‎Jan 28, 2025
07:18 AM
Hi @Kevin-Monahan ok, I've followed your advise and imported all my old sequences into new projects. Unfortunately the issue persists. But I've collected some data: Premiere collects memory step by step. And when i close a project, the memory don't get cleared out. So in my case I have 10 Interviews, each 2-3h à two cams. And working with more and more projects/clipprocessing the container gets loaded. And the magic number seems to be around 90GB. When Premiere reached that number (after around 1-1,5h of working time) this message appears and blocks my working flow until I close Premiere. And the loading start anew. Does that bring any new clue?
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‎Jan 27, 2025
04:53 AM
Ok, for now, most of my clips are working since just the first two ones didnt connect. I I will watch how that will develope and will directly talk to next time. Thanks for your quick reply!
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‎Jan 25, 2025
07:58 AM
Thx for your answer! and of course, here all details: Issue: redo is not available, greyed out Adobe Premiere Pro version number: 25.2 Premiere Pro (beta, see down below) Operating system - Sequoia 15.2 System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD: M4 Max, 40GPU 1TB, 200Gb free disc space External project USB-C drive: 4TB, 40GB free 48GB Ram Sony XAVC-I 4:2:2 10-bit. 1 Interview, 2,5h length, 2 Cameras OK, I ve tested around and watched the „protocol“ and some confusing pattern: First - in Premiere Pro 25.1 everything works fine. Due to new Color management I was constantly working in 25.2 Beta (and all beta before last year) and apparently if e.g. I insert a cut, in protocol it creates 1-3 entries: either just „razor“ or two times razor plus one „set feature“ (Eigenschaft festlegen“ in German), which was annoying me a lot already because you sometimes had to randomly push „undo“ 1, 2 or 3 times depending on what Premiere is creating in protocol for same just one click - action. And this brings me to my „redo“ question: in 25.1 everything works fine. But in recent 25.2 Beta (and at least many betas before) it deletes the protocol after I pushed „undo“ afterwards. So there is nothing anymore to redo. So my new question now is: Is that a big „normal“ disadvantage of Beta versions or is this just happening in my case?
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‎Jan 25, 2025
03:15 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @Kevin-Monahan Thanks for your quick reply! That sounds promising and plausible since I moved from PC to Mac with kind of a complex project. I'll check out soon and report. Cheers Ia
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‎Jan 24, 2025
08:11 AM
Hi @mattchristensen ah, ok! Thanks for pointing on that! (And yes, I'm working with Beta)
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‎Jan 24, 2025
07:48 AM
Hi! Where does those "prin" files come from and can i delete them? For some time they appear next to their same called "prproj" files. Thanks!
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‎Jan 24, 2025
05:10 AM
1 Upvote
Hello! Since this is coming frequently and starting to annoy I'm looking for help now: I have 10 Interviews à 1,5h. Every Interview has one project file where I'm working in step by step. After a while, after having been e. g. in 2-3 projects (always just one opened) I got the message that my system is out of program memory (Programmspeicher in German) and that I should close my programs. This is a bit confusing because I'm coming from a years old Windows Laptop (32GB) working now with the most expensive and actual Macbook Pro M4 Max, 48GB, 40GPU, 1TB laptop. 100GB free disc space internal and 1TB on my external project drive. With my Windows Laptop I've never had an issues with memory. Why this is plopping up and what can I do to canalise MacOS memory behavior focussed on Premiere. E. g. using the free memory on my external drive addionally to internal drive (when full). Thanks!
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‎Jan 24, 2025
04:03 AM
1 Upvote
Hello! I'm working with a M4 Max/48GB and my redo - option ist noch available. Is there any solution(reason)? Thanks!
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‎Jan 24, 2025
03:48 AM
1 Upvote
Hi! I know that problem is not new, but I could not find any solution: For one session inside my projeject I could use the comments page with not problems. Then I've opened the next session inside and the whole comments page got blank. If I reload e. g. the working space it's blinking up for 0,5 seconds, but dissappears again. After one year with that known issue, is there any solution out there? (especially since there were no problems with v3. v4 seems to be glitchy) Thanks! PS: For some reason other Clips I'm opening are working fine. But I keep the quesion opened because I remember myself having had the problem some months ago with other projects as well.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
09:22 AM
OMG. This was probably the quickest, most helpful and precise support answer, I've ever had. (in such a special case) It worked! thank you so much. You made my day and collected at least 47 Karma points.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
06:47 AM
PS: und bei dem manuellen Aktualisieren ist es so, dass wenn ich ein paar Fotos aktualisiere, er hinten die vor vor letzten Fotos schon wieder vergisst und ich die erneut aktualiseren muss, während dann die letzten auch schon wieder vergisst.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
06:41 AM
Hallo! Am 27.11.24 bin ich von PC auf den Mac umgezogen. (möglicher Grund für den folgenden Fehler?) Vor 2 Wochen fiel mir dann auf, dass alle KI-Bearbeitungen meiner gesamten Bibliothek fehlen. Ich kann jedes Bild einzeln in "Maskierungen" und "Entfernen" manuell aktualisieren. Dann ist auch alles so, wie ich es bearbeitet habe. Aber wenn ich LR neu starte ist wieder alles weg. Wenn ich einen Teil meiner Fotos markiere und "KI-Einstellungen aktualisieren" drücke, sieht das mit dem Bearbearbeitungsbalken zwar kurz super aus, funktioniert aber leider gar nicht - es werden die manuellen Aktualisierungen sogar wieder entfernt, alles auf Anfang. Wenn ich alle (also über 1000) Fotos markieren und ihn aktualisieren lasse, dann gibt es am Ende auch eine Fehlermeldung, dass der Vorgang nicht abgeschlossen werden konnte. Aktuellstes Update ist installiert. Was kann ich tun? Da das manuelle Aktualisieren den gewollten Stand kurz zurückbringt, habe ich erst mal die Hoffnung, dass sich dies dauerhaft wieder herstellen lässt. Beste Grüße
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‎Nov 25, 2024
04:07 AM
1 Upvote
Hi! Sorry if I missed something, but as far as I can see for now, there is now way to distinguish if an audio-plug-in is switched on or off in Audio/FX-Mixer. I need to switch through every single plug in to check if its switched on or off (and to check this little round always grey FX-symbol). Especially if you have a weaker PC, working with 4K footage and modern AI-Tools its essential to temporarily switch off FXs. And it's nice to have a global switch-off-button for Video material, but there no such a button for audio. So its a pain to check all plug ins for on or off state and to remember them (which was on which was off, when you want to render) 1) Please change color or whatever to be able to distiguing immediately if an audio-Plugin is switched on or off #essentialwish!!! 2) Please give us a glocal FX-off/on-Button for audio. 3) It would be a dream if you introduce a preset-manager for audio plug-ins (incl. VST). To save at least a 5-Channel-package would be a start for that. 4) an Audio-track- color or any other way to distiguish channels. or at least normal channels from submix-channels. If there are solutions for those 3 situations I would be glad about any help. I don't need a full audio channel matrix in all directions. But seeing On/Off must be possible to see. And the global audio-fx-off-button would be a huge relief. Thank you! And looking forward if you can make that possible.
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‎Jun 27, 2024
05:45 AM
hi, just to close this question, I didnt have success. Just learnt - when you see glitches combined with video and sound getting out of sync: test and make a HQ render which renders the damage. So you know what you really see before you go on. Cheers and thx for joining to find a solution
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‎Jun 17, 2024
04:24 AM
1 Upvote
ok, thx Kevin! You are right. in worst case it will be my lesson (even thou that didnt happen for 4 years now). 'never work with glitched material in a timeline'. learnt. : ) I will try and report
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‎Jun 14, 2024
03:44 AM
@Kevin-Monahan can you read my last message please. best Daniel
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‎Jun 11, 2024
03:54 AM
hi! So, first, its NOT solved. Its a C-Plan in case we dont find a solution here. Resumee for the recent state: Two cams recorded each one file, around 1,5h. One is perfect the other one got corrupted at around 5 short (while someone hit the tripod) glitchy parts of the Clip. both: MP4, 4:2:2, Sony Slog3, 10bit corrupted file size 54GB I started a Premiere session with both clips in parallel (two cam interview setup) for the corrupted one the pic and sound get out of sync with each glitch more and more. So I've brought pic & sound in sync manually by comparing frames to the non-corrupted. So, i finished my edit, everything looks fine in session. But after the export every part of my video where the corrupted Clip is shown, the tone is out of sync. The non-corrputed Clip - parts are perfect. Means, in one Export-video I've parts where pic is out of sync and some are in sync. So testwise, for one edited part I tried to move the corrupted file to its orginal position (before i ve corrected it manually in session). so, in session its out of sync again, but in export its correct. Which is stupid, because its a pain of work to work blind in session (recorrecting all those edited clips to its orginal position) - so my quesion stays: how can i use the "right" looking Edit I did to look same in export without reediting the whole projekt blindly?
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‎Jun 10, 2024
10:04 AM
1 Upvote
ok, I ve figured out: When i move the clips back to its old position (which is async in Session) - in export its "right" again. This is so far my C-Plan. But i would love to get a solution for my export as i see it now .
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‎Jun 10, 2024
09:41 AM
PS: I just tried Quicktime, MPEG2 and ProRes (not H.264) as a different Encoder, but its the same. cam1 is correct and cam2 is out of sync.
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‎Jun 10, 2024
09:33 AM
1 Upvote
Hi! Following situation: I've recorded an Interview with two cameras. around 1h. One got some glitches after 7min (bad battery dummy). After this and more glitches picture and sound got out of sync more and more, which i put in sync again visually by matching same moments in frames. I did my cut and everything looks fine in edit. But after export, no matter via ME or in Premiere itself, after those 7min 2nd cam (corrected glitches) gets out of sync. cam1 stays in sync (no glitch) inside one exported video which i never had before. What can I do, that Premiere renders the way cam2 as well as it shows in edit?
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‎Apr 20, 2023
08:47 AM
Hej, first, thanks guys for your replies! @Mylenium hmpf. ok, thanks for the update. that saves me a lot of time of useless trials. sad to read. @ShiveringCactus hm, not sure if i understood correctly. but I have a main session which i want to combine with many precomps - one session to rules them all. Means, i need 3D Objects in my main session as 3D as I designed them in their precomps. E. g a room filled with particles, 360° movable i want to fuse with that main comp, being able to fly through particles or videocopilot orb to pass as in a proper 3D room. probably i will try Cinema 4D. Importing 3D from there seems to work - when i can trust those youtube videos.
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‎Apr 19, 2023
02:23 PM
Hi ! I need urgent help for following question: its about 3D plug ins. Lets take Particle world as an example. I ve put it on a Solid layer. then i ve pushed that star symbol (next to "hide layer"). in German it means sth like "Transformationen falten / Vektorebene optimieren". Then I can beautifully turn all particles in my 3D space without any 2D Frame. Cool. But in certain situations I need to create a precomposition, including the 3D layer. Why not - doing the same with the precomposition, pushing the star symbol, but then its stucked! means I need to copy all my camera-data from the main session inside the precomposition to get the angle I need, which is horrible! And when i switch the "star" button off, i can turn the precomposition around but its 2D which is not helpful. What do I miss? Can I get precompositions as smoothly moving 3D as I can do when its just a 3D-Layer? Would be very thankful about any help!
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‎Apr 19, 2023
05:56 AM
and sorry for the letter-mistakes. :0 hope its understandable nevertheless.
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‎Apr 19, 2023
05:53 AM
Hej Mylenium, first, thanks for your answer! ok, I ve forgotten to mention: please don't at my session itself. it's an experimental playground where I'm trying to prepare the final session. To make it more clear I have attached another pic where you see that its not cause by my chaos session. just a clear one picture layer and and just one generative - and trouble causing - effect: glow. To make the issue more visible I have added the CC Light Ray effect to show that there seem to be an invisible extra layer - like a buffer zone for FXs. Solition: precompose the pic and put glow effect on picture in precomposition. But: I will have 60 pictures in my session. Partyl very complex ones. And I would be happy to keep things as minimal alias CPU-saving as possible. So the question is: Does anone know a way to switch off that "buffer layer" or how to keep (glow) effects inside the picture frame without cause extra precompositions?
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‎Apr 18, 2023
12:57 PM
even when I mask the Picture layer, the glow is acting beyond frame and for some reason the turbulent noise effect(which i put on "multiply" is interacting outside of the frame with the overglowing effect. So apperently all FX work outside of the picture as well. Which would be nice if the multiply blend mode would work outside the frame as well (as it does inside perfectly)
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‎Apr 18, 2023
12:31 PM
Hello, sorry if I'm using that channel not correctly. I have trouble with After effects: I created a 3D space with a lot of (star picture) layers. classic flight through. On some picture-based layers I want to add a glow effect. Which works niceley. But for some reason the glow effect is ignoring the frame of the layer and shines out of it. Which normally is great. But in my case i need a clear cut off out of the frame. (Because there are other effects waiting which must not be affected) I'm an aspiring beginner. Means still learning the magic how alpha masks work in AE. Here my two possibly solution-leading questions: 1) How can I set something somewhere, that no effect is leaving the frame of a picture layer (without trying to mask something and bring that in sync with flying pictures)? 2) can I enlarge the layer around the picture (to give over-shining glow effects enough space to spread out) or must a picture be seen as a fixed layer structure (since layer adjustments for size etc. are greyed out when clicking on the picture)? In the attached pic you can the the shadow on the red background which comes from the glow effect. I found out a lot already, but this is really freaking me out now and I would be very happy about any help! Best Daniel
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‎Jan 09, 2019
09:11 AM
Hi there! Same problem here. Cloud app works fine. When starting an app it starts, a window appears as normal - even when starting a recent work file separately (without Cloud app) it appears completely with all tracks, pics depending which app you open. But you can't control anything with your mouse, just watching. And then Adobe is loading this application showing up as a white extra windows, probably the "open projects window"? And this one ends up in a loop, loading, reloading, reloading, ... until you close it, which will close the whole program again as well. Adobe Crash report window is following in my case. The problem just started out of nowhere yesterday night. Tried everything as well: and a full reinstall including the deinstallation procedure with Adobe CCCleaner tool (windows command line and so on) I would be very glad if you could share some news after contacting the support. Thanks!
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‎Nov 20, 2016
01:58 PM
Hi guys, I am working in a larger session for two moths now. Since last week Audition tells me it is not able to save the session, because it is used by another application. (The inculded files can successfully be saved anyway.) When I close Audition and re-open it the sesx-file looks like changes are actually saved, but the messeage still appeares and I would like to have certainty that the file doesn't get corrupted in any way. Yesterday I upgraded to Audition CC 2017 hoping this might help, but the problem still remains. I would be very thankful for any support. Cheers, Marc
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