‎Mar 03, 2025
10:15 PM
I have the exact same issue! March 3, 2025. I've been trying for hours to download models ftom Assets to work with in Ps beta and Substance 3D Viewer...
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‎Mar 03, 2025
09:09 PM
I have been trying to download models from the Substance Assets website and am unable to. March 3, 2025. I have a subscription to the Substance suite yet when I try to download assets it just keeps saying 'Subscribe'. I see my Adobe avatar and my name at upper right of the sceeen - ie, I am logged into my acct and in CC it shows all my products (including Stager, Painter and Substance 3D Viewer as up-to-date on my computer. This happened months ago also, but at that time I was told I needed an Enterprise acct. After the recent change to making Assets available and no credits required, I was told now I'd have full access to the Assets with my student account. Yet models still cannot be downloaded for me to use with Ps beta and the Substance Viewer beta. I've made multiple attempts today. Why aren't Substance Assets downloading or usable? My system is Win 11, processor = NVIDIA 4090, Intel i9 14th gen, 16GB VRAM, 32GB RAM.
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‎Mar 02, 2025
11:17 AM
I posted replies several times above saying I contacted the plugin developers before posting the question/issue here. They replied that their plugins are designed to work with Ps betas. But they then did some research of their own and saw posts online that a lot of users were having issues with plugins that work in the production Ps not working in the beta (and, it wasn't just that developer's plugins that were the issue - it was plugins in general - which is also what I'm experiencing).
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‎Feb 16, 2025
04:39 PM
I'm not sure which is the correct place to post since I access the ACR Filter via Photoshop 2025. So, I posted under the Ps Community initially. Here's a link to the bug/issue that developed on Feb. 14 when I updated to ACR 17.2 & that I reported in that other forum just now:
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‎Feb 16, 2025
04:30 PM
I updated to Adobe Camera Raw 17.2 on Feb. 14 (call me a romantic ...) on my Win 11 Pro desktop PC. I'm running Ps 2025. Post update to the latest ACR the positioning of my "panels" in ACR changed my Custom organization in a way I don't like. But there's no way to correct it. The Lens Blur panel is now at the very top of the righthand column (above Profile, etc.). I'd had it down below Curve near the bottom of the righthand panel b/c I rarely use it. There is no way to correct this new layout. When I right click in that righthand column to edit the order, Lens Blur does Not appear in the list. And, there's a blank space down toward the bottom of the list (I assume that's where I'd had Lens Blur before the update and it became filter non grata). I'll attach a Snip. Just for giggles I tried checking the box on that empty line to make it active (it now shows as Off & unlabeled by default) to see if I could move it around. It made no difference. Lens Blur was still not recognized and still couldn't be moved back to where I'd had it. Lens Blur Not in Edit Panels for me to Move Someone from Adobe, Pls. how come Lens Blur does not appear in that Edit layout list? And, how can I correct the positioning so Lens Blur is not at the very top of my ACR panels list? I'm seeing all sorts of bug reports re: the latest Ps update too which worries me b/c I create "how to" Ps videos for my YouTube channel. Thx in advance.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
11:49 AM
This is what I was hoping to get an answer about for my Windows system. i.e., How to avoid having to do the Cut/Paste maneuver every year and, instead, have all my LUTs (not just the default Adobe ones) carry forward from one annual release to the next. Thx! I'm very visually oriented (I guess not surprising for a photog...) so your snips are helpful to me.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
11:47 AM
Thank you. That helped me find the older files location for me to copy/paste from Ps 2024 to Ps 2025. At least I can use my LUTs again now. Now I just need to figure out a way not to have to do that each year. Which was what I was hoping there was an answer to in my post above.
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‎Jan 15, 2025
04:41 PM
Hi - I did that (ie, contacted the plugin's dev) initially before posting here in the forums. And, also, after doing a bunch of online research to be sure I wasn't asking a repetitive question re: my Win 11 system. I specifically bought my Win 11 NVIDIA laptop to run betas (including Ps, Substance, Topaz) separate from my production systems so no crossover issues from betas that could impact the productions systems I'm absolutely reliant on. My production systems run on my desktop PC (also Win 11) not on the laptop I'm trying to load my plugins to.
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‎Jan 15, 2025
04:37 PM
Pls see my reply above. I contacted one of the devs whose plugin I was intially most interested in. See his response above. He said it should work just fine with the Ps beta ....
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‎Jan 15, 2025
04:36 PM
Everything is up-to-date. And, I contacted one of the devs for one of the plugins and he said it is supposed to be compatible with the Ps beta.... but all my plugins, including his, say "Not compatible" when I go to my acct page for the Adobe Extensions. My Ps beta is newly installed within the past 2 weeks. So it's up-to-date too. And my laptop's system meets/exceeds stated Adobe Tech Specs.
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‎Jan 15, 2025
04:33 PM
Thanks. I'll do that - move the post to the Ps beta forum!
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‎Jan 13, 2025
08:31 PM
Win 11. Ps 2025 (production rel.) - opened Sony ARW image into ACR. Tech Previews are enabled in ACR. Appearance of Orig. Image - inside looking out at de Young Museum (SF). The trees are outdoors behind glass. The warm colors and pictures are indoors where I am and where I'm shooting from. ORIG What I wanted was to remove the reflections of the indoor galleries and just see the outdoor trees. That didn't work. I tried views at both +100 and -100. Both ends of the spectrum ended up looking the same. After running Reflection Removal feature: After Reflections Removal run
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‎Jan 11, 2025
07:10 PM
Something seems to be buggy with Adobe CC. I'm unable to load any of my owned plugins to Ps 2025 beta (current rel.) on my Win 11 laptop (Acer Predator Helios 18). Can someone in development pls correct. All my plugins are tagged "Not Compatible" and I want to be able to add some of them to the UI for the Ps beta. I'm not running an ARM system. My whole point of buying the NVIDIA processor laptop was to be able to run my beta Ps (and Substance) and production Ps (and Substance) apps on separate machines so no beta issues will impact the production version (that I've read others have experienced regularly). Thx! For a fix and/or any other assist to help me load the needed plugins.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
03:33 PM
I cannot download any 3D Substance Assets - it seems to be asking me to subscribe. Nothing downloads. I have an active Full CC apps subscription and a subscription to the full Substance suite. My avatar shows in upper right of the UI; indicating I'm logged in properly on my Win 11 PC. These are not new subscriptions and I renewed them back in Nov. 2024. They should be working. I just bought a (pricey) laptop end of 2024 for the express purpose of working with Ps beta and Substance 3D Viewer and creating 3D composites comprised of 3D models and 2D photos and I'm unable to do so b/c I cannot get any models from the Adobe Substance 3D Assets library. Models I generate with text to model are uneditable wrt materials, lights, etc. Who in tech spt can help me with this?
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‎Jan 09, 2025
03:22 PM
I have subscriptions to the full Adobe CC suite of apps and the full Substance suite. I have the Ps 2025 beta and 3D Substance beta newly installed on a Win 11 laptop (Acer Predator). I'm trying to download Substance 3D Assets (3D models) that I can experiment with in both those programs (Ps beta & 3D Viewer beta). I'm having no luck. How do I download free/included with my Substance subscription 3D models/assets to my computer to be able to work with them? I click on Download (in Substance Assets online) and nothing happens. All I see besides that button that does nothing is a box at upper right that says "Subscribe". But I'm already a subscriber and my avatar is also visible up there showing I'm logged in. I'm feeling puzzled and frustrated... Thanks for any help. I just bought this computer so I could explore features of these two betas - Ps and Substance 3D Viewer and keep them segregated from my production apps.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
12:13 PM
This happens every year when I update to the new annual version. So I dread (and delay) updating. It happens even though I click the option to carry everything from one year's release to the next. Only the default LUTs appear in my new Ps 2025 under Adjustment Layer options. I want my full collection of lots of LUTs (some custom developed by me, some purchased and downloaded from the Web). But now I can't see where to find the previous lists on my Win 11 PC in order to (yet again as in past yrs) copy them and paste them into the Ps 2025 file hierarchy. I already tried looking under: C:Users,[Me],Appdata,Roaming,Adobe,AdobePs2024,Settings - and I don't see a listing for them there. I know I've found the files and been able to copy them in the past (b/c, as noted, this annoyance happens every year). If I'm looking in the wrong place or there's another method to find, retrieve and copy all my LUTs, not just the defaults, to Ps 2025 so they show up in the list when I click on the 3D LUTs box under the Color Lookup adjustment layer I'd greatly appreciate it. Thx in advance for the help!
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‎Jan 03, 2025
08:49 PM
The rain parametric filter is changing my full color image to an odd BW (almost like a grey negative vs a nice tonal BW representation of the image) with any setting above light rain. It shouldn't do that. Win 11. Acer Predator Helios 18 (Intel i9 14th gen, RTX 4090, 16GB VRAM 32GB RAM)
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‎Dec 17, 2024
05:30 PM
I work on a Win 11 Pro PC. I want to back up all my Ps Brushes before updating from Ps 2024 to Ps 2025. And, I want to back them up to a folder on my PC that is not in the Adobe presets file hierarchy on my C: drive. I know there's an "Export Brushes" option in Ps under the brush tips panel under the Settings asterisk. Here's the key background info & my question. I have a ton of brushes (Adobe, Web, custom that I've created). I have them organized into topline folders and multiple sub-folders under the topline folders. The sub-folders are where my actual brushes reside. If I click on a topline folder name and then Export will that capture all the sub-folders and the specific brushes (.abr's) within them? I want to retain the organizational structure and not lose any of the individual brushes when creating brush backups. If I have to back up all sub-folders and brushes individually, I think Adobe will be up to Ps 2026 before I get that finished. If I only must click/export the topline folders, then I have about 10 categories (with multiple sub-categories each) of brushes to export. Thx! I hope that makes sense .... I hope no one says I have too many brushes! 😉
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‎Dec 01, 2024
10:40 PM
Thanks for the additional considerations. Because I do beta testing too, I've seen postings in the product forums about the very issue you raise re: conflicting GPUs. At one point, even on my Win 11 Pro desktop I had to disable the Intel part of my processing so it wouldn't conflict with my AMD processor on that system. I also hear what you're saying about the display on laptops. I'm pretty 'religious' about calibrating my desktop monitor every couple weeks. But I often wondered how well it would be possible to accurately calibrate a laptop screen - and how sensitive the perceived calibration would be to viewing angle at time of calibration and different light in the room, etc. (I may be overthinking it....). And, yes too, in this process of researching laptops I've seen many (many) complaints about the amount of bloatware some mfrs put on their laptops that cannot be removed. If I could increase the space in my home to allow a 2nd desktop PC, I'd do it - given all the issues I've run into spec'ing and researching laptops. But I'd really like to try some of the newer beta features and there's no way I'll download them onto my desktop PC running my 'lifeblood' production apps. I appreciate the additional thoughts for me to weigh. Thx for taking the time to write!
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‎Dec 01, 2024
06:42 PM
Thank you so much for the info., insights and ways to "read" the info on color gamut. I always work with Adobe RGB (1998). Unless I'm downsizing an image & posting to the Web. Then I export as an sRGB jpg. Given my druthers I'd like the broadness of LAB... but I realize there are a lot of unprintable and 'imaginary' colors in it. I don't work with ProFoto either. I will dig into some of the sources you've pointed me to to gather more info. I've decided I should go to Sharktank with a biz model to create high-end but affordable (gaming system parity) laptops for photographers & artists vs gamers. 😉 Seriously, thx again for the great info that helps me a lot. Even if you are a Mac person. 😊
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‎Dec 01, 2024
12:44 PM
I want to get a new, high-powered Win 11 laptop (to complement my current desktop PC) to run Photoshop beta, Adobe Substance betas, Boris FX apps & Topaz Labs apps (newer ones with overly demanding AI models...). I don't have space for a 2nd desktop/tower. And, I want to keep my AI demanding beta apps separated from my desktop PC's production apps - on this new laptop. My uses are photography with compositing that includes a relatively heavy amt of AI, 3D content generation, photo/image processing with demanding - aka, not well written code - AI models . That means I not only need a laptop that can process AI, etc. relatively quickly but also full RGB for my image processing. I'm not a gamer. And, I'm not rich & have no one to bill and cannot write off as biz expense (darn it!). I was hoping to stay in the roughly $2500 price range - including cyber/Blk Fri deal promos. The specs I'm looking for include: Intel i9 14th gen, NVIDIA 4090 (I need it for the next spec feature even if on a laptop it functions more like a 4080 perf wise), 16GB VRAM, at least 32GB RAM, 1-2 TB storage, full gamut support for RGB (the Lenovo Legion Pro 7i Gen9 doesn't offer this), stable reliable power use w/out overheating (I've read Gigabyte Aorus 17x reviews that consistently/repeatedly mention 'power issues'). Can anyone recommend a laptop they've been using (or, know of for me to research more...) that meets my specs and performs well with the apps I've noted (above) I want to use it with? I got excited about a few (especially the Lenovo until I read about the lack of full sRGB/RGB gamut support). Now I've shifted direction & am looking into the MSI Raider GE78HX 17" (Win 11 Pro/Home). Does anyone use this for apps noted above? Any insights re: your experiences with it? Thx in advance for any suggestions! I'm trying to tap Blk Fri/Cyber Monday deals if I can ....
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‎Oct 28, 2024
11:27 PM
Tonight I logged onto Ps 2024 (production version, no betas running on my Win 11 Pro PC) and all my Actions (with the exception of "Default Actions") are missing. I've collected a lot of actions over the years. And, created ones of my own. I use a lot of them daily. This is devastating. Is there a way to find them if they're not showing up when I click on the sideways arrow? I have not run any updates or installed anything into the Ps 2024 that I use daily. Nothing should have impacted them. In fact, I'd planned to back everything up in the coming week prior to migrating to Ps 2025. But my mother, sadly, died in the past 3 weeks and I hadn't gotten to it. In fact was using Ps to prepare things related to her for newspapers, tributes, etc. I'd really appreciate it if someone can help me restore my Actions. I'm feeling very stressed right now. Thx.
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‎Sep 23, 2024
06:12 PM
That was such a great prototype/simulation in 2023 that would be of practical use for a fair number of photo processing projects. I haven't seen any mentions of it from beta users yet either (of which I'm not one...). Will it be beta'd for commercial release this year? I hope so.
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‎Aug 27, 2024
01:48 PM
I just tried and was able to export an .abr file per the steps you noted above. And, have it save to a desired file location on my PC. Thanks! Now I'll try to figure out how to package that file so I can share it in the Description to one of my YouTube videos. I'm not sure if I'll have to create a Web link via Dropbox or other. But I'll sort it out. Your reply got me through the 1st critical step! I appreciate the fast reply.
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‎Aug 26, 2024
11:29 PM
Thank you! I'll try those steps.
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‎Aug 26, 2024
08:44 PM
Could it have been the Enhance Details for Generative Fill that you're thinking about? Because the main new things I remember seeing (which I wasn't personally interested in...) were the Adjustment Brush and Selection Brush - which seemed targeted to Ps newbies.
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‎Aug 26, 2024
08:36 PM
Hi, I've created custom Ps brushes and am able to use them in Ps 2024. But I'd like to share some of my individual brushes (vs a whole category of brushes) with others. Where do I find the individual .abr files (and will the names map to the given names for me to recognize them) on my Win 11 PC? I'm not entirely sure - even when/if they are findable - that I'll know how to share them. But I assumed I could create a public Web link of some sort with Dropbox. So any suggestions re: that would be helpful too. I've found various Brushes and Presets folders in different Adobe > Ps 2024 hierarchy locations on my PC. But they seem to be aggregated .abr or .psp folders or files. Not disaggregated to show all my indiv. brushes so I could share selective ones. I've gotten brushes from various sources online for my own use. So I assumed there must be some way to "package" them or access them for sharing with others. Thx in advance for any suggestions. As you can tell, I'm not a tech wizard...
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‎Aug 02, 2024
03:43 PM
Thank you. I often find that skies I load from other sources are noisy. So, I'll be sure I clean any noise on my own sky shots before adding them. I shoot with 21 m.p. camera(s) micro 4/3. Not full frame. Not medium format. I capture Raw but save as .jpg for sky replacement Sounds like I should be okay with out of camera dimensions. Thx for your reply.
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‎Aug 02, 2024
11:11 AM
I shoot skies to use as my personal "stock" & add to my Ps Sky Replacement collection. What is the optimal resolution (aka, pixel dimensions) I should create for sky photos I want to add to Sky Replacement? Do different dimensions affect my flexibility to expand or minimize the swapped in skies in Sky Replacement? If yes, that's why I'd like to know the best size (or minimum size) to provide the flexibility to do so and retain quality of the image. Thx! I've done a Web search and couldn't find an answer in the Googleverse.
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‎Jul 28, 2024
11:56 AM
Absolutely! Me too. Because there are almost inevitably issues for us Win 11 users. And, I produce 'how to' YouTube videos for Ps and can't afford to discover key functions I rely on don't work after an update (which happens regularly).
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