‎Feb 13, 2025
04:38 PM
I think we're most all aware we can buy another tool for doing what SHOULD already be IN the tool. Wow 'bout Adobe puts it INTO Lightroom.
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‎Nov 16, 2024
07:02 PM
Very early thing to try. I slowed everything down.
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‎Nov 14, 2024
07:04 AM
1 Upvote
I'm not sure where or how this topic got to the state it's in, but my system says there are at LEAST 5 new posts from today... I'm not sure where they are... So far, NOTHING I've done has had any positive effect on the poor Lightroom performance that happens whenever I run Lightroom for any length of time. I've found some topics in OTHER discussion groups, specifically targeting the 4060TI as the source of performance issues, some IN Lightroom and some that appeared to be general complaints about the 4060TI having all manner of performance issues. I don't know if there IS a problem with Lightroom Classic and the 4060TI, but once I'm able I'm going to pull the card out and install the old AMD 5700XT and see if that older, slower card DOESN'T have the same problems...
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‎Oct 06, 2024
05:43 AM
Then it worked perfectly...
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‎Oct 05, 2024
08:23 PM
Thanks for the replies. In the end the plugin from Jeffrey Friedl wasn't useful as it only made very small extractions - the largest was about 1680 px. Eventually, I did a brute force extraction, splitting the image into a series of layers and assembling them in Photoshop. They were saved as .png files, then put together as a panorama in Photoshop to give me TIF images in the 3700x4800 size range. They'll be fine for what I need. These were older images that may have been converted during the period when it appears the DNG converter wasn't always perfect, so it's fortunate that only 2 of the thousands of images had problems. Hopefully.
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‎Oct 05, 2024
08:18 PM
I'm not sure what the ISLC is or does. I'll have to look. As far as any perceptible improvement with the "Microsoft" Nvidia drivers, I haven't found anything that specifically says they're for Microsoft. I AM using the current version of Nvidia Studio drivers and they're either JUST as bad as previously or so close that the difference is negligible. Today, doing some slight to moderate (in my mind) generative fill for removing distractions on an image resulted in a very quick decline in performance with lag time often exceeding 4-5 seconds while the mouse hung.
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‎Oct 02, 2024
04:53 PM
That would be good, but unfortunately, the original DNG is also corrupted. Interesting that Lightroom can display the jpeg preview, but can't export the embedded jpeg.
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‎Oct 02, 2024
08:48 AM
Yeah, it seems like it should be easy... Windows 11, LR 13.5.1. I have a dng file that Lightroom says is corrupt. And there appears no way to have Lightroom FIX the corruption, so I'd like to save the good-APPEARING jpeg from the file. The backup dng, created at the time the DNG was created with no error, is ALSO bad. I've tried exporting it - and yes the file type is set to jpg - it fails. I've tried doing it from Bridge - it fails. I've even tried sending it as an email - it fails. In Camera Raw I can SEE the embedded jpeg, but I can't find any way to EXTRACT the jpeg from there either. How do I make Lightroom (or Bridge) give me the jpeg that's stuck in the corrupted DNG file as a full-sized jpeg?
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‎Sep 27, 2024
05:21 PM
Where did you get the Microsoft version of the current driver for the 4060 TI? And, which driver - the Game-ready version or the Studio version are people using? Has anyone seen any difference between them (in my testing, I HAVEN'T, but that doesn't mean there isn't)...
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‎Sep 23, 2024
02:22 PM
Might as well give it a try - nothing else has worked...
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‎Sep 22, 2024
01:40 PM
Thanks John. That will be a big help. I wasn't aware I could manage collections this way.
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‎Sep 22, 2024
10:18 AM
I've been trying to find the templates for collections I've created. Can someone tell me what Lightroom Classic on Windows stores the definitions (templates) for the smart collections I create get stored?
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‎Sep 22, 2024
07:16 AM
In theory it could specifically be the 4060 and/or 4060TI, which would be EXTREMELY aggravating. But, it seems like it could also be the faster cards like the 4080 and 4090 but they're SO fast that users don't notice the massive amount of lag... Either way, if correct, this SEEMS like something Adobe SHOULD give a <bleep> about...
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‎Sep 20, 2024
07:22 PM
Very different systems, but the SAME GPU... 4060 TI. Interesting.
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‎Sep 16, 2024
02:24 PM
Unfortunately, I haven't found ANYTHING to help except to shut down Lightroom and restart. On my system, things deteriorate quickly starting shortly after touching the first mask and getting worse from then on.
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‎Sep 16, 2024
02:22 PM
I'm not sure who this question is aimed at, but in my case, my desktop has not been overclocked. The 12900 is running at the standard speed and has never been overclocked.
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‎Sep 08, 2024
10:17 AM
I think Adobe has washed their hands of this one... It looks like just customers struggling to find a fix at this point. I HAVE determined that it only takes ONE mask to change the whole way Lightroom works. I can work for an hour, doing normal stuff, and everything is fine. Then, the FIRST TIME I touch a mask - doesn't appear to matter which mask as near as I can tell, from then on, no matter whether it's the SAME image or another one, things deteriorate from there. Kill Lightroom, restart, and it goes back to normal for another while as long as I don't try to use Lightroom for more than a couple hours - it NEVER lasts more than a day running decent before Lightroom just starts to degrade - but if I touch a mask during any of that, performance quickly degrades.
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‎Aug 27, 2024
02:28 PM
At this point, I'm out of ideas. When LRC is running it gets slower and slower. Starts out bad in masks, and gradually gets to the point where just being in Develop and going to the next image takes multiple seconds. Mouse response in everything deteriorates - jerky, inconsistent, laggy - and eventually, everything in LRC gets so bad I have to shut down LRC and restart it. Lately, when I do that after it's gotten unusable, just shutting down Lightroom takes multiple MINUTES. And when I start it again, it ALSO takes minutes. This is with the catalog on an NVMe SSD and the catalog on an 8TB SSD. Once I have it started I do an Optimize catalog, which also takes multiple minutes. Once that's done and I shut down LRC again, which again takes a long time, and restart LRC, it FINALLLY opens normally and goes back to working OK for a little while. Then it starts deteriorating again. I've tried watching the task manager during all this, and usually it just doesn't respond while all the opening up and shutting down is going on. Just sits there. There's nothing interesting in the Windows logs. I even took the 8TB SSD and ran a chkdsk for problems. Crystal Disk shows no problems with anybody. It's getting bad enough I'm considering the nuclear option - get a fairly current Windows 11 Pro image disk, blow away the whole system, and reinstall everything from scratch. This will take at least a week to get everything back on the system, and is the worst option, but I'm not finding any answers for this problem. I don't see any point in going back to LRC V12 'cause I can't use the catalog with the current data, so even if it didn't suck it'd be useless. Does anybody else have any ideas for determining why this thing is working so poorly, and how to fix it?
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‎Aug 19, 2024
07:30 AM
This is PURELY my NON-PRECISE experience yesterday while I was just going stuff and NOT TRYING TO GET "ACCURATE" RESULTS. It's from my recollection... Its anecdotal. Yesterday I was reviewing and culling and cleaning up. Created 1:1 previews for 7 - 800 images. Walked through them, marking some for deletion using the "X" to reject. Took some images and processed them through basic editing, fewer through color correction, some into Photoshop to make adjustments. A few dozen were run through Topaz Photo AI. And so on - ordinary day of making decisions about good, bad, what to reject, what to keep, adjust to see how they looked... Very ordinary, basic day. In not too much time things started to get laggy and movements were jagged. Ignored it and keep on doing normal things. As time went on, the lag got worse, movements more jagged. Photoshop shows NO abnormal symptoms, and as near as I can tell, neither did Photo AI or anything else on the system. On the rare quick look at the task manager, NOTHING was working hard or doing more than normal loafing along with available memory and horsepower. It made NO difference whether Photoshop was running or not - things lagged or didn't lag, hung, got jagged, and the mouse cursor jumped around seemingly randomly. It CERTAINLY showed up in masks, but that WASN'T the only area where thing were jagged. It also worked poorly with the Healing tool and the Remove tool. At some point, I got tired of the performance this morning (it sat overnight as it usually does, often staying open for several hours when not busy), and shut down Lightroom. Let the system sit while writing some of this, then restarted Lightroom - didn't do anything. No menu to select the catalog. After 60 seconds or so, went into task manager and killed Adobe Lightroom Classic and restarted it. It started and displayed the start menu, but went no further. Hung. Forced Lightroom Classic to close again, and after several (minimum 10-20) seconds it closed again. Started it a third time, and this time it opened the catalog. After restarting Lightroom I went into the Windows logs and got these two entries: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event 1001, Windows Error Reporting - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="Windows Error Reporting" Guid="{0ead09bd-2157-539a-8d6d-c87f95b64d70}" /> <EventID>1001</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>4</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-08-19T14:06:37.3198446Z" /> <EventRecordID>54690</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="22460" ThreadID="14900" /> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>LION</Computer> <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3512169194-1603141767-3295377742-1001" /> </System> - <EventData> <Data Name="Bucket">1821046417298639055</Data> <Data Name="BucketType">5</Data> <Data Name="EventName">AppHangB1</Data> <Data Name="Response">Not available</Data> <Data Name="CabId">0</Data> <Data Name="P1">Lightroom.exe</Data> <Data Name="P2"></Data> <Data Name="P3">66b26577</Data> <Data Name="P4">92bb</Data> <Data Name="P5">134217728</Data> <Data Name="P6" /> <Data Name="P7" /> <Data Name="P8" /> <Data Name="P9" /> <Data Name="P10" /> <Data Name="AttachedFiles">\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.42afb6ce-f130-414f-b6e7-28175e61e7af.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.61a0fc87-7ab8-40ae-9d27-42889fea6c70.tmp.csv \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.05662a90-3f00-4cdb-ad82-2bd2eef64e5e.tmp.txt \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.6d553a84-c61e-4103-9766-66281ded4a2b.tmp.xml</Data> <Data Name="StorePath">\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppHang_Lightroom.exe_aae38dd595538ba45a8072ea3aafbb136e3d6da_ccfbed8f_db4e6b04-b50b-4d1a-87d8-8943e0ee89dd</Data> <Data Name="AnalysisSymbol" /> <Data Name="Rechecking">0</Data> <Data Name="ReportId">65438b49-03c1-447a-b94e-7f161aaf1614</Data> <Data Name="ReportStatus">268435456</Data> <Data Name="HashedBucket">cb792cf1e738a3c96945a811769548cf</Data> <Data Name="CabGuid">0</Data> </EventData> </Event> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The second entry was Event 1002, Windows Error report - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="Application Hang" Guid="{c631c3dc-c676-59e4-2db3-5c0af00f9675}" /> <EventID>1002</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>101</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-08-19T14:06:37.3053905Z" /> <EventRecordID>54689</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="20968" ThreadID="19980" /> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>LION</Computer> <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" /> </System> - <EventData> <Data Name="AppName">Lightroom.exe</Data> <Data Name="AppVersion"></Data> <Data Name="ProcessId">0xa58</Data> <Data Name="StartTime">0x1daf24061f6bc44</Data> <Data Name="TerminationTime">81</Data> <Data Name="ExeFileName">C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic\Lightroom.exe</Data> <Data Name="ReportId">65438b49-03c1-447a-b94e-7f161aaf1614</Data> <Data Name="PackageFullName" /> <Data Name="PackageRelativeAppId" /> <Data Name="HangType">Unknown</Data> </EventData> </Event> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm not sure if any of this will be illuminating, but continuing to use the system make it increasingly slow/jaggy/jerky and problematic. Normally I shutdown Lightroom every couple hours, either because I go off to do something else or because performance gets so bad it annoys me. But, this time it was more than masks. Other things also showed performance issues.
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‎Aug 17, 2024
08:33 AM
Thanks for the replies... I had the feeling I wasn't missing anything YET, but wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something important...
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‎Aug 15, 2024
03:14 PM
I'm using an ordinary Dell U3818 monitor. If I'm printing I'm using an ordinary Epson 3880 printer. Everything I'm displaying on - ordinary display screen for the web, HD screen (1080p I suspect) for competition, pretty much anything else are all going to be ordinary monitors or TV screens fed from laptops at 1920x1080, or my regular 3818 Dell monitor. In this environment is there any point turning on the HDR stuff in the Lightroom Library or playing with HDR in the Develop module?
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‎Aug 15, 2024
06:49 AM
I think the answer speaks for itself... Yet another requested feature that's been sitting for a decade that reminds me every time I use Lightroom what a PITA it is to work with pick flags when you're culling... OR when you want to change magnification and you're used to the Photoshop shortcut... I don't think simple features like configurability for productivity get much traction against glitz and hype...
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‎Aug 14, 2024
06:47 AM
I suspect there isn't sufficient volume of screaming with an easily identified problem to get much attention. I don't recall any of these significant performance problems (significant to me) with the previous version of Lightroom, even with my previous AMD 5700 XT gpu. And the jerky, glitchy, non-smooth performance with masks was not sigificantly improved even after switching to an Nvidia 4060TI. It must not be affecting very many users...
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‎Aug 13, 2024
06:00 PM
I don't doubt that there's a lot that's less than optimal in Lightroom, but if a 4060TI can't perform adequately for a couple basic masks, I think there would be a LOT more screaming from users.
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‎Jul 28, 2024
07:23 AM
Just to be sure things are current, I updated the Nvidia drivers to the latest studio drivers AGAIN. Doesn’t seem to make any difference. I’m using the Studio Drivers at the moment, but in the past, using the game drivers didn’t seem to matter. Restarted Windows 11. Only thing running is Lightroom. No Photoshop, no nothing else like Outlook, Word, nothing. Rebooted, opened Lightroom, tried an image. It MAY have been marginally better when doing a mask, but that could also be confirmation bias since I want it to be better. Just out of curiosity – do other people see quite jerky, irregular movements, and glitches when using the Lightroom Remove, specifically the generative fill? On my desktop it’s VERY apparent when I use that, but since it’s an early release I don’t know if it’s expected to function poorly. It’s worse than doing masking, so it’s an easy area for me to see the inconsistent performance with that tool. I’m going into the box this morning to make sure things are plugged in correctly and reseat the GPU. I’d love for that to be all that’s needed, but I’m going to feel really dumb if it is! Here’s what my performance settings are. I’ve had them in auto and custom settings, and it doesn’t seem to matter.
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‎Jul 27, 2024
06:07 AM
Unfortunately, NO. Lightroom still runs poorly (the grammar police were offended) most of the time. Doesn't happen with Photoshop, or Topaz Photo AI or anything else on the box, but Lightroom has very frequent stutters.
The graphics driver has been updated MULTIPLE times, and I've used both the game-ready and studio drivers. So far, I haven't seen any difference.
In theory, it MAY be marginally less laggy, and not hang for as long immediately after shutting down and restarting Lightroom, but 90+ percent of the time, Lightroom, particularly when doing something with a mask, will have very frequent stutters when working on masks. Moving the mouse it'll track for a second or two, then hang for anywhere from 1 - 5 seconds, then resume. Over and over. Intermittently and randomly. Never happened with LR V12, don't RECALL it happening with the very early versions of V13 (though it may have). Definitely hasn't gotten ANY better with newer versions. If anything, it's gotten worse.
In THEORY, it started doing this about the time I replaced the AMD 5700XT with Nvidia 4600TI, but that seems unlikely. Other than updates to Lightroom that's the ONLY thing that's changed in the box and there are a LOT of other systems using Nvidis 4XXX GPUs.
Unfortunately, it's not consistent, and is seemingly random, so with nothing to demonstrate a consistent, reproducable problem, it's difficult to point to anything more specific.
I know I DON'T have the same problem when using the far less capable Dell Precision 7740 laptop rather than the desktop, so as near as I can tell, it's something on the desktop.
[abuse removed by moderator]
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‎Jul 26, 2024
04:50 PM
Unfortunately, in my experience with Adobe, I've seen far too many simple requests get ignored to believe there's much likelihood of them being responsive. The history of Lightroom is littered with the bones of ignored, dead, disregarded requests from users for the most trivial of issues.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
02:43 PM
1 Upvote
I searched outside the forum and it's extremely difficult to find anything that isn't using Lightroom Classic. I searched inside the forum and found a bunch of old stuff from 2020... I'm TRYING to do SOME things in Lightroom (for those times when I could use a basic image browser - Lightroom - instead of Lightroom Classic), and I have a couple dozen images I want to rename - just change the filename. I figured instead of using Bridge, which is painfully slow these days, I'd hop into Lightroom (not Classic since the images are not in a LR catalog) and do the rename there. Unfortunately, I can't find the equivalent of the LR Classic Metadata where I can change the filename... Since the whole point is to SEE the file as I'm changing the filename, making the changes in a file browser is poor, and not being able to change the filename in Lightroom makes that less useful than Bridge. I presume I'm missing something obvious, but... I'll switch to Bridge to get this done this time, but how do I do a simple filename change in Lightroom?
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‎Jun 18, 2024
08:08 AM
I'll try the Photoshop gurus group.
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‎Jun 15, 2024
06:35 AM
Windows 11, PS 25.9.0 Not a Photoshop problem, but I'm trying to change a filter in Photoshop. I use Topaz Photo AI in Photoshop. There are 2 ways to invoke it - it shows up as a filter in the list of filters, and it shows up under Filt>Automate as "Topaz Photo AI". NORMALLY, if I just install Photo AI, everything is fine. BUT, these days there are TWO versions of Photo AI in use (2.3.2 and 3.0.4). To have the 2 versions, the folder in which they're stored (after installation) is changed to make them unique. In LIGHTROOM, it's easy to have both - just a minor change to a bit of lua code and I can use the one I want. But, in Photoshop, I haven't found the file that tells Photoshop to use the correct Photo AI version. Is there a configuration file that's editable for a filter in the Filter menu?
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