‎Nov 04, 2021
05:06 AM
I think you'll find the answers above. Deleting the preferences as described above. That would probably do the trick. Now, I will say that sometimes when it doesn't connect that shutting down encoder, AE, ensuring they are not still running in task manager does often also do the trick. If more than that is required then I'd delete the preferences. Or do all of the above can't hurt and a complete reboot is a good idea as well. Eric
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‎Oct 21, 2021
05:19 AM
Thanks Nishu, I have done that as matter of course and not sure it helped. I will however try again and get back. I just launched AE and it asked again, however it did at least open the project. I just would hope I don't need to sign in each time I launch. Eric
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‎Oct 20, 2021
04:18 AM
Hello, It's been a while since I've been in. I've been having his persistent problem when launching AE where it keeps asking for my username and password. Then a couple things happen. It logs in successfully and AE just simply closes or it says I'm signed in twice to the same PC and closes. After multiple tries, it seems to eventually fully launch and allow me to work. Version 18.4.1 Any ideas what the issue is? Thanks Eric
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‎May 19, 2020
05:48 AM
This is good to hear because I've also been having this issue so will do updates to encoder as well as the new AE 17.1. Very good news.
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‎Apr 18, 2020
07:53 AM
The RAM preview is far from perfect, not the best for a complete review. Usually small segments BUT, your system is a main contributor on that, like how much RAM you have available but also the type effects. Some effects suck up resources so bad, you almost can't do a preview without turning them off. Like motion blur for example sucks the life out of things so if there are parts that have major effects that you do not need to really see as part of your preview, try turning them off.
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‎Apr 18, 2020
07:50 AM
I've seen the occasional issue where it's lost the dynamic connection to After Effects. I'm thinking you covered everything if you shut down AE, restarted, etc but sometimes the media encoder needs to be restarted manually. By that, I mean go to task manager and if it's running, shut it down. Then restart AE and try again. Your error could indicate something else but it's worth a simple try.
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‎Feb 11, 2020
02:41 PM
I agree with Rick. Free Form Pro is definitely worth it. I did this credit sequence for a film a few years back using FFP. So here's an example of what you can do.
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‎Feb 11, 2020
02:36 PM
This sounds like a reinstall. If it's not too much trouble can you reinstall AE or maybe even better, if you don't have the most current update, perhaps that will kick it in gear.
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‎Feb 11, 2020
01:54 PM
Can you provide a screenshot in the AE project window? I wonder if it's just the collapse transformation that needs to be check boxed.
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‎Feb 11, 2020
01:52 PM
That is obviously not normal but it's also something I've never seen. It almost sounds more of a system issue than an Adobe issue. Have you tried closing AE and seeing if it will prompt you to save the project?
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‎Feb 11, 2020
01:51 PM
I've also seen instances with this as well as AE where they won't start/load. In many cases, a CTRL/AL/DEL, task manager and you will see an instance still runnning. Close that down and it fires right up when you try again.
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‎Jan 19, 2020
01:02 PM
Did this work for you?
Should be window/workspace/reset to default.
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‎Nov 12, 2019
10:38 AM
Same question but I'm going to guess you meant to say "the audio is NOT there when I preview....". Question. Has it been there before with this same footage? Does audio work on other footage or does this currently affect all footage? Sometimes, it's as easy is reloading the footage (or replace with same clip so all effects remain). But I have seen an instance where the audio only had one channel (left or right) and if your system does not play in stereo, it could very well be playing and not hear it.
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‎Nov 04, 2019
07:34 AM
1 Upvote
You should be able to toggle down the <Dashes and see it.
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‎Oct 03, 2019
12:25 PM
1 Upvote
This is definitely the easiest choice. The VC ORB plugin mentioned above is also free, provided by VideoCopilot and takes it to another level. It does look like your image above is a flat image (I'm guessing - or it just has no shadow) so you will want to get an image map and apply CC Sphere. Other than that, it's as simple as Rick describes, one just larger. Andrew Kramer has a tutorial for both, using CC Sphere as well as his new ORB plugin.
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‎Sep 18, 2019
07:57 AM
Thanks. I did understand the question, but wanted to also get clarification because it doesn't appear to be at 22 frames. That aside, as the next gentleman asks, more information, images, etc would be helpful.
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‎Sep 17, 2019
03:29 PM
This stops precisely at 22 frames? Your timeline would indicate something longer. The cursor appears (best I can see) at like 30 seconds and the arrow about half that, so roughly 30 seconds.
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‎Sep 15, 2019
08:00 AM
What Rick said. Facebook destroys every single thing you upload. Can't stand it myself but there's no way around it. Between that and making those square videos, it's quite annoying and I presume they want to keep themselves efficient and use less space.
Here's the best solution, for pic upload, well, it is what it is but for video, NEVER use their upload. It's best to paste a youtube video or something because the resolution is maintained. Eric
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‎Aug 13, 2019
01:28 PM
Since you parented the camera to the null, I presume you are using the NULL to do this zooming and so forth right?
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‎Aug 06, 2019
01:15 PM
Hard to tell for sure but I also wonder if the format of videos is even correct. It says quicktime video (not sure if that's accurate) but AE doesn't even play a lot of those anymore. May need to convert the video.
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‎Aug 06, 2019
01:10 PM
Can't say for sure but it is there for a purpose. You might be able to navigate through settings and find something that says, hey don't tell me when you find a problem...or to that effect. Error notification of some sort. Maybe not. But, what I have a hard time figuring is why it was removed which is the reason for the error. Reinstalling will add it back and situation solved. The other way to get rid of it is to just click ok and move on. I think getting "bored" of something that is there to serve you a favor is probably the wrong approach. Any pop ups can be annoying so the simplest answer, already stated is to reinstall. Or even update might do it. Eric
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‎Aug 01, 2019
01:01 PM
As noted earlier, fonts can act weird. I see you compare it just to Arial but have you compared to a couple others to just ensure it's that particular font? Then if so, perhaps delete it and reinstall or find another version of that font? I suppose the simple answer is choose a different font so not sure how determined you are to use that one. Eric
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‎Aug 01, 2019
12:56 PM
I think we will need quite a bit more info to better understand what you are trying to do. Turning part of a video black in white isn't too tough but even that depends on what part. For example, if you want the left half color and the right half black and white, an adjustment layer would work. But, if you mean, select parts OF the video that require some roto, more difficult. Eric
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‎Jul 27, 2019
04:42 AM
I think it also depends on what you are doing and how often. Those that do tons of still imaging editing and are comfortable with using photoshop for sure would use photoshop. I've used AE numerous times however to cut out or really, rotoscoping is what we're talking about here. And it's been perfectly successful. Far more capability in photoshop and you guys have more expertise in that than I.
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‎Jul 26, 2019
12:35 PM
I wouldn't disagree with you there at all. My response was based on the presumption that he already did the cut out in After Effects.
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‎Jul 26, 2019
11:55 AM
Thanks for the screenshot. I do see that you have "video" in the search window though. Unless I'm seeing something wrong.
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‎Jul 26, 2019
11:53 AM
1 Upvote
Looks like you are making progress. Maybe a bit much on the feathering around her head. Don't feel too agitated, it can be overwhelming. YouTube is your friend though. Pretty much any beginner thing you need is there. Eric
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‎Jul 26, 2019
11:34 AM
Have you tried to refresh the presets? And search for an effect maybe? Like search corner pin or Bezier warp? Eric
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‎Jul 26, 2019
09:47 AM
Ok, sorry to hear. And Saber is the VC plugin if I'm understanding correctly? Has it worked successfully ever with this current version of AE? And if it is the Saber by VC, I think the easiest answer might be to write Matt at VC support. Always super quick and probably knows the answer. support@videocopilot.net Eric
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