Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jul 09, 2024
06:28 PM
The Automatic OCR option in Acrobat DC is probably the most annoying thing I've ever had to deal with in any software. It needs to be removed as a default option, and should be accessable from the side panel for people who want to use it. Please disable it ASAP. There's probably 15 people who think it's good, and they all must work for Adobe, because for users, it wastes time and is incredibly annoying.
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‎Dec 21, 2023
02:34 PM
I checked in all those places, and the folder isn't in any of them, and neither is any data that would have been in the folder.
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‎Dec 19, 2023
04:19 PM
I havea folder in my CC files that I cannot delete. I mean, I deleted it, but it keeps showing up, and when I click on it i get a "something went wrong message" telling me to restart the app. This does nothing. The folder is not visible in the online version of my Files, but it is visible in-app, and when I save something from a program. I have tried renaming: doesn't work. I have tried moving the folder: doesn't work When I try to open it on the web, it says "Sorry, the cloud document is not available". It's driving me nuts. Is it my office firewall? It doesn't affect any other files though. I've tried restarting my computer, but nothing changes. I tried pausing sync, then deleting the folder. This worked for the CC app, but it was still showing when I tried to save something from Photoshop/Illustrator to my cloud files. Then, when I restarted my computer it showed back up in the CC app. How can I get rid of this folder???
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‎May 22, 2023
08:19 PM
Can we have dedicated default settings for this, and Illustrator too? I don't like Myriad Pro, and changing it every time to a font I like in Illustrator every time I start a new document is very tedious.
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