2 hours ago
This is working great @Luca Giarrizzo ! I am using resources.json as it contains info about which graphs are in the library and visible. If possible it would be nice to have an API function to retrieve the path and filename of this resource.json file.
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‎Mar 05, 2025
09:48 AM
Thank you Luca! This looks great, I will try this and let you know.
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‎Feb 28, 2025
09:34 AM
Would you have an example code/graph with this working? I have tried many times in my plugin and it won't work for me. This is not the only problem, openResourceInEditor() also fails to open the content of a Pixel Processor or an FX-Map. This is a pre-requisite to use focusGraphNode().
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‎Feb 28, 2025
09:23 AM
Hi, I would need to access the ids of the graphs present in the default node library in Designer using the Python API. For example nodes such as "Cells 4" or "Switch". I can see Designer is able to extract the relevant ids from packages located into the resources/packages system folder when we right-click on a library node, we can see both the .sbs path and the graph id. For example the "auto_crop.sbs" package contains both "auto_crop_color" and "auto_crop_grayscale" graph ids. I would basically need to access this same information from the Python API, I don't think this is possible right-now.
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‎Feb 23, 2025
02:06 AM
Could you please add callbacks to the Python API when a new package/graph is loaded/created/removed? There are such equivalent in Painter where we can be notified of various events related to the project content/creation/loading.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
02:24 AM
focusGraphNode() is only focusing on SDNodes, can you please extend the functionality to focus on any graph object (i.e frame, pin, comment etc.)?
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‎Feb 13, 2025
02:22 AM
Hi, I am experimenting with SDUIMgr.focusGraphNode() and it seems this is not working for items inside a PixelProcessor or an FXMap. Is this a known issue?
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‎Aug 01, 2024
07:26 AM
In Substance 3D Painter 10.0.1, my project has essentially Fill layers with Substance sbsar associated to them. There are no Paint layers. I noticed that after a while working with the layers, adding some, deleting others, changing parameters of the Substances etc., performance begins to degrade. Even saving the project, quitting Painter, reopening it and and reloading the project doesn't seem to help. Can someone help identify why this is happening and how to mitigate the problem? I know that when using Paint layers, performance may degrade because all the stokes are recorded. But here, this is the not the case, I am not using any Paint layer, so why would performance degrade?
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‎Aug 01, 2024
05:00 AM
Please ignore this is not a bug, I was using NodeStack.Content instead of NodeStack.Substack with InsertPosition.inside_node() this is why I was having the issue. Using NodeStack.Substack things are working porperly. However there might still be a small problem in the fact we can use NodeStack.Content for a folder, shouldn't it be disallowed?
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‎Aug 01, 2024
04:54 AM
In Substance 3D Painter 10.0.1: When creating fill layers with API inside and existing group (group was created manually with the UI and not with API), the fill layers do not have the preview icons and also the group cannot be collapsed/expanded. There is no such problem when creating the group with the API.
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‎Jun 11, 2024
01:45 AM
1 Upvote
Today, when a graph has an exposed parameter which is not used inside the graph, it is not present in the SBSAR form of the graph. This prevents using parameters to only control the visibility of other parameters. In some cases, we may want to make visible parameters based on the state of another parameter, even when this other parameter is not used in the graph. Unfortunately the current SBSAR processing is not making this possible. We can workaround this by using a fake node so the parameter is used into the graph, but that is not convenient and impacts the graph processing.
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‎May 28, 2024
11:38 PM
Any feedback on this one? I am waiting for this for years, it would make some Substances so much more convenient to use. Support for Position controls is already there in Sampler, why not in Painter?
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‎May 28, 2024
11:29 PM
1 Upvote
Today presets are accessed through a combo box. When a Substance has dozens of presets, going to the next preset is a pain: open the combo, scroll the last preset used, select the next one. I'd like to be able to easily move from one preset to another, with keys or previous/next buttons. Also, after selecting a preset, there is nothing in the user interface show which preset has been selected. At some point we may have forgotten which preset was selected, hence the difficulty to go to the next or previous one.
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‎May 28, 2024
11:23 PM
I'd suggest to take a look at Gaea from Quadpsinner which implements both layer and node workflow in a smart way. In my understanding, using an alternate node system in Painter doesn't mean "merging with Designer". The node system would have nothing to do with Designer, this would be something specific to Painter, build from scratch.
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‎May 02, 2024
05:00 AM
1 Upvote
When having several graphs eligible for publication as SBSAR into a same package, it is currently not convenient so select which one will be published. We have to make sure each graph is disabled for publication and only the right one is enabled. To make selection of the published graph more convenient, I'd suggest the following: In the dialog shown when publishing a graph (named "Substance 3D asset publish options"), add a checkbox in front of each exposed graph, only the graphs checked will go into the sbsar. By default, checkboxes will be checked for graphs having publication enabled in their properties. Unchecking the checkbox into the publishing dialog will not change this property, the effect would only be local for this publication. Add butons to check/uncheck all graphs in this dialog box.
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‎May 02, 2024
04:51 AM
1 Upvote
Oh nice, thanks for the tip, this is going to be very useful! So support for independent graph windows is already in, this is just a matter a making the user interface more explicit about it. I'd suggest the following: "Open in new tab" context menu when right-clicking a graph in the Explorer. "Open in new tab" context menu when right-clicking on a graph tab, it will open the same graph into another tab.
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‎Apr 30, 2024
11:02 AM
It has never been clear to me how Designer manages its graph window. When double-clicking on a graph from the Explorer, it replaces the graph in the current graph window. What if I want to have two graphs into two separate views? There is no "Open in new Window" menu. And there are also specific behaviors when we are into Editing in Context mode. I end up constantly opening graphs into mostly the same window, which is wasted time, especially when the graphs have a lot of parameters.
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‎Apr 30, 2024
10:42 AM
1 Upvote
Usually in Designer, when you want to make a graph configurable, you add parameters to it. I don't think it is a common practice to get a graph from a library and modify its content. Personally I am not working like that at all, as this leads to duplication and maintenance nightmares.
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‎Apr 29, 2024
08:23 AM
I am seconding the request for better parameter management in Designer. When a Substance has a long list of parameters, it is extremely time consuming to make various operations to organize them, such as moving, duplicating etc.
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‎Apr 29, 2024
08:15 AM
I am finding myself in the following situation: a graph, using multiple subgraphs, each of them also using subgraphs, and at the end of this hierarchy, a "renderer" graph, having two possible forms: a fast renderer (fast to run and cook), and a "full" renderer (slow to run and cook). I can simply use either of them with a Switch node, depending on whether I was the fast or slow version. Problem is both renderers will be cooked, and there is a significant cooking time difference between the two, which here will be combined. To prevent a significant cooking performance drop when using the "fast" mode (due to the cooking of the slow version which is actually not needed in this case), It seems the only way for now is to build two mostly identical graphs, one using the fast renderer, the other one using the slow one, so a lot of duplication and maintenance troubles. Suggestion: add support for Graph Interfaces. A Graph Interface would be a graph with only inputs, parameters, and outputs, no implementation. A specific Interface input would enable to pass an implementation of the Interface so a graph could call it as it would for any other graph, except it would actually call the implementation of this Interface. This way, regarding the example mentioned above, I would define a renderer Interface, pass a renderer implementation of this interface to the main graph using the rendering functionality. The cooking would then only take into account the specific implementation of the interface, hence would be much faster. Note this would improve cooking performance in Designer for the above scenario, but not into other hosts using the SBSAR in a runtime form. Nevertheless, regardless of the potential performance gains in Designer, these interfaces would still be a nice design option.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
01:26 AM
Steps: Designer 13.1.1 is crashing in the following scenario: - inside pixel processor, use a portal structure (data going into a portal output then a portal input) - create a package function, copy subgraph containing the portal output into that function: the portal dot node will loose its source reference inside the function (which is normal) - make the data flow pass trough the function and the unreferenced portal. Expected result: Designer would report an error (at least into the console) and not crash Actual result: Designer crashes This scenario can happen when copy/pasting code from one place to another, if portals are involved and we forget to re-source them. This is how it happened to me. I have a sample graph demonstrating the problem if needed, but cannot attach it here.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
01:48 AM
I am using an sbsar of mine in Blender 4.1.1 using the Substance 3D addon v2.0.0: parameters of the sbsar are displayed in sort of a random order, not following the ordering made in Designer, nor an alphabetical ordering either. This is barely usable in this way, as parameters follow each other with no relevant logic. Any idea? Substance parameters need to be displayed in the same order as defined in Designer, as this ordering has a logic made by the Substance author and should be reflected as-is though the add-on.
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‎Apr 20, 2024
03:23 AM
Hi Cyril, Glad you liked the idea! I'd actually need this for one of my tools, currently users need to create a Substance in Designer to warp their hair covers, as explained into the below video. It would be very handy to be able to do this without leaving Painter.
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‎Apr 18, 2024
08:49 AM
In certain cases it may be useful to have the mask of a layer to follow the same projection as the layer it is attached to. For example, when using Warp projection and projecting a Fill layer with a number of vertices, we may need the mask to follow the same transforms. There is actually a way to do this using a Substance material with an Opacity channel with User Data set to "IsAlphaChannel = True". This enables to use Warp projection on material with opacity channel, the latter masking all the other channels as well. I would like this feature to be possible in Painter without the need to use an external Substance.
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‎Apr 10, 2024
12:09 AM
Thanks for the reply Lucas, but please realize that on 3 real issues I am mentionning, you are not considering any of them as defects, therefore are not going to address any of them! If you could please consider applying Resize to Fit to all the currently selected frames, that would be great, this is the most important issue imo. Thanks!
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‎Apr 05, 2024
06:45 AM
Another issue: 3. create a frame with some long text into the Description section and no node inside it, then right-click on the frame to resize it to fit the Description content: "Fit size to content" is grayed out.
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‎Apr 04, 2024
05:22 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I currently have this cooking error and having a hard time finding out where it is: [WRN][1254][Linker]Error (severity 0): L12292 variable GET before being SET, possible cache injection issue. If you were logging the name of the variable in cause, this would immensely help to find out where the problem is. Thanks.
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‎Mar 28, 2024
06:25 AM
I found two issues with the recently released "Fit size to content" feature for frames. Both were found in function graphs, they may also exist in regular graphs. Selecting multiple frames with CTRL key and applying "Fit size to content" only rezises the first frame. Some frames created prior to the Designer version having the frame resizing features do not have the "Fit size to content" when right-clicking on them, even after converting the graph to the new format. This seems to occur in particular for frames embedded into other frames (but not necessarilly for the parent frames).
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‎Mar 28, 2024
06:19 AM
Hi Céline, thanks for getting back to me on this. In my case nested graphs were not necessarilly involved. I made a quick test with a simple graph created from scratch saving presets independently and adding them as embedded and couldn't find any problem. So it may be either the problem I had was specific to a given graph or there is something I mischecked. I'll reopen this thread if I cross the problem again, this time with more details.
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‎Mar 21, 2024
02:26 AM
Great! Thanks for the update Cyril!
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