Terri Stevens
Terri Stevens
‎May 12, 2019
05:34 AM
Try reverting back to the previous Wacom driver 6.3.32-4. It's only 3 months older than the latest one. Looking at the drivers, I see that the latest driver supports Windows 10 S which earlier ones did not. It's possible that Wacom have changed something in the driver to support the extra security features Windows 10S has and in doing so have caused your problem. Drivers | Wacom
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‎May 11, 2019
03:09 AM
As it works with your mouse and trackpad the issue has to be the tablet driver. Try getting an earlier version of the Wacom driver. Another solution may be to use the wintab.interface as that can be more compatible with CS4
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‎May 02, 2019
08:40 AM
Does this happen with the tablet disconnected and a mouse or trackpad used in it's place?
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‎Jan 05, 2019
09:50 AM
1 Upvote
My pleasure, very glad it helped. Terri S
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‎Sep 21, 2018
10:07 AM
1 Upvote
Where did you buy your copy from Ben?
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‎Aug 15, 2018
10:21 AM
1 Upvote
my vote would go to Phlearn. Their motto is they make learning Photoshop fun and they do for $8 per month and don't charge extra for the stock images used in the tutorials. https://phlearn.com/ If you can afford classes, Melissa or someone with a similarly good reputation as a teacher would be better. The advantage of tuition is that the courses are structured and the teacher can judge how much you are taking in. If you use YouTube or even Lynda it is so easy to start at too advanced a level and be put off because you can't understand things. I must admit I agree with Trevor that Adobe TV is excellent and free-look up Russell Brown, Julianne Kost Terri
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‎Aug 15, 2018
08:04 AM
1 Upvote
Increasing the size of your image from 700x523 to 800x598 will result in your screen image looking slightly less sharp because Photoshop will invent new pixels in a process called 'up-sampling' The algorithm that does this is pretty good though so you are unlikely to see much of a difference on screen-the image on screen will look larger at 100% magnification though. Increasing resolution as previously said will make no difference at all to the screen image, but if you print the image it will be bigger than before at the original resolution and so the resolution could be increased in order to keep the image size the same as the original. This can help to counter any blurriness due to the up-sampling process. Terri
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‎Aug 15, 2018
07:45 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, go here Contact Customer Care Choose Photoshop, then licencing and activation, followed by 'show me more contact options' button and select 'Chat'. The technician can deactivate your software and it's not relevant that you have older software as licencing and activation continues to be supported. Terri
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‎Aug 13, 2018
10:52 AM
Do you think I was a little over the top Dave I can't stand software thieves now Photoshop is so cheap. I could understand it when Photoshop cost a student £1000 but now it's £10 a month I don't-most students spend more than that down the pub in a week. I doubt whether Adobe will pursue this in regards to this individual but I decided to write what I did because the forum is 'spydered' by Google and I think it's good for potential users of pirated software to know just how easily they can now be caught and if Adobe should so choose prosecute them. I suppose we should report Subhan22​ in the back office and get their account here deleted-if you don't have a problem with me doing that? Regards Terri
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‎Aug 13, 2018
01:34 AM
A pretty dumb thing to do Subhan. Adobe now know your IP address which is regional and localises you to a few square miles anywhere in the world. Your IP address also reveals your service provider and the exact time of your posting here has been recorded-All Adobe now need to do is serve a court order on your service provider for access to their server logs and they will know the name of the account holder as well as your address . I don't know if they will bother with an insignificant idiotic software thief like you but if they did you or your parents could be facing a fine and a criminal record . I doubt your parents will be happy if fined a years wages because you have been a total fool, but your family will get no sympathy from me.. Hope they get you 'bozo' Terri
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‎Aug 12, 2018
01:58 AM
sounds as if there is something incompatible about the Drobo., Maybe the Drobe has a technical fault or configuration issue as locally there is no problem when saving.. I would guess if you uploaded to some Cloud Storage you wouldn't see the problem. Probably best to contact Drobo about this as they may be aware of an issue.-it might even amount to a firmware fix,. Terri
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‎Aug 10, 2018
08:47 AM
Unfortunately, if Adobe is flagging your serial key as revoked there is little you can do. A software validation service was introduced last year that checks the legitimacy of the product and, contrary to common belief, is very accurate. If a key is detected from a keygen, volume licence, educational software or crack it gets reported to Adobe and then the activation server rejects the key on subsequent attempts to activate. This is why these fake keys have often worked for years and suddenly then refuse to work. What you really need is the invoice from you Dad's purchase, so that the third party supplier can be traced to see if they were 'authorised' resellers. Amazon doesn't closely check their third party resellers which makes Amazon a good way of making money from pirated software. If you can find an invoice the price should be a good guide if the product was genuine. If it was new, the standard edition should have been $699 and the extended $999. Adobe doesn't discount so anything less means something is wrong as the reseller is not buying directly from Adobe. If the product is second hand then a formal certificate of transfer of ownership should have been supplied if the previous owner had installed and used the serial. Terri
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‎Aug 10, 2018
08:20 AM
what is the model of your Canon camera? What version of Photoshop are you using and what version of ACR(Adobe Camera Raw)? If you take a new photograph with the camera and use a card reader are the artefacts still there? Terri
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‎Aug 09, 2018
09:40 AM
I don't know very much about the Drobo 5C except it is an network storage device. Normally these devices are fine for storage but too slow for the production environment with Photoshop. So the question is 'what happens when you copy a raw file from the NAS to your local hard drive'? Lines in raw images are often associated with GPU issues and so you could try disabling the GPU in your preferences. Terri
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‎Aug 08, 2018
03:16 AM
Try disabling the Intel Iris Pro graphics, Photoshop hates dual graphics cards. Also try disabling GPU acceleration for Camera Raw in the preference section. Terri
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‎Aug 07, 2018
10:14 AM
good to hear Cliff
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‎Aug 07, 2018
06:04 AM
Did you ever get round to using 'Safe Mode' ? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12376/windows-10-start-your-pc-in-safe-mode This mode uses only a subset of Windows 10 functions and sometimes can avoid problems with things like file and registry permissions. I expected the new Adobe download to install just like one big file but it seems they have retained a lot of the DVD features, in which case can you see anywhere a file called 'AutoRun' or AutoStart something like that which would normally be on a CD/DVD. If you can try double clicking it! Terri
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‎Aug 06, 2018
09:53 AM
'Unsharp Mask' is really old and awkward to use properly and although still highly regarded by some is no longer the best way to sharpen. Here is a more straightforward method that is in my opinion far easier to use. Below is an Adobe Stock image that doesn't quite 'pop' because it is in need of sharpening. Duplicate the layer ctrl-j or cmd-j Desaturate the upper layer. This is necessary because we don't want to have colors interfering with the sharpening Right click on the desaturated layer and choose 'Convert to Smart Object' This isn't entirely necessary but as a filter is about to be use allows for experimentation with the filter settings. Change the layer 'Blend Mode' to Overlay or Soft Light for a softer effect. Now apply a 'High Pass' filter to the desaturated layer. Adjust the radius slider and you will see the image visually sharpen. If you decide later the sharpening is to much or too little just double click 'High Pass' in the layers panel and you can non destructively re-sharpen. Below is the image pre-sharpening and below the sharpened version. This technique may seem quite elaborate but that's because I have shown it in steps. In a real workflow this takes less than a minute to do and off course lends itself to an action. Terri
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‎Aug 04, 2018
12:45 PM
very nice demonstration Dave, much better than the effect in the video in fact. I must say though that the Op's response of just 'thanks' after all the work you put in confirms to me he is trying to plug a music video and isn't genuinely interested in anything else. Terri
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‎Aug 04, 2018
11:09 AM
thanks Dag. It sounds as if HDR is a case of technology for technology sake. We at home have a LG HDR OLED TV and it looks great for movies. Out of interest I connected the thing to my Dell laptop and it looked simply horrible even when standing ten feet away-sometimes the old way of doing things are better Terri
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‎Aug 04, 2018
10:47 AM
Hi Dag, this is a subject I know nothing about really, out of interest is the real use for HDR monitors games? Also I have a really old i1DisplayPro and I mean old- circa 10years-Do you know if they handle the 1000CD/m2 brightness? My monitors struggles to reach 120. I hate to think what a monitor that bright would do to the human eye if you were close to it in a production environment on a regular basis. I did a course once at the Institute of Ophthalmology in London and one thing I remember about it was researchers put pigeons in the cool cabinets they have in supermarkets -not because it's cold but very brightly lit-the pigeons on average where totally blind after 12 hours as the intense light burnt out the rhodopsin in the pigeons retina-scary stuff if humans behave the same. Terri
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‎Aug 04, 2018
06:39 AM
There are several ways you can change the color of your image layers. As the logo is made up as a series of 'shape layers' it's probably easiest to just change the fill color of each shape. Another way is to convert the layers to a 'Stamp' by pressing ctrl-shift-alt-E or cmd-shift-option-E. Everything then would be on the same layer. Now by holding down ctrl and clicking on the relevant shape layer you will get a selection. Switch to the stamp layer and fill the selection with the desired color alt-backspace or option-backspace. Terri
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‎Aug 04, 2018
04:57 AM
yes Derek I have and it seems to work very well. It is often a good starting point and reduces the cleanup time considerably. It's one of the first implementations of Adobe's artificial intelligence engine, Sensei and is actually recognising shapes as if it had eyes opposed to differences in luminance values . Terri
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‎Aug 04, 2018
04:29 AM
There are many ways to change a color in Photoshop and without an image as a guide I can only guess at what you are trying to do, but here is how to change the color of an entire photograph that will work most of the time I started with some silver coins Now if your image is grey it may be in Greyscale so check and convert it to RGB otherwise you cannot color. Apply a 'solid color' adjustment layer as shown The color selection box will popup. I chose a golden-yellow Click OK and in the 'layers' panel change the blend mode to 'color' and adjust the opacity to suit. The silver coins now become gold coins If you want you can use 'curves' to enhance the contrast. Obviously this method colors everything, if you want to color individual elements then things are more complex but the method will work to change a grey to something else. Terri
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‎Aug 03, 2018
10:45 AM
Hello and congrats on getting married. If you upload a few of your photos I'll be happy to try and make then look better for you and I'm sure I speak for a lot of other people here. Alternatively upload to some cloud storage and provide a link for us-we can't have Mrs Jvs3141 sad at this happy time. Terri
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‎Aug 03, 2018
10:39 AM
1 Upvote
I'll never figure out how our contributors manage to be in greyscale mode and don't remember Alright I'll own up, I've done it too. Worse is having a selection and hiding it and then not being able to figure why nothing you do works-and I've done that plenty of times too as well. Fact is we all make mistakes which makes us better than computers.
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‎Aug 03, 2018
09:55 AM
1 Upvote
Please show a screenshot featuring the canvas , menus and layers panel. Terri
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‎Aug 03, 2018
09:28 AM
Just in case I'm being unfair here are some frames showing the effect being asked about.
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‎Aug 03, 2018
09:12 AM
Do you think this is a genuine request Dave or am I being unduly harsh?
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‎Aug 03, 2018
09:04 AM
Nice music but a flagrant abuse of forum rules. This is purely an attempt to publicise a music video and has nothing to do with Photoshop. If you spam the Adobe forums you run the risk of a ban.
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