Keith Reeder
Keith Reeder
‎Jan 22, 2024
09:18 AM
Spam notified.
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‎Jan 15, 2024
06:13 AM
What I am saying is right. Adobe is under no obligation to maintain a permanent repository of exe files for defunct versions of its software. (Just spend a moment thinking about what a stupid notion that would be - I can no longer download version 6 of Capture One, either...) And read what Nancy O'Shea had to say about it in 2021: Them's the breaks - welcome to the Real World. "And those software companies are then wondering why people are joining captain Jack Sparrow team..." I doubt they're wondering at all - they'll be well aware that the world is full of dishonest, freeloading cheapskates.
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‎Jan 15, 2024
05:04 AM
1 Upvote
"Can I get compensation or a refund for something for I can no longer use the product I bought and paid for? " No. Your perpetual licence only bought you the right to use Lr 6 while it was available. (ie for the life of the software.) Adobe can withdraw a product at its whim, (this right is clearly stated in the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) which you accepted when you bought) and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it except move on. "The 'download' cut-off date of 31/12/2023 was advertised in the forums" Not only here, Rob - it was widely publicised in online (and, I imagine, paper) photography websites and magazines for a few months beforehand. As DJ points out, the direct link to Lr6 hosted by Prodesigntools seems to have linked to Adobe's source file, so that''s that for Lr6, by the look of it...
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‎Jan 13, 2024
05:19 PM
"Is anyone else having issues with LRC?" There are hundreds and hundreds of posts on here complaining about "issues" with LrC - many of them covering exactly the same problems you have. And the same reponse will apply: you'll be asked to post the content of Lr's Help > System Info...; asked to confirm that your GPU drivers are definitively up to date, and that if applicable you're using the "Studio" rather than the "Graphic" driver; and then most likely told your GPU isn't powerful enough.
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‎Jan 13, 2024
04:48 AM
"Just happened again. This time in Photoshop. I must say upfront that all drivers, OS versions, firmware and programs are up to date. " So... Two different programmes, same PC. Hardware.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
05:20 PM
"Your explanation doesn't explain anything at all." No, you just refuse to acknowledge or accept it.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
01:01 PM
1 Upvote
"But I will not be able to run DNG Converter on that system either." Yes you will - but only versions compatible with that OS. So Adobe's claim is accurate, but "nuanced" - they don't promise backward compatibility with old operating systems, just with their own software. In that regard, they're just following the providers of those OS' - MS doesn't support its "antique" platforms either. "So what's the point?" The point is to to enable conversion of RAW files that your versions of Lr, PS etc. are too old for - the starting assumption is that you can run it. Adobe has no responsibility for your operating system, though - that's 100% on you...
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‎Jan 09, 2024
12:20 PM
Most likely you've opened an older catalogue, Linda - images don't "disappear" from catalogues.
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‎Jan 08, 2024
12:09 PM
"This old excuse with the drivers is just silly." No, it really isn't - we've seen dozens of problems posted, just like yours, that were fixed by a driver update.
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‎Jan 05, 2024
04:53 AM
"Direct answer to his question." Jesus... Is the word "studio" invisible to you? We're not asking if you have the most up to date driver, we're asking if you have the most up to date studio driver (as opposed to the "gaming" driver which is also available): it's been like pulling teeth to get a simple, straight to that question out of you.
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‎Jan 05, 2024
04:47 AM
"How to deal with such disgrace?" Well apart from reading some of the other threads that have already covered this (God knows, there are plenty of them), how about you understanding that it's perfectly logical than when AI Denoise creates a brand new RAW file, it also defaults to resetting its rating unless you interevene as explained by Johan?
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‎Jan 05, 2024
04:38 AM
Do you imagine that tethering just happens? It doesn't. It needs to be designed, coded, tested and then rolled out with a scheduled release of Lr. Sometimes that takes time. The solution? Patience. Or use Canon's software.
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‎Jan 04, 2024
02:25 PM
1. Calm down, fella - you're talking to people who volunteer their time here. Walking away and leaving you hanging will be no problem at all. 2. Up to now, you absolutely had not answered this question (I'll spell it out: "I have the most up to date driver" is not the same as "I have the most up to date studio driver"), so your self-righteous outburst is singularly misplaced.
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‎Jan 04, 2024
02:19 PM
"ALL MY DRIVERS ARE UP TO DATE" is not an answer to "did you update the driver with the latest STUDIO driver?"
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‎Jan 04, 2024
02:06 AM
"I have the same problem" On the face of it, you don't. You need to create a new thread, I think.
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‎Jan 04, 2024
02:05 AM
Are you shooting jpegs?
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‎Jan 03, 2024
04:45 PM
"Sony offers small and medium raw files. Denoise AI doesn't support these files." Because they're already demosaiced. Again, this has been discussed ad nauseam: demosaiced file support is on Adobe's to-do list, but it won't be quick. Asking for it again as if it's a new idea (I'm confident that Adobe already knows all about Sonys small and medium files - but they are not raw), isn't going to change things.
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‎Jan 03, 2024
01:38 PM
This was covered pretty much when Denoise was first introduced: Adobe is amenable to opening Denoise up to more formats, but it's not a trivial coding task, so it won't happen quickly.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
10:49 AM
" I have this same problem." No, you don't. This thread is about a MAC-specific issue, and (as far as I can tell from your other post) you aren't having a problem importing files.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
10:37 AM
"Sorry you feel my response is so meaningless." Sigh... OK, is it "defaulting" to a Windows text file? An MP3? A rhinoceros? Get the point? Guessing games are fun and everything, but what's so hard about just spelling it out when asked to? I'm not asking because I've got spare time on my hands, I'm asking because details matter. What I can tell you from the screen print is that you seem to be shooting in a format that Denoise can't use: that's why Denoise isn't working, and almost certainly why Lr can't find the correct profile - Lr needs to apply its profiles to RAW files - including your 24-240mm. So: what format are you shooting in? JPEG? That would explain both of the problems (no Denoise, "wrong" lens profile) in your screenshot.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
06:49 AM
1 Upvote
Handy hint: Top of every page.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
06:46 AM
So that is the thread, then? Where is this happening? "the answer kept being "get a faster CPU"." And isn't "GPU working hard" surely the preferred situation? There has never been any ambiguity about the fact that the AI functions like Denoise are extremely GPU intensive.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
06:40 AM
"Now after the latest update they are no longer recognised by Lightroom Classic." How is this being indicated? Screen print, please. "It is defaulting to something else" That's pretty meaningless, Carol - what do you mean?
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‎Jan 01, 2024
04:02 AM
Is it this one? (It's from April, and it has DJ Paige using the phrase "remarkably slow.") I've been right through it. Nobody's blaming CPU for the problem - it's all about the GPU, as expected.
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‎Jan 01, 2024
03:52 AM
"I have no idea how to point y'all at the discussion" Just paste the link. Link to this thread:
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‎Dec 31, 2023
05:03 AM
So you're saying that I'm not right in pointing out (as others have too) that there are at least two easily available solutions to this "crisis", which make the whole business a complete non-issue? Is that really what you're saying? Because if it is - I invite you to try again. And this time actualy read the thread. I am objectively right in saying that there are ways make the "problem" go away without the need for any of the tub-thumping angst.
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‎Dec 31, 2023
04:57 AM
Yeah - but it's your splash screen, Rob: you're not wasting emotional mileage whining about a "problem" that can be addressed easily in at least two different ways with barely any effort on the part of the user... I really don't understand why people put more effort into complaining, than into finding solutions - especially when the solutions are so simple.
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‎Dec 30, 2023
02:19 PM
"Why?" Because although you might not like the image, obviously somebody did - enough to choose it for the splash screen. You (and the OP) are unlikely to win any "value judgement" arguments over something so subjective... It's something I literally haven't wasted a moment's angst over - like Per, I've had the splash screen turned off for years, and personally I'm baffled why anyone would waste so much emotional energy on something they need never even see. "It appears they didn't notice your request, but I would fully support your request! " Because it's in the "Discussons", section, not in "Ideas", most likely.
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‎Dec 29, 2023
03:09 PM
Yep, the reason behind this is a complete mystery to me, too - what on Earth is being gained by the perpetrators?
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