greg vannoy
greg vannoy
‎Feb 07, 2025
08:37 AM
Quentin, you are the man! This has been bugging me for ages and yours is the ONLY correct solution. Shame on Adobe.
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‎Feb 06, 2025
01:41 PM
Version 2024 005.20400 and no scroll bars. This is absurd.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
06:58 PM
This is a sporadic problem I've had with AE for years--many, many years. It's not consistent and is extremely frustrating. I tried your suggestion, Edit>Edit Original and it worked. Genius! Thank you. Adobe, you still have a problem. A really annoying and persistent problem. No other solution I've tried works short of completely restarting my computer. Choosing Edit > Edit Original worked but AE should automatically update like it does part of the time.
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‎Jul 31, 2023
10:50 AM
The few of these semi-detailed "explanations" that trickle out of Adobe ring hollow when this type of thing NEVER used to happen in the old days. And what I mean by "old days" were the days when we paid for our software programs outright, before this wretched monthly subscription model became the norm. We pay a premium for this software and for such a simple bug to persist for this length of time is just bad business. Nothing less. I'm disgusted with Adobe but I'm so invested in this product's toolset I feel chained down, with no power to demand better treatment but my tiny, little voice. Adobe knows it. Their inaction speaks louder than any words.
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‎Jun 19, 2023
02:24 PM
1 Upvote
There is also the issue where when AE is open and you click anything else – the finder, another app – anywhere, and AE disappears. That's another bug that's maybe related and one that's been around for just as long as this one.
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‎Jun 19, 2023
12:45 PM
This doesn't explain why this has been happening in previous iterations of the Apple system software. It's been going on for me for over a year.
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‎Jun 19, 2023
12:04 PM
1 Upvote
Amen. I'm not buying the excuses. This has been going on for MUCH longer than the current iteration of Apple's system software.
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‎May 30, 2023
10:05 AM
This thread may be nearing 6 months but this issue is well over a year old.
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‎May 10, 2023
11:22 AM
The cure for cancer will come before Adobe figures this out. Absolutely pathetic, Adobe.
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‎Mar 14, 2023
06:53 AM
That doesn't hide AE, it just brings the finder forward. The really disturbing thing here is Adobe's almost year-long absence on this ridiculously simple issue. At this point, it's well beyond a blatant disregard for their loyal customer base. It's as if they know that some of us are so invested in their product that they don't have to try very hard to maintain any quality control.
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‎Mar 10, 2023
12:46 PM
1 Upvote
Great news, Adobe: Now I am COMPLETELY UNABLE TO HIDE AFTER EFFECTS. It used to hide after pressing Command + H three or four times. Then it was six or seven times. Now AE won't hide at all. What a joke this whole thing is.
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‎Mar 06, 2023
12:43 AM
Adobe, where the hell are you? Command + H to hide your app and you can't fix this after months and months of NOTHING??? WTAF??? THIS IS PATHETIC.
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‎Feb 23, 2023
05:11 PM
Yes, thanks for your acknowledgement, we've only been waiting 8 months.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
11:32 AM
1 Upvote
Same issue here. imac 3.6, 8-core, i9, 72GB RAM, 13.1 Ventura. Command + H not working, right clicking AE in the dock and selecting "hide" works about 40% of the time. "Use System Shortcuts" is checked in Preferences. To finally get it to hide, I have to try hiding about three times before it will actually hide it. Please, please fix. This is super annoying. I hide AE dozens of times a day.
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‎Nov 15, 2022
06:33 AM
Boris Continuum Complete and Red Giant Universe. The issue occurs whether I'm using any plugins or not. I have not tried any benchmark projects. Are these simply project files that are utilized to gather benchmark data?
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‎Nov 14, 2022
06:06 PM
Mac Monterey 12.6 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 72 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro Vega 48 8 GB It happens with all of my comps. I usually work in 1920x1080 24p or 30p. The comp I'm currently working on is 3840 x 2160, 30fps with four layers of flat, simple graphics and text with one of the layers being a mask. No video. I'm pretty sure that nothing about what is happening here should be attributable to an underpowered workstation given my system specs and the ridiculously simple project settings outlined above. If it was cache-related I would think that this runaway playhead issue would happen once and then subsequent starting and stopping over the same portions of the timeline would be smooth and responsive. However, that is not the case.
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‎Nov 14, 2022
02:46 PM
I've had this issue since the last version with almost every comp I create. When I hit the spacebar and the playhead starts moving, it will not stop when I hit the spacebar again. It will go 5-10 seconds, sometimes longer, into the comp before it stops and that's after I punch the spacebar a bunch of times. I've purged the cache, restarted, kept the app up to date--nothing works. It happens on small comps that are not preview-heavy. It is a major disruption when you have to fight this all day every day. It's sad that these small annoying issues keep happening with later iterations of the app. I've posted other problems in other threads. It seems like Adobe doesn't care. Don't even get me started with Premiere. What a horrid app that has become.
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‎Jan 06, 2018
11:35 PM
Punctuation error on my part... I mean to say that I am on OSX and my AE upgrade is 15.00. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify.
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‎Jan 06, 2018
09:22 PM
I just upgraded to OSX 15.00 today and prayed that this year-long issue would have finally been resolved. To my horror, it still exists. When you click the finder, desktop or any other open window or application, AE hides. This is not just an irritating glitch, it's a real problem when you need AE to stay active when you click something else. There are message boards saying this question has been answered by: 1) going to After Effects CC > Hide After Effects 2) clicking the AE app to make it active 3) going to After Effects > Show All This is not an answer. It is a workaround... and a particularly onerous one at that. It is not unusual for me to experience this issue several times in one day -- and that's after multiple AE reboots. It's a major headache. Does anyone have a real solution? Adobe, are you listening? Should I be posting this somewhere else to better reach Adobe's human element?
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‎May 24, 2017
05:42 PM
My problem, by the way, was never solved. I'm hoping that the next update will take care of the issue.
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‎May 24, 2017
05:41 PM
Derp, yes of course. His lowercase "s" threw me. I thought he was saying O's.
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‎Apr 25, 2017
05:33 PM
Command + Tab does the same thing as Command + E. Anyway, what does "what Os are you using" mean?
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‎Apr 25, 2017
05:01 PM
I restarted the whole system, relaunched PS, AI and AE. Opened a brand new AE project. Created a new composition. Imported one image from PS and one from AI. Placed both on the timeline. Went back into PS and changed the color of the object. Saved. Went back to AE. It did not automatically update. Did the same thing with the AI file. It did not automatically update. I'm working small, 1920x1080. Both color spaces in AI and PS are RGB as they should be. This makes no sense. It's a bug. Control/Command + E does nothing but jump to AI or PS from AE which isn't any more of a timesaver than what I normally use to navigate between programs which is Command + Tab. Thanks for your reply, but I'm still hosed here.
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‎Apr 25, 2017
04:25 PM
Ever since I installed the latest update, around April 20, my illustrator images do not automatically update when I edit them in Illustrator and return to AE. I have to find the item in the project window, right click and reload. This is very annoying because I am losing gobs of time. Before the update, and in pretty much all versions of AE as far back as I can remember, if you edited one of your footage files (either Photoshop or Illustrator) it automatically updated the link upon returning to AE. I am on a MacPro with everything current as of today's date. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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