‎Dec 28, 2023
09:18 PM
Another Update, Seems like I spoke to soon? This issue sprung back just now for the three ppl group individual ID photos. Had to resort back to transform->flip->liquify/cancel-> then back to warp. One thing I changed since "cursor method" was to change the memory usage in "performance" tab to "16267" which Photoshop states as lower value of "ideal range" LRc was running as well and memory usage was at around 71% in activity monitor.
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‎Dec 26, 2023
01:14 AM
Update, P: MacBook Pro Apple M2 Max Laggy Liquify - Page 7 - Adobe Community - 13657141 After doing the cursor method posted by sergeiZ, selection->transform->warp seem to not give me the glitched out graphics. Latest updates applied Sononma 14.1.2 (23B92) LRc 13.1, PS 25.3.1, Camera Raw 16.1
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‎Dec 26, 2023
01:13 AM
@SergeiZ Update, the cursor method seemed to work for a while but it's back to 1.5-2second of click register and not moving in liquify again for the second liquify and on. But the good news is that the warp tool glitched out graphics seem stable with the cursor method.
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‎Dec 21, 2023
06:02 PM
@SergeiZ you must've went deep diving into PS setup, I never thought this was the culprit and was only tinkering with GPU support. This worked for me, albeit now I'm getting incorrect brush stroke size compared to the cursor outline on the screen. So, after Adobe rep said fix was out with patch, it did work for the first layer I worked in liquify but layers after or the same layer going back to liquify had terrible lag (pixels moving in liquify for about a second or so then stops). So creating a new layer hasn't worked for me since day one. For some reason your cursor method worked for this particular issue and my other problem, of transforming selection and then going into warp getting me glitched graphics during drag, as well.
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‎Dec 20, 2023
08:43 PM
yeah everything is really slow at one point cause you updated your software to the latest and still expect your old HW to process that much data. Obviously that's why everyone is updating to newer HW periodically to not get boggled down when they work. But among professionals there's a saying that "if it ain't broke don't change it" and that's why people who rely on computers/softwares drag out as much as possible before updaiting or work with new features in frustration expecting a solution would come out in the near future. I happned to be the later and I am beyond furious at this point cause it's a little over a year since Ventura released (I bet Sonoma is just an extension of Ventura cause it introduced new features but with the same problem still persisting) and NO-ONE has come up with viable solution (NOT work around) so far. Monterey on Apple silicon is never going to slow you down cause I'm sure Apple designed its processor to run Moneterey without any problem and my M1 mac mini is still running Monterey without any sign of slowing down. It's the updates in the web environment and thrid party apps that will get you slow down. You can't control what you get on web environment coming through your ISP and router but you can control how far of an update you're going to get so YMMV depending on what you need. Work around suggetions such as not saving pre-set or setting printer settings in Preview app don't work for me so you didn't need to pitch in your case and absolutely no need for you to throw in objection for my reply. I'm saying that going back to Monterey is the only viable solution at this point that I've found IF you don't need the latest features from any SW developer, including Apple itself, and IF the OP of the reply heavily rely on printing for his/her/their work process.
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‎Dec 20, 2023
12:40 PM
what OS version do you have? thought this was Apple silicon specific problem but if older intel macs with newer OS have the problem then this might be originating from OS. I have lastest LRc, PS, and macOS installed on my M2 Pro mac mini at this point and still getting insane stutter (don't know if I should be calling this stutter cause my click/drag only regusters about 1-1.5seconds before not making changes on photo) after I admit the change and re-enter liquify later to do some more liquify. This has been going on since they released stutter free version of PS. really wish Apple would allow people to roll back macOS to their desired version, not limiting by the H/W release date.
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‎Dec 20, 2023
12:31 PM
If you don't rely on the lastest features from third party app developers that absolutely require you to have macOS Ventura and up, at least you can go back to Monterey and forget about this. Those, including me, with Macs came out after the release of Ventura can never roll back to Monterey and this is some serious problem Apple won't admit to fault but to point fingers to third party developers like the printer manufacturers.
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‎Oct 08, 2023
11:12 PM
LR classic mainly and sometimes PS it's OS/driver level selection so Adobe applications are just riding along. When they work nice they work nice when they don't it's s$$$$$ experience that goes nowhere in terms of support
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‎Oct 08, 2023
10:54 PM
M2 pro Mac mini with Epson l8180 printer I moved my m1 Mac mini to my home and m2 pro Mac mini is in my studio. I needed 32gb ram for LRc/PS work flow as I was going over 16gb ram usage
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‎Oct 08, 2023
10:33 PM
yeah, not for me, it kinda worked in Ventura after a couple minor updates but it reverted to auto settings once I updated to Sonoma and I have to go select tray and paper type each time I print, which is a royal pain.
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‎Oct 08, 2023
09:07 PM
1 Upvote
Just to let Adobe rep here know, it's still happening on PS 25.0 For some reason if I go to "liquify" with affected layer and then come back to warp, this glitch goes away. If I transform and flip(i.e. to match the collar on the person), this glitch comes back and have to go into "liquify" and then come back. I feel it's as if the cached layer is affected (not properly loaded or something) somehow on my case. M2 pro mac mini/ 32GB ram/ 4TB ssd/ Sonoma 14.0 (23A344)/ PS 25.0
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‎Oct 08, 2023
09:00 PM
This is really ridiculous, I think it all boils down to Epson/Apple pointing fingers at each other while the bystandering Adobe and its users suffer. Clearly Apple's the biggest culprit since it did something under the hood for its new masOS's. Epson's not innocent since it had time to adapt to Apple's print driver developing guidelines since Beta release. I really hope that both of those companies do put on big boys pants and appoint reps to get together to figure this issue out, rather than blatantly say to its customers "not my problem" -//side note//- This kind of going back and forth has been going going on since, as far as I can tell, Big Sur I had my printer profile disappear after an update, deleted and reinstalled printer at the spot (printing ID photo), found this article(linked above), was fine for some time and then at one point along came one OS minor update that obliterated this fix. -//end side note//- -//presonal note//- My M1 Mac mini didn't have any trouble before Ventura (it's been downgraded and remaining still on Monterey). My stupid M2 Pro Mac mini is %%%%%%% stuck on Ventura even if I wanted to go back to Monterey. I moved to Sonoma thinking I've got nothing to loose. But the printer preset problem is still there so I'm eternally %%%%%% until the said companies come to senses. -//end personal note//-
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‎Sep 07, 2023
07:30 PM
no response from anyone, even from the Adobe rep? this silent treatment is getting annoying. I have to constantly turn GPU support off when this happens (I don't know when this would happen but majority of the time this bug would occur and very few times I don't experience this) and whan I need to use liquify I have to restart Photoshop entirely and is really piling on to the fatigue. my workaround at this point is to use liquify on the copied layer, turn on show backdrop, and select the latest layer that I need to warp/liquify my copied layer, then liquify. This is far less efficient method then to reduce opacity of copied layer (with keyboard shorcut) and go into warp Please don't tell me to downgrade from 24.7 to earlier version, M2 is suffering from liquify lag in previous version that I have to turn off GPU support for liquify to function properly.
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‎Aug 12, 2023
09:03 PM
This is really annoying, please fix this M2 Pro Mac mini 32GB Ram, 4TB SSD Ventura, Photoshop 24.7 When I turn off GPU support it works with reduced smoothness cause it's not getting that full GPU support. M1 mac mini 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD running Monterey don't have this problem
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‎Aug 10, 2023
12:46 AM
yeah, it was somehow working fine without crashing cause I kinda figured out how to tip toe around crash had LRclassic crash three times? couple days ago cause I removed and reinstalled printer on my m2 pro Ventura and had to make sure the settings were right before print. now, if I set the "Profile" under "Color Management" to my specific profile (mine's EPSON ET-8550 L8180 Photo Glossy), this will usually result in wrong profile selected for print, resulting in off colored print. So I can't update Template(left panel) and be done with settings for varying types of paper/print job. This will also make LRclassic prone to crash when for some reason I'd want to change(or check) the profile and click OK. To avoid off colored print I have to set "Managed by Printer" then under "Color Matching" and select the correct profile. Also Printer setting is stuck on default "Auto Select" for "Paper Source" and "Media Type" is back to "Plain paper" every single time but this is more of Ventura problem then Adobe problem...and this crashing is a byproduct and maybe Adobe can't do nothing until either Apple alone or Printer manufacturer and Apple resolves the conflict. This is getting really weary for my ID photo studio. I'm jsut waiting for Sonoma this fall at this point.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
12:35 AM
1 Upvote
installed 24.7 and at first seemed to work. but after a while it's suttering. point stop and cursor jumps to where it's supposed to. If it's just for cursor movement, fine, but It's affecting even when I click and move pixels around in liquify and for someone who does his stroke in small increments it's realy annoying. This shifty cursor behavior started when I saved the file to PDB cause it went over PSD file limit. This might not be the cause of the problem but Beta version still works fine.
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‎Jul 09, 2023
03:54 AM
It's Ventura specific and I decided to revert to Monterey. Apple's solution to check on the option to use...I forgot the word...generic printer settings? Will work but it's a whole another bag of worms. ---When I checked the option, the printer settings show up quite messy as a scrollable text based lists and you can see they list multiple lines with same things and I just gave up. I recently bought m2pro Mac mini and I'm using m1 Mac mini with Monterey as main photo edit/print machine and m2pro as video editing machine... I really wished to sell the m1 but the printer issue and Photoshop's liquify lag on m2 stopped me from selling m1. If m2pro could revert to Monterey I could sell m1 but Apple's BS policy to only revert OS version to the one when they introduced their computer made it even more harder to sell m1...
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‎Jul 02, 2023
08:56 PM
I don't know if there's a fix or already a discussion and my search skill isn't strong on this platform/language. ------maybe irrelevant------ Lateste official release photoshop had laggy liquify on M2pro Mac mini. I turn off/on GPU support as a diagnostic/bypass. (I decided to keep working on my m1 mini for photo) ------maybe irrelevant------ I noticed that mouse cursor is like 30-60fps smooth without GPU support OFF If I turn GPU support ON the cursor behaves as if it's 10-30fps. NOT jumping because it's lagging. It skips a lot of frames in between moving points. any ideas?
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‎Jul 02, 2023
08:34 PM
1 Upvote
the lag is fixed on Beta, (kinda) There seem to be some sort of a loading time for about 2-5seconds for liquify to be fully functional. During that 2-5 seconds load time, liquify is still not functioning properly. Is it an improvement? definitely yes. Is it 100% functional? depends how/where you look at it/from. I'd say it's 85% there compared to previous verions' performance. With GPU suppport off (on both official and beta) the image loads sequencially and that takes about 2-5 second to finish. Which is about the same amount of load time I experienced on Beta with GPU support on... m2 Pro Mac Mini, 32GB ram, 4TB SSD...just in case anyone's wondering which machine I'm operating from...
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‎Jun 08, 2023
09:31 PM
One thing I've noticed is that the "face-aware liquify" works just fine, without any lag whatsoever Masking in liquify seem to work flawlessly once you click and drag, until you click there's visible cursor lag. These make me think the lag issue seem somewhat related to the problems I had with previous versions of Photoshop, only it's showing up in one singular function. 1. I had issue with clone stamp tool where I have "ruler" visible, preview mouse icon would lag, execpt when you click and drag OR turn the "ruler" off from view menu. This bugged me for quite some time, occuring on some versions and not ocuring on some versions since 2017. 2. I had issue with liquify, if I'm remembering correctly, I had to change the tool in liquify to face-aware(a) and then exit. for the next time when I open up in liquify face-aware would be the first default tool I get and this somehow releaved the lag for manual liquify (w). I think this occured on my m1 mac. these issues I faced never got resolved immediately nor acknowledged by Adobe with any mention in release notes I just had to wait boiling over, passing on several version updates or crossed my fingers and risk updating since Adobe decided to limit the versions you can roll back (my old 2013 15" MBP still has v21)
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‎Jun 07, 2023
08:40 PM
oh, macOS Ventura 13.4, PS 24.5.0, WACOM 6.4.2-4
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‎Jun 07, 2023
08:38 PM
Just bought M2 pro mac mini (third one from selection wihtout upgrading cpu) with 32GB ram and 4TB SSD...thought most of the big wrinkles were ironed out by now but nahhh...using mouse to navigat to filter menu and then holding out option key is much faster then diabling GPU support on/off and relaunch but is none the less hassle that piles up when you got loads of images to edit lined in que. PLEASE for the love of GAWD fix this. liquify is one of the core component of Photoshop and should be treated with utmost ungency.
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‎Mar 22, 2023
10:08 PM
hitting cancel and trying to save again to move save folder location to the OG file location does not work for me OS12.6.3 Photoshop24.2.0 LRC12.2.1
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‎Mar 18, 2023
06:39 PM
When I work with a lot of layers from my 24MP camera or (fewer layers) from my 45MP camera in Photoshop, Photoshop often tells me to save the file in PSB and I have to manually navigate to the working forlder and put "-Edit" in the name myself.
It's not much but would be great if I were to given an option to default the file type to PSB.
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‎Oct 26, 2022
08:17 PM
LRC v.12 updated first and later updated macOS to Ventura 13.0 Prior to updates I followed this guide to allow myself to be free of apps losing printer profiles after OS updates (which led me to panic in front of customer at one point) anyways, the prints would look horrible as if it chose the wrong color profile even with the correct color profile selected in Print Job pane so I changed the setting to "managed by the printer" then tried to change the Profile manully by switching from "Automatic" to correct profile just like the screen shot below as soon as I click OK the app crashes (randomly with frequency) and once the crash occurs, it just keeps crashing at manual profile selecting stage and I can't do anything to bypass that incorrect color on prints any ideas?
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‎Jun 22, 2022
08:14 PM
Thx Jane, Resetting preference by clicking "reset preference on quit" did not resolve the issue. One thing I forgot to mention on the OP is my specs and versions m1 MacMini 16G RAM, 512GB SSD, macOS Monterey 12.3.1, Running dual monitor (QHD and optimized for QHD on FHD) via HDMI and Thunderbolt Adobe Photoshop v23.4.1 Adobe Camera Raw v14.4 Adobe Lightroom Classic v11.4
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‎Jun 22, 2022
08:09 PM
thx for the reply, The layers in the video are all 100% solid. I've reset preferences for Photoshop by going into "preferences" and clicking "reset preference on quit" but no dice. Guess I'll have to roll back but I've got some edits on my hand atm sooooo...wait for the new patch.
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‎Jun 19, 2022
11:49 PM
I just noticed it now, it maybe temporary glitch or something that's been there for a while, I have no idea for how long this was present.
when I select area with patch tool and move the selection around, the shape of the patch tool shown through the target area is rentangle rather than my original selection.
Is this normal behavior? Or something I haven't seen it cause I was not paying attention all these time?
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‎Apr 16, 2022
07:41 PM
Not the same as macbook? but am using M1 mac mini (8/8core 16GB 512GB) and smart sharpen issue is resolved for me with the update. I feel your frustration, I was in the exact same position when Adobe Camera Raw filter was acting up for me and very few others. (radial filter leaving glitched out circles) That's why I left my old 15" late 2013 MBPr (which I still have) with worknig version of Adobe Photoshop that Adobe no longer provide as a roll back oprtion(21.xx.xx) When I noticed the issue, the M1 was released and I purchase my M1 Mac mini not long after. AFAIR, M1 did have the glitch as well but the issue was resolved with updates later on. (It's been quite a while so my recollection with M1, MBRr, and radial filter issue in ACR is muddy at best) Had to keep going back and forth from update to stable version for ACR with my MBPr. When they dropped the stable version of Photoshop from their repository, I just stopped experimenting and settled for that stable version. I was on constant watch on their release note to see if the ACR issue was addressed (which they never did AFAIR) but somehow the issue was resolved on my M1 with later versions. It made sense for 2013 MBPr to stop with updates but seeing as you are struggling with brand new H/W, I can only suggest to just wait for next update release as they might somehow work with your computer. on the side note my ACR issue claim was very few (like handful, one way/one hand finger count, one page comment long, almost non existence to Adobe's eye few) but this is getting some more heat so, just hang in there.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
06:36 PM
I'm using M1 Mac Mini ATM and it is resolved with the update 🤔🤔 Guess it's one of those it works for most but not all
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