‎Feb 13, 2025
03:35 AM
This is plain stupid to say the least, but it is what it is. https://blog.google/products/maps/united-states-geographic-name-change-feb-2025/
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‎Jan 12, 2025
10:16 AM
1 Upvote
It does what is said - converts to DNG. The problem is your expectations: -that all images in the stack are selected when you select collapsed stack -that convert to DNG should not convert what is already DNG Both are false. And behavior of stacks is not specific to "Convert to DNG", it is consistent across all LrC functions. Collapsed stack is treated as single top image, because stacks are designed to hide some images under the final one (like exposure brackets or panorama parts).
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‎Jan 12, 2025
09:25 AM
Those are not bugs. As for the stacks: when you select collapsed stack - only top image is selected. If you want to convert all images - select all, expand all stacks, select all, convert to DNG, collapse all stacks. As for converting DNG to DNG - that is also by design. DNG may come directly from camera, from other software or any other source and for example may have different bit depths and have any other differences. Converting DNG to DNG converts file to Adobe "flavour" of DNG file. If you don't want that - you can exclude DNG files using file type in library filter.
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‎Dec 30, 2024
06:03 AM
1 Upvote
In my opinion it's not a bug, but rather a feature. The fact that toolbar is not shown in fullscreen mode doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to enable or disable it. I mean you may think that pressing T in fullscreen mode does nothing, but actually it does. It switches toolbar state as in the normal mode, the effect is just visible only when you exit fullscreen mode.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
02:43 PM
Right, but when LR is asking if I want to update all photos in the film strip (in my German version it say "Alle Fotos im Filmstreifen aktualisieren") then I expect, that ALL are updated. By @endew Why? It doesn't say ALL, it says "All in the filmstrip". And when stacks are collapsed they are NOT in the filmstrip. If you want to argue then show us where in the filmstrip you can see them. I get it that current design doesn't meet your expactations, but in my opinion the issue is with expactations, not with the design...
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‎Dec 04, 2024
01:14 PM
No you don't, no need to unstack. It's just that operations are applied only to the stack's top image if the stack is collapsed. Expand stack, do what you want and then callapse it back. This can be done in batch if needed: select all, stacking>expand all stacks, stacking>collapse all stacks.
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‎Jul 05, 2024
08:08 AM
1 Upvote
Maybe I don't get something, but as I understand it you have two folders with same photos in them, imported some of them from one folder and can't import same photos from the other. Is this correct? And the question is why? Well, because you have "Don't import suspected duplicates" checked in the import dialog. Hope this helps.
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‎Jun 20, 2024
07:48 AM
Is there any hope this will be fixed one day? Come on, Adobe content management app that fails to properly display thumbnails for Adobe developed file format (PSD) looks as silly as possible...
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‎May 10, 2024
07:53 AM
1 Upvote
If you see "Sync" instead of "Previous" simply means you have more than one photo selected.
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‎Mar 31, 2024
09:48 AM
Removes what flag? After external app you get new file that was never flagged - and I would say it should stay this way, because user flagged original, not the new image. Also flags was not even part of metadata until recently - it's Lightroom only thing, so your expectations that it should be inherited from original is false.
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‎Mar 21, 2024
05:42 AM
1 Upvote
This is by design because settings are image content adaptive, i.e. what is shadows, highlights, whites and blacks is not predetermined and depends on image content. You have changes in your images (light changes, etc) so same values are giving you different results. Watch this for details: https://lrtimelapse.com/knowhow/lightroom-introduces-contrast-flicker/
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‎Mar 10, 2024
05:19 AM
It is not necessary to use context menu. Press alt/option and you'll get this button. Read here: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/help/masking.html
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‎Feb 23, 2024
04:14 AM
In this constantly changing world where unbeliavable, misarable and disasterous things happened for the past couple of years, and who knows what waits us in the future. In this scary world only Adobe Bridge is the last bastion of stability. The whole Bridge 2023 line of releases, three releases of Bridge 2024 already - and it's still the same. Thank you for not changing anything!
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‎Feb 22, 2024
08:14 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the answer. I've searched a bit, and it seems that I've missed the fact that starting from LrC v4 flags became global. Now everything is clear. PS: This community software continues to emuse me every day. By whom on Earth answer can be marked as "correct", if not by person who asked the qustion? For sure I can not do this in threads started by other people, and for some reason it happened in this thread. Not to say that the answer is incorrect, it is just unclear how this happens...
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‎Feb 22, 2024
06:26 AM
Hi. In the release notes of LrC v13.2 among other things there is this statement: Support to read and write flag states to XMP Can someone clarify how exactly this should work? The issue is that flags are local to source (at least they were used to be). So if image is flagged in one collection, and rejected in the other - what exactly would be saved to XMP? Or only flags applied in the folders will get saved to XMP? Or flags are global now like star ratings? I would appreciate any information on this. Thank you.
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‎Feb 06, 2024
07:26 AM
1 Upvote
Plugins are isolated from each other, so one plugin can not change metadata for other. It is doable, it just depends on how much you really need this. The solution is to "ask" plugin to change it's metadata by itself. Here is one of the solutions that comes to mind. The plugin that needs metadata changed should start task at Lightroom startup and listen on socket for some commands and process them as they come. Another plugin connects to that socket and sends comands to change metadata (or whatever) for the first plugin. You'll have to come up with some simple protocol for this communication. It is doable, but not the easiest thing to do honestly.
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‎Feb 06, 2024
07:19 AM
Just run "Build standard previews" as you did already for all photos. Lightroom will skip those that already have previews built, so it will not take more time that is needed.
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‎Jan 26, 2024
05:54 AM
1 Upvote
…any time you get a disk or download of software that is important, keep an archived copy of it around. If it’s that important, always know how you are going to reinstall it if something goes wrong with the computer, where the installer is, etc. This is the only way to operate under terms like those, which are, as I said, part of almost every software you use. And it is especially important if the software is used for a business where any downtime comes at a high cost. Always have a way to recover. By @Conrad_C Yeah, right. So the customer is even guilty now. Look, Adobe made everything possible to make things harder for customers to have offline backups of their software. One real example. Photoshop 2021 or newer require SSE4.2 instructions from CPU which is not available on all hardware platforms, so some people are staying on Photoshop 2020 because of this. How can they make an offline installer to keep for themselves in case Adobe will decide it is too old and will remove it from Creative Cloud, taking into account that it installs from cloud? The only official way is by using Creative Cloud for Teams, wich is obviosly not available for individuals. So it's not customers, it's Adobe's attitude to push everyone into cloud and enforce to use latest versions.
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‎Jan 26, 2024
05:19 AM
You can download LR 6.14 from Web Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20220716114731/https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/help/lightroom-6-end-of-support.html I don't know will you be able to activate or not, not sure how far Adobe went with ending support - activation servers may be down as well. Do not bother checking links from Prodesigntools posted above - they do not host anything, just redirecting to Adobe servers, so it will not be there the same moment Adobe deleted it.
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‎Jan 19, 2024
08:55 AM
1 Upvote
Well, I don't get why you find this situation strange. GPU have some amount of computational power. As you wrote - Denoise always runs on GPU no matter the settings. So with GPU acceleration disabled only Denoise consumes computational power of GPU, and with GPU acceleration enabled that same computetional power will be shared by Denoise and other things that may be running in parallel (export, preview generation and who know what else). But I would agree that the difference is quite dramatic though.
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‎Jan 15, 2024
05:40 AM
Try to contact Adobe tech support by chat - they maybe will be able to provide installer. That's if you want it from reputable source. Otherwise just find it over Internet - that shouldn't be too hard.
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‎Jan 15, 2024
05:25 AM
Let me ask you something. You upgraded your GPU because nVidia/AMD disabled your previous one? I don't think so. It was you decision because you wanted something better. Which is definitely not the case here. OP is happy with Lightroom 6 and just want to get something he paid for with his own money. And he just can't. Imagine you are living in a house you bought with your own money. And one day building company who build it came to you and say "Move out, we decided that the house is obsolete and will be destroyed - buy yourself a new one". Will you still be convinsing everyone that it's ok? I agree that this is how software companies are acting now and there is not much we can do, but it's definitely very far from "Ok"!
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‎Jan 15, 2024
05:18 AM
No. Your perpetual licence only bought you the right to use Lr 6 while it was available. (ie for the life of the software.) What you are saying is that people are paying for nothing, because that "life of the software" is not known and is not specified anywhere at the time of purchase - they can as well shut it down in a day, month or in a hundred years - noone knows. And those software companies are then wondering why people are joining captain Jack Sparrow team...
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‎Jan 15, 2024
05:11 AM
Prodesigntools does not host any installers. They just collect links to Adobe download servers, so if removed from Adobe - will not be available there too unfortunately.
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‎Jan 13, 2024
11:56 AM
DNG is file format, not an application. And I know what DNG Converter is and is not. What are you trying to tell? That it's ok that it is supposed to provide compatibility for new cameras with older software but have same system requirements as latest software?
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‎Jan 13, 2024
05:04 AM
Adobe don't need to keep old software compatible with the new cameras. All they have to do is just build DNG converter with older OS SDK (Windows SDK for example), not with latest and greatest like they are doing.
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‎Jan 13, 2024
05:01 AM
Exactly! That's what I am talking about. This situation totally voids the reason for DNG Converter to exist at all. Imagine you now need to work on Nikon Z8 RAW files - what's your options? Correct - you have none, because you can't upgrade your LrC and can not run DNG Converter either. In theory you should be able to convert to DNG compatible with your LrC, but that will require compatible system, and if you have one you may just upgrade your LrC.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
08:54 PM
>> Users who refuse to move on to a subscription, who still use old no longer supported Lightroom Perpetual v6.14 and older, but with new cameras, can use the DNG converter. On what Windows OS? DNG Converter requires Windows 10/11, where Lightroom 6 is not supported. Why there is support for Photoshop CS/CS2/CS3/CS4 and so on in the DNG Converter then? Am I supposed to run those versions on Windows 10/11 where they are not supported either?
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‎Jan 12, 2024
01:36 PM
1 Upvote
Your explanation doesn't explain anything at all. Lightroom Classic, ACR and DNG Converter are released at more or less same schedule and support same cameras, and they all have similar system requirements. If your camera is supported by LrC/ACR - you don't need DNG Converter, and if it doesn't - you will need DNG Converter that is newer then your LrC/ACR and will have higher system requirements. If you can satisfy those requirements you may as well just upgrade your LrC/ACR, and if you can't - DNG Converter will not run either. Also DNG Converter have compatibility levels for ACR 2.4 (Photoshop CS), ACR 4.x (Photoshop CS 3), ACR 5.x (Photoshop CS4) and so on. For what? Following your logic it shouldn't be there because neither of them are supported on Windows 10/11 which is required by latest DNG Converter. It's funny how people are trying to protect what is obviously not very well though decision. Come on, exact same thing already happened to Lightroom 6 which is fully 64bit, but can not be run on modern MacOS due to someone's great decision to make it's installer 32bit.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
12:08 PM
There is a major design issue with DNG Converter which I want to raise here.
Here on help page (https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/using/adobe-dng-converter.html) it is said:
Adobe provides backwards compatibility for the latest cameras for use in older versions of Photoshop, Lightroom, Bridge, After Effects, and Photoshop Elements through the DNG Converter.
How is this supposed to work taking into account system requirements specified on that same page?
Let's say I'm running older hardware or Windows 7 and can not upgrade Photoshop or Lightroom Classic.
But I will not be able to run DNG Converter on that system either.
And if I can run DNG Converter, then I will be able to run latest Photoshop or Lightroom Classic because system requirements are basically the same.
So what's the point?
Am I missing something?
In my opinion DNG Converter should be built with the lowest system requirements possible, which is currently not the case.
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