‎Feb 24, 2025
06:22 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Sameer, Thanks for your reply. I updated to the latest version of Photoshop and the bug thankfully seems to have been fixed without needing to delete my presets. Phew! TY!
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‎Feb 14, 2025
07:03 AM
I have not updated my photoshop in a while so I'm not sure if I somehow didn't noticed this until now or it changed without my updating (seems unlikely, but that's what it feels like). I'm on 26.2. The dropdown that used to say "free, fixed ratio, fixed size" is gone and in its place is "generate image, import image" which seems to sort of do the same thing as the first two options with just less clear verbiage, but fixed size isn't possible.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
06:55 AM
Is your spacebar stuck, by any chance?
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‎Dec 17, 2024
07:34 AM
1 Upvote
I was also having this issue, and your thread was referenced from my thread, wanted to post here in case it helped you or anyone else that I've determined the cause in my case was having app.doAction("action","set"); in the script. If you comment that out temporarily to record it it records fine. There may be other "problem" lines that also trigger this, so if you weren't scripting an action, just comment your entire file, record it as a step, then uncomment it and it should continue to work fine. Unideal, but better than not being able to record it, or having to rearrange your entire file organization to put things in the Presets / Scripts folder.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
07:29 AM
Necro-ing my own thread here a bit, but I just figured out why you weren't seeing it. I thought they'd fixed the issue but I just ran into it again in a way that prompted me to test, as I recorded a two step action and one script was fine and the other one wasn't (had this Name: ""). By commenting out the entire problem file and uncommenting one section at a time I was able to isolate the determining factor as being: app.doAction("action","set"); Scripts that have this line are recorded with the ' Name: "" ' bit and cannot be run. If you comment out this line, record the script into the action, then uncomment it, your action will work fine. I'll report this bug to Adobe, but wanted to also post this workaround here in case anyone else happens to stumble upon this.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
08:43 AM
Apologies for delay, I must have missed the email. @schroef You put me on the right track, thanks! I had to swap out "timeline" for "animationClass" and now it works: var r = new ActionReference();
r.putProperty(charIDToTypeID('Prpr'), stringIDToTypeID('frameCount'));
var ret = executeActionGet(r);
alert( ret.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('frameCount')) ); So that's working, but I'm still not seeing a way to get a frame animation frame's duration. The duration mentioned above seems to be for video clips maybe, as it throws an error when I try it with a frame animation. Is there a way to get those? For instance, from the attached PSD, I'd like to in the end get `[1,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,1]`
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‎Sep 20, 2024
09:14 AM
All of these return 0 for me when I plug them into your original action reference code. Is this still working for anyone with the latest versions of photoshop in 2024 or am I doing something wrong? (Incidentally, what I'm hoping to acheive is exporting the frame timing from one frame animation to import into a new one, i.e. [1s, 0.2s, 0.2s, 1s])
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‎Aug 14, 2024
10:32 AM
Not sure when exactly this started, I think I skipped a version, but it's happening in 25.11.0 and I don't think it was in the earlier 25.x versions. Basically the bug is that Undo and Step Backward now do the same thing on a Curves layer, whereas before Undo would only undo what you just did. Clearer with an example: Old, expected, behavior: 1- Go to an exisiting or new curves layer. Let's say there's a point darkening it at 128 in 120 out. 2- We want it a little lighter and redder. Click the point at 128 in, press the up arrow 4 times, so it's now 124 out. 3- Go to the Red channel. Create a new point, move it to 128 in, 130 out. 4- It's not red enough, shift + Up arrow, so it's 140 out. 5- That's way too red, hit Undo, the point is now back at 130 out, and you can tap Up a few times without shift til it's right. New, frustrating behavior: Steps 1-4 the same, but when we get to Step 5: 5- Hit Undo, it brings the curve back to where it was in Step 1 (same as Step Backward would have in both the old and new behavior), with the RGB point back where it was and no point at all in the Red channel. We can either: 6- Redo, hopefully remember what we did in Step 4 7- Manually undo it by pressing Shift-Down Or: 6- Start over from Step 1 and be more careful this time. Neither of these are great, and since there's already the Step Backwards command it doesn't make sense for Undo to do the exact same thing, in this scenario. The original was how it had behaved for the 13 years I've been using Photoshop, as far as I can recall, and I hope it is restored.
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‎Aug 14, 2024
10:18 AM
If you're scripting saving out your TIFs, that should be easy to do. See the TiffSavingOptions page in the JavaScript guide. You'd want something like: tiffSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();
tiffSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
tiffSaveOptions.alphaChannels = false;
tiffSaveOptions.layers = true;
tiffSaveOptions.byteOrder = ByteOrder.IBM;
tiffSaveOptions.transparency = true;
tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW; Edit: is there not a way to nest replies on this forum? This was in reply to @FalconArt
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‎Aug 14, 2024
10:15 AM
1 Upvote
In the mean time, you might want to explore creating an action for saving, if you're often using the same settings.
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‎Jul 08, 2024
09:02 AM
Hi there, seeing your reply quite late, but it sounds like you downloaded the macos 2020 version. As I specified, you need the 2019 and earlier mac version, or the windows one (doesn't matter what your actual platform is). The 2020 mac version is just the plugin, as you said. The other versions include the example scripts.
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‎May 06, 2024
10:08 AM
I tried recording it with it on the desktop, which made no difference. I then tried with it in the presets/scripts folder which does indeed work, and the "name" field is filled in with the filename. Hoping an Adobe employee sees this and can get this on the list of things to fix as, again, this was not the behavior until the latest version and very much seems like a bug.
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‎May 06, 2024
06:43 AM
Hi Stephen, I tried to attach one but ironically adobe doesn't allow .atn files to be attached, despite having a rather impressive list of other files that can be.. Attaching a screenshot of it the actions panel in the meanwhile. Is this not the correct place to submit bugs directly to Adobe? Appreciate y'all trying to help, but this seems like an issue in their court. Edit to add: also all my dozens of existing actions work fine so I'd rather not move my folder of hundreds of scripts into Presets / Scripts.
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‎May 06, 2024
06:40 AM
I am on macOS 13.6.6, which is the latest version of Ventura. Haven't taken the plunge on Sonoma yet. Photoshop did not have Full Disk Access enabled. I enabled it and restarted and it did not make a difference. Would rather not reset preferences as of yet as it definitely seems to be a bug introduced in the latest program version since it was working fine until last week when I updated it.
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‎May 03, 2024
09:40 AM
I have a lot of photoshop actions that run javascript files. They all still run fine in 25.7 but I'm unable to record any new ones. If I record a new one and attempt to run it I get an error "Could not complete the command because Photoshop was unable to find the JavaScript file." When I twirl open the details on the "Scripts" action step, it has the correct "File: path/to/file" but unlike in older actions I've recorded there is now a Name:"" (empty quotes). I'm assuming this is what's causing the problem. I'm not positive if this behavior changed in 25.7.0 with the new action export changes, or if I just hadn't noticed and it'd been a minor version or two since I'd tried.
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‎May 02, 2024
02:31 PM
I just updated to 25.7 and I'm noticing a visual glitch where the curves adjustment layer has a grey bar down the sides of the histogram. It makes it look like the white point slider has been dragged in from 255in/255out to say 255in/250out. Attaching a screenshot of how the curves adjustment layer properties window currently looks as well as the curves adjustment (non layer) screen does, which matches how the adjustment layer did until today. Note how there's a gap to the right of the white point on the adjustment layer. (there's also one on the left but that one doesn't matter as much since the output gradient is in the way, but it's probably caused by the same glitch I'd imagine)
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‎Mar 06, 2024
07:15 AM
I just came across this while looking for something else about Lens Blur and even though this is old I felt the need to jump in as all of the replies in here are incorrect. Lens Blur CAN work on a smart object, it just isn't enabled by default (don't ask me why..). Photoshop used to come with a script to enable it, and it's still available from Adobe, but now you have to jump through some hoops: Go to this downloads page: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/downloadable-plugins-and-content.html On that page, download Scripting Listener, either the windows version or the macOS pre-2019 version (It doesn't matter which, you don't actually need Scripting Listener). Unzip or mount the DMG of the version you downloaded, then go to the Sample Scripts folder, then Javascript Inside that folder is a script called "EnableAllPluginsForSmartFilters.jsx". Run this script from Photoshop (File > Scripts > Browse, choose that script) That't it! You can now use Lens Blur as a smart filter!
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‎Jun 08, 2023
02:44 PM
@FionaYu Thank you!
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‎Jun 08, 2023
10:11 AM
@FionaYu Ideally the "legacy" option would just look the same as it always has, but I guess having different size options (like how layer thumbnails do) couldn't hurt, might be helpful for those with vision issues etc. As for user presets, can't imagine ever needing them, almost any time I'm using an adjustment layer it's dependant on the image. The only "presets" I ever use are some QC check layers at the top of my file but I have those created automatically with an action when I set up a new file so I wouldn't need presets for that.
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‎Jun 08, 2023
10:08 AM
1 Upvote
Agreed that this needs to be an option to turn off. There is no way I'll ever use these presets, I don't want them wasting space on my screen. D Fosse, you say we got rid of the blue share button but I still have it? Is there a hidden setting somewhere?
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‎Jul 14, 2022
08:25 AM
I've been on windows for the last year or two, where admitedly the share button was kind of useless as the windows share menu is useless. Having just switched back to mac I was looking forward to having the airdrop and imessage integrations. Very useful for when you don't feel like saving out a proper file, finding it, and sharing from finder. Also, the giant blue cloud share button that has replaced it is extremely annoying. It keeps catching my eye, and I think there's a notification or something, also distracting compared to the grey for color correcting. Please make both of those buttons optional. I don't use cloud docs and putting a big blue button there isn't going to make me start.
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‎Jun 30, 2022
07:56 AM
Older topic but I wanted to reply with the solution to this, as it had me banging my head against the wall for almost an hour this morning. I believe the issue has to do with having more than one version of photoshop installed at the same time. If you do, you can specify which version of photoshop you want to use. So, if you'd like to use Photoshop CC 2021, use: Set photoshop = CreateObject( "Photoshop.Application.150" ) I assume CC 2022 would be "160". I found this info on the forum, here. It says for version 15 use "Photoshop.Application.80" so I just counted up. Note that CC 21 is version 22 (thanks, Adobe).
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‎Mar 09, 2022
03:09 PM
1 Upvote
Posting in case anyone else like me finds this from Google and the answers here aren't helping you: In addition to a file being in 16bit or CMYK, another issue can be the file dimensions. One of the other answers here mentioned PSB vs PSD, but that's not the issue, the file size can be as big as can be, what matters are the dimensions. If your file is over 30,000px then certain filters will be greyed out. (I haven't tested if they're the same ones that are greyed out for being in 16bit but I'd assume so). Bonus tip, if you're wondering why "Lens Blur" is greyed out for smart objects, who knows, but it can be re-enabled. Photoshop used to come with a sample script to "enable all filters" but it's no longer included, but you can find it by downloading the Scripting Listener plug in: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/downloadable-plugins-and-content.html
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‎Nov 25, 2020
08:36 AM
Not a perfect fix, but elsewhere in the comments here someone pointed out that you can hit shift + ` to achieve the same thing that just ` by itself used to do. An extra key, which is annoying for those of us who never use ` for eraser, but better than not being able to view the greyscale mask without clicking.
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‎Sep 03, 2020
03:25 PM
Hi Nikunj, Thanks for your help! I turned that off for a week and didn't have any crashes. Then I tried turning it back on but having everything in Advanced turned off, because having GPU acceleration completely off was pretty hard to work with (no rotate, filters so slow), and still haven't had any crashes! So I think it's something in there. I'll try turning them back on one at a time and waiting a week between each to try and narrow down which one it is that was causing issues. I'll update if I figure it out. Thanks again! Alexander
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‎Aug 12, 2020
02:21 PM
Hi there,
Photoshop has always crashed on my fairly often, but lately it seems to be worse. Today for example it's crashed 3 times in about 5 hours. Often but not always the crash happens while I'm in another app, or right when I switch even. But it's far from every time so it's a bit hard to pin down why it does sometimes and doesn't other times.
I'm on CC 2019, I'm not sure if this specific issue also happens on CC 2020 but every time I've tried out 2020 it's been really laggy or buggy so I keep sticking with 2019, which runs great, except for this.
I am on a Mac Pro 2013, OSX 10.14.6, 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5, 48 GB 1866 MHz DDR3, AMD FirePro D700 6 GB
Attached are a couple crash logs. Let me know if there's any other info that would be helpful.
{Thread title edited by moderator}
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‎Nov 19, 2019
07:30 AM
I'm guessing due to the new ~ to switch to erase, pressing \ followed by ~ no longer shows the layer mask. I had this set to the side button on my wacom pen, and use it constantly, far more than I use the eraser tool, so this is quite a workflow stumbling block for me. Has this shortcut been replaced by a different key or is it just gone? Does anyone know another way to set a hotkey for that? I like to flip back and forth repeatedly as I work, opt+clicking the mask icon each time and having to look away from what I'm doing to find it is quite inconvenient. Thanks! OS X Mojave, newest version (21.0.1, I think?) of photoshop
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‎May 30, 2019
06:34 AM
And thank you for doing so!
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‎Nov 30, 2018
01:41 PM
+1 for please making this an option to turn on and off. Even if not in preferences, at least through some text file hack like there is to revert to shift constrains proportions. (put a .txt file named PSUserConfig.txt that says "TransformProportionalScale 0" for those who haven't found it). If there was something like that to turn off various new weird tweaks so that these programs worked for, not against, us it would be a lifesaver.
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