‎Nov 09, 2024
06:42 AM
If you need broader file-format support than offered by Lightroom but suffer from performance problems in recent Bridge versions – Eagle(.cool) might be a great companion-app for you. I continue using Bridge to cull RAW images, to access ACR and to batch process images. To store and retrieve, files, I recently switched to Eagle – a visually super polished and very fast app that supports more than 100 file formats, RAW, Adobe formats, Vectors, even 3D formats. This app will not be for you, if you cannot live without keywording in EXIF and XMP: Eagle uses its own tagging and file annotation in JSON format, which for our particular use-case (sending images with metadata to a web-project) is even more suitable. You'll have the advantages of a typical database tool without running a database: Rename a keyword? Just press F2, and all images in all folders and collections that hold this tag will update: Try that in Bridge… What's also very helpful in our situation, is that one can easily share libraries via cloud-services (all data needs to live on local disks, though). This can be a great option for a small team. You will also not like Eagle, when you insist on using your OS file system to access files. Eagle imports (=physically duplicates) your files into its library and creates a flat collection of indexed folders that only the Eagle app can make sense of. You can, however, import folders so that they within the Eagle app mirror what you are used to. Once imported, there's no link to your source files. You can create a backup or delete these files. If you, however, want your data out, you can export folder trees back to your disk. Until a few years ago, giving up on my precious "os-native" file structure would have been a major headache for me. But then tools like Notion, Coda or Linear snuck into my work-life. Apps that within their database give you fantastic tools that let you structure work and thoughts and numbers, but that live as a collection of databases on edge storage around the globe. Eagle feels a bit like Notion for local data.
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‎Aug 04, 2024
07:52 AM
Do you maybe have an external service, such as Dropbox watching your folders? We have this setup and Bridge struggles, particularly with Label-assignment. Once I pause Dropbox syncing, Labels work again, also via Hotkeys. I see similar issues when assigning keywords, but labels are worse. I always wanted to script this. If Bridge has focus and Command X gets run (hotkeys get pressed), pause Dropbox for an hour and show a toast message. If anyone knows how to do this on Windows (Autohotkey, possibly?) I'd be happy to learn. Obviously, it would be far better when Adobe would resolve this problem (automatically retry failed assignments).
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‎Jul 23, 2024
07:59 AM
Thanks @Stephen Marsh. Thanks also @Lumigraphics for bringing up Touch. We're on Windows – it does not look as if there were a simple and automatic equivalent. We will use the move to folder option in Batch Rename from now on.
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‎Jul 23, 2024
12:55 AM
File name modifications are file name modifications – not metadata modifications. "Metadata (or metainformation) is data that provides information about other data, but not the content of the data itself, such as the text of a message or the image itself." Source It may still be that Adobe does not call file-names Metadata. However, to describe my case (no native speaker), I simply needed a word to describe my non-pixel-level changes. We have no need to store file-names in a custom field.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
01:25 AM
Hi Shivani @sprinklr-integration-user this is the latest Bridge Beta version on Windows 10. The file format in this case was PSD, but you should see the same for every file format. It's not possible to capture a video. It had to run for many hours to demonstrate the problem. However, it is effortless to replicate what I see. Just follow the steps in my first post. As @Conrad_C pointed out (thanks!), it could be, that you consider this behaviour intended – to act in line with operating systems. I just saw that Windows also acts this way. So, if your goal is to stick closely to OS conventions, you could close this ticket. In our use case, naming images is a vital editing step, as images are published to the web and are intended to rank in organic search. You can imagine naming to be as vital for us, as keyword-assignment for typical photographers work. To track progress, it would be helpful to see if these metadata-level modifications change the editing date as well. This would reflect the reality, since metadata editing involves changing data.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
01:28 AM
Hi @Swati Agarwal I sent you the original clip.
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‎Jul 05, 2024
08:19 AM
Hi @Swati Agarwal thanks for confirming my observation! I only remember that I had just started an editing session and that I could repeat the steps to record that clip for you. The only special thing about the folder path shown in the clip is that Dropbox listens and creates an online copy of all files (local files remain in place). I run into this issue once every other day, but I haven't spotted a clear pattern yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do. Some general feedback: The best software products I know are always apps that are actually used in production by their makers. If you had just a single professional sitting in your office doing actual productive work with Bridge (not just programmers imitating users for bug-tracking) you should run into more malfunctions, could replicate them right in your office (without the friction of users having to send in files). You could move faster, overall.
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‎Jul 04, 2024
11:37 AM
I edit pixel data of files on Monday On Tuesday, I batch rename these files with Bridge Using filters on Tuesday and sorting by modified date, I don't see what I did to the files on that day – they still show Monday as the modification date.
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‎Jul 04, 2024
11:08 AM
Bump. Please make this terrible Tab scroll behaviour configurable. All it takes would be a few lines of code. The current state regularly causes irritation. @Navkamal Rakra
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‎Jul 04, 2024
10:59 AM
Hi @Navkamal Rakra, I just tried again with Beta and your newest release version Both fail (get stuck at random percentage). But extracting single files also fails. Windows has no issues with these archives. > If you have faced this issue in earlier version of Bridge ? Can't say. My last multi-extraction in Bridge must be some time ago. > What is the location to which you are extracting the files? The location seems irrelevant. I now chose another path to extract to. Still fails. > Is there sufficient storage in the directory you are extracting the files ? Yes, plenty. If space was the problem, Bridge should show an appropriate error message. Files sent (these are other sample files – and far smaller – than in my initial post).
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‎Jul 03, 2024
04:59 AM
@Mohit Goyal Could you or anyone else from the Bridge Team please confirm this bug as "seen", even if you haven't replicated it yet?
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‎Jun 29, 2024
08:06 AM
Bridge should run on your system. I would try uninstalling via Creative Cloud app and re-installing. If this keeps failing I'd contact support.
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‎Jun 26, 2024
01:59 AM
I tried unzipping several large archives at once. Bridge got stuck at 22%. I had to cancel and use other tools. Can't Bridge use multicore-enabled open-source Zip tools? My hardware / RAM can hardly be the bottleneck (64 GB). Looking at the screenshot, it seems, that Bridge has reduced my multi-selection to just one archive – but could not chew it either. Archives that large are very common when sharing PSD files.
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‎Jun 26, 2024
01:53 AM
I have reported this before, but here is the visual proof: Bridge 14 at times shows the wrong path in the address bar. It is worth noting that the first displayed path (a search result path) wasn't used before today. It must be some older, cached entry from some previous session. Please don't ask me to send in files or to look at my system. You won't find anything unusual – this is solely a Bridge-problem. Visible in the clip: Active content tab shows a wrong path User changes tab to force a refresh User changes back to previous tab New path shown
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‎May 03, 2024
05:37 AM
Hi @Navkamal Rakra, thanks for getting in touch! Your answer let me check these files again. It turned out, I had accidentally moved these files to a mapped network drive. This caused an upload operation and explained the long duration. You can close this ticket!
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‎Apr 27, 2024
02:06 AM
Accessed Move from the context menu with a preselection of 19 PSD files (1.6 GB). Each of the drives involved is a fast NVMe drive. The process should not take more than a few seconds. As seen, Bridge even crashed and needed to be killed from Task Manager (Win 10). There is nothing special about these files (no point in sending them in). They embed a RAW as a DNG, as thousands of other files Bridge has processed in recent years.   
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‎Apr 04, 2024
04:07 AM
Extending the original statement, I also find Bridge to perform deplorable with multiple screens. The coders who created the original concept, many years ago, likely had only one screen available. I have two identical screens, side by side… Can I maximize the view on both screens (spacebar) to compare images? With one Bridge Window maximized, can I continue working in the other instance? The answer in both cases is No. This never worked and sure enough, this wasn't changed when multiple app windows got re-introduced.
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‎Feb 29, 2024
03:49 AM
Thank you, Bruce – I had not expected that there's indeed a setting for this. If Adobe reads this, I would advise swapping the defaults.
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‎Feb 26, 2024
04:17 AM
1 Upvote
The title says it all: Unzip should only extract and refresh the display. Opening a new window is not helpful, as this forces a context change / potential disorientation. Please let Bridge extract zips right in context like every other tool.
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‎Feb 22, 2024
02:47 PM
Dropbox, in our experience works well in fully local mode. All files live on all machines, Dropbox takes care of syncing only. You can copy the collections-folder from one machine to another (on Windows in /Username/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Bridge (version-number). Collections will behave identical on your machines, if they look at the same files and the same folder structure – which should be the case, if you mirror all your assets with Dropbox. Changes to collections themselves (new, deleted, removed collections) are obviously aren't synced, but you could periodically overwrite the Collections folder.
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‎Jan 29, 2024
06:55 AM
@Abu25 I cannot imagine that you find someone who states: 'I just performed action xy and this cleared / deleted my Keyword list'. It's even more unrealistic to expect users to grab a video of this event. Looking into logs / implementing some tracker might be a starting point. When working in Bridge, users don't always watch the keyword list – its Tab might not even be visible when the problem occurs. In my case, the keyword list did not get deleted, but it was almost empty. This very much looks like a failed file-writing attempt with no recovery mechanism in place. It's not unlikely that I noticed the file corruption days later – when I needed to set keywords next time.
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‎Jan 23, 2024
11:25 PM
I just lost my list with 14.x too (wasn't deleted but almost all entries cleared). We had a backup and only lost a few keywords. A bit odd to see several reports and upvotes in a short time. This seems to happen regularly.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
07:50 AM
1 Upvote
@gary_sc nobody can work productively with photos that flit past them as blurred wallpaper. However, the speed at which programs can render data and switch between different contexts is an important subjective metric. Humans like when programs feel snappy – and fast response times avoid user-mistakes. That's measurable. Users with powerful computers are used to blazingly fast data turnover from efficient programmes. Slow apps that don't use system resources properly feel awful in direct comparison. As the analogy with cars was made: even if you rarely drive a fast car at its top speed, it feels great to know about its performance reserves. It is unpleasant to switch from such a sports car back to an old banger that only runs on three of its six cylinders and exhausts fuel unburnt. And it is of little consolation that it has recently been repainted. Individual work context plays a major role. Do you manage your precious collection of private photos, or retouch rather small series of high-end portrait shots? In such scenarios, performance is likely to play a lesser role than if you have to sift through hundreds or thousands of new photos a day. And have half a dozen editing programmes open on 3 screens. *** There are fun studies on social interaction in software forums. Characters range from die-hard brand loyalists to perpetual ragers, who are unwilling or unable to present their criticisms in a way that's helpful to developers. Yup, it can be maddening that so much user-input simply bounces off. But every long-winded post that talks about 'knowing the original makers of Bridge' or raves 'how great Bridge CS6 was' is in vain from the start. Adobe Bridge gets coded by young folks in India, who are not graphics users themselves. They don't feel your pain – and they certainly feel zero responsibility for the history of Bridge: Most of them likely were toddlers when the first version of Bridge got released. If we want this app to improve, there is no way around naming problems in concrete, illustrated and reproducible ways.
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‎Dec 30, 2023
11:10 PM
It is unclear to me if the constant, 12+ month old conflict between Br 12 and Br 14 users is platform based or not. I watch this space regularly and canot see a conflict between users. Yet I've seen a lot of customers (Win and Mac) complain about Adobe's development strategy for this app.
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‎Dec 30, 2023
03:51 AM
Win 10. Fast system with M2 drives and 64 GB RAM.
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‎Dec 30, 2023
03:46 AM
‎Dec 21, 2023
09:18 AM
Bugs The panel does not scale with many conditions entered, see attached screenshot. Bridge cannot handle lots of filter-conditions in Smart Collections I tried filtering out terms which contain the strings x1, x2 – up to x9. Bridge showed me the unfiltered result and didn't pop up a toast message, that it failed. If you have that toast feature, please use it 🙂. I noticed that there's a limitation for filter conditions of 10. Not sure whether this is intended. Wish: You offer regular expressions in File Renaming. Please also make it available in Search / Smart Collections. Of course, in my x1- x9 sample I would have preferred to input more precisely what I want to forbid (\d+x\d+). Your current GUI does not allow me this query.
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