‎Aug 28, 2024
10:28 AM
I must say I'd never heard of that! Were they hoping to integrate Muse into Figma, but couldn't reach agreement on it? That's still no reason to have completely abandoned Muse, IMO.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
10:13 AM
I fully agree, Muse is a really great program. Why Adobe suddenly decided to abandon it is a mystery, but I'm afraid that I can only assume that they decided that they just weren't making enough money from it. The fact that you can still include it in a Creative Cloud subscription must mean that they still accept that people want to use it though. I had it on a single app subscription, and had to jump through a lot of hoops to get them to agree to continue that, but they did, and they're still taking my money for it every month! I have no other Creative Cloud apps. I would be amazed if it were ever open-sourced, but that would indeed be great! Cheers, Dave.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
06:47 AM
They won't give any technical support for Muse itself of course, but if someone has it as part of their subscription it should still run and log in OK, as mine does. This is a Creative Cloud subscription issue, not an issue with Muse itself, and they should still sort it out.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
04:20 AM
Hi @DK.Hawkins this is not the original problem with Muse, which was that it wouldn't run at all, it would partially load and then shut down. This in my experience only happened when one particular version of the Creative Cloud Desktop app was installed. There have been two subsequent updates to the Desktop app, and Muse works fine with both of them for me, although others still seem to be having issues. Your problem seems to be a subscription issue. What happens if you do go to your subscription manager as the notice suggests? Is Muse listed as being part of your subscription? If it is, but it still won't work, I suggest that you need to contact Adobe about this. Cheers, Dave.
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‎Aug 16, 2024
01:32 PM
Ah, that's what I was going to suggest, disconnecting the internet connection, run the FTP dialogue, and try filling in the fields after putting the connection back. There is a rather annoying bug (or just a piece of poor programming!) in Muse where if it can't connect using the FTP credentials given, it just crashes instead of putting up an error message. Looks like you've effectively already tried that though. The only thing I would try now is to disconnect, and then put the necessary FTP credentials in, and then save the site and close Muse. Reconnect, and then run Muse again and see if it has remembered those credentials. If it has, it may just work.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
04:05 PM
What is actually happening? Is Muse opening with the FTP fields filled in and then crashing, or are the fields blank, and you can't type into them?
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‎Jul 23, 2024
03:34 PM
No, none of the Creative Cloud Desktop files are now re-named. It seems to be still working fine with Muse, which is now running normally for me, although I gather that this is not the case for some others. I don't know why this is I'm afraid.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
01:58 PM
That version of the application manager is ancient. I would be very surprised if it works with current app versions, or even gets accepted by Adobe's servers!
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‎Jul 04, 2024
10:06 AM
Now updated to CC Desktop version Muse is still working for me.
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‎Jun 12, 2024
03:54 PM
Well Muse is now working fine for me with the current version of CC Desktop, although I haven't tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it again just in case it borks it! It should certainly be offered to you if it's part of the package you subscribe to. I do realise that this is no comfort for the people who it's still not working for, but I'm afraid I have no idea what the problem might be in their case. As far as I can see, the previous version of CC Desktop had a bug which prevented Muse from running, which has now been fixed in the current version. There's nothing more I can say I'm afraid, that's just my experience.
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‎Jun 12, 2024
11:49 AM
That's not the original reported issue, but what I would do is try uninstalling Muse from the Creative Cloud Desktop app, logging out and back in again, and then reinstalling it from the app. If Muse is included in your subscription package, it should be offered. If it isn't make sure that the switch to show older apps is enabled in CC Desktop. HTH. Cheers, Dave.
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‎May 25, 2024
03:43 PM
Have you tried running Muse without CC Desktop installed? It should still work, although you will still be prompted to sign in of course. If you want to reinstall CC Desktop, the installer is here - https://creativecloud.adobe.com/apps/download/creative-cloud
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‎May 16, 2024
04:32 AM
@anber What you're describing is a different problem. The problem caused by the previous version of CC Desktop was that Muse would not run at all. If you tried to run it, it partially loaded and then shut down. What you're describing is a subscription problem, which must be something unrelated to this issue, I'm afraid.
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‎May 15, 2024
10:50 AM
Still working fine here, and I am on Windows 10. Are you all certain that you're now on the new version of CC Desktop?  
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‎May 15, 2024
05:59 AM
Just today updated to CC Desktop version Delighted to say that the issue seems to now be fixed. AdobeIPCBroker.exe is now intact again, but Muse is still running! So glad that Adobe actually seem to have fixed it! Cheers, Dave.
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‎May 15, 2024
05:57 AM
Just today updated to CC Desktop version Delighted to say that the issue seems to now be fixed. AdobeIPCBroker.exe is now intact again, but Muse is still running! So glad that Adobe actually seem to have fixed it! Cheers, Dave.
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‎Mar 16, 2024
05:40 AM
That's good to hear. I think we're all hoping that the next update to CC Desktop will fix this issue, the developers must be well aware of the problem by now!
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‎Feb 16, 2024
03:28 PM
As far as I'm concerned, they have to fix the issue, for the simple reason that I have a single app subscription with Muse, and if they prevent it from running due to a fault in their Desktop app, and don't fix it, they are taking my money fraudulently! Yes, I can work around it, and now there's no file syncing any more, I could just completely remove CC Desktop for good, Muse does not need it, problem solved! That's not the point though, they didn't test the latest CC Desktop app update with Muse, understandably, but now the problem has been brought to their attention they have no justification for not fixing the problem.
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‎Feb 03, 2024
10:27 AM
1 Upvote
clearly (from all the commenters here), you're not the only active muse user. By @kglad Indeed not, but I'd be interested to know if there are any others here who still have Muse on a single app subscription, with no other CC apps at all!
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‎Feb 02, 2024
03:34 PM
1 Upvote
I'm sure you're right. I had Muse as a single app subscription years ago, as I didn't need or want any of the other CC apps. When Muse was 'retired' they allowed me to carry on with the subscription as it was. I don't doubt that I'm one of the very few still in that position, but I hope I'm not unique!
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‎Feb 02, 2024
02:05 PM
1 Upvote
I understand what you say about Adobe Support. The difficulty is getting them to understand that the problem is within the CC Desktop software, not within Muse! Any software company is quite entitled to declare any of their software End of Life and Unsupported. What they aren't entitled to do, unless with very good reason, such as a serious security flaw, is to deliberately disable that software from working, especially when they are still taking subscription money for it! I still don't believe that is what Adobe have deliberately done. What they've done is rolled out a new version of CC Desktop, with a change made to it which has prevented Muse from launching properly. They would not have tested it with Muse, as Muse is 'unsupported'. Now they have been made aware of the issue, I would expect them to test it with Muse, identify the problem, and fix it. If the problem can't be fixed, then I would expect a statement to that effect. I only have Muse on my plan, as a single app subscription. If they still accept that, and allow you to download and install Muse from the CC Desktop app, I would certainly expect them to address the problem. Muse does not need CC Desktop to run, so in my case if the next version does not fix the issue I fully intend to just remove it from my system completely. The only use it has for me is for file syncing, and of course that is being removed now anyway! That being the case, I don't need it, and as long as Muse will log onto my account by itself, that's the permanent fix as far as I'm concerned. I do realise this doesn't help those with other CC apps, of course.
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‎Feb 02, 2024
11:16 AM
1 Upvote
I'm aware of that problem, I'm suffering it myself! It's nothing to do with the Muse problem of course, but I suspect that the scenario is exactly the same, an update has been rolled out which has caused things to stop working, by accident not by design. I hope Microsoft will fix their mistake on the next Patch Tuesday update. They should hang their heads in shame, as this will potentially have affected millions of people! I don't believe they would suddenly drop Windows 10 support for some processors, as the theory seems to be in some places, without saying anything in advance. Likewise with Adobe, I don't believe they would do something deliberately to stop Muse from working with no notice given, as they must know that many people are still using it. It's just carelessness, nothing more, and I hope it will be fixed, both by Adobe and Microsoft.
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‎Feb 02, 2024
09:57 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks, but please don't thank me, thank @santiago p as they're the ones that found the fix! Adding the SSS does not in itself fix the problem. What matters is changing the name of the file so that the software no longer recognises it and therefore cannot use it. Any change to the filename will have the same result. Cheers, Dave.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
07:50 AM
@DaveH5 Did you install Muse from within CC Desktop BEFORE you did the fix? I want to try this one more time to see if I can replicate what you did. By @saraz943607 I haven't reinstalled anything, it's the same installation of CC Desktop and Muse that I've always used.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
07:22 AM
Strange, this fix seems to work perfectly for me. I renamed the file, rebooted, ran CC Desktop, which opened and appeared to still work normally. Then I launched Muse from CC Desktop, and Muse opened and loaded normally. Timing didn't seem to be an issue at all.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
04:07 AM
Thank you so much @santiago p for finding this! So much easier than the other workarounds we've been using. As far as I can see, CC Desktop still works fine with that file disabled. Cheers, Dave.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
04:03 AM
1 Upvote
hola esta es la solución a este problema https://community.adobe.com/t5/creative-cloud-services-discussions/solution-2024-adobe-muse-not-open-after-updating-creative-cloud/m-p/14357536#M49903 By @santiago p Yes, this works perfectly, and thank you so much @santiago p for finding it and telling us! I did wonder whether it was just one part of CC Desktop which was causing the issue, and whether it could be identified and disabled. As far as I can tell, CC Desktop still works fine with that file disabled. Just to recap here, the file that needs to be renamed to disable it is, on Windows, in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\IPC folder. It's called AdobeIPCBroker.exe. I disabled it the way I usually do when disabling a file, by putting a tilda in place of the middle character of the file extension, making it AdobeIPCBroker.e~e. Any other change will work just as well though. This is much easier than the other methods we've been using! I'm afraid I don't know where that file is on a Mac, but it's presumably the same file so can just be searched for. Cheers, Dave.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
11:30 AM
I downloaded the new Creative Cloud update today (12/1/2024) with great anticipation. However, I was bitterly disappointed. Adobe has obviously not taken care of the proper functioning of Muse in any way. Despite the CC update, the Muse problem still exists. So even now, after the latest CC update, Muse can only be started via cumbersome detours. Yes, Adobe is letting its customers down. At least those customers who dutifully pay their monthly fees for Muse. How sad ... By @michaelk28355937 There is no recent update to CC Desktop as far as I can see, it's still, the first version to have the problem with Muse. Don't be misled by the app telling you there's an update when you run it, that is usually just an update to the content of the home screen, not an actual app update. It it's an actual app update, the app will close and re-open to install it.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
02:43 PM
@natashax4 wrote: Just disconnected from Adobe support... they bascially said... they no longer support Muse so the inability to open it is not their concern nor will they assist in helping to open it. Pretty terrible on their part if you ask me. I had this once before when I had a problem with a new version of the Creative Cloud app. As soon as I said that I was using Muse, they didn't want to know. The problem is convincing them that the problem isn't with Muse, it's with the Creative Cloud app. They took some convincing, but eventually they did accept that, and went through the support procedures to diagnose the problem, which was then fixed. If they say the same thing to me if I have to eventually actually contact them about this, I will not be pleased! I'm still hoping the issue will be fixed in the next CC app update. If it isn't, I will certainly be on them, as I am still paying a single app subscription for Muse, and they will be taking my money for something which no longer works as it should!
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‎Dec 30, 2023
07:35 AM
Hi, Dave. I spent a LOT of time searching for a Muse replacement. Settled on Blocs and have been very happy with the choice. By @samsdadgraphics Thanks, that's useful to know, I will have a look at it! I know others have moved onto other substitutes, but my main worry is exactly how do you move the site over to another authoring platform? This is off-topic for this thread of course, but as nothing but Muse will open a Muse site file, the only way I can think that you'd move a site to something else would be to export the site as HTML, and then just open those HTML pages in the new authoring software. Is that it? How would the HTML files find all the other files that they depend on to render the pages?
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