‎Apr 12, 2024
05:53 PM
Years go by and there is still NO SOLUTION! Why?! Shame on them!
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‎Jul 12, 2023
03:26 PM
For some reason Photoshop doesn't even see my two external LaCie drives. So nothing works to help this.
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‎Apr 16, 2023
08:08 PM
Isn't that the truth! lol
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‎Apr 16, 2023
06:23 PM
Just wanted to let you know I found the problem. Not sure exactly how, but a character style was created with that large font style of 60 pt. I had put a note to myslef on a blank page where I wanted to insert a photo that I was waiting on from the client. I didn't realize it had created it as a character style named "Marker." I'm so relieved to find the culprit - which of course, my bad. Thank you all for your help.
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‎Apr 15, 2023
10:13 AM
No... This is a 100 plus page book... I'm not about to go thru all the trouble. I've been dealing with it and getting frustrated enough. I was just hopeful that someone might have a solution.
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‎Apr 15, 2023
10:10 AM
Thanks. I'll do that.
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‎Apr 14, 2023
03:48 PM
I don't use a 60pt character style anywhere in the book... InDesign seems to have a glitch that keeps changing it to that. I'm dealing with it, but wondered if there was someone who might have a solution.
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‎Apr 12, 2023
12:32 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having the same or a similar issue using Indesign. For some reason it keeps jumping my font size to 60 point! I have several paragraph styles throughout my project (it's a book), and it doesn't seem to matter if I import or if I type in directly to my text frame the font jumps to 60 pt when it's supposed to be 12 point. I have to keep correcting it...and I keep editing the paragraph style and it is still correct in the box, but as soon as I'm back it's jumping to 60 point. It's driving me crazy and I don't know how to fix this and it's costing me so much time!
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‎Jul 31, 2022
05:55 PM
Photoshop will not recognize my LaCie 5TB external drive...it won't even see it!
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‎May 20, 2022
06:30 PM
Hi folks, I'm sorry if I am jumping into a thread here, but not sure where else to post. What happens when you can't get photoshop to see or recognize an external drive to use it as a scratch disk? I have a 4T LaCie that phtoshop sees, but I also have a 5TB LaCie that Photoshop refuses to see. Why?
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‎Mar 29, 2022
09:13 AM
Hi Stephen, I don't understand about going from one thread to another thread... I posted that I wasn't a computer expert and you had some really confusing pictures that seemed like something a coder would understand, but I have no idea where that was -- or is -- or any way to find it again. I can't find anything about option key or go to folder menu item. (I still can't find that now. I can only read my latest posts). All I know is that this forum started with a person named Shlomit Heymann. Anyway... I meant no disrespect. I might have thought you were replying to someone else and not me. In any event I opened Bridge 2020, haven't had a chance to spend any time with it yet, but will see how it works going forward. Thanks again.
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‎Mar 28, 2022
06:38 PM
Hello Stephen, I didn't know the forum has a private message feature or where people could download their files. I have not used the forum very often. I am very glad and thankful that Lumigraphics was plain-spoken enough to tell me that I did have a user library and that it was hidden and provided a link so I could find it. Many thanks to Lumigraphics. Since I have an Excel file of all of my keywords I will just use it and move on to Bridge 2020 or 2022 and hopefully never have this problem again. Thanks for your help.
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‎Mar 28, 2022
08:54 AM
Why or how would your seeing or having my xml file help me? And where or how would I supply a download link? Do you expect me to put it on dropbox for everyone in the world to have access to it? or to my computer?
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‎Mar 28, 2022
08:50 AM
Lumigraphics, Fabulous! Thanks for showing me! Ok. And now that I'm there... and I can see all those other files and folders along with my xml file....? I really do appreciate learning to find my library. I had been using system library.
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‎Mar 27, 2022
06:42 PM
I obviously do not have a library under my user name!   I have been an Adobe CC member for more than 10 years and Adobe CC has installed where it chose to! So, thanks for no help after all of this.
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‎Mar 25, 2022
09:24 AM
Stephen, Maybe my computer is just different from others. Adobe CC has always installed where it installs... Anyway, last user login is my full name. I've whited it out but you can see for yourself and none of this is helping me btw. (I don't even use After Effects or Premier Pro either). Everything else is under Applications.      
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‎Mar 24, 2022
05:47 PM
I don't have any other users on my computer and don't have any files there. There is a folder labeled guest that only seems to show shortcuts to other folders like the desktop or music...and a folder labeled shared that does show an Adobe folder but the only things there are After Effects and Premiere Pro, none of my other Photoshop or Illustrator or Bridge or InDesign software.
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‎Mar 23, 2022
06:29 PM
Hi Again, Thanks for responding... First, I'm just now learning that it might be possible for me to run the more recent CC software, My computer OS is Catalina 10.15.7 and up until today I was under the impression that only 2019 programs would work on my computer. (Can anyone confirm this for me)? Maybe if I update to current CC programs all of this might just be irrelevant? Maybe? lol. Gary_sc I'm not using any "cleaner" app on my computer. I did have Avast free version for awhile, but I did not give them full access to my HD and so I just don't even use it. I don't use Time Machine either, although I do keep a backup of all of my files and work on an external drive. However, I do think you might be on to something about Bridge not "seeing" that xml file. I noticed when I put a copy of it on my desktop and opened it to take a screenshot of it.. that it says open with illustrator at the top and I don't understand why it would say that at all! (Could that just be Finder trying to work it out). I'm sharing that screen shot and I'm showing a screenshot of more of the path to get there. It's basically Macintosh HD>Library>Application Support>Adobe>Adobe Bridge CC 2019>Adobe Bridge Keywords.xml     Thanks. I appreciate you all having a look and trying to help me. I'm just hoping all of these issues will go away if I move forward with all of the CC programs.
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‎Mar 22, 2022
10:09 AM
Here is a screenshot of where my xml file is located. It seems to be in the exact place that you are suggesting. I have not moved it anywhere. I did place a copy of it on my desktop when I thought that I could just import it from the keywords panel, but I have deleted that copy since that didn't work.   And here is a screenshoy of my keywords panel, but keep in mind that I have only re-typed in a handful of sub keywords because I don't have the time and am sick and tired of re-typing them in over and over and over again!   Thanks for replying even though it doesn't change or fix this.
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‎Mar 22, 2022
04:01 AM
1 Upvote
Oh yes they do!!!! My keywords (like 300 total) were always persistent in the keywords panel. They used to all show, but only selected ones for a particular image where marked with a checkbox. So... if I don't import the xml file...where do I place it? It seems to me to already be exactly where it is supposed to be, but Bridge is not "seeing" them anymore.
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‎Mar 20, 2022
12:10 PM
Sorry. You must think I'm some computer genius. This doesn't help me at all!!!! Adobe needs to fix the problem. God knows I pay them enough every month for programs that don't work on Mac Catalina anyway!
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‎Mar 20, 2022
12:07 PM
What the heck?! Do you think I'm some computer genius!!!??? Get real... for us common folk. Adobe should fix this ASAP!
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‎Mar 20, 2022
12:06 PM
I'm not a computer expert. I tried to import my xml file and Bridge refused to "see" it. None of this helps me at all!
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‎Mar 17, 2022
04:49 PM
How did you swap out the XML file? I have my XML file but Bridge will not allow me to import it and I don't understand why. I'm getting so frustrated. Yesterday all of my keywords were there and fine and today they are all gone AGAIN! This doesn't make sense to me. I haven't done or changed anything. Why do I have to keep re-typing all of my keywords back in all the time?
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‎Mar 17, 2022
04:17 PM
I wish Adobe would fix this problem with the keywords. It is frustrating as hell. I was using Bridge yesterday and no problem. I open the same program today and AGAIN all of my keywords are missing! WTF?!! I have started a Microsoft Excell Spreadsheet to keep all of my keywords but I should not have to keep typing them in every other week or every other day. I can't get any work done this way! Please FIX ASAP! And don't even get me started on what version. I'm using Mac Catalina and can only use 2019 version of all the software and still Adobe hasn't FIXED this either! Does anyone else use an alternative program instead of Adobe Bridge that they could recommend?
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‎Jan 26, 2022
06:49 PM
Does not help. File is NOT there! I did not change or update anything. They were there yesterday... they are gone today! Really pissed off!
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‎Jun 21, 2021
05:34 PM
Okay. So, to whom do I write a letter or send an email to where it will get actually get read by a person with any influence at all??!!
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‎Jun 20, 2021
08:50 PM
I have no idea what you are talking about! Evironment variables? That's a new one on me. And just to clarify, I don't have any issue with scratch disks. I simply wanted to add another external drive to the list. It has Macintosh HD as #1 and I have a LaCie that is listed 2nd. but it's not showing my additional LaCie which is 5TB and I wanted to list it as #3, but photoshop doesn't see it. (I'm sure it's formated the same as the other, so that can't be the problem). My iMac sees it fine. It's photoshop 2019 that doesn't see it. (I can't use Photoshop 2020 or 2021 cuz I'm using macOSCatalina -- which pissses me off to no end)! Why didn't Adobe warn us of this before Catalina came out???!!! Why do I keep payng this damned $52 every month when I CAN"T EVEN USE IT!!!!! It's extortion!
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‎Jun 03, 2021
09:52 PM
I'm using Photoshop 2019. I have a 5TB LaCie that Photoshop does not see that I would like to set up as my third scratch disk and I'm ready to scream!
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‎Jun 02, 2021
12:51 PM
I made six custom brushes just yesterday and they seem to have just dissapeared! I can't find them anywhere. I tried every recommendation in this thread from everyone who posted and still no brushes, but I clearly saved them as new brush presets and I created a folder to store them all in. Do they just completely dissapear when you close the document and close Photoshop???
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