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‎Nov 08, 2021
07:04 PM
I don't think you're understanding my question. Is there a way to save the entire photo, as it shows in the main screen there, with the white background? As when I go to export it normally, it saves with the original background. In other words, will it allow me to "cut" the old background out, and save simply what is selected in the mask as the image?
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‎Nov 08, 2021
06:26 PM
In this case, I am wanting to save this image with the background removed via the masking feature. Is there a way to actually remove the selected area and make it white, instead of simply masking the area off? I'd like the background to be removed. Might be expecting too much from the feature, but since it can select the subject, why not be able to remove the background based on what it detects as the subject.
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‎Nov 08, 2021
05:53 PM
How do I save an image with the background being white after I select the subject and add white masking for the background? I want to save the subject WITH the generated white background, but whne I save it, it simply has the normal background before the masking. I'd like to keep the background of the photo white, instead of it disappearing when I save the item, IE, keep the masking.
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