Jan 08, 2025
02:47 PM
Yes, move everything in that folder to your external drive (you can skip the zip). Once you moved everything, double-click the .lrcat file to launch Lightroom with the catalog from the new location.
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Jan 08, 2025
12:12 PM
You can't move the previews database alone to the external drive. You'll have to move the entire catalog to the external drive. I would recommend that you use an SSD for this, and not an HDD. Alternatively, you could limit the size of the previews database. That's available in the Catalog Settings (Opt-Cmd-Comma) on the "Previews" tab.
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Dec 16, 2024
06:09 PM
Hu, that is interesting. This is just a shot in the dark, but did you enlarge the pointer size, by any chance? I know there are some quirks with larger pointers on macOS but you're on Windows, so that might not be it. Worth taking a look at though?
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Aug 27, 2024
06:46 AM
Out of curiosity (sorry if this has been asked before and if you tried it) — how does ACR or LR Cloud fare on your system, by comparison? Same issues, or do those two work better?
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Jun 23, 2024
07:56 AM
This is a great tool for speeding up the process of removing more complex distractions from photos. What used to be a round-trip to Photoshop and back that could, before the days of generative AI, take half an hour, is now a matter of seconds. Thanks! I'm sure this has been mentioned in this long thread, so here's another voice of concern with regards to the detail quality of the generated patches: they are generally rather low in resolution, and the bigger the generated patch, the easier it is to spot it. I'm working with 36-45 mp raw files on a 5k monitor and am hoping that this will improve in the future. Again, thanks for a very useful tool.
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Jun 20, 2024
09:22 AM
Just out of curiosity: how many photos do you have in your catalog, and for how long did you experience the slowdown after the update? Did you let LRC run idle 24/7, or just normal usage?
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Jun 15, 2024
10:47 AM
It's odd, I agree. I have "Automatically write changes to XMP" set to ON and did not experience this, but I did delete my previews.lrdata with the 13.3 update, so perhaps mine's been updating all of them too, just not all at once (I haven't looked, but I would have noticed a performance hit like this for sure, with ~47k photos in my catalog). The fact that LRC does update the XMP whenever something new is added to the Develop module (such as: Generative Remove, Lens Blur, Content-Aware Remove, Point Color, Color Grading vs Split Toning, etc. etc.) without also bumping the Process Version is known, and has been cause for much grief (if you use Publish Collections). I can only guess that it is a side effect of updating the preview structure. FWIW, I have "discard 1:1 previews" set to just 7 days, and my previews.lrdata is currenly ~200gb (using a 5k monitor).
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Jun 15, 2024
09:53 AM
Did you try removing/renaming your previews.lrcat already like I suggested? Without the existing previews, there's nothing that LRC will have to update. It will only render new previews when you access a folder/collection of photos (when the thumbs are visible in the grid).
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Jun 12, 2024
09:47 PM
I believe both the slowness and the re-writing of XMP metadata could also be related to the "New preview level organization" that was mentioned among "Other feature enhancements and changes", here: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/help/whats-new/2024-3.html If I'm understanding it correctly, this is a background process that needs to run, and depending on the number of photos and existing preview cache, it might take quite a long time to update it all. I deleted my entire preview cache with the 13.3 release. It meant slower operation when accessing individual folders at first (obviously), but otherwise 13.3 has been running nicely here. (Mac Studio, M2 Max, Sonoma) Might be worth a shot? As a precaution, just renaming the previews.lrdata would probably be better. 🙂
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May 21, 2024
09:53 PM
If you're using raw data (NEF), the raw file contains a built-in lens profile already, which will be used automatically. You'll see a little notice in the "Lens Corrections" panel of the Develop module: "(i) Built-in Lens Profile applied."
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Jan 16, 2024
04:51 PM
@richardplondonthanks for describing the procedure and its shortcomings. That's good to know — and yes, a bit (too) radical perhaps. 🙂
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Jan 16, 2024
01:47 PM
Ahhhh of course! Good idea. You think importing with the dupe-check off will not affect any of the photos that are already in the catalog anyway? I'm just concerned because we'd be looking at the folder structure that's already in LRC. Maybe I'll have to set up a little test catalog with a few photos to see how it works. I was hoping I could be lazy. 🙂
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Jan 16, 2024
12:00 PM
Hi, I'm trying to find a way to help a friend with a Lightroom Classic riddle: he has a beautiful folder structure on disk, but at some point in the past, when weeding out, accidentally chose "remove from Lightroom" instead of "Delete from disk". Unfortunately, this wasn't just for rejects, but also for (plenty of) duplicates. The entire folder structure contains some 50000 photos. We used the Import dialog and chose a "move" operation for the photos that were rejects (not duplicates), to get them OUT of his folder structure, and then just delete them for good. That was the easy part! 😄 Now the question is: how the heck do we do the same for the duplicates? Using "Synchronize Folder", the dialog window tells us that there are ~5000 new photos. When we use an Import with the Duplicate check ON, there are zero new photos. In other words, all 5000 "new" photos are indeed duplicates. When I turn the duplicate check in the Import dialog off, LRC sees all 50k photos in that folder structure... and we don't want to mess that folder structure up, of course. How do I identify the duplicates efficiently, without having to import them, making a mess in the existing folders? Any ideas or help would be appreciated, thanks.
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Dec 01, 2023
10:44 AM
@kittynoodlesoupI'm using JPEGmini and in LrC v13.0 it simply doesn't work — but it does not prevent Publish services from working. The files simply aren't optimized. In your screenshot, it looks like you're using a very old version of JPEGmini too. So it might be worth updating... once the issue in LrC v13.0 is fixed. 🙂
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Nov 30, 2023
12:04 PM
Acccording to the release notes for 13.0.2 at https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/fixed-issues.html only one issue was fixed — and the problem with export/plugins isn't it... (typically, dot-dot releases such as 13.0.1 and 13.0.2 only fix very specific, urgent issues with a broad impact)
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Nov 28, 2023
03:21 PM
@naestyoh it was fixed for me in LrC 12.4, and has reappeared with version 13, but the steps to reproduce the bug reliably evade me; the ones originally described in this thread don't seem to trigger it.
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Nov 04, 2023
10:20 PM
I'd just like to throw these two screenshots in here again to raise the issue that the v13 histogram is ridiculously dark. I'm editing my photos with my monitor at 120nits because I actually print my photos (and don't care about HDR that burns the retina of my eyes). I really, really can't comprehend how anyone with a sense for ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHY could come up with a bloody dark histogram rendition like this — and think this this is ripe for a prime time production environment of WORKING PHOTOGRAPHERS. v13 histogram aka "Prince of Darkness" v12 histogram aka "wait, users can actually see the distribution of the tones in this clearly — let's kill it" And that's all...
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Oct 18, 2023
09:13 AM
@jonholcombethe histogram needed updating for the HDR range visualization, but whether the actual rendition had to be this way is a different question of course. 🙂
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Oct 18, 2023
07:34 AM
1 Upvote
Considering that we now have three different plugin vendors that are affected, is it possible to get the eyes of a developer on this, @Rikk Flohr: Photography ? Thanks!
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Oct 17, 2023
01:00 PM
For what it's worth, this is not limited to Mogrify; other plugins that are in the "export chain" for Publish Collections do not work anymore either (in my case, JPEGmini) in LrC v13. I contacted JPEGmini support about this.
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Oct 15, 2023
10:22 PM
Looks like a corrupted catalog file? I'd contact the official Adobe support for proper assistance with that.
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Oct 15, 2023
10:01 PM
Are you certain that you're using Lightroom Classic? Your screenshot says "Lightroom" (without Classic) and the icon in it is the one for Lightroom (Cloud version).
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Oct 15, 2023
10:43 AM
I see two problems with the v13 histogram display: 1. it is generally much darker (which is a design problem) 2. the "thin line" that is always extending all the way to pure black and pure white (which is, I'd say, a bug) The 2nd can be reproduced by applying extreme settings. This depends on the photo but it could be something like this. First, no thin line: Then I adjusted the Blacks just a tiny bit — and the thin line shoots all the way to the Whites in the Histogram, but needless to say, there are absolutely no tones in the actual image at this point that would reflect this. Cheers Alex.
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Oct 15, 2023
10:35 AM
Interesting. I was able to get 13.0.1 to work on my system without even an uninstall now. So the procedure was... 1. update to v13.0.1 - crash 2. roll back to v13.0 - works 3. update to v13.0.1 again - works Weird, but okay.
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Oct 13, 2023
07:34 AM
It happened to me too. You can roll back to 13.0 easily and continue your work today. open the Creative Cloud control app in the left-hand sidebar, click on “All apps” in the list “Installed Software”, locate Lightroom Classic click on the three ••• dots to open the context menu choose “Other versions” from this menu an overlay window will open, showing you the installed as well as Older Versions click “Install” on the version just prior to the one you’re running (if you’re running 13.0.1, install 13.0) Hope to help Alex.
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Oct 12, 2023
09:55 PM
Pretty much a shot in the dark, but does LrC and/or your user account have full read/write access to the folder in which this happens?
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Oct 12, 2023
09:47 PM
Hi John, I would perhaps add another step before your b) — tell LrC to discard all existing 1:1 previews first, and THEN let it re-render them? (to avoid that it will skip rendering existing current 1:1 previews, which it may or may not do, I don't know). Thanks for your remarks that my approach is rather brutal. I've re-worded what I wrote a little bit to make it clear that this is crude and works for me (and some more explanations). (last not least, sorry to hear that the article didn't load when using Chrome — that shouldn't happen! I had a few .htaccess rules to block very old browser versions because a lot of malicious bots use them, and I might have slightly overdone it, I guess... anyway, that's beyond the scope of this forum of course.)
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Oct 12, 2023
04:44 PM
1 Upvote
Big Sur is v11 and it's Apple who has stopped supporting it with the release of v14 (Sonoma). No more updates, so it's an inherently insecure system. As painful as it may seem, it's only logical that Adobe drops supporting it if Apple doesn't support it anymore either. However... my now 5 year old MacBook Pro is at the end of the line with Ventura (v13) — so whatever machine is stuck on Big Sur has to be even older. If it is a very potent Mac Pro that's a pity of course, but everything else can't exactly be a joy to use with Lightroom Classic anymore?
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Oct 12, 2023
01:24 PM
The "jpg LR" looks like it's half a stop lighter. You're exporting both of them in the same color space?
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