‎Oct 25, 2024
08:00 AM
Thank you for the suggestions. I looked at the blend mode on the Bevel and Emboss. Looks like that's where the problem is. I have another method of creating skin texture that I prefer to use so I'm not going to pursue this. I really appreciate your comments. Thanks so much !!!
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‎Oct 23, 2024
05:00 AM
I have a Photoshop action which creates skin texture. Its acting strangely. It uses grain added from Camera Raw, also embossing to give dimension. A layer mask is created to paint on. When I brush the area I want to use it paints partially black. I've tried several different variations of the process and they all react the same way. I don't see anything in my brush settings that would cause this. I wonder if the embossing layer style is causing it. If anyone has any thoughts about this I would appreciate your comments. Thanks so much.
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‎Jul 01, 2024
09:49 AM
I was recently helping a friend set up a new laptop. She will be getting Photoshop and Lightroom in the near future. She downloaded the Adobe Creative Cloud app and I went over the details with her. When we looked at the current plans it appeared that the Photoshop/Lightroom 20GB plan for $9.99 a month is no longer available. However when we looked at purchasing Lightroom ONLY it looks like the combination plan IS still available for $9.99 per month. She won't need more than 20GB of storage. Is the $9.99 monthly plan still available? Thanks for your reply.
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‎Nov 15, 2023
05:50 PM
Recently when I'm editing with Lightroom in the Develop mode I've noticed that using the keyboard arrows to advance to the next image isn't working properly. I have to right click my mouse a couple of times on the fringe area to get to the next frame with the keyboard arrow. This happens almost everytime I try to go to the next image. Very annoying and really slows the workflow down. I'm curious if anyone else is having this issue. Thanks for your comments.
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‎Nov 02, 2023
12:39 PM
I found out how to change the Replace Tool cursor color and opacity in Photoshop 25.1.0. Go to the "gear" icon in the tool bar. In the pull down menu it offers many different cursor colors and opacity. Hope this helps everyone. Thanks
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‎Oct 30, 2023
07:09 AM
Thank you !
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‎Oct 29, 2023
04:39 PM
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the color of the Replacement Tool cursor in Photoshop CC 25.1.0 I would prefer a different color than the violet / purple that's default. Also the color seems to be more pastel in the latest version and is sometimes hard to see. Thanks for your help.
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‎Oct 17, 2023
09:36 AM
1 Upvote
That didn't help.
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‎Oct 17, 2023
06:52 AM
Thank you !!
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‎Oct 17, 2023
05:48 AM
When I use the Remove Tool in Photoshop v. 2025 and select the area to be removed sometimes it stalls. I have to paint over the area again to get it to complete the remove. The enter key doesn't affect it in this case. Please take a look at this. Thanks so much !!
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‎Oct 17, 2023
05:28 AM
Thank you ! That worked. I was looking for a new folder labeled 2025. My old shortcut was directed to 2023. I usually go to the folder directly and create a shortcut for the .exe file. Anyway, I'm good to go. Thanks again.
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‎Oct 17, 2023
05:22 AM
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‎Oct 16, 2023
11:14 PM
I just downloaded Photoshop v. 2025 and installed. It shows up in my Creative Cloud apps but I can't find it anywhere in my programs. I prefer to make a shortcut for the desktop to open Photoshop however I can't locate the app to create a shortcut. It does open from my Creative Cloud app but I would rather use a shortcut directly than to open Creative Cloud to open. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much !!
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‎Jul 26, 2023
03:31 PM
I noticed today in the most recent version of Photoshop beta that when using the replacement tool with the option unchecked to "remove after the first stroke" on the second selection the brush cursor isn't visable. Just an arrow. You can't see what the actual size of the brush is when the arrow is showing. I realize this is a beta version with some bugs. Just wanted to alert Adobe to this bug. Thanks.
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‎Jul 26, 2023
08:28 AM
I understand the reason for webview in Photoshop but it apparently causes improper operation and crashes in Photoshop. Isn't there an alternative to webview? I would think Adobe would want their products to perform without problems. Please consider correcting this issue. Thank you. Don Patrick
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‎Jul 24, 2023
02:08 PM
Mr. Stohlmeyer are you referring to this, "select "Microsoft Edge WebView2" right click "view file location" then in new window rename the exe file to tmp or anything. then restart photoshop. Microsoft Edge WebView2 is gone forever."? I did look at that however a warning was displayed that doing so might cause problems with Windows 10. I've read other people warn of deleting or changing this file so I didn't try this. Regardless of whether this "workaround" solves the current problem by nature of the word workaround it implies the cause of the issue hasn't been corrected. I don't understand why any browser needs to be involved with using Adobe Photoshop. In my opinion it IS an Adobe issue because it prevents the software from working correctly without using some non normal procedure i.e. workaround to make the software close properly. I appreciate your suggestion but I still think more work is necessary on the part of Adobe to correct this issue. Thanks.
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‎Jul 24, 2023
11:31 AM
Here is a link to a discussion on this forum: With so many people having problems with Edge Webview why won't Adobe offer a solution or provide a fix to this issue. I just don't understand.
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‎Jul 22, 2023
04:28 PM
Does anyone know what causes multiple instances of Microsoft Edge to run while using Photoshop CC? Lately Photoshop will not close and when I check the running processes for Photoshop it has about 4 to 6 Microsoft Edge processes running. I have to manually end the Photoshop app to get it to close. I have no idea why Edge is even running. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. I have found another thread here which spans 5 pages of people having this same issue. Why won't Adobe provide a fix for this problem? It's obviously causing problems for a lot of people including myself !! A number of workarounds have been offered but apparently they don't work. This issue needs to be resolved by Adobe. How about some help Adobe. Here's the link to the discussion:
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‎May 25, 2023
11:57 AM
I retouch quite a few exterior images of buildings and hotels. I use Lightroom for my initial handling of a file. Most of the time Lightroom's perspective correction is great however my problem is the way it makes the corrections. It always "squeezes" the bottom of the image rather than "expanding" the top of the building. I wish we had a way to choose how the correction is made. Lightroom forces me to crop a lot of the image out using this method and usually the crop is too tight to use. I have to manually correct the perspective in Photoshop which is not a big deal but if Lightroom would do it, my workflow would take less time when dealing with many files. If anyone has found a workaround for this please let me know. Maybe that option will be available in future updates. Fingers crossed ! Thanks so much for your input.
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‎Mar 28, 2023
02:53 PM
I am currently using Photoshop 24.3 (current version) and I get an error message, "Could not complete command because of program error" when using a "Save As" action. I've been using this action for quite a while with no problems. I have uninstalled 24.3 and reinstalled with the same result. I reverted to the previous version of Photoshop (24.2.1) and the action works fine. It appears there is some sort of glitch in the latest version of Photoshop. If anyone has experienced this and has a solution I would appreciate your input. Thanks so much.
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‎Nov 01, 2022
04:33 AM
The Control+H did not work to restore controls for me. It's a shame that this feature will not be available much longer as 3D effects will be phased out. So far, CS6 is working for me. Fingers crossed.
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‎Nov 01, 2022
04:00 AM
I just read that the controls for the lighting effects can be restored using Control+H. This has been the problem for me, no controls visible. I'm going to try this and hopefully it will work
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‎Nov 01, 2022
03:37 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for your reply. I chatted with someone from Adobe about this. We linked computers and he went over my settings and reset everything. I downloaded and installed ver. CC 2022.0 as suggested elsewhere. It worked once but now won't work properly. The only success I've had is to use CS 6 extended . I'm going to move on and I appreciate all the suggestions.
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‎Oct 31, 2022
05:56 PM
1 Upvote
Does anyone know of a current Photoshop CC 2023 plug in or app that will render lighting effects like the previous versions? I just need to create uplights or outdoor type lighting on a night time photograph of a building. Seems simple enough but I'm just not familiar with the new Photoshop plug ins or apps that might have this feature. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. P.S. I did read where the version CC 2022.2 would still work however it's not availabel to reinstall now. Thanks !!
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‎Oct 31, 2022
04:22 PM
I inadvertently deleted 2022 when I upgraded to 2023. Do you know if it's possible to reinstall 2022? Thanks. Don
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‎Oct 31, 2022
03:03 PM
Thank you Jeff. I suspected that might be the case. If you or anyone in the Support Community has a recommendation for a FREE 3D light rendering software I would be very appreciative. I don't have a regular need for 3D, however as I explained previously I have a current project that requires adding "uplights" to an exterior photo of a building at night. If I could use 3D rendering often enough I would consider purchasing software, however for use once in 5 years I can't justify the purchase. I do have Photoshop CS 6 which still works in rendering lighting effects. I guess that will have to do. (I am grateful that I have that option available currently.) Thanks for your suggestions.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
09:19 AM
1 Upvote
I'm having a problem with Rendering Light Effects in CC 2023. I hardly ever use this function but have a need currently. I've read the previous comments in the forum regarding this problem and I've followed the instructions to correct the problem. The remedies did not work for me. I finally had to resort to CS 6 for help. Does anyone know how to get the Lighting Effects to work properly in CC 2023? I checked and my video processor is good for the application. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks !!
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‎Oct 18, 2022
07:27 AM
Lately when working on a multi layered document, when I uncheck a layer's visibility (eyeball) it turns off the Background layer instead of the layer I selected !! Have there been changes made in the newer versions of Photoshop CC 2022 that would account for this? I have to turn all the layers off and on until the layer I wanted to disable finally is finally disabled. I've never experienced this behaviour until recent versions. Any suggestions are appreciated. Also, when I change tools sometimes I get an alert and a different tool is selected. I can't see why I'm getting the alert. It's very annoying. If there is a secret to overcoming this please share. Thanks so much !
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‎Oct 14, 2022
08:24 AM
So sorry everyone, I reset the tool and now it seems to be working fine. Should have tried that before posting !!Doh.
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‎Oct 14, 2022
08:17 AM
I have used the spot healing brush for many years with very few problems. I've recently tried using the healing brush tool instead but it's not working properly. When I select a sample area and brush the blemish, or spot, it doesn't even come close to matching the spot ! I've read others here have had problems with it leaving black marks but my problem is the "heal" doesn't come close to matching the sampled area. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much !
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