen, once - while using a stick or some other drive source for some images - to work on at another location/computer. It was flat-out file corruption that occured from the other drive-source or the other computer. Thank goodness all the images were properly backed up on my own system.
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‎Mar 15, 2024
08:38 PM
1 Upvote
Derek Cross' info below is extremely helpful. That "File Info" panel for metadata is a super-power! Photoshop, to my mind, is the superior editing tool, however the catalogue and image management, in the Adobe system, is easily done with Lightroom (or for some - through Bridge). Lightroom is where I rely on managing most metadata - especially batches. So I am no help here. If Entagged or Gotphoto has a "plug-in" that you could install in Photoshop to help or that there is an established "Action" that could be created or installed would be great. Sounds too good to be true, but if there were an "Action" it could do it all for you on export, other than you having to type in the individual player name/info, assuming you have a large batch of images to manage. Good luck!
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‎Feb 25, 2024
10:08 AM
Could someone suggest to Adobe to change the Face Detection short from a dumb-blankety-blank-blank single letter to one of those less quick-access commands, ... eg - Cmd + Shift + Opt + B + S. It sounds like no photographer uses the face detection... so who is it for anyway?
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‎Jul 23, 2023
11:00 PM
Thank-you for the recommendation. As it happens, I did not go ahead yet, due to time constraints, and a bit more 'housekeeping' , back-ups, etc., to make it all ready. Funny, I don't really care about the Apple system stuff - it is what it is. My main concern and focus is the integrity and maintenance of the Adobe applications and my image-files/catalogues/work. Since my initial post, here, I did re-post in the Photoshop Ecosystem and received an Expert's reply encouraging going to Ventura. I agreed, and was convinced that because Ventura is inevitable that I might as well install that update (it's loaded and ready to install, now). My iMac-system will easily support the updates - no issues. It's the user (me) that has issues! 🙂 From reading other users posts (here and other communities/blogs) seems that Ventura has little-to-no productivity value for Adobe's Applications (PS, LrC, InDesign, or Illustrator). And the inter-operablity (fluff) of iOS devices/applications with my desktop system has absolutely no interest, or no use, to me, at this time. Also, the repeated complaints appear to be mostly users' systems with the M1 chip (?) - which I currently do not have. Clearly, I need to update the desktop OS to at least Monterey, in order to gain all of the updated versions of those amazing Adobe applications. Got another busy week ahead - so I might sit on the fence, for a few more days. I kind of have cold-feet, so-to-speak, about this system update but I am eager and excited to get the Adobe updates!
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‎Jul 20, 2023
07:48 AM
Much appreciate the reply. It appears that the 13.4.1 is mostly typical security updates - from 13.2.1 - nothing big. After looking at other comments regarding this update, it appears that most issues and complaints are on systems with the M1 process/chip - which is not me, ... yet. Oddly, I used to proudly keep every app and system up-to-date on my desktop computer (sometimes waiting for at least one dot-release) ... . Don't know why, exactly, but everything is fallen behind, this year. I think you're right to encourage this update. It's gotta happen eventually, anyway, so I might as well bite-the-bullet, and get it done! FYI My processor is 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5; with 16GB 2400 MHz DDR4 Still maybe older but is in good order and works great! Thank-you to this Community and to Adobe for addressing issues, so well!
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‎Jul 19, 2023
08:31 PM
1 Upvote
Currently using Adobe CC v, with PS, ACR, LrC, Illustrator, & InDesign on 27" iMac; 16GB; 2.12 TB Fusion (50% plus capacity vacant - no issues) Mostly photography. macOS Catalina v 10.15.7. In order to update all (or any) of the Adobe applications I use typically, I must update the OS. However, today Apple offers macOS Ventura 13.4.1 and the reviews are poor (for most Adobe software applications, with this Ventura update). This makes me extremely reluctant to take on many days of disappointment and hours (really do not have) trying to resolve issues between the Apple OS and all of my much-loved Adobe applications. I have a lot "on my plate" so-to-speak, these days (like a lot of us) so am not sure I am better off, for the sake of all the Adobe applications, in holding off with Ventura, for awhile. Less stress? Many reviewers, that I would trust, recommend upgrading to the previous OS Monterey 12.6.3, instead. What do you recommend? Thank-you, so much, in advance, for the advice!
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‎Jul 19, 2023
08:23 PM
1 Upvote
Thank-you! Well, I guess I will try the Photoshop community - kinda where it all starts, for me.
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‎Jul 19, 2023
08:04 PM
Currently using Adobe CC v, with PS, LrC, Illustrator, & InDesign on 27" iMac; 16GB; 2.12 TB Fusion (50% plus capacity vacant - no issues) Mostly photography. macOS Catalina v 10.15.7. I must update the OS in order to update all (or any) of the Adobe applications I use typically. However, today Apple offers macOS Ventura 13.4.1 and the reviews are poor for most Adobe software applications, with this Ventura update. This makes me extremely reluctant to take on many days of disappointment and hours trying to resolve issues between the Apple OS and all of my much-loved Adobe applications. I have a lot "on my plate" so-to-speak, these days (like a lot of us) so am not sure I am better off, for the sake of all the Adobe applications, in holding off with Ventura, for awhile. Less stress? Many reviewers, that I would trust, recommend upgrading to the previous OS Monterey 12.6.3, instead. What do you recommend? Which is the best Adobe forum/community area for me to post this question? Thank-you for your help!
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‎Oct 26, 2022
12:01 PM
1 Upvote
My two-cents, ... . Do you check for document errors? To some, the images placed in the ID document may appear as 'pixelated' (definitely not a clean resolution) until the InDesign knows where the link is to the image-file(s). If you move the image files, after working on the ID document, without re-linking the image-file(s), ... it ain't pretty, anymore. I had that happen once, a while back. Hope your issue was resolved!
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‎Oct 16, 2022
03:45 PM
1 Upvote
See my profile pic, ... . I had to respond! 😉 So far, I've not had that face-detection problem, but it would drive me batty!! (Always hated that in the Photos Apple app.) However, I do review my Preferences and Catalog Settings, every once-in-a-while, and in this situation, wonder if you check your Catalog Settings > Metadata > Face Detection - I make sure this is never selected. Not sure if that helps you at all, ... but I also want to defend our fur-buddies! Good luck to you! Relative details: MacOS Catalina 10.15.7; AdobeCC; LrC V5.2 v-10-v11
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‎Oct 16, 2022
11:01 AM
Just happened to see your posting, ... . This is my basic routine, and it has worked perfectly for years, so thought I would share the steps: 1 - SD Card reader to iMac; 2 - Copy images to my designated & dated New Folder on iMac (important part of the image back-up routine outside of LR); 3 - Copy images to a designated "Import to LrC Folder" that I keep on my desktop, with a subfolder having the same date/name as in Step 2. (At this stage, I double-check that this folder content items/size matches.) 4 - Launch LrC and direct the Import. Once these images are Imported to Lightroom, because I have directed LR to an alternative drive location to store the catalog files, with a specific (other) location for the back-ups, I will discard this "Import to..." subfolder, once I see that the image files are there and all is good-to-go! Note: Everyone has a little different process. This routine works for me, the same way, everytime. Most of these steps are learned from Experts, here, and from other expert Lightroom contributors over the years. Because it is routine (after every shoot) I always know exactly where the original image files are, on my system - including back-ups, and always know where the images are in LR, in the lrcat, and in the lr backup zips, and where those are on the drive. I can sleep at night! 🙂 One thing I needed to remind myself for, was to check the LR preferences, and pay attention to pop-up prompts, to make sure I was properly identifying the location for the LR back-up files, etc., . to be sure that was indeed the correct location. FYI Wish you the best with all!
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‎Jun 23, 2021
11:29 AM
Your problem review, info and links, were extremely helpful. Good to keep this process and trouble-shooting steps in my wheelhouse for future. The Adobe CC Desktop app is restored, today. Hooray! While I cannot credit the fix to any one action, because those actions (trouble-shooting and house-keeping) did not create an instant improvement, it is very likely that two housekeeping things, within the Adobe CC Desktop, negatively affected its behaviour: 1. Fonts management: a few duplicates - where one is in my OS Fonts Book and for some reason I activated the same one - or part of it (eg, Light Italic) - in Adobe Fonts; and ridding or de-activating several Postscript Type 1 Fonts. (That may become a separate discussion, later.) 2. Updating every app version that I have activated, even the ones that I use rarely. Also, the folks through the Adobe Customer Care contact were attentive and professional. Appreciate that support and this excellent community, too! Thank-you!
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‎Jun 16, 2021
06:16 PM
Thanks, Nancy! All great suggestions and links! Fonts might just be the issue, after all. Recently (just before this issue started 🤔 ... ahem) I did re-activate a bunch of Fonts on Adobe. Maybe too many? I will check on the fonts (de-activate the ones I think I can live without) and then will try the CC Cleaner Tool (if still needed). Also, Adobe Customer Care, did get back to me, too - have a case number to follow up with. Just might take until next week before I can get it all done. OS & System is good. 16 GB RAM >1.2 TB free HD space (all work/files are saved to a large external drive > 4TB) Pretty good with top-level housekeeping. (Always trying to do better and learn more.) Connection/Internet speed - Download 49.35 Mbps / Upload 20.64 Ping ms??19 (Tested while a lot of other stuff is going on in this house but I think it is more than adequate.) Again, really appreciate the info and that you take up your own valuable time to help others who come to this communtiy!
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‎Jun 15, 2021
06:31 PM
Updated the apps - all went well! But CC still almost as buggy as when I first posted this issue. Takes forever to load/open the window to my desktop, even though the icon is active, and still does not present the top and side bars correctly. I posted to another recent string, here, which seemed to describe a vaguely similar issue. Sounds like they were able to correct it with a combo of system-level removal of the CC app and then Reinstalling CC. Will wait to hear if this may be a workable solution for this issue.
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‎Jun 15, 2021
06:16 PM
[Moderator branched & moved to original topic to avoid confusion & duplication.]
Issues with CC have been going on for several days, on my iMac. (I started another string, here about it being 'buggy')
Did a session with Adobe on-line chat, but the issue is not yet resolved. (Only so much time in a day to spend problem-solving.)
When I sign-in to my Adobe account, through the web-access, everything on CC is fine. It is the CC desktop app that is the problem. Not getting the same error as shown in this string, but it takes forever to open the CC window, even tho' the icon is active on my tool bar. (Spinning wheel for a few minutes.) When it does open, several things are missing on both the top bar and side panel of the CC window. But the applications that I use, and the updates for the apps, seem to be fine.
I tried some of the helpx tips, including "Creative Cloud Cleaner" and "Creative Cloud installer stuck" steps, too. But that did not fix it.
Am wondering if I can remove CC from my actual system Library contents, and then go back to Reinstall CC?
Also wondering, if there may be some old versions of the Desktop CC app somewhere on my OS that I should remove, too? Computer is almost 3 years old - so may be some old CC stuff left on my OS (or migrated from my old OS?) that is interferring with writing the update(s).
Really would like to fix CC, if I can.
imacOS Catalina, V 10.15.7 (system, storage and memory - all excellent)
Adobe CC V 5-4-5-550
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‎Jun 14, 2021
04:15 PM
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‎Jun 14, 2021
02:23 PM
Hi Nancy, Following some of the steps provided through helpx.adobe (and a bunch of links that I found in a similar, faily recent, post here from another community professional) - ran through the Uninstall and Reinstall steps. That did nothing. When I sign in, through Adobe, everything looks fine on my account, there. Clearly it is the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app that is not working properly. Through Adobe support chat got a session with them today but still is not fixed. Not sure what to do now. Do you think it is okay to go ahead and start updating the apps I need to use, (PS, Camera Raw, & LrC) without updating the Creative Cloud Desktop app, for now? Guess I am uncertain if, how, or when, the Creative Cloud Desktop app will directly affect the performance/updating of any of the Applications I use. Thank-you for any advice.
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‎Jun 13, 2021
06:04 PM
Basic info: Adobe Creative Cloud V Set to "auto update" for CC only iMac - OS Catalina V 10.15.7 (System is good - loads of memory and drive space free)
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‎Jun 13, 2021
05:55 PM
Hi Nancy, Have to assume that the update happened in the background, before I did the restart of my computer. My Adobe account settings are for Creative Cloud to update automatically. (Not other applications, just CC.) After posting to this community, earlier today, I did reach an Adobe advisor, through chat. They wanted to use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. I looked that up, on the Adobe site. Looks straight forward enough to do, just for the Creative Cloud app. (The connection/response time, today, with Adobe chat seemed really slow - so I did not proceed through them. ) Thanks!
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‎Jun 13, 2021
01:03 PM
Adobe CC is (?) buggy, today. Acted up right after after doing the update for InDesign to v 16.2.1 Now, the Creative Cloud desktop app takes several minutes to load. The side-bar "Resources" only shows "Tutorials" - Stock, Behance, and Support Community tabs are now gone. (Those have been disappearing off-and-on, recently.) And the top bar only shows "Desktop" - Web and Mobile are gone, now. Briefly, on one app, that I tried to "test" got a pop-up saying that I was off-line and could not use the app (?? LrC). So I quit all apps, signed out of Adobe CC, went off-line, re-started the computer. Tried again. Nothing improved. Should I attempt to unistall and reinstall the CC desktop app, myself? Am assuming that, if Creative Cloud is not working properly that I should not try to update any more Adobe applications. Or should I call Adobe for support? Adobe Creative Cloud V Set to "auto update" for CC only iMac - OS Catalina V 10.15.7 Adobe Apps that I need/use regularly (on my Mac) - LrC, PS & CameraRaw, InDesign, Illustrator (All due for updates - except InDesign - and I do not allow "auto-update" on any applications. Appreciate recommended actions to take from here. Thank-you, in advance! Please note: None of the "Topics" below, are correct options.
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‎May 30, 2021
09:14 AM
Thank-you, Mike! As an 'intermediate' user/learner your list is invaluable!! So far, the only real problems I have experienced with InDesign docs are ones that I have created myself. Hoping to get some 'real-world' work soon, and expect that I will run into issues where your list of trouble-shoots and preventative suggestions will save large parts of my anatomy and brain! 😉
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‎May 19, 2021
10:21 AM
Hi PaalbNO, You're pulling my heart-strings in every way!! Learning more about colour and how to manage it in the digital world (in-camera/compostion/ and then using Lightroom or other program/applications) is a passionate study for me! It started a few years ago, and similar to the experience you describe, I too, needed to know everything to get the best results. Also, I had a very difficult time, in the beginning, finding the right teaching, and answers to at least 1,000 questions! But I did persevere and did find everything and more. You will, too! I will try to help, but as pointed out in gary_sc's post, this is not the scope for this forum. Hope this next bit is okay within the community guidelines, but it is always recommended that you colour-calibrate your monitor. Maybe you already have? When doing that, the companies that produce the devices and device-software (eg X-Rite) provide a lot of amazing resources through their site. Because I came from an 'old-school' CMYK background, learning everything about colour models, esp RGB and the differences, was vital! As I continued following the bread-crumbs and acquiring resources/information from a variety of Masters things really came together! Some clubs and memberships really paid off! Discussing, comparing, conversing, studying, and so on, ... . Studying Kent DuFault's - 2 volumes on Rich and Vibrant Color Photography was most incredibly enriching for what I needed. Last year's Photoshop Virtual Summit was really exciting, for me, particulary regarding colour and colour-management/application(s). The contributors' contents and resources proved invaluable and helped to cap-off everything that I needed to complete the study! Now, when out with my camera, I see so much more than before this intense study of colour in the digital world! It is quite exciting, to me!! Can't look back now! I hope this provides a bit of encouragement and resource ideas! All the best to you!! gary_sc provides great advice in his post - I enjoyed reading his classy and supportive reply, to you!
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‎Apr 28, 2021
07:30 PM
To Laubender, Thank-you for this erudite information!! I spent 2 hours last night "fixing" a multipage doc with a lot of different elements in its design/layout. Tried and changed so many settings just to get a printed copy for a hard proof. Two different "objects", on the same page, with a CMYK colour from the same palette/selection equals: One object printed correctly and the second printed with an entirely different colour. That is only one example. There are so many things wrong with the output it was frustrating. I reviewed the settings on everything I could think of: Started on my printer, then OS, then worked backwards to InDesign. Some docs print correctly but even older files that used to be perfect aren't coming out correctly all the time. A bug, you say, ...? Glad?? to hear that it is not me, ... this time. Arghh, ... . I am on a macOS. So far I do not see any InDesign update offered - hope it is coming sooner than later!
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‎Apr 08, 2021
12:48 PM
hooray!... Really, there is only a little bit in my wheel-house but I keep learning more each week ... thanks to all the pro's, here!
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‎Apr 07, 2021
07:21 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the heads-up/info.
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‎Apr 07, 2021
12:04 PM
Hi Common5C0B: When you sign in to the Adobe Support Community, here, you will see your "profile" button in the top right corner. In there, along with your community info, there is a "My profile" category. That is where all your community participation and badging will show. please see the reply above that I sent to Ongeziwe, ... Hope that helps. It was awhile before I figured out the badging, too, but it is well-done. So far, this is the best community ever and the Community Professionals who post here are AMAZING!!
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‎Apr 07, 2021
11:59 AM
Hi Ongeziwe: When you sign in to the Adobe Support Community, here, you will see your "profile" button in the top right corner. In there, along with your community info, there is a "My profile" category. That is where all your community participation and badging will show. Since you are "new here" there may be not too much, yet. But go ahead and "like" someone's post - if you do like it and especially if it is helpful - and you might get a badge for that. Welcome to the Adobe Community! BTW There are a lot of extremely knowledgeable and helpful Adobe Community Professionals who can help you whenever you have a question. Their contributions to this Community are amazing and valuable. As a resource, this Community has helped me out of so many jams and helped me to learn so much - I love it here!!
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‎Mar 23, 2021
10:09 AM
Hi there! The best link I found is the html one recommended by Derek Cross. It is up-to-date and is the best. But I did find a link for the last published PDF version (2019). It is huge, with a lot of redundancies, and as well, is not current. However, it has helped me learn a lot - especially, about how much I still have to learn! 🤓 https://helpx.adobe.com/pdf/indesign_reference
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