‎Feb 23, 2025
11:01 PM
I even created the two sub-folders, copied all of my luts into creative, restarted PP and they are STILL not available. Randy
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‎Feb 23, 2025
10:37 PM
I parked mine here...C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\LUTs\. But I don't have a separate folder for technical and creative (because I don't know the difference). I am in PP 2025 and click on a clip, go to my lumeteri menu and it only shows the 5 or so that get installed with PP. So why can't PP see them if I copy them to the address listed above? Randy
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‎Dec 04, 2024
01:53 PM
Thank you @Jill_C ! This helps so much and it is easier to see online. So when I click on the blue "License" bar it downloads the items. Also, the little drop-down box "FREE" helps out so much as well. Have a great day and a very Merry Christmas (since that is what I was searching for LOL)! Randy
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‎Dec 04, 2024
10:58 AM
Thanks for the reply. I see this in PP when looking for Motion Graphics there is a check box for Adobe Stock. It does have two boxes to check as well (Free & Premium) to further filter your search. So, yes, Adobe Stock does provide assets like you mentioned. But it is so difficult to really see what the image or motion graphics item is. So I head to the online stock store but am still frustrated. However, when I go into Adobe Stock online and type in "Christmas" in the search bar it shows me all of the assets available. To try to find free items, I click on filters and change the price filter from "ALL" to "Standard content." When I find an image it STILL wants to do the free trial before I can download them. I wish Adobe would add "FREE" to their price filter.
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‎Dec 03, 2024
09:34 PM
I just don't understand it. We pay a ton of money EVERY month to have the Adobe Creative Cloud but we have to pay extra for Adobe Stock. This just doesn't make sense to me at all. Randy
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‎Nov 14, 2024
09:15 PM
That's so funny. I just downloaded version 25 and there are already bugs in it? Randy
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‎Nov 14, 2024
12:55 PM
When I opened my CC PP to start a project, I have found an odd error I have never seen before. I imported my video clips into the project. Then when I went to add them to the sequence/timeline, the yellow bar appeared on the timeline showing that clips had been inserted but I could not see the clips. I really need to get this video out today and I don't have time to deal with PP bugs today and I DO NOT want to have to create this video tonight on my home PC. Has anyone ever seen this? It's definitely a new one to me. Randy
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‎Sep 13, 2024
10:50 AM
I am having the same issue. Claudio posted a great video on this subject two years ago. https://youtu.be/Thbyf1P2wls?si=X0ONJ63GcDNP-uBP The only problem is this is the OLD style Adobe Express. My issue is I have an "I'm speaking at #safetyconnect" jpg that I want to insert my profile picture in the hexagon. Since this is just a jpg, I created a new hexagon but I cannot figure out how to fit my profile picture into the hexagon and use the hexagon as the cutout. Frustrating.
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‎Jul 20, 2024
12:45 PM
But then I had an idea. Why don't I try to open the project in the latest beta version and see if it will render properly. IT WORKED without any issues. So someone can explain to me why it wouldn't render in PP but it would render in PP beta??? Randy
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‎Jul 20, 2024
07:20 AM
This seems weird responding to my own thread. But here I am yet again with the whole "A low level exception occurred in: ImporterMPEG (Importer:39)" error. I've tried these fixes: 1. The whole Cuda to software only...fail 2. Updated NVIDIA drivers...fail 3. Deleted captions...fail 4. Hide/lock all the motion graphics and try to render the video...fail 5. Hide/lock all audio and JUST try to render the video...FAIL, FAIL, FAIL So now I am rolling back to an earlier version (24.1) to see if there is something in the last few updates that screwed up PP again. Stay close to your PCs... Randy PS Spends 100s of hours editing and creating a 42 minute video from our anniversay hikes and I cannot even render the video with this service that I PAY FOR EVERY MONTH FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS!!! Ridiculous is what that is. But noooooo, we are stuck and we keep coming back to get beat up and beat down with almost every video we create. <end of rant>
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‎Jul 19, 2024
11:04 PM
1 Upvote
But why should I have to do this when my computer is "supposedly" built to be able to render these videos. If I do this it will only take longer to render the file (if it even does it successfully without locking up {which Adobe is notoriously known for}). I cannot believe this was selected as the "Correct Answer." Randy
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‎Jul 01, 2024
03:55 PM
@Anna Lehman Thanks for the reply. I'll have to go check it out. Originally when the beta discontinued the easily navigatable Essential Graphics tab to the properties tab, it was a very clunky separation. I hope it streamlines the process instead of making it more cumbersome. Randy
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‎Jul 01, 2024
07:58 AM
Thanks R! That is a great idea that i hadn't thought of. I'm glad I was able to finish the project in beta. I wasnt able to add as many mogrts as i would have liked. But the important thing is I was able to render it out a day before the project deadline. Next time i will not be seduced by some of the cool new features in beta and just stick to the normal version. It does make me very apprehensive for the newest version if in favt they do get rid of rhe essebtial graphics panel. One of the cool features that works in the full version is installing the Epidemic Sound plug-in. I could do a whole review video for this anazing plug-in. No longer do I have to search the 4-5 royalty-free music sites looking for the perfect song. With Epidemic Sound llug-in i can search genre, length, and BBPM right in PP! Its such a time saver. Randy
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‎Jun 29, 2024
11:59 PM
I don't get it. My audio clip mixer "USED TO" work and now its just taking up space. When I try to play the timeline it does not show the Highs and Lows...it's just blank. Some great tool that is SUPPOSED to work. What genius idea does Adobe have now???
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‎Jun 18, 2024
01:12 AM
Well for the ease of editing mogrts, I hope it stays in the beta version and never makes its way to the full PP version. As I am working on a big promo video for an event at work, for whatever reason, I opened up last year's project and since it was created in last year's beta, it opened up in beta. So without thinking about it, I started making this year's video in beta. And that is when I ran into all the issues with the absence of the Essential Graphics panel. In fact, I opened up the current PP version and LOVED how easy it was to edit my mogrts. Ahhh, how I long for those days again. In fact, the next videos for my YouTube channel, I am going to make sure I DO NOT start a new project in a beta version. I read the article by Ann Bens and it's cute but doesn't really explain the move away from the Essential Graphics panel to the new Graphics Template. Have a great day!!! Randy
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‎Jun 17, 2024
09:54 AM
1 Upvote
Many of the controls (which used to be displayed in the Essential Graphics panel) are not included (or are hidden) by adding them from the new "Graphics Templates." You can view them in the new Graphics Template, but as far as editing (which meant you only had to move your mouse up to EDIT) are gone. It is still very clunky to edit them in the Effects Controls box. As a person who uses TONS of mogrts this actually slows down the overall process. Randy
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‎Jun 16, 2024
04:07 PM
So I am working in Beta version 24.6.0 and I am to the point in my video where I want to add some cool mogrts and the "Graphics Template" window is available but NOT Essential Graphics. Just to make sure I got the terms correct, I opened up my other PP progrma and sure enough. So why did Abobe make the change? Graphics are not displayed under the Effect Controls inside of in the Essential Graphics panel. It is just WEIRD!!! To edit a mogrt you would ALWAYS go to the Essential Graphics panel. The "Graphics Template" is just that...a way to look at mogrts on your computer. But don't try to edit them in this panel. Like always with Adobe, they make changes but really never tell you why they changed something. "Someone, somewhere, somehow thought up a horrible idea in a meeting and some decision maker said, "Hey, that's a great idea...let's completely change the way they edit their mogrts." NOT funny adobe, not funny at all. Randy
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‎Jun 14, 2024
10:31 PM
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I actually received an answer to a problem and it was all my fault. I am so relieved and now it works like a charm. Randy
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‎Jun 12, 2024
12:41 AM
So I opened a new project in PP Beta 24.6.0 and I wanted to start renaming my tracks. However, the option is GRAYED out (or for those European peeps it's GREYED out). Does anyone know how to change or fix this? It is really handy when I can label different tracks for b-roll, new footage, voiceovers, graphics, text, etc. Any and all answers are greatly appreciated! Randy
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‎Mar 18, 2024
01:02 AM
All the green tracks in A1, A2, & A3 were the edits I had to do to clean it all up. Randy
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‎Mar 18, 2024
01:01 AM
I ended up using an older test video, hid all the graphics, all the text, and all the captions, and rendered just the video. Then I duplicated the sequence, hid/locked all the tracks that were NOT the videos, and deleted the videos. Then I imported the newly rendered video only. I had to make a few critical tweaks but it FINALLY rendered. Not a very legit workaround but the video will be able to drop on Wednesday. Randy
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‎Mar 18, 2024
12:58 AM
Wow, talk about a weird workaround. I ended up hiding all the captions, text, and graphics and just rendered the video. Then I created a new sequence, deleted all the videos, and imported the video I just rendered. I had to tweak it a little bit but that took FOREVER to finally render it. All of the green were the edits I had to do ontop of the edits I had already completed earlier in the week. Not a legit fix but I was able to render the full video. Randy
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‎Mar 17, 2024
01:02 AM
I tried rendering it through the media encoder and it still LOCKED UP and the red triangle of death (MPEG encoding error) still popped up.
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‎Mar 17, 2024
12:57 AM
Oh wait...there's more. I did the whole "Uncheck hardware acceleration" tip and now it's just locked up at 51%. So this trick isn't working either... I'm just going to go to bed and HOPEFULLY Adobe finishes it without an error. But...if you look in the lower right-hand corner, guess what reared its ugly head yet again??? Yep, you guessed it...the stupid MPEG red triangle of death. Meaning it more than likely will not finish rendering. I really need to export this video to replace it with the one that I already have scheduled to drop on my YouTube channel next Wednesday... Randy
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‎Mar 16, 2024
11:07 PM
So I decided to update my PP Beta and try to render it in that program. Everything was working great up until... It seems NO Adobe program will render this video. Again, very frustrating... Randy
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‎Mar 16, 2024
10:37 PM
And yet again...a serious problem occurs in PP and yet we don't hear anything from Adobe... No wonder so many people have gone onto other video editing software...b/c their products don't lock-up/crash for no apparent reason. I have rendered this project just a few days ago and it worked fine. I went in to make a few tweaks to the overall sequence and it makes it about 64% of the way and FREEZES. And NO PP hasn't been updated to the latest version...why should I update if it worked perfectly the last time? But here we sit with no response from Adobe or any of the critically acclaimed PP experts with a project that we cannot render out. This just gets so frustrating when you spend 100s of hours perfecting a project only to NOT be able to render it out and post it on my YouTube channel. Oh well, I have rebooted, relaunched, and re-rendered and it keeps happening. Wasn't it Einstein who said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expect different results"? Off to do some more Google/YouTube search that doesn't involve the Adobe Community. Randy
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‎Mar 14, 2024
09:41 PM
Thanks Kevin... Both have been discontinued and can no longer be seen. So hopefully Adobe is on top of this request. Randy
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‎Mar 14, 2024
09:34 PM
Loved, loved, LOVED the simple tutorial video. I wonder (since this post originated back in 2021) if there is a need for the program "subtitle2xml" or not. I mean to spend another $10 for yet another program that Adobe should already allow us to do seems a little off to me. It seemed like a very cool workaround and for some of my YouTube videos at 30+ minutes, it would be a life saver.
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‎Mar 14, 2024
09:24 PM
This post would have been so much better if you provided pictures of what you actually mean. Or heck, maybe a tutorial video would have been soooooo much better. Randy
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‎Mar 13, 2024
11:52 PM
When in doubt try to find the answer on YouTube. I have found much better explanations to issues that I have had with Adobe PP on there. You might have to do some searching but it's much better than trying to read through all the attempts to fix the issue through the feeds on your post. I found a great quick video that was PERFECT for what I was needing. In my video, both my wife and I each wore a DJI wireless microphone. Since I was the only one filming, I still wanted to capture my wife's comments b/c they were priceless for the video. Check it out here... https://youtu.be/HmzgcgN6GSk?si=EuRcYwLIa0uoR3gG Glad to help...and even though your post is from a few years ago, I hope you can add this trick to your creative toolbox. I cannot wait to use this trick when I upload some of the podcasts I had the opportunity to be on this past year. Some of them had just two people (1 host and 1 guest). However, I have another podcast that I was on that had three people on screen at the same time (1 host and 2 guests). Randy
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