Dec 12, 2024
12:25 PM
1 Upvote
How do you even use it? I tried all kinds of image formats and it always stays disabled and says that it doesn't support my image format. This is dumb...
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Oct 26, 2024
01:05 PM
1 Upvote
I reported the exact same issue, Using Remove Tool often crashes Photoshop.
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Oct 26, 2024
11:39 AM
The crash happens very often when using the remove tool. Here's the log. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE AdobeCrashReport SYSTEM "AdobeCrashReporter.dtd"> <crashreport serviceVersion="" clientVersion="" applicationName="Adobe Photoshop" applicationVersion="26.0.0" build="20240927.r.26" source="Windows-Client" crashType="n/a"> <time year="2024" month="10" day="26" hour="21" minute="38" second="6" timeoffset="120" timezone="FLE Daylight Time" crsessionduration="42727"/> <user guid="fa399fc6-9b3b-44e1-92c0-d266c43262c5"/> <system platform="Windows 11 Pro" osversion="11.0" osbuild="22631" applicationlanguage="en-us" userlanguage="bg-BG" oslanguage="en-US" ram="65445" machine="AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor" model="AMD64 Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 0" cpuCount="16" cpuType="8664" cpuFreq="4100 MHz" processorArchitecture="9"/> <gpu> <gpuinfo availability="Running/Full Power" adapterCompatibility="NVIDIA" adapterRAM="4095 MB" caption="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090" description="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090" driverDate="20240926000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors" pnpDeviceID="PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_2204&SUBSYS_87D91043&REV_A1\4&1D81E16&0&0019" installedDisplayDrivers="nvldumdx.dll"/> </gpu> <crash exception="EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" exceptionCode="0xc0000005" instruction="0x00007FF6963A3703"> <backtrace crashedThread="0"> <thread index="0"> <stackStatement index="0" address="0x00007FF6963A3703" symbolname="acp::local::net::ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory::createHttpTransferClient"/> <stackStatement index="1" address="0x00007FF696395E16" symbolname="acp::local::net::ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory::createHttpTransferClient"/> <stackStatement index="2" address="0x00007FF69637CE5C" symbolname="acp::local::net::ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory::createHttpTransferClient"/> <stackStatement index="3" address="0x00007FF69637B61C" symbolname="acp::local::net::ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory::createHttpTransferClient"/> <stackStatement index="4" address="0x00007FF69637BAB5" 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start="0x00007FFC6CF40000" end="0x00007FFC6CF77000" path="EhStorShell.dll" version="6.2.22621.1"/> <binaryImage start="0x00007FFC6CE60000" end="0x00007FFC6CF32000" path="cscui.dll" version="6.2.22621.3672"/> <binaryImage start="0x00007FFC01D10000" end="0x00007FFC02A79000" path="adobe\DirectML.dll" version=""/> <binaryImage start="0x00007FFAA99D0000" end="0x00007FFAB1D06000" path="nvdxdlkernels.dll" version=""/> <binaryImage start="0x000001BA60420000" end="0x000001BA61B8F000" path="nvcuda64.dll" version=""/> <binaryImage start="0x00007FFC00610000" end="0x00007FFC01D0F000" path="nvptxJitCompiler64.dll" version=""/> <binaryImage start="0x00007FFBD7A60000" end="0x00007FFBD8BE9000" path="adobe\adobe_c2pa.dll"/> <binaryImage start="0x00007FFC27030000" end="0x00007FFC29668000" path="nvoglv64.dll" version=""/> </binaryImageSet> <dumpType> Mini </dumpType> <hbLogSessionDllStatus> </hbLogSessionDllStatus> </crash> <sessionId> 8c4b1b20-2c87-4805-b869-29ffc6ce0902 </sessionId> <imsUserGuid> B37A291B522CAC630A490D4C@AdobeID </imsUserGuid> </crashreport>
... View more
Oct 23, 2024
04:00 PM
10000x this. The quality is pure garbage and not coherent at all, compared to the v1.
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Oct 23, 2024
03:59 PM
1 Upvote
I've had it crash at least 5 times now. It happens randomly but I noticed often when trying to use the Remove Tool.
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May 27, 2024
01:39 PM
Only thing I notice is doing the basic tasks like using the brush, selecting etc. pump the CPU to 100%, meanwhile both graphic cards remain idle
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May 27, 2024
01:29 PM
Can confirm I'm open to screen recording the issue somehow but that might interfere even more with the performance
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May 27, 2024
01:26 PM
Admittedly only set it preferred but now I followed the full guide, including setting sniffer to use Nvidia unfortunately barely any change, maybe slight but comparing it with my PC which is smooth as butter, the laptop is stil laggy
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May 27, 2024
01:05 PM
The brush test - 4,7 seconds
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May 27, 2024
01:01 PM
Yes, I tried both on battery and while plugged in. Sending the system info and will try the other test now: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.9.0 20240516.r.573 296f739 x64 Number of Launches: 24 Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit Version: 11 or greater 10.0.22631.3593 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-VNNI, HybridCPU(6:8), HyperThreading Physical processor count: 14 Logical processor count: 20 Processor speed: 2995 MHz Built-in memory: 65111 MB Free memory: 47128 MB Memory available to Photoshop: 51065 MB Memory used by Photoshop: 79 % Crash Handler: Adobe DCX Version: 7.13.2 SAM SDK Version: 7.7.0-fio ACP.local Status: - SDK Version: 3.4.0 - Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible - Core Sync Running: - Min Core Sync Required: Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.4 Open Color IO version: 2.3.2 C2PA library version: adobe_c2pa/0.9.3 c2pa-rs/0.31.0 NGL Version: Chalkboard: Disabled. D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled. Alias Layers: Disabled. Highbeam: Disabled. Image tile size: 1024K Image cache levels: 4 Font Preview: Large HarfBuzz Version: 7.3.0 TextEngine: Unified Text Engine ======= GPU Native API stable: True OpenGL API stable: True OpenCL API stable: True GPUDeny: 0 GPUForce: 0 useGPU: 1 useOpenCL: 1 isGPUCapable: 1 isGPUAllowed: 1 GPUName: NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU GPUVendor: NVIDIA NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU UNKNOWN, NVIDIA Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics UNKNOWN, INTEL Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics UNKNOWN, INTEL IsNativeGPUCapable: 1 IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1 IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1 HasSufficientRAM: 1 GPU accessible RAM: 12,017 MB Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1 UseOpenCLChecked: 1 Windows remote desktop: 0 Windows available feature level: 12.2 Windows required feature level: 12.0 Windows has required feature level: 1 Display: 1 Display Bounds: (0, 0) -> (3840, 2400) Display scale: 2,5 Display Type: SDR ------- Sniffer output [0 ms] Launch GPUSnifferThread [0 ms] Start RunAllAPIs [0 ms] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=117457610 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.9.0 20240516.r.573 296f739 x64 [0 ms] Start GetSnifferResult [749 ms] Start sniffer 2024-05-27 22:59:11 # Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.9.0 20240516.r.573 296f739 x64 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=117457610 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.9.0 20240516.r.573 296f739 x64 {55 ms} Start platform native # displays: 1 Display 0 Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 Main: TRUE Built in: FALSE Stereo: FALSE Bounds: (0, 0) -> (3,840, 2,400) Dimensions: (3,840 2,400) Display scale: 2.5 Physical size: (0 0) Pixel size: (0 0) Dynamic range: (0 1) Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU index=0) # devices: 3 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: UNKNOWN Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 1 \\.\DISPLAY1 GPU accessible RAM: 12,017 MB VRAM: 12,017 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 34,136 MB API version: 12.0 (12.0) Device version: 12.0 (12.0) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: 2024-05-13 000000.000000-000 Driver age: 0 months Driver version: Supports UMA: UNSUPPORTED D3D-ID: 10171 Device 1 Name: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics Preferred: FALSE Power Envelope: UNKNOWN Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 0 GPU accessible RAM: 34,264 MB VRAM: 128 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 34,136 MB API version: 12.0 (12.0) Device version: 12.0 (12.0) Vendor name: INTEL Driver date: 2024-05-12 000000.000000-000 Driver age: 0 months Driver version: Supports UMA: SUPPORTED D3D-ID: 42912 Device 2 Name: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics Preferred: FALSE Power Envelope: UNKNOWN Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 0 GPU accessible RAM: 34,264 MB VRAM: 128 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 34,136 MB API version: 12.0 (12.0) Device version: 12.0 (12.0) Vendor name: INTEL Driver date: 2024-05-12 000000.000000-000 Driver age: 0 months Driver version: Supports UMA: SUPPORTED D3D-ID: 42912 End platform native {302 ms} {302 ms} Start platform OpenGL # displays: 1 Display 0 Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 Main: TRUE Built in: FALSE Stereo: FALSE Bounds: (0, 0) -> (3,840, 2,400) Dimensions: (3,840 2,400) Display scale: 2.5 Physical size: (0 0) Pixel size: (0 0) Dynamic range: (0 1) Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 index=0) # devices: 1 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: INTEGRATED Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 1 \\.\DISPLAY1 GPU accessible RAM: 12,600 MB VRAM: 12,600 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 34,136 MB API version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 555.85) Device version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 555.85) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: 2024-05-13 000000.000000-000 Driver age: 0 months Driver version: GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler) End platform OpenGL {432 ms} {432 ms} Start platform OpenCL # displays: 0 # devices: 2 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: DISCRETE Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 0 GPU accessible RAM: 12,878 MB VRAM: 12,878 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 0 MB API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA) Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: UNKNOWN Driver age: UNKNOWN Driver version: UNKNOWN Bandwidth: 1,174 GB / s Compute score: 7,000.45 Device name string: NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1 Name: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics Preferred: FALSE Power Envelope: INTEGRATED Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 0 GPU accessible RAM: 31,616 MB VRAM: 31,616 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 0 MB API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 ) Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 NEO ) Vendor name: INTEL Driver date: UNKNOWN Driver age: UNKNOWN Driver version: UNKNOWN Bandwidth: 116 GB / s Compute score: 905.853 Device name string: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics Device vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation Platform name string: Intel(R) OpenCL Graphics Platform vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation End platform OpenCL {617 ms} Exit code kExitNormal End sniffer 2024-05-27 22:59:11 [kStatusNormal, kExitNormal] [750 ms] Finish RunAllAPIs [753 ms] Finish GetSnifferResult ------- Sniffer output ======= GPU License Type: Subscription Serial number: 94070545330020723630 GUIDBucket: Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off Document Graph (DocumentGraph): off Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\ Temporary file path: C:\Users\Alper\AppData\Local\Temp\ Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled Scratch volume(s): Startup, 950,3G, 832,4G free Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\Plug-ins\ Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\ Installed components: ACE.dll ACE 2024/04/09-17:39:42 79.89afe0e 79.89afe0e act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58 AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library 2d5dab2 AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0 AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2024/04/15-06:43:11 79.3070322 79.3070322 AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.bccf366 79.bccf366 AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2024/03/12-07:48:23 79.a6a6396 79.a6a6396 AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2024/03/12-07:48:23 79.a6a6396 79.a6a6396 AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2024/03/12-07:48:23 79.a6a6396 79.a6a6396 AGM.dll AGM 2024/04/09-17:39:42 79.89afe0e 79.89afe0e AID.dll AID DLL AIDE.dll AIDE 2024/04/13-13:02:24 79.dc1f980 79.dc1f980 aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434 AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2024 28.0.0 aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434 ARE.dll ARE 2024/04/09-17:39:42 79.89afe0e 79.89afe0e AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2024/03/14-06:02:47 79.0691bd1 79.0691bd1 AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2024/03/14-06:02:47 79.0691bd1 79.0691bd1 BIB.dll BIB 2024/04/09-17:39:42 79.89afe0e 79.89afe0e BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2024/04/09-17:39:42 79.89afe0e 79.89afe0e CoolType.dll CoolType 2024/04/09-17:39:42 79.89afe0e 79.89afe0e CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.13.1+240111-2204.1.dml-1.13.9b0890f dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2 dvaaccelerate.dll dynamiclinkmediaserver 24.0.0 dvaadameve.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaappsupport.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaaudiodevice.dll dynamiclinkmediaserver 24.0.0 dvaaudiodsp.dll dynamiclinkmediaserver 24.0.0 dvacore.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaeve.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaevefactory.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvamarshal.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvamediatypes.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvametadata.dll dynamiclinkmediaserver 24.0.0 dvametadataapi.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvametadataUI.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvanet.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaplayer.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvascripting.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvatemporalxmp.dll dynamiclinkmediaserver 24.0.0 dvatexteditor.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvatransport.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaui.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvavulcansupport.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dvaworkspace.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.4.1-release dynamiclink.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4 filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O icucnv73.dll International Components for Unicode Build icuin73.dll International Components for Unicode Build icuuc73.dll International Components for Unicode Build ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2024/03/11-13:26:40 79.18e6c99 79.18e6c99 libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zg libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A) libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0 libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline LogSession.dll LogSession mediacoreif.dll Adobe DVA 2024 24.2.0 Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.17.20240223.4.8f5c79c mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 MPS.dll MPS 2024/04/04-23:54:54 79.ff77362 79.ff77362 onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.17.20240223.4.8f5c79c opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2 pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377 Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2024 25.9 PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2 PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit) PSCloud.dll PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2024 25.9 PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2024 25.9 ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4 ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zg SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.e2a5854 79.e2a5854 svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support WRServices.dll WRServices Build Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.4.1-release UPIC 2.6.0 Required plugins: Accented Edges 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Adaptive Wide Angle 25.9 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf” Angled Strokes 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Average 25.9 - from the file “Average.8bf” Bas Relief 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” BMP 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Camera Raw 16.3 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi” Camera Raw Filter 16.3 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi” Chalk && Charcoal 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Charcoal 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Chrome 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Cineon 25.9 - from the file “Cineon.8bi” Clouds 25.9 - from the file “Clouds.8bf” Color Halftone 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Colored Pencil 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Conté Crayon 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Craquelure 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Crop and Straighten Photos 25.9 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li” Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Crosshatch 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Crystallize 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Cutout 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Dark Strokes 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” De-Interlace 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Dicom 25.9 - from the file “Dicom.8bi” Difference Clouds 25.9 - from the file “Clouds.8bf” Diffuse Glow 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Displace 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Dry Brush 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Entropy 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Export Color Lookup Tables 25.9 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be” Extrude 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” FastCore Routines 25.9 - from the file “FastCore.8bx” Fibers 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Film Grain 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Filter Gallery 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Fresco 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Glass 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Glowing Edges 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Grain 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Graphic Pen 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Halftone Pattern 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Halide Bottlenecks 25.9 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx” HDRMergeUI 25.9 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf” HSB/HSL 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” IFF Format 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Ink Outlines 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” JPEG 2000 25.9 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi” Kurtosis 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Lens Blur 25.9 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf” Lens Correction 25.9 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf” Lens Flare 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Liquify 25.9 - from the file “Liquify.8bf” Matlab Operation 25.9 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf” Maximum 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Mean 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Measurement Core 25.9 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me” Median 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Mezzotint 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Minimum 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” MMXCore Routines 25.9 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx” Mosaic Tiles 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Multiprocessor Support 25.9 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx” Neon Glow 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Note Paper 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” NTSC Colors 25.9 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf” Ocean Ripple 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” OpenEXR 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Paint Daubs 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Palette Knife 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Parametric Filter NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf” Patchwork 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Paths to Illustrator 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” PCX 25.9 - from the file “PCX.8bi” Photocopy 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Picture Package Filter 25.9 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf” Pinch 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Pixar 25.9 - from the file “Pixar.8bi” Plaster 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Plastic Wrap 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Pointillize 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Polar Coordinates 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Portable Bit Map 25.9 - from the file “PBM.8bi” Poster Edges 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Radial Blur 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Radiance 25.9 - from the file “Radiance.8bi” Range 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Render Color Lookup Grid 25.9 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be” Reticulation 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Ripple 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Rough Pastels 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Save for Web 25.9 - from the file “Save for Web.8be” ScriptingSupport 25.9 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li” Shear 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Skewness 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Smart Blur 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Smudge Stick 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Solarize 25.9 - from the file “Solarize.8bf” SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li” Spatter 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Spherize 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Sponge 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Sprayed Strokes 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Stained Glass 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Stamp 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Standard Deviation 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Sumi-e 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Summation 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Targa 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Texturizer 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Tiles 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Torn Edges 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Twirl 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Underpainting 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Vanishing Point 25.9 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf” Variance 25.9 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Water Paper 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Watercolor 25.9 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Wave 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” WIA Support 25.9 - from the file “WIASupport.8li” Wind 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Wireless Bitmap 25.9 - from the file “WBMP.8bi” ZigZag 25.9 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Optional and third party plugins: NONE Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE Plugins that failed to load: NONE Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions: Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-7.5.0\" CmdN: 1.19.30 UAB: 2.18.0-4 Loaded at: 137 ms - launch time impact: 21 ms ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3906 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3482 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\" CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.2.2 In app notifications (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3906 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Parametric Filter (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3907 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3907 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3908 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Information Alert (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" IC popup message (Loaded) Loaded at: 3484 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Multilayer Protection (Loaded) Loaded at: 3485 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Discover Panel (Loaded) 2403.95.0.11 - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3909 ms - launch time impact: 19 ms Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder" Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 30 Extensions: Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\index.html” com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 4.0.35 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html” com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\extensions\capture\capture.html” Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\manager.html” Installed TWAIN devices: NONE
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May 27, 2024
11:17 AM
I'm 100% confident there's no manufacture bloatware, as I always format the disk before installing Windows on it but appreciate the suggestions
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May 27, 2024
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
What I'm about to say might sound like a lie but I've already done those. As I mentioned, I'm running on a clean install of Windows 11. Actually this is my fifth time doing it just because of Photoshop alone. No aditional apps are installed besides CC and Photoshop of course. Yes, I have two GPUs and I've already tried manually forcing Photoshop to use Nvidia. -No change. By maxing out the performance settings I wasn't clear enough - of course I didn't put the RAM usage to 100% but everything else is maxed out, like it is on my PC. RAM right now is about 90%, BUT... even with the default Settings there's still no change (just to confirm, I just tried doing those again, with no results) Funny thing is - when I got the laptop Photoshop used to run fine, even after the first clean reinstall. Then one day is just suddenly became laggy
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May 27, 2024
09:57 AM
Trust me when I say I've tried EVERYTHING. This includes: clean installing Windows 11 installing the latest studio drivers installing older/factory drivers using Creative Cloud Removal Tool and reinstalling Photoshop increasing the Performance settings to max (RAM usage, cache levels etc) laptop's cooling is perfect - vapor chamber heatsink, new thermal paste, doesn't get hot or throttle Windows performance mode turning off hardware acceleration (not a real fix) For reference: Intel i9-13900H, 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD (7000mb/s, brand new), Nvidia 3500 Ada 12GB All of these only for Photoshop to run like a turtle. This is system wide - brush is laggy (it's not the smoothing setting), selections are laggy, creating shapes is laggy, scrolling/zooming is laggy etc. I have a PC with almost the same specs and same settings, and Photoshop runs fine. No issues there.
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May 22, 2024
01:12 PM
Just updated to 25.9 and from what it looks like the issue is gone
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May 22, 2024
12:58 PM
Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.7.0 20240415.r.504 130b225 x64 Number of Launches: 713 Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit Version: 11 or greater 10.0.22631.3593 System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, HyperThreading Physical processor count: 8 Logical processor count: 16 Processor speed: 4100 MHz Built-in memory: 65445 MB Free memory: 41973 MB Memory available to Photoshop: 51332 MB Memory used by Photoshop: 70 % Crash Handler: Adobe DCX Version: 7.13.2 SAM SDK Version: 7.7.0-fio ACP.local Status: - SDK Version: 3.4.0 - Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible - Core Sync Running: - Min Core Sync Required: Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.4 Open Color IO version: 2.3.2 C2PA library version: adobe_c2pa/0.7.6-2 c2pa-rs/0.25.2-patch NGL Version: Chalkboard: Disabled. D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled. Alias Layers: Disabled. Highbeam: Enabled. Image tile size: 1028K Image cache levels: 8 Font Preview: Medium HarfBuzz Version: 7.3.0 TextEngine: Unified Text Engine ======= GPU Native API stable: True OpenGL API stable: True OpenCL API stable: True GPUDeny: 0 GPUForce: 0 useGPU: 1 useOpenCL: 1 isGPUCapable: 1 GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPUVendor: NVIDIA IsNativeGPUCapable: 1 IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1 IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1 HasSufficientRAM: 1 GPU accessible RAM: 24,326 MB Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1 UseOpenCLChecked: 1 Windows remote desktop: 0 Windows available feature level: 12.2 Windows required feature level: 12.0 Windows has required feature level: 1 Display: 1 Display Bounds: (0, 0) -> (3840, 2160) Display scale: 1,5 Display Type: SDR ------- Sniffer output [0 ms] Launch GPUSnifferThread [1 ms] Start RunAllAPIs [1 ms] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=42281342 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.7.0 20240415.r.504 130b225 x64 [1 ms] Start GetSnifferResult [548 ms] Start sniffer 2024-05-22 22:58:13 # Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.7.0 20240415.r.504 130b225 x64 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=42281342 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.7.0 20240415.r.504 130b225 x64 {48 ms} Start platform native # displays: 1 Display 0 Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 Main: TRUE Built in: FALSE Stereo: FALSE Bounds: (0, 0) -> (3,840, 2,160) Dimensions: (3,840 2,160) Display scale: 1.5 Physical size: (0 0) Pixel size: (0 0) Dynamic range: (0 1) Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 index=0) # devices: 1 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: UNKNOWN Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 1 \\.\DISPLAY1 GPU accessible RAM: 24,326 MB VRAM: 24,326 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 34,312 MB API version: 12.0 (12.0) Device version: 12.0 (12.0) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: 2024-03-12 000000.000000-000 Driver age: 2 months Driver version: Supports UMA: UNSUPPORTED D3D-ID: 8708 End platform native {196 ms} {196 ms} Start platform OpenGL # displays: 1 Display 0 Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 Main: TRUE Built in: FALSE Stereo: FALSE Bounds: (0, 0) -> (3,840, 2,160) Dimensions: (3,840 2,160) Display scale: 1.5 Physical size: (0 0) Pixel size: (0 0) Dynamic range: (0 1) Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090/PCIe/SSE2 index=0) # devices: 1 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090/PCIe/SSE2 Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: INTEGRATED Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 1 \\.\DISPLAY1 GPU accessible RAM: 25,507 MB VRAM: 25,507 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 34,312 MB API version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 551.86) Device version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 551.86) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: 2024-03-12 000000.000000-000 Driver age: 2 months Driver version: GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler) End platform OpenGL {321 ms} {321 ms} Start platform OpenCL # displays: 0 # devices: 1 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: DISCRETE Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 0 GPU accessible RAM: 25,769 MB VRAM: 25,769 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 0 MB API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA) Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: UNKNOWN Driver age: UNKNOWN Driver version: UNKNOWN Bandwidth: 738 GB / s Compute score: 16,729.1 Device name string: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation End platform OpenCL {460 ms} Exit code kExitNormal End sniffer 2024-05-22 22:58:13 [kStatusNormal, kExitNormal] [548 ms] Finish RunAllAPIs [551 ms] Finish GetSnifferResult ------- Sniffer output ======= GPU License Type: Subscription Serial number: 94070545330020723630 GUIDBucket: Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off Document Graph (DocumentGraph): off Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\ Temporary file path: C:\Users\Alper\AppData\Local\Temp\ Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled Scratch volume(s): E:\, 931,5G, 190,6G free D:\, 909,9G, 246,6G free C:\, 950,5G, 204,7G free Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\Plug-ins\ Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\ Installed components: ACE.dll ACE 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.f53cec6 79.f53cec6 act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58 AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library 2d5dab2 AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0 AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.fafc444 79.fafc444 AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.3ef291b 79.3ef291b AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/12/13-05:06:49 79.dba3da3 79.dba3da3 AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/12/13-05:06:49 79.dba3da3 79.dba3da3 AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/12/13-05:06:49 79.dba3da3 79.dba3da3 AGM.dll AGM 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.f53cec6 79.f53cec6 AID.dll AID DLL AIDE.dll AIDE 2024/01/15-13:56:09 79.dc35314 79.dc35314 aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434 AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2024 28.0.0 aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434 ARE.dll ARE 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.f53cec6 79.f53cec6 AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2023/12/05-19:10:14 79.c9ba055 79.c9ba055 AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2023/12/05-19:10:14 79.c9ba055 79.c9ba055 BIB.dll BIB 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.f53cec6 79.f53cec6 BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.f53cec6 79.f53cec6 boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 CoolType.dll CoolType 2024/01/20-13:45:37 79.f53cec6 79.f53cec6 CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.13.1+240111-2204.1.dml-1.13.9b0890f dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2 dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0 dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.4.1-release dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4 filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O icucnv73.dll International Components for Unicode Build icuin73.dll International Components for Unicode Build icuuc73.dll International Components for Unicode Build ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b) JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2024/01/12-09:47:24 79.9bc0193 79.9bc0193 libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zg libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A) libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0 libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 LogSession.dll LogSession mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0 Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.17.20240223.4.8f5c79c mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1 MPS.dll MPS 2023/12/11-10:35:54 79.91918d2 79.91918d2 onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.17.20240223.4.8f5c79c opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2 pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377 Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2024 25.7 PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2 PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit) PSCloud.dll PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2024 25.7 PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2024 25.7 ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4 ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zg SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.73849cc 79.73849cc svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support WRServices.dll WRServices Build Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.4.1-release UPIC 2.6.0 Required plugins: Accented Edges 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Adaptive Wide Angle 25.7 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf” Angled Strokes 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Average 25.7 - from the file “Average.8bf” Bas Relief 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” BMP 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Camera Raw 16.2.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi” Camera Raw Filter 16.2.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi” Chalk && Charcoal 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Charcoal 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Chrome 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Cineon 25.7 - from the file “Cineon.8bi” Clouds 25.7 - from the file “Clouds.8bf” Color Halftone 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Colored Pencil 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Conté Crayon 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Craquelure 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Crop and Straighten Photos 25.7 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li” Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Crosshatch 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Crystallize 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Cutout 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Dark Strokes 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” De-Interlace 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Dicom 25.7 - from the file “Dicom.8bi” Difference Clouds 25.7 - from the file “Clouds.8bf” Diffuse Glow 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Displace 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Dry Brush 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Entropy 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Export Color Lookup Tables 25.7 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be” Extrude 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” FastCore Routines 25.7 - from the file “FastCore.8bx” Fibers 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Film Grain 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Filter Gallery 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Fresco 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Glass 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Glowing Edges 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Grain 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Graphic Pen 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Halftone Pattern 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Halide Bottlenecks 25.7 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx” HDRMergeUI 25.7 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf” HSB/HSL 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” IFF Format 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Ink Outlines 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” JPEG 2000 25.7 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi” Kurtosis 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Lens Blur 25.7 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf” Lens Correction 25.7 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf” Lens Flare 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Liquify 25.7 - from the file “Liquify.8bf” Matlab Operation 25.7 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf” Maximum 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Mean 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Measurement Core 25.7 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me” Median 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Mezzotint 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Minimum 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” MMXCore Routines 25.7 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx” Mosaic Tiles 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Multiprocessor Support 25.7 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx” Neon Glow 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Note Paper 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” NTSC Colors 25.7 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf” Ocean Ripple 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” OpenEXR 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Paint Daubs 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Palette Knife 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Parametric Filter NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf” Patchwork 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Paths to Illustrator 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” PCX 25.7 - from the file “PCX.8bi” Photocopy 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Picture Package Filter 25.7 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf” Pinch 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Pixar 25.7 - from the file “Pixar.8bi” Plaster 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Plastic Wrap 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Pointillize 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Polar Coordinates 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Portable Bit Map 25.7 - from the file “PBM.8bi” Poster Edges 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Radial Blur 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Radiance 25.7 - from the file “Radiance.8bi” Range 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Render Color Lookup Grid 25.7 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be” Reticulation 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Ripple 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Rough Pastels 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Save for Web 25.7 - from the file “Save for Web.8be” ScriptingSupport 25.7 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li” Shear 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Skewness 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Smart Blur 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Smudge Stick 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Solarize 25.7 - from the file “Solarize.8bf” SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li” Spatter 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Spherize 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Sponge 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Sprayed Strokes 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Stained Glass 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Stamp 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Standard Deviation 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Sumi-e 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Summation 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Targa 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Texturizer 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Tiles 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Topaz Photo AI NO VERSION - from the file “TopazPhotoAI.8bf” Topaz Photo AI NO VERSION - from the file “TopazPhotoAIAutomate.8bi” Torn Edges 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” TPAIApplyImageDataFilter NO VERSION - from the file “TopazPhotoAIApply.8bf” TPAIGatherImageDataFilter NO VERSION - from the file “TopazPhotoAIGather.8bf” Twirl 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Underpainting 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Vanishing Point 25.7 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf” Variance 25.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba” Water Paper 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Watercolor 25.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Wave 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” WIA Support 25.7 - from the file “WIASupport.8li” Wind 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Wireless Bitmap 25.7 - from the file “WBMP.8bi” ZigZag 25.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Optional and third party plugins: Ft2DH. 1.0.6 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\Ft2DH.8bf” Ft2DS. 1.0.6 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\Ft2DS.8bf” Ft3DH. 1.0.3 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\Ft3DH.8bf” iFt2DH 1.0.6 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\iFt2DH.8bf” iFt2DS 1.0.6 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\iFt2DS.8bf” iFt3DH 1.0.3 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\iFt3DH.8bf” SRDx NO VERSION - from the file “C:\Program Files\LaserSoft Imaging\Photoshop SRDx Plug-in\SRDx.8bf” Duplicate and Disabled plugins: Topaz Photo AI NO VERSION - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\TopazPhotoAI.8bf” Topaz Photo AI NO VERSION - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\TopazPhotoAIAutomate.8bi” TPAIApplyImageDataFilter NO VERSION - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\TopazPhotoAIApply.8bf” TPAIGatherImageDataFilter NO VERSION - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\TopazPhotoAIGather.8bf” Plugins that failed to load: NONE Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions: Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-7.5.0\" CmdN: 1.19.30 UAB: 2.18.0-4 Loaded at: 138 ms - launch time impact: 49 ms ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 4320 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" PiXimperfect Compositing (Prepared) - from the file "Plugin Marketplace" Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 3616 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\" CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.2.2 In app notifications (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 4322 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Parametric Filter (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 4324 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 4326 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 4327 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Information Alert (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder" IC popup message (Loaded) Loaded at: 3619 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Multilayer Protection (Loaded) Loaded at: 3621 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms Discover Panel (Loaded) 2403.95.0.10 - from the file "Required Folder" Loaded at: 4330 ms - launch time impact: 19 ms Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder" Scan time: 1 ms - entries: 33 Extensions: Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\index.html” com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 4.0.35 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html” com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\extensions\capture\capture.html” Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_4_5_225\manager.html” Installed TWAIN devices: NONE
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May 20, 2024
01:20 PM
Running on the latest version. When I use the Remove Tool and hit/hold the Esc key before the Remove tool has finished removing, it cancels the action and 2-3 seconds later Photoshop crashes. Tested multiple times and happens always.
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Apr 23, 2024
03:40 AM
Awesome! Thank you
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Apr 23, 2024
02:14 AM
No mention of the model. Is Generative Fill using the same old Firefly 1 or it's using the newest model 2?
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Apr 08, 2024
10:11 PM
Already tried. I always expand the selections
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Apr 08, 2024
01:04 PM
This photo was originally in oval shape with white backround. I've traced inside this oval and then inverted the selection and then apply generative fill. Also tried with first removing the background as well (so it's transparent). Both methods give useless results. I want to fill in the background/extend/continue it, not add an oval again... this has been happening on all of my similar images, but wasn't an issue a few months ago. And before you critize me: I've tried with no prompt as well.
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Jan 21, 2024
03:13 PM
Bumping this. It's weird how this has always been an issue and nobody has reported it.
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Nov 04, 2023
12:29 PM
It still boggles my mind. Except 100%, every other zoom level (before 100% and between 100-200), the edges of the projects are semi transparent - you can see the checkerboard pattern. How is this still not fixed? It's been like that for years
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Oct 30, 2023
09:32 AM
1 Upvote
This doesn't fix the issue, as I mentioned it only happens on selections that are done in the cloud (no the device). So the issue is from Adobe, not me.
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Oct 30, 2023
09:05 AM
This has been happening ever since the audo select feature was added. It only happens when the processing is set to cloud, not the device. The edges of the selections never meet the actual edges of the project, there's always one or two pixels of space. And this seems to mostly happen on the right and bottom edges, the left or top rarely have this issue
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Sep 28, 2023
12:55 AM
I use this trick but the point is this feature is out of beta now, it should've gotten better or not changed at least, but it got worse
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Sep 26, 2023
10:50 AM
Ever since the feature moved to the stable version of Photoshop, the restrictions got so much stricter... to the point of it being useless I'm using it to clean perfectly normal photoshoot images of people or clean up normal travel images, and it basically says "NO." whenever there's a human in the image, a fully clothed and normal human. So disappointing.
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Sep 24, 2023
01:03 PM
Not possible for now. I also asked this weeks ago when they introduced it but looks like they won't bother fixing it.
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Sep 14, 2023
06:43 AM
Please, PLEASE... Let us decide if we want the Remove Tool to automatically fill in the selected area or not. Forcing the feature is very counterproductive - imagine you need to remove a string/wire or whatever that is in a complete shape (circle/ square etc) - if you try to remove it with the new Remove tool, it will automatically fill in inside the shape and remove the content there too... how does this make sense?
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Sep 10, 2023
12:41 AM
Did that but no change, still utilizes 100% of the CPU. Also, shouldn't it be "Faster", since that's what I need?
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Sep 08, 2023
08:28 AM
Right now it uses 100% of the CPU and sometimes can freeze the entire system... simple tasks like dust/scratch removing can take a few seconds to finish because it relies on the CPU
I assume it uses something similar to the Llama cleaner, but that one run mainly on GPU so there's no reason Photoshop's Remove tool shouldn't be able to too.
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