Kyle Hamrick
Community Expert
Kyle Hamrick
Community Expert
‎Jan 22, 2025
10:23 AM
I was coming to make a request regarding expressions being able to count how many entries exist within the dropdown list (so you could tie a property to always reference the LAST option, for example), but I think the above request probably fulfills any use case I can think of... That said, I wouldn't be sad about both! 😅
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‎Jan 14, 2025
08:04 AM
I'd be happy for this, and it feels like groundwork has already been laid, since we have Taper and Wave operators with seemingly-similar behaviors.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
07:36 AM
After Effects projects are forward-compatible. You should be able to open a 2017 project in 2025, for example, without issue.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
07:33 AM
You're getting this abrupt change because of your Stroke Width. You might try animating that up from a lower value over the first few frames of your Trim Path animation to smooth this out.
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‎Jan 13, 2025
02:30 PM
[For the sake of clarity, I'm on a Windows system, wherein I have two keys marked Enter; the one in the middle of the keyboard (aka Return on Mac), and a second, smaller Enter on the bottom-right, as part of the NumPad. To avoid confusion, I will refer to this central Enter key as "Return," and to NumPad Enter as such.]
TL;DR - would it be possible for Ctrl + Return to universally commit text edits? And/or could/should Numpad Enter be updated to also commit text edits, as it does when writing in the expression editor?
When entering type into a text layer, you're able to press Ctrl + Return to commit the text edit, returning the selection to the layer itself. (Return, Alt + Return and Shift + Return all create line breaks.) Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to commit when editing that same Source Text input in the Essential Graphics panel, or when editing this text (as an Essential Property) in the Properties Panel. In either panel, pressing Return, Ctrl + Return or Shift + Return all create line breaks, while Alt + Return does nothing. In either panel, pressing Ctrl or Shift + Numpad Enter create line breaks, while both Numpad Enter or Alt + Numpad Enter do nothing.
While obviously not the same, you're able to simply press Return to commit edits to property names in the Essential Graphics panel.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
12:20 PM
Are you actually wanting an answer to this question, or just venting? Dropping this into the replies on another question seems unhelpful at best, and if you feel like you have a better solution already, you're free to use that.
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‎Oct 24, 2024
12:51 PM
1 Upvote
If your Creative Cloud app is set correctly... ...Any chance this started happening immediately after you installed those BorisFX plugins? ...Any chance you didn't pay for those plugins?
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‎Oct 20, 2024
02:12 PM
There's too many variables to guess at what you might be running into, but I have to assume there's some misunderstanding on your end about how After Effects functions and/or layers in the timeline actually work. There's a free introductory After Effects course available from Adobe here: https://adobevideotraining.com/after-effects/introductory-courses/
Hopefully that'll get you some basic understanding of what might be happening.
And/or - post some screenshots or screen recordings of what you're encountering, and we'll be able to better assist you. Please show the entire interface, ideally with your layer(s) twirled open in the timeline.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
04:14 AM
They do pay attention to this feedback, but that doesn't make it magically happen. Yelling definitely doesn't help.
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‎Aug 30, 2024
07:14 AM
1 Upvote
It's clearly not interpreting the layer boundaries in line with the way it actually looks, but it's possible that's something to do with the way this was built. - Are there are clipping masks, etc. in play? - You could try importing that layer alone at Document size instead of Layer size. - This is editable text in Illustrator, yes? Possible the combo of type properties & path text is causing some weirdness. As Mylenium suggested, you could try using Expand Appearance in Illustrator (I'd duplicate & keep that editable version of the layer).
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‎Aug 16, 2024
10:12 AM
+1. Creating expression controls isn't the end of the world, but it creates an extra step and likely isn't a very intuitive solve for many users.
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‎Aug 16, 2024
08:18 AM
I was able to reproduce this behavior, and agree it should be working as you assume. Doing pretty much anything to the "child" layer seems to kick it into gear (like nudging it with arrow keys, for example) Updating the layer name of the "parent" updated the expressions on the "child," and also got everything functioning properly.
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‎Aug 16, 2024
08:10 AM
Very doable - you could create this on a single layer. Add the effect CC Repetile, which allows you to tile an image like this - just modify the Expand Down and Expand Up properties. Then add the Offset effect and animate the Y value. It looks like the actual motion on the cloud is likely just looping a few frames from a piece of video footage.
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‎Aug 11, 2024
08:34 AM
I'll happily welcome the opinion of anyone who's more of an expert on computer hardware, but here's my two cents: I have a dedicated NVMe drive just for my cache. With the speed of modern drives, I doubt you'll feel a difference in speeds vs putting your cache on a drive shared with other content - but since the cache drive is constantly being written and overwritten, having it on a separate drive keeps that wear and tear from affecting one of your more "important" drives. If you've got the physical space / ports, that also means you can get a super fast cache drive without having to pay for one that's also large enough to hold multiple things.
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‎Aug 11, 2024
08:28 AM
"Multiple ways to do the same thing" isn't uncommon in After Effects. It's a huge program, and a lot of functions have multiple entry points, in an attempt to keep you from having to fish too deeply for them. Use whichever one works best for your context!
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‎Jul 18, 2024
06:44 AM
1 Upvote
I might suggest rendering an image sequence - you can start/stop literally anywhere, and AE will know which frames already exist, as long as you continue exporting to the same folder. If you need to make any changes along the way, just re-export that section. Once your sequence is done, you can slap that back into AE, or into Premiere, or whereever else, and marry it with audio, do final color, etc. Note: Avoid PNG for this task. The file size is smaller, but you'll pay for it in time, both in creation and when using the file again later. EXR is my go-to format here.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
06:39 AM
The "stacked images" icon indicates this is an image sequence; it's a piece of footage. From what you've shown, there are also multiple copies of the same files on the timeline - probably using different blending modes, etc. for compositing. When you say "edit," what is it you're trying to achieve? Changing this piece of footage to a different piece of footage? Changing some of the properties of this layer?
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‎May 19, 2024
08:47 PM
You should probably just contact Adobe support directly.
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‎May 19, 2024
07:58 AM
Are you getting this issue on all projects, or just one specific project? Based on your post, I'm guessing it's probably the latter?
Are there any odd characters in the project name, or in files referenced by this project?
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‎May 19, 2024
07:57 AM
In more plain language: A layer's Position property is actually the position of the layer's Anchor Point in the Composition space.
When you parent one layer to another, the child layer's Position property is now showing you that layer's Anchor Point in the parent's layer space! This is why these values suddenly change when you parent, and why an expression on Position will often need to be modified based on whether a layer is parented or not.
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‎Mar 19, 2024
11:29 AM
+1! Technically you should be able to achieve this by using multiple instances of the effect, and keyframing the Effect Opacity, but ... your idea sounds much smoother.
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‎Mar 15, 2024
11:47 AM
Comparisons to the Shift+select or ALT+select parenting behavior definitely make sense here, though we obviously have more options and this can get complex quickly! Between this and the ability to easily create luma or inverted mattes without additional clicks, there are some great opportunities to save users time, though. Personally, I'd probably lobby for Shift+select keeping the matte visible, as that's the one I'm most likely to use more often, and I feel like that aligns with the "move me to parent" behavior already in my brain. But ALT/Opt maybe makes more sense .... conceptually?
Honestly, between CTRL/CMD, ALT/Opt & Shift, I don't know that I have strong feelings about which maps to which function, as long as we get them!
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‎Feb 21, 2024
08:53 PM
@johnalmightyx I'm confused about why you're making this comment on a 3 year old post that ... has a solution?
Have you tried all the things listed in the other responses? I'd almost guarantee the solution to your issue is already suggested here.
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‎Feb 19, 2024
03:07 PM
It's a pretty new capability! I should say that Illustrator is definitely NOT 3d modeling software, and will be pretty limited in terms of the complexity you can create - but it's definitely an option for simpler stuff.
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‎Jan 11, 2024
09:00 AM
Absolutely - options are great! Since we're talking, I'll point out that you can now also create 3D extrudes (and inflates!) in Illustrator, which would probably be a great place to try recreating that original "D" reference image with all that roundy goodness. (That can then be exported as a GLTF and imported into AE, using the new Advanced 3D Renderer I mentioned above.)
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‎Jan 09, 2024
08:40 AM
Thanks @Ged_Traynor. I was aware other 3D features had been depricated, though it would have been nice to have them listed explicitly to make them searchable. If the feature is indeed gone intentionally (I agree with David that it's debatable this is actually a "3D" format), at the very least, Adobe needs to update the documentation to be current.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
08:37 AM
1 Upvote
I will point out that there are now some more possibilities available since the previous info was posted. There is now an additional 3D option (Advanced Renderer), as part of the "True 3D Workspace," which includes the ability to import and work with actual 3d models in After Effects, without third-party plugins. You will still need to model the objects elsewhere, though.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jan 08, 2024
03:42 PM
‎Jan 08, 2024
03:42 PM
In the current (25.3.1) version of Photoshop (desktop), within the Vanishing Point pop-up window, the options that allow you to export this vanishing point data have seemingly disappeared. (For other users as well; this isn't an issue local to my system.)
These options are still present in Photoshop 24.7.2.
While this isn't the most modern feature, it is still very useful as a way to create and send 3d vanishing point data to After Effects (and obviously elsewhere, with the other formats), and there's no other way to recreate that functionality that I'm aware of.
The official Adobe write-up for Vanishing Point still references the ability to export this data, and I can't find any announcement about this being removed/depricated.
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‎Dec 11, 2023
06:55 PM
There's a pretty good chance this has something to do with your recording format. You might try running it through Media Encoder to see if a different codec gives you more success. Likely, though, this has to do with the channels being used in the recording. (Audio is *not* AE's strong suit.) It might be easiest to just export .wav files of the audio tracks from Premiere, and use those as the audio in AE.
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‎Nov 25, 2023
01:59 PM
1 Upvote
Agreed. This is one of the many hurdles of testing/refining Mogrts that could stand to be streamlined.
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