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New Here
‎Feb 20, 2025
02:32 AM
I've only lately have had issues with generative fill inserting random objects into areas. I do a lot of image touch-ups and extensions, often not putting anything into the "what would you like to generate" box and just letting the AI fill based on surroundings (often not very large areas). Recently, I've removed a crane from the sky and it put in what appeared to be a drone. I've extended water and it put in a duck, added some land and put a fox on the land (!!??). This has only been in the most recent version 26.2.0
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‎Dec 08, 2022
05:29 AM
A little late to the party, but that tricked saved my brand new MacBook with the latest Illustrator from crashing on opening two pdfs from a client. Thanks for your pain!
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‎Jun 10, 2022
02:42 AM
Thanks. That worked!
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‎Jun 09, 2022
04:04 AM
MacOS Monterey 12.4, Illustrator 26.3.1 Happened after updating one or the other– Hitting "Save As" or "Place" brings up a mostly transparent dialog box that can't be accessed. My workaround is to access Mission Control and then rechoose my Illustrator window, then it shows up properly. I reset the Illustrator preferencs, but it did nothing. It's a bit of a PITA... - j
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‎Jun 28, 2019
08:12 AM
No antivirus or security. Admin account. Sole proprietor. No Network. Just me, the Creative Suite, Dropbox and SuperDuper running at night. I no longer even use Suitcase.
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‎Jun 27, 2019
10:34 AM
Will keep that in mind. Generally, I have Chrome open.
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‎Jun 27, 2019
06:55 AM
Only Illustrator, and has continued through both Mac bluetooth keyboard and Logitech wireless...
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‎Jun 27, 2019
06:45 AM
Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.3 though it's happened to earlier OSes. Illustrator CC2018 & 2019 v 23.0.4 (it's happened in both) 95% of the time the files are on the System HDD. Not document specific. Happens to new documents as well, started from scratch. It's happened through upgrades to system and Illustrator. Perhaps I need to uninstall and then re-install, or will that keep all the hidden system files that may be the culprits?
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‎Jun 27, 2019
06:35 AM
No Wacom or Surface. And the undos are regular. They sometimes jump back several steps and attempts to continue work are met with additional steps backwards.
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‎Jun 27, 2019
06:34 AM
Probably restarted the machine in the past week and have rebuilt the preferences. No plug ins. No atomization.
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‎Jun 26, 2019
08:30 AM
Using 23.0.4, but this has happened before. I'll be working on something and then my latest act/move will automatically undo itself a step or two back. Okay... "Redo" isn't available/doesn't work, so, I redo the scaling or moving manually and then it goes back a couple of more steps. Now I'm afraid I'm losing work, so I command S to save, but I've already lost a half-dozen steps and need to quit and then re-open everything. It's as though it's doing some sort of random jump-back with no memory of what it's done, and even then, the BACK-STEPS aren't exactly what I was doing. Pieces will be slightly shifted and touching anything makes it back-step a few more steps. It doesn't do this often. Every couple of weeks or so and I thought the latest release may have killed it, but it's happened twice today already... How can I de-poltergeist my computer?
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