‎Feb 28, 2025
11:08 AM
Yeah, this is a Photoshop issue, not a hardware issue. It used to work fine until one of the updates, then this issue became unworkable. The fact that I have a brand new M4 Mac mini, loaded with RAM and disk space, and it still happens - this is Adobe's issue (and I've tested now on three computers - all the same thing). In addition, leaving PS open for too long drives the memory usage up to insane levels (60 GB of application memory last night before quitting and restarting). Adobe puts all of its resources into releasing new features and unfortunately does the whole 'fix forward' way of addressing issues ... and yet the terrible memory leaks remain and get worse with every year. Code bloat, perhaps - who knows.
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‎Feb 05, 2025
01:16 PM
1 Upvote
Tried that, did nothing. And today I have a brand new M4 Mac mini, with 64 GB of RAM, and a 2 TB drive ... and refining lens blur slows PS down to a crawl, to the point where I just go do something else for two brushstrokes. This is a clean install, no settings transferred over from my other computer. I'm ready to scream.
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‎Feb 05, 2025
12:57 PM
Looks like I solved the issue. I unchecked and rechecked the enable technology previews in Camera RAW settings about three or four times, and on the fourth restart of PS, it finally, finally worked. Odd, but as long as it works, I'm OK. WHEW!
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‎Feb 05, 2025
12:45 PM
Well, this is a weird one. I typically import my photos into Photoshop, which automatically opens Camera RAW. I'm used to using the Denoise control and adjusting the slider to get it just right, and then readjusting if the results aren't what I want. However ... I now get a completely different control, more reminscent of Lightroom, but once I'm selected my amount, and run the denoise, that's it - no changes allowed. HUH? Other weirdness (and, yes, I'm running the most recent PS version: 26.3.0) is that when I finish with Camera RAW and say Open as object ... it doesn't. I can't go back and redo my edits in Camera RAW. Further, the new remove reflections tool is also missing, and I use that several times a day. Why would this new, clean install of PS on my new M4 Mac mini give me a poor, older version of Camera RAW? (well, not even older, just ... broken) And, yes, these are the same cr3 files that I've been using all along. It seems to want to give me a new DNG file? This is all completely different from Camera RAW on my old computer, which had full functionality. I need some help here, as I've got deadlines and this is killing me.
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‎Jan 28, 2025
09:58 AM
1 Upvote
Can you post your RAW file and describe your workflow? How are you opening the RAW file and applying the tool? Of course, it could just be one of the issues with graphics hardware that they're discovering. Not unusual with what's really a beta of this tool. But adding your specs to a description could help them support it in the future.
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‎Jan 28, 2025
09:55 AM
Yes, it's now looking like certain types of graphics hardware isn't - yet - compatible with this new tool. Given that this is really beta, I'm expecting issues like this to get fixed in the next few weeks to months. I'm upgrading to a new Mac Mini with the M4 Pro chip, so I'm crossing my fingers that there won't be any problems for me, since I've now grown dependent on reflection removal (most of my photography is in museums). I should add a couple more of my failed reflection removal attempts, since they're pretty instructive. I've also noticed that slightly changing the image before running the new tool can determine success or failure. But it's opaque as to the reason why.
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‎Jan 24, 2025
10:24 AM
I'm really looking forward to this tool working with non-RAW format files. I've only started shooting RAW in the last couple of years (as I returned to photography after many years), so have a ton of JPEGs, HEICs, et al, that could really benefit from reflection removal. Even though I shoot RAW with my Canon, and even with my iPhone, I still snap an occasional shot in non-RAW with my iPhone, usually without thinking that it will be used and just as another reference photo. But if the RAW photo doesn't turn out, the non-RAW may be my only record. Crossing my fingers!
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‎Jan 20, 2025
09:01 PM
Several updates ago, the Lens Blur refinement tools began to become massive resource hogs. Whenever I attempt to use them, the first pass or two to refine blur and focus aren't too bad, but as I continue, the latency in the brushstrokes gets worse and worse, and freezes up PS until they can slowwwwly finish. After a certain point, they no longer work - they just freeze PS and then finally give me back the program after two or three minutes. I'm on a three year old iMac - current OS, and fully updated on PS. I also use a Wacom tablet (I know, their drivers are crap, but this happens even when I just attempt to use the mouse). I used to use Lens Blur all the time, but now I've had to stop - it's just not worth it. Any way I could possibly make this work correctly again? Or have current updates to PS just decided they'll only work with the most recent hardware and terabytes of RAM. What info can I provide to further this conversation?
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‎Jan 16, 2025
10:30 AM
This is a classic example of the best this new function has to offer. Look at the reflected content! I know everyone is busy asking for improvements and reporting bugs, but taking a moment, I'd like to compliment your team on this tool. It's allowed me to rescue images that I had long thought would be impossible to use. I wish some of my older images were in RAW format, because I have a ton that would be incredible to rescue (I've learned my lesson, and nearly everything I've shot in the last year or so is now RAW).
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‎Jan 06, 2025
09:28 AM
Oh, I know the RAW setting on the iPhone very well. Unfortunately, my old iPhone 15's RAW setting produced some very poor results (possibly a software bug), so I'd try to shoot with both RAW and default settings, just to see which ones came out best. My newer iPhone 16 Pro Max has far better results, although it still struggles with gold metallics, removing all highlights (impossible to retrieve with LR or PS, because they just don't exist). For most official museum visits, I bring my Canon with me, and always set it to RAW, which still stuns me to see how much detail I can retrieve even from poorly lit displays.
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‎Jan 05, 2025
10:12 PM
I know this is an old question, but have you tried Photoshop's new 'remove reflection' tool yet? It would be interesting to see how it performs on this image. They're still developing it, and it's really a beta feature, but it's already saved dozens of my photos from the trash bin.
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‎Jan 05, 2025
01:54 PM
I thought I'd share a particularly successful use case of the reflection removal tool. I had thought that a photo I took at the Metropolitan Museum in New York was unusable, due to reflections and haze, and the reflective coating on this encaustic (colored wax) mummy portrait from Roman Egypt. But the tool saved the photo very effectively. The three attachments show the RAW file (denoise was used), the resulting image with reflections removed (not yet adjusted for color and lighting issues), and the image showing exactly what reflections were removed. As a great deal of my work involves my photographing museum displays (with no special lighting), this is a big deal for me. I'm crossing my fingers that you rapidly evolve the tool to work with JPEGs and TIFFs, as there are times I don't have my professional camera with me, and have to use an iPhone to record a display - I have tons of 'unusable' reflection-ruined photos in those formats.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
03:40 PM
1 Upvote
I've now worked with dozens of images and have a better idea of what works and what doesn't. I thought I'd share one photo - which isn't one which I'd typically use, given how zoomed out it is - where the remove reflection tool worked extremely well. A little more fiddling would make this a far better photo. I've attached the original image, the resulting image after reflection removal and color adjustment, and the file that shows what reflections the tool removed.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
03:35 PM
This is true, Generative Fill can come up with some 'interesting' solutions. In earlier releases, it had the odd quirk of inserting tiny toys or rubber ducks where I was attempting to remove something. That seems to be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, I think the reflection removal chokes when it's interpreting a dark reflection as a *shadow* (and, boy, would I like to see 'shadow removal' added). I started from scratch on this file, and only ran reflection removal after I had cropped the photo to just the fresco. It got worse - the glass remained hazy, the shadow-reflection very strong. I have to be *very* careful about using Generative Fill, since I'm recording actual works of art - I can't just add detail that doesn't exist. Yes, I could go back to my first attempt, which removes the haze better, and then laboriously create layers of differing exposure/lightened shadow, then use masking, etc. Huge pain, but for a more important fresco, I'd do it (I just did that for a Greek red-figure vase). Attached the new version (the colors, values, et al have not been optimized - this is just denoise and remove reflection).
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‎Dec 28, 2024
03:28 PM
That happens when you open the RAW file in Photoshop, then run the Camera RAW filter. You have to open it up in Camera RAW, not the filter version. I just drag and drop my Canon CR3 files directly onto Photoshop, which it then opens up correctly. Also, once you exit Camera RAW, you can only use the filter version, and won't get back any history of your changes, and can't run denoise or reflection removal.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
03:24 PM
1 Upvote
I suspect it's because the reflections of the bright lights eliminated any detail of the shower behind each reflection. If the information isn't in the RAW file, it can't be created magically. I've found that some bright spots can be eliminated via this tool, but not when the background is complicated. Most often, they remain, or they're turned into 'noise' spots.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
10:26 AM
I have no problem with it working with my Canon .CR3 RAW files. Are you dropping it directly into (updated) Photoshop? If you attempt to open from Lightroom, it won't work. Just drop the CR3 file into Photoshop, and you should be OK.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
01:56 PM
OK, now I want you to add a 'hallucinate' option for reflection removal. Best laugh I've had all day. Yes, I know that it's unable to produce what it can't 'see', but in the attached photo, I would have thought that all of the information was there to eliminate the reflection. But the AI might have seen 'shadow' and decided to keep it intact? As you can see, not much difference (and I was really hoping this pic could be saved, edited, cropped). I'll definitely check out the blog - thanks!
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‎Dec 18, 2024
08:14 AM
Very interesting! I was a little late in exploring this new tool, and it's something I've wanted for quite some time, as I photograph a *lot* of artifacts in museum display cases. I'll have to test this on a ton of photos that I've previously thought unusable due to reflections. Here's a quick before and after - no processing has been applied to the image, other than the reflection removal. Note that it removed the reflection from the face of the bronze head, but decided to keep the rest of the reflection. Not ideal, as I'd like all of the reflections gone, but I can live with it.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
07:44 AM
Thanks very much, Rikk - and to Julie. We have some very interesting clues. Those floating bars do map exactly to the Title and Caption fields and are triggered by using those fields the first time after starting LR.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
09:45 AM
Ahhh ... huge clue to what's happening here. When I restarted the app, the window opened up in the same position that I had it before closing, on my secondary monitor. I hadn't moved it, as that's the optimal position and size for me. But when I did move the app on the screen ... it turns out that there's two grey fields/stripes that remain stationary on the screen. They were overlapping the same grey background on the controls previously. These stripes are definitely caused by the app as they disappear when LR isn't in the front. They stay on the secondary monitor in one position, so I can move LR slightly out of the way to reveal the controls on the right. A bug in LR, not working well with my graphics? It's never happened prior to the recent update.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
07:48 AM
In the Cloud tab - always required for me, since I edit on both the desktop and the iPad versions. What I notice is that once again the syncing is endlessly spinning. This keeps happening, and I have to delete carefully edited photos, just to find the one that's causing the hold-up. And yet there are *no* files that are syncing, per the filter when it's set to syncing. I think it's another bug - the endlessly spinning sync icon which doesn't indicate reality. Either way, even if that were the case, and files were syncing, it shouldn't cause controls and fields to disappear.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
05:44 PM
Sorry, duped one of the screenshots. Here's the one which shows the Highlights slider mostly hidden - just a little of the bottom of the button (or whatever you call the slider indicator) can be seen. Usually the full slider is hidden.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
05:06 PM
Thanks for this - unfortunately, I've already tried it twice and it didn't take. At first, everything seems fine. A few minutes into editing the piece, I'll get to the metatags, and suddenly the field for Caption disappears (blank grey, but if I click on the title 'Caption', the invisible text highlights). Also, more slider controls are fully disappearing, or I can see a tiny sliver of the slider button. See my attachments. I've seen a few other messages from today about parts of the interface disappearing, and this may be in that set of bugs. Unfortunately, this really affects my ability to work in LR, and now I wish I hadn't updated. Can I provide any other info to help diagnose this issue? The preference file has now been reset twice.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
02:35 PM
I'm running LR 8.1 on a Mac (Sequoia 15.1.1), and there seem to be some really severe bugs. First off, some of the slider controls will suddenly disappear - I can see the number value, but not the slider itself (e.g. Temp under Color, but I can manually enter a new number for the temp, which is very time intensive when I'm trying to hit the sweet spot). In the Info section (metadata), the fields and their titles will initially appear, but if I've entered something, those fields may disappear and I only see the titles (and sometimes I can click on the solid grey area below the titles to make the text appear when highlighted, but not always). Closing and restarting LR seems to help for a bit.
Finally, the memory issue with LR has gotten even worse with this version. I have to close and restart the app a couple of times a day, and *never* leave it open overnight, because otherwise it'll freeze up, with a system message saying that it's using nearly *60GB* of application resources (!). Force quitting and restarting LR returns it to the normal range.
I used to be in charge of app development for a few companies, and I know how difficult it is to QA in all sorts of environments, virtual or real, but this is one of the largest batches of bugs I've yet seen out of one of Adobe's products. They still haven't fixed the disappearing metadata in the iPad version ...
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‎Dec 06, 2024
01:01 PM
Drat ... not sure anyone has seen this video.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
02:11 PM
Sorry, my response post with a screen recording seems to have disappeared, or didn't post correctly. I should have noticed that a while back. It doesn't matter whether my iPad is in its Apple keyboard case, or whether I just type with the onscreen keyboard with no case - this *always* happens. I have an iPad Pro (A2436, 6th generation). Obviously, I use Apple's magic keyboard cover with keyboard and trackpad, but as I said above, this happens with or without the keyboard. No autocheck is occurring - the characters typed just disappear a second or a few seconds into the editing of the field, putting the cursor back where you started. I've attached a screen recording that I did just now on an unedited photo (so no judgments!). This problem is very severe, particularly for those of us who heavily rely on the title and caption fields. Just today, I've been able to type in titles fairly well, with only a couple of issues. The caption field, though, is a mess. See what you think.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
01:56 PM
1 Upvote
My experience is a little different from yours. It *always* happens to me when new text is entered into these fields. Doesn't matter if you're returning to edit the field, the new characters will delete in one to several seconds. I can stay in the field and I *may* get an opportunity to redo and finish the edit, but if I wait too long, the text will erase again. VERY frustrating, as I'm heavily dependent on these fields.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
03:01 PM
I'm very curious about the LR preferences screen that you're showing. I'm on a Mac, and have very, very few preferences available. I'm running LR 7.5, and I can't set which Photoshop version to use for editing. As a result, it continues to default to PS Beta, not PS. Yes, I've uninstalled and installed Beta first, then PS, but LR still opens Beta. This is driving me nuts. And, of course, the bug where closing the image in PS Beta doesn't return it to LR is even worse (sometimes when I close PS Beta, it will return all of the photos that didn't previously return to LR). Preferences screen cap below. I'm jealous that you get that much control over LR. Lightroom 7.5 for Mac - preferences
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‎Aug 21, 2024
06:33 PM
1 Upvote
I'm not overly impressed with the new 9.5.0 release for iPad OS. I've found a few bugs, but the one that's driving me nuts involves disappearing captions. It actually happens as I type - sometimes I'm adding something to an existing caption, in which case the old caption may fully or partially disappear, but other times the caption disappears *as I'm typing it in for the first time*. I'll be in the middle of typing, and then I'll notice the last few words are gone. These captions are very, very important for me, in efforts to record critical info from archaeological sites and museums. I also notice that when I used to tap inside the Caption field before the update, it would highlight the entire existing caption (if one existed), and I'd use the right arrow to have the cursor placed at the very end. Extremely convenient. Now, I tap in that field and the cursor just winds up where I placed it. God forbid I should use the 'end of line' key command, because that will throw me into another photo (actually I haven't even tried that since the app updated and this other bug reared its ugly head, because ... busy). What might be going on here? I suspect nothing can be done, if it's truly a bug. That kind of terrifies me, since Adobe is really awful about fixing bugs, sometimes taking years to come back around to something (e.g. the whole tiny cursor outline from the days of low resolution monitors, which disappeared in high resolution). Any help would be great. I'm obvious using iPad OS 17.5.1, which is the most current version, and I've already indicated that I'm running Lightroom 9.5.0, which seems to be the most current version available.
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