‎Feb 16, 2025
08:15 AM
The bug is bag in the current beta. PLEASE, stop doing the same mistake over and over again. Fix this and keep it fixed.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
04:59 AM
Nach eine rnicht vorhersehabren Anzahl von Bearbeitungsschritten, kann KEIn Verlauf meh rlas Transparenzmaske mehr angelegt werden. Abspecihern der Datei udn Neustart von Photoshop sind ein funktionierdenr Workaround.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
02:09 AM
STRG-T ermöglicht nur noch Spiegeln über "Kontextsensitives Menü". Rechtsklick-Optionen für Verzerren, etc können nicht aufgerufen werden!
Tool ist quasi unbenutzbar.
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‎Jan 08, 2022
02:07 AM
Issue seems to be resolved by manually downloading Acrobat DC 64bit and isntalling it. WHY does Adobe NOT automatically roll-out Acrobat 64bit to Windows 11 machines?!?
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‎Jan 08, 2022
01:58 AM
I habe multiple issues with Acrobat DC on a single machine, running Windows 11 1. Many PDFs will not be opend. Error Message 57. No further explanation 2. Acrobat is unable to process JPG files (generated with Photoshop 2022) into a multipage pdf These issues ONLY arise on the Windows 11 machine. All other computers running Windows 10 show normal behaviour of Acrobat DC. Acrobat has been uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times to no avail.
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‎Nov 06, 2016
09:00 AM
I use InDeign ily about once a month. Today was supposed to be on of those days. On startig up InDesign CC2015.3, which worked flawlessly a few weeks ago´, It crashed. Re tried 5 times to no avail. Since the Update to CC 2017 was availabe I upgraded. Still crashing on startup. Checked the community and tried: 1. Uninstalling (deleting prefs) ad reinstalling - to no avail. 2. Resetting preferences (shift+ctrl+alt) on startup - to no avail 3. Deleting cache folder in Local and Roaming trees - to no avail. 4. Checked for fonts with special characters in tehir name - none found. 5. Re-Installed CC 2015 - started up ONCE, crashed when I tried to close welcome screen and keeps crashing now... I NEED a solution by tomorrow. I NEED TO WORK. this is unacceptable.
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‎Jan 31, 2016
02:37 AM
Ok, I MANAGED TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE ON MY OWN. 1) Locate the extracted copy of Acrobat DC in your local temp folder "C:\users\[username]\Local\Temp\??? The folder will be of the date that Acrobat DC was downloaded and the installation failed. Size aprox 1+GB; Try searching for the string "Acrobat_DC_Web_W*" if in doubt 2) Make a copy of the above folder. 3) Goto Download Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Official Microsoft Download Center and click Download. 4) Select vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe and download the packages. 5) Go to your windows folder. Locate ALL copies of the files msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dllin ALL sub-folders of windows! These locations will hold copies of the respective dlls for sure : "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\" and "C:\Windows\System32" 6) Rename all of them changing the filetype .bak, just in case. You will need Administrator priviliges to do so! ! ! 7) (Re)-Install the vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe packages by double-clicking. IF priviously installed opt for REPAIR. 8) Locate the setup.exe in the backup folder of the Acrobat DC installation and execute it. Choose trial licencse while installing. DONE.
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‎Jan 31, 2016
01:54 AM
I located the extracted installation files in my temp folder (freaking 8 copies of it!) ... installing manually results in the following error towards the end of the installation process ... and the setup programm roll back the entire installation due to this error... ARE YOU GUYS KIDDDING ME? PLEASE, solve this issue. NOW. It is obviously a problem with the package!!! by the way: How do I locate my serial number for manual installation?
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‎Jan 31, 2016
01:28 AM
What really baffles me is, that the installation process stops while extracting around 51%... Can the Acrobat DC package be downloaded for offline distribution, already extracted?!?
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‎Jan 29, 2016
01:23 PM
I kiterally tried ALL of the oprions described but to NO AVAIL. I am truly fed up. I am waisting far too much time on trying to get Acrobat DC running...
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‎Jan 28, 2016
10:34 PM
1 Upvote
Exit Code: 7 Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DW003, DW071 ... -------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------- - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s) ----------- Payload: Adobe Acrobat DC 15.10.20056.0 Adobe Acrobat\Setup.exe_15.010.20056 ----------- ERROR: DW071: ERROR: DW003: Third party payload installer Adobe Acrobat\Setup.exe failed with exit code: 1603 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have tried the following to resovle the issue, but to NO avail: 1. Used Acrobat Cleaner Toll (DC Version) to remove all traces of acrobat DC and reader 2. Used Acrobat Cleaner Toll (CC 2014 Version) to remove all traces of acrobat DC and reader 3. Used CC Cleaner Tool to remove ALL Adobe appliacations 4. Manually deleted ALL Acrobat folders in the system NOTHING WORKS. This is completely ridiculous! I cannot even install an acrobat reader! PLEASE provide a working solution! Why do I pay for this softwre, if it cannot even install? Running windows 10 on a Lenovo Yoga 3
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