Jeanne Rubbo
Adobe Employee
Jeanne Rubbo
Adobe Employee
‎Jul 12, 2017
02:38 PM
1 Upvote
It does support per-monitor scaling.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 12, 2017
12:45 PM
‎Jul 12, 2017
12:45 PM
The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition. If you would like to help the Adobe Photoshop team with the quality of this new feature, please visit the sign-up link to be considered for the program (scroll down to the Photoshop CSUI Program and click on Apply):
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 12, 2017
10:58 AM
‎Jul 12, 2017
10:58 AM
I just came here to post this, but you beat me to it! I am part of the team that has been working on this feature, and I encourage anyone who is unhappy with the current interface scaling in Photoshop to sign up for the Photoshop CSUI Program: We want to make sure to get this right for the many people who have been requesting this feature. This is a good chance to see what we've been working on and give feedback.
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‎Jul 11, 2017
01:10 PM
Update: As of 10/25/17, we are closing this program to new applicants. We have a large number of participants already. Thank you to everyone who registered! The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition.
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‎Jul 11, 2017
01:09 PM
Update: As of 10/25/17, we are closing this program to new applicants. We have a large number of participants already. Thank you to everyone who registered! The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition.
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‎Jul 11, 2017
12:55 PM
Update: As of 10/25/17, we are closing this program to new applicants. We have a large number of participants already. Thank you to everyone who registered! The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition.
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‎Jul 11, 2017
12:53 PM
Update: As of 10/25/17, we are closing this program to new applicants. We have a large number of participants already. Thank you to everyone who registered! The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition.
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‎Jul 11, 2017
12:39 PM
Update: As of 10/25/17, we are closing this program to new applicants. We have a large number of participants already. Thank you to everyone who registered! The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition.
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‎Oct 29, 2014
09:31 AM
Hi Angus,
I'd like to try to track this down. Could you send me the original InDesign file that shows the issue when pasting into Photoshop? My e-mail is jrubbo AT adobe DOT com.
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‎Feb 03, 2014
08:46 AM
This issue is logged in our bug database, so we are aware of it. Thanks for the reports.
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‎Jan 22, 2014
08:41 AM
Thanks for the report. I've logged it in the bug database and we are currently investigating.
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‎Jan 02, 2014
01:41 PM
This looks related to the tile size. I'll go ahead and log it as a bug. But if you're looking to minimize this in the meantime, you can try increasing the Cache Tile Size setting inside the Performance section of the Preferences. I was able to get this problem to go away by increasing the tile size to 1028K and restarting Photoshop.
Whether or not this is feasible depends on the performance of your particular machine.
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‎Jan 02, 2014
09:40 AM
I was able to reproduce this and logged a bug in our database. Thanks for finding this.
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‎Oct 21, 2013
12:57 PM
I've logged this in our bug database. Thanks for finding it.
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‎Sep 24, 2013
04:12 PM
The crash mentioned in this thread is fixed. The crash you're encountering is a different crash that we are working on fixing and yes, we are getting the reports. The workaround is to make sure your shapes are on whole pixel values (as opposed to fractions of pixels). This is not a 100% fix, but might help the situation until we can release a fix.
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‎Sep 12, 2013
01:40 PM
Just for some background, the reason we implemented it the way we did is that without specifically targeting a subpath (or more than one subpath) Photoshop has to make assumptions about what counts as selected and the assumptions led to lots of bugs with the Properties panel. Since we allow multiple subpaths per layer/path and we allow multiple layers/paths to be selected at once, things can get really complex. By requiring the user to fully select specific subpath(s), the Properties panel a) knows exactly which controls to display, and b) the controls work properly. So what you're asking for is that an exception be made to this rule: if a single shape layer with a single live shape subpath is selected (even if the anchor points are not visible), show the Live Shape Properties panel?
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‎Sep 12, 2013
12:40 PM
3) click the "Live Shape Properties" button at the top of the Properties panel (it defaults to "Masks") The behavior where you have to click on the Live Shape Properties button is a known bug. When a live shape is fully selected (anchor points visible, at least one anchor point filled), the Live Shape Properties panel should show by default, and this is not currently working. So for now, you do have to make sure to switch over to the Live Shape Properties panel by clicking the button. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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‎Sep 12, 2013
12:35 PM
Hi David, It sounds like you're encountering the new Active Layers mode in 14.1. When you're in Active Layers mode, you can only work with paths on canvas that belong to currently selected layers. If you want to skip the step of selecting a layer first, then choose either the Path Selection tool or Direct Selection tool and choose "All Layers" in the options bar dropdown. Now you should be able to click on canvas to select shapes, regardless of which layers were selected in the Layers panel. Also, if you need to switch between the two modes on a regular basis, you can assign a custom keyboard shortcut to "Direct Selection Mode Toggle" under the Tools section of the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog.
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‎Sep 12, 2013
12:24 PM
This problem is fixed in the 14.1/14.1.1 update.
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‎Sep 12, 2013
12:23 PM
You're welcome!
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‎Aug 21, 2013
12:27 PM
Hi inteilla, Are you using Photoshop CS6? The Live Shapes Properties panel was introduced in Photoshop CC.
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‎Aug 14, 2013
02:44 PM
Hello, As a couple of people have mentioned in this thread, the Live Shapes Properties panel displays based on which subpaths are currently targeted. By targeted, I mean that the anchor points on the path are visible and at least one is filled. Clicking on the shape with the Path Selection tool is the easiest way to target a subpath. You can add to the targeted subpaths by Shift-clicking additional shapes with the Path Selection tool (or Shift-dragging around the shapes you want to select). Using the Move tool won't work for this, since it only selects the layer and not the path(s). We implemented it this way because now that Photoshop has multiple path selection and there are so many combinations of ways to select different kinds of paths, it can get really buggy when Photoshop has to make assumptions about exactly what the user meant to select. This way, it's obvious which subpaths are targeted. We are continuing to look into ways to improve the way the Properties panel works for live shapes. I see that a couple of bugs are mentioned here in addition to the issue with accessing the Live Shape Properties panel. Not only does it forget that you have a live shape, you can not create a new live shape if the you have a shape layer selected. This should be possible. Could you post the list of steps you're using when you run into this problem? This bug goes a lot further than what you have stated, if you select the live shape from the tool menu on the left it removes the properties and the width becomes the width of the space. I'm not sure what you mean by this -- could you also post a list of steps? Thanks!
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‎Aug 12, 2013
09:25 AM
This should be fixed in Photoshop CC (14.0).
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‎Aug 05, 2013
01:01 PM
This is a known bug that is already logged in our database. I'll add your workaround info to the bug report. Thanks!
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‎Aug 05, 2013
01:00 PM
This was fixed in 13.0.1. Now the Pen tool should remember the last path operation mode that was selected.
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‎Jun 26, 2013
01:30 PM
This bug appears to be CC only. I can't give out any information on our release schedule, sorry.
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‎Jun 26, 2013
01:20 PM
They get the highest priority, generally, so it will likely go out with the next release. Unfortunately I can't speak to our release schedule beyond that.
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‎Jun 26, 2013
01:15 PM
Thanks for the report. I'll go ahead and log it.
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‎Jun 20, 2013
07:33 PM
This should now be possible in Photoshop CC with the new multi-path selection capabilities.
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‎Jun 19, 2013
12:20 PM
Thanks for catching this. It looks like the Delete Anchor Point command isn't properly invalidating the live shape. I'll go ahead and log it.
As you noted, the workaround is to use the Delete Anchor Point tool (or Pen tool with Auto Add/Delete enabled).
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