Community Beginner
Community Beginner
Apr 09, 2023
11:21 PM
Smart object error in actions. Photoshop 24.3.0 Mac OS Monterey 12.5.1 I regularly use a number of actions that require a smart object to be saved and closed as one of the steps in the action. After updating to 24.3 such actions no longer work, and get stuck whenever the smart object needs to be saved. The error message says: Could not complete the command due to a program error. I have ensured that Photoshop has Full Disk Access in Mac OS system prefs as per this article. You'll find a video demonstrating the error below. The action in the demo is just a few simple steps that trigger the error whereby a layer is converted to a smart object, a color overlay applied, and the smart object is then saved (triggering the error). Note how the action stops at the step where the smart object is to be saved. The smart object can be saved manually and closed in order to continue. I also included a demonstration of how the exact same action works flawlessly in Photoshop 23.5.5 You can download the demonstration artwork and the action file to reproduce the bug here. (I couldn't attach the .atn file below). Since I have many customers who use these actions, I'd like to hear if there is a fix coming soon that doesn't involve simply reverting to the previous version of Photoshop. Thanks so much.
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Aug 19, 2022
07:11 PM
Amazing. Thank you so much for keeping us informed Mohit. The fix works! Kind regards, Andrew
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Jul 20, 2022
09:56 PM
Hi @CShubert @Pete.Green Can you confirm that an attempted fix was included in the 23.4.2 release a few days ago? My initial tests show that error popups (no pixels selected) no longer appear however the critical select and mask steps are still being skipped resulting in incorrect results. See below.
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Jul 06, 2022
05:38 PM
Thank you!
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Jul 03, 2022
01:49 AM
Thanks Pete, I appreciate the reply. It’s a really strange error. We’ve discovered that the “manual” version of the action, which stops and prompts the user through every step, actually works. I have a copy of the action if you’d like to test this yourself. A number of users have also been experiencing large blobs filling there artwork when running the action which is really strange. See here. Thanks again for your help. Andrew Fairclough
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Jun 30, 2022
11:11 PM
If anyone would like to run a comparison themselves, you can download a test illustration, and the action set. Below. To run the action, simply select the layer named "Bike Clean 2022" then press play on the action named "Distress Press - Preset - Medium - OG". Test file Action Set Thanks so much for taking a look.
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Jun 30, 2022
11:05 PM
1 Upvote
I have identified a bug Actions utilizing the Select and Mask space in the June 2022 release of Photoshop (23.4.1).
Mac OS 11.6.7 (Big Sur)
Macbook Pro 2019. i9
Background. My company creates and markets Photoshop actions and brushes, mostly for creating texture-based effects. A number of our Distressing actions contained in multiple product packs have ceased working in the latest release of Photoshop.
I have run a side-by-side comparison in the attached screenshot. (Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go back to the 23.3 release so I'm comparing it to CC2021.) You can see that in the latest version, the edge contrast has not been cleaned up by the Select and Mask steps in the action set.
When the action runs, these steps trigger a warning popup "Warning: no pixels were selected" then proceeds to skip the step.
It should be noted, that the bug only affects the Select and Mask steps when embedded in an action. Performing the same task manually works as expected.
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Jun 27, 2020
12:34 PM
Hey Dave! Thanks for adding your experience to this thread. Interesting that you're using an XP pen also so we now know this is definitely not another Catalina or Wacom driver issue.
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Jun 18, 2020
09:01 AM
I've discovered a glitch in Photoshop 21.1 that affects brushes that have the "Build Up" setting checked in the Brush Settings panel. You'll see in the attached screenshots and demo video that the glitch causes a large dot to form at the start of brush strokes when the brush smoothing settings are on. I've discovered that the issue even occurs in some brushes that have brush smoothing set to 0% however it is significantly worse when brush smoothing is set above 50%. The only fix I've been able to find is to uncheck "build up". I make and use a lot of brushes so unfortunately I now need to choose between using smoothing, or build up. You can't have both. This issue will only be apparent when used with a pressure sensitive tablet. Mouse input will not trigger the error as the error is pressure input related. I'm not looking for suggestions here but just wanted to make Adobe aware of this issue so that it can be fixed. Mac OS Catalina 10.15.2 Photoshop 21.1 Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 - latest driver installed
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May 12, 2020
10:43 AM
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Feb 27, 2020
12:55 PM
I've discovered a glitch in Photoshop 21.1 that affects brushes that have the "Build Up" setting checked in the Brush Settings panel. You'll see in the attached screenshots and demo video that the glitch causes a large blob / dot to form at the start of brush strokes when the brush smoothing settings are on. I've discovered that the issue even occurs in some brushes that have brush smoothing set to 0% however it is significantly worse when brush smoothing is set above 50%. The only fix I've been able to find is to uncheck "build up". I make and use a lot of brushes so unfortunately I now need to choose between using smoothing, or build up. You can't have both. This issue will only be apparent when used with a pressure sensitive tablet. Mouse input will not trigger the error as the error is pressure input related. I'm not looking for suggestions here but just wanted to make Adobe aware of this issue so that it can be fixed. Mac OS Catalina 10.15.2 Photoshop 21.1 Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 - latest driver installed
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Sep 25, 2019
12:17 PM
Thanks for the workaround. I guess that would be ok if you only have a small number of brushes to drag from the Ps Brush Panel to the Libraries Panel but since you can only drag and drop them one at a time (do let me know if there's an easier way), this is a really ineffecient and unintuitive way to get your brushes into Fresco if you regularly use 50 or more brushes. I tried without success for about half an hour to transfer 7 brushes via my Cloud Libraries. After restarting Fresco the brush group finally appeared in the library section but unfortunately all the brushes in the set are greyed out. I also noticed that many of the default brush sets including the Rakes and Painting brushes are also greyed out. Im guessing this is a memory issue which would probably be solvable if only I could delete a few brush sets. I have a brand new top spec iPad pro 12" so it's not a problem with old hardwear or overloaded storage. I know a tonne of work went into Fresco (and congrats to the team in many respects) but this brush management issue seems like a real screw up.
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Sep 24, 2019
07:06 PM
There's so many things I like about Fresco that make Procreate seem very clunky by comparison. However, there's some really basic features missing that make it almost unusable for professional illustrators. 1. Imported .abr brush sets are arranged alphabetically and can't be reordered. Any custom brush set imported from Photoshop loads the brushes alphabetically, not in the order they are arranged in Photoshop. (see attached comparison). There's no way to change this. You can't even delete a brush set once it's imported. If you have your custom brushes arranged in a specific order so that they are easy to find, all of that goes out the window once you try to use them in Fresco making it almost imposible to find the brush you want amongst a long list of brushes.
I havn't managed to load any of Kyles brushes using the Get More Brushes feature unfortunately - they are greyed out after loading. I'd delete them and try again but again, you can't delete or rearrange brushes.
2. No way to create, edit, duplicate or rearrange brushes. This is really basic stuff that professional illustrators need to work efficiently (I have no doubt it's technically challenging to make work). Unfortunately if Adobe were hoping this would be a viable alternative to Procreate, the lack of a usable brush engine makes Fresco feel like a toy. I really really wanted Adobe to succeed with Fresco but it feels half finished and rushed to market.
Eager to hear any plans for a fix or workarounds for this.
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