‎Jan 04, 2025
10:56 PM
For me on Chrome desktop it seems fixed now. I can scroll down to the bottom of the page and there's room for the navigation to appear above the tray.
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‎Dec 11, 2024
07:58 AM
Yes, PLEASE make it possible to disable this behavior. Every time I add something to my library, the tray opens at the bottom, blocking the navigation buttons. It is SUPREMELY annoying to have to click it away every time.
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‎Nov 27, 2024
05:19 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I'm the OP. What I want is something that works like the \ key in the Premiere timeline (zooms to sequence, pretty much). Basically one single key that will zoom in to my selected work area. I can't believe that this still isn't possible. In fact, I found this very thread when I was googling to see if there was now a shortcut. Anybody know if it's possible yet?
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‎Oct 09, 2024
09:38 AM
Thanks! I haven't tried on an open path like that, but on a circle I never get the single black arrow cursor. Only the one with two arrows at once and a line in the middle. What I'm seeing in this video is impossible to do. Any demos available with circular paths? Seriously, I've looked at so many already and just can't get those single black arrows to appear no matter what I do.
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‎Oct 08, 2024
02:59 AM
I've watched a bunch of tutorials and can't for the life of me figure out how to change the start and end point of a type layer on a path. I've tried the "select path" tool, the "direct selection" tool and followed tutorials to the letter. It just doesn't work.
The only helper icon I see when I mouse over the path is the one with two black arrows. When that's active, I can see the x and o that mark the start and end of the path (which one is start and which is end, btw?) but I can't grab them! When I try clicking on the path, my text jumps around in weird ways and I can't figure out what's happening. Can someone point to a help article or tutorial that works for the latest stable build? ( Windows 25.12.0 20240903.r.806 055f5e9 x64).
Or is there a setting I am missing? This has been driving me absolutely insane...it looks so simple in the tutorials but just isn't working at all for me.
Many thanks in advance, and sorry for the rant!
[Title edited by moderator]
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‎Oct 05, 2024
04:31 AM
1 Upvote
Oh, duh! Thanks so much for this. I am only a sporadic user of PP and tend to forget all the places to look for settings in between projects. This is going to save me LOTS of frustration and annoyance!
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‎Oct 05, 2024
04:30 AM
Thanks sooooo much! I knew it had to be possible.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
11:24 PM
Hi all, Is it possible to hide all the keyframe envelopes somehow on video and audio tracks? It's hard to avoid accidentally grabbing them when moving clips around on the timeline, unless you keep the clips big on the timeline. I'm constantly accidentally adjusting the opacity or audio levels by accident, and having to control+Z out of it. Super annoying! Is there a switch for this somewhere, or a keyboard shortcut I can set up to toggle keyframe envelope visibility on the timeline? Thanks in advance, Lori
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‎May 04, 2024
05:33 AM
I'm trying to scan a document and save it as a PDF. Scan works, and I get the option to "save as pdf." But when it's finished I can't find my saved PDF anywhere on my device or in the cloud. What is happening? This used to work flawlessly and was so easy. I've not used scan for about a year, so something must have changed. Updated to latest version, latest version of iOS too. Where in god's name is Scan saving my pdfs? Yours in frustration (sorry!) Lori
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‎Feb 28, 2024
03:33 AM
Never mind, I found out what it is. In Edit>Preferences>Tools there is a setting for "spring-loaded tool shortcuts." This was checked, although I definitely did not turn this on myself. I unchecked it, and now my tool shortcuts are working properly. I will leave this here in case it helps someone else.
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‎Feb 28, 2024
03:20 AM
This is driving me CRAZY. When I'm done with the remove tool I press, for example, b for brush, or l for lasso, etc. I see the chosen tool activate for a second, then the remove tool activates again. If I select a new tool by clicking on the toolbar, that works. I have tried clicking off the canvas, pressing escape, etc. and once this behaviour starts it just doesn't stop. What am I doing wrong? I'm on a dual monitor setup working with a cintiq tablet, and having to reach for the mouse, switch to my other monitor and click the darn toolbar every time is a real drag compared to my beloved keyboard shortcuts. Latest version of Photoshop as of 28-02-2024, Windows 11 PC. Thanks in advance for any advice!
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‎Jan 25, 2024
03:24 AM
1 Upvote
Hi! I made my subtitles in a 25p project and they're ready to go. But I just learned that we need to make a 24p version to be used with BluRay. Can any of you smart, helpful people suggest the best way to do this? Note that I stupidly made a lot of corrections in the captions themselves that aren't reflected in the PP generated transcript. Hope there is a simple way to do this that doesn't involve manually retiming 1000+ individual subtitles! Cheers, Lori
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‎Oct 30, 2023
09:14 AM
Yes, definitely need this feature in PP!
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‎Aug 23, 2023
08:00 AM
First of all, I know how to fix this in the timeline. What I want to know is if there is a way to rotate a source media file without putting it on the timeline, rotating it and rerendering. In the heat of things when you're filming, sometimes there's just no time to make sure the phone is filming in the right orientation. I end up with clips that I filmed as landscape format being tagged as portrait format, and vice versa. I can apply a transform effect to the source clip to rotate it, and it looks correct if I put it on the timeline. But the source monitor aspect ratio does not change. This makes it very tedious to edit these clips and find the sections I want. Is there a way to rotate AND retag the footage somehow so the aspect ratio will be correct in the source monitor? Thanks in advance, Lori
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‎Apr 23, 2023
02:26 AM
Oh goodness, thanks for this! Now I can see the names of my tracks even when minimized! Super time saver!
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‎Feb 19, 2023
07:17 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, PP is exporting my sequence from the beginning, despite my having set the in point at frame 10. In the export dialog, the export range still contains those 10 blank frames from the beginning of the sequence. I do have Range set to Source In/Out. H.264 codec, "Match Source - Adaptive Low Bitrate" If I send the export to Media Encoder, it still doesn't respect the in/out points. Is this a bug, or is there a secret new setting somewhere that I'm missing? PP 23.1.0 Build 86 Windows 10 Pro Cheers, Lori
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‎Feb 06, 2023
08:22 AM
Hi Rob, the timeline looks normal and I can see the graphics that are there. The problem is that when I reopen the project after saving, or when I go back to the beginning of the timeline after doing a lot of work farther down, graphics that I'm 99.9999% sure I didn't accidentally delete are just gone. They're not in the list of graphics in the panel, and completely gone from the timeline. I've been working with PP for years now, and only a handful of times have accidentally deleted a graphic (by moving instead of copying), but suddenly in this project it's happened a couple of dozen times. So something is definitely up. This is the first project I've worked on in this version, so I'm thinking it might be a bug. It seems very random. Wish I had more info!
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‎Feb 05, 2023
06:58 AM
Hi Everybody, Text graphics seem to be randomly disappearing from my timeline. I can't rule out human error 100%, nor can I reliably reproduce the problem. I'm using 23.1.0 (Build 86), and have never had this happen before. My project is very simple, apart from having lots of graphics with text layers. There is always just one text layer in the graphic, nothing complicated. I am positioning them with presets (vector graphic position). There are no effects or anything else on the layer, just basic styling from the EG panel. There are many sequences in the project, but all are simple like this, nothing nested, etc. As I'm working it seems like some of my graphic events are randomly disappearing from the timeline. For example, I'll add a few to the beginning of the project and continue working down the timeline. But if I go back to the beginning, one or more of the graphics events is just GONE. At first I thought I was getting sloppy about holding down alt when I would copy a graphic, but yesterday I was VERY careful when editing, and double checked that everything was OK when I saved and closed. Today I opened up the project again, and am 100% sure that some of the text graphics I inserted yesterday are gone. There is no rhyme or reason to it, and I can't reproduce the problem, unfortunately. Is anyone else having this problem? Any idea what might be going on? As I said, I can't rule out human error 100%, but I'm 99.9% sure that there is something fishy going on. Thanks in advance!
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‎Dec 10, 2022
06:31 AM
Thanks for looking into this! Good luck to the team 🙂 Cheers, Lori
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‎Dec 10, 2022
06:30 AM
Whoa, thank you! Now I can easily turn it off when it happens, until they get it fixed. Cheers, Lori
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‎Dec 09, 2022
06:18 AM
I often alt+click on a mask thumbnail to view the mask and draw on it directly. Then I click back on the layer thumbnail to see the results. This always used to work fine. But since a recent update, now when I click back on the layer thumbnail, it's like I've added a "quick mask" with a red overlay. I can not for the life of me figure out how to turn this off. I randomly click on other layers and eventually it goes away.
What is happening here, and how I turn this off? I've tried clicking the "quick mask" icon in the toolbar and that does nothing. Also the Q shortcut does nothing. Windows 10, photoshop version 24.0.1
Thanks in advance for any help!
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‎Sep 11, 2021
08:20 AM
Hi everybody, I've not used PP for anything complicated in a while, so I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly since I edited my last documentary in 2019. If I set in and out points in the timeline inside a sequence, and then drag that sequence from the Project panel and into another sequence, isn't PP supposed to respect the in and out points that I set and just put that onto the timeline? I could swear it used to work like that. Now when I drag my chapter sequences into my master sequence, PP is not respecting their in/out points. It's putting the whole sequence in, even with a lot of extra blank space at the end. This behaviour seems really weird to me...has something changed or is there possibly a setting I'm overlooking? I have about 40 little chapter sequences to put together on a timeline, and it seems like I can't do it the way I've always done. Many thanks in advance for any advice! Lori
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‎Aug 21, 2021
01:33 AM
I'm having the same problem, and it's so annoying..Windows 10, PP 15.4 with a 4k display res 3840x2160. There is plenty of screen real estate for the menus to fully display, but -- unless I set Windows font scaling to 100% -- the menus are truncated. 100% is way too tiny to be usable. This is happening to the regular menus as well as the right-click context menus. Many of my most frequently used items (i.e. "reveal in project") are now hidden, and I have to click the black triangle to get them to display. Does anybody have a fix? For me this PP has been pretty stable , but it seems like there is ALWAYS some annoying problem that impedes workflow. 15.4.1 just dropped and I'm downloading it now in case it helps (I'm not too hopeful).
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‎Aug 18, 2021
12:54 AM
Hi there! Yes, you're right...I'm not sure what I was doing wrong yesterday, but today I tried and it worked! Perhaps it was just the reboot that fixed whatever was wrong. So sorry for the false alarm.
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‎Aug 17, 2021
02:54 AM
Hey there! Just bought PostNotes2 and it looks great. Question: is it possible to dock the floating panel somehow? Possible to have it automatically run when I start PP? I've tried docking the normal way by dragging and it just doesn't work. Thanks in advance!
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‎Aug 26, 2020
08:58 AM
I'm chiming in here because on the latest Audition version , I can't for the life of me get ctrl K to split a clip on the timeline. Driving me CRAZY. The razor tool works fine. I checked the shortcut key assignment in preferences, and it is correct. Anybody know what's going on here?
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‎Jun 30, 2020
01:45 AM
My encoding and error logs for AME don't seem to be updating properly. Often I get a "completed with warnings" yellow exclamation point, with a link to an error log, but then there is nothing about that render there. I've had some "hardware encoding" renders from PP fail on me the past couple of days (AME just gets stuck and all I can do is manually stop the render), and those don't show up in either the error or regular log. At all. Also, renders that complete with with no warnings are often missing from the log file. My my log files go back to 2016, and I can see that those entries are full of information. I'm not sure what to do here...any advice about how to get entries reliably showing up in my logs? Thanks, Lori
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‎Jun 06, 2020
05:45 AM
Hi all, I've never had any trouble with AME before, but suddenly my PP project won't render all the way through and I'm not sure what the problem would be. The weird thing is that I can "export media" from PP to AME just fine, choose "Match source - High Bit rate" and it starts rendering. But around 1/3 - 1/2 the way through, it just stops and the resulting file is unplayable. Weirdly, there is no error message or error log, and the usual blue link to the finished file is greyed out. The sequence has been rendering fine until today. I made quite a few changes since my last render, so I'm really not sure what the culprit would be...it's all "more of the same" that I've been doing, nothing really new or different. Any ideas what I can do to troubleshoot? System info Windows 10 pro (latest update), 32 gb RAM, i7-3770 3.40GHz, cache on an ssd (separate from OS drive), NVIDIA GTX1060 with 6 gb ram, source files on a fast RAID, Premiere Pro version 14.1.0 build 116 Thanks! Lori
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‎Jun 06, 2020
05:37 AM
Hi Neil, thanks. It's a Behind the scenes so I have audio from all over the place...different cameras (including phones), plus .wav files for the additional music. There are no .mp3s.
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‎Jun 02, 2020
04:16 AM
Thanks, Bob. That was one of the first things I tried...didn't help. Sorry I forgot it in my list. Turns out that it's basically having ANYTHING added via the Essential Sound panel. As soon as I add anything there things immediately get sluggish. Shame, because the effects and audio ducking there were super handy, but as is they are unusable -- waiting 10 seconds or more every time you press play just isn't workable. Hoping that will be addressed in future updates!
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