Karo Holmberg Logitech
Karo Holmberg Logitech
‎Feb 19, 2025
01:45 AM
There is something else slowing down your system. Probably memory blocks are much slower than on your sons computer.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
12:46 PM
I will post results of 50-series card as soon as someone runs my files through. This interests many users - that is also the reason I have four different mpx-sizes so people can actually understand how long does it take to process one image.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
12:09 PM
You missed the point. Results that I have posted are from a different set of test - one that I have gathered "elsewhere". I have four different files (24mpx, 45mpx, 61mpx and 102mpx) which people have tested with 50% Ai Denoise strenght. This gives a more usable results for comparing how fast the cards are in real-life applications. Not just benchmarking "which is faster" - because that we already know. The point of my test is to give people some insight about which card they might want to buy next as they see how much time it takes when they are doing actual work. That is what these results are all about - and I have not gotten any results of ant 50-series card with my files and parameters I have set.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
10:49 AM
Here are some new results on actual denoising with different graphics cards. All of these values have been measured with Lightroom Classic, using 50 strength on Ai Denoise. All tested images are the same, and clock has been stopped at the same time as the "process bar" disappears on Lightroom Classic's UI (so not at the point when "image is ready", but when process bar disappears). Is this scientific, hell no - but it gives quite a good estimate where we are with current cards 🙂 No 50-series NVIDIA cards tested yet on this particular test.
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‎Oct 02, 2024
06:29 AM
You are probably having an AMD based computer? Also the files you tested are not the same ones used on the list above - that might give or take some seconds 🙂
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‎Sep 10, 2024
01:34 PM
This data was actually gathered to compare Windows computers, to give some insights to people which graphics card would be best for their budget. Mac's were added just out of curiosity. As very few people would swap their system just because of a GPU, there is actually no real-life need to compare Mac's and PC's in this matter.
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‎Sep 06, 2024
02:50 AM
Checked it from the original denoise chain in our group, it was "m3 max 16 core 128g" - hopefully that is enlightning, I don't know enough about macs to know if it is one of the higher end models or not :3
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‎Sep 06, 2024
02:40 AM
This is not completely the case. If you occupy all SATA ports and M.2 ports of your motherboard's communications will slow down significantly. Here are the times I took from my old computer which had 2x M.2 and 6x SATA: - 45 mpx: 2 min 7 sec - 24 mpx: 2 min 7 sec Yes, the times were identical for both files because the bus couldn't handle the data anymore (probably reserving bandwith or communicating with all SATA devices - i don't know excatly as this is out of my experties). After removing all but necessary SATA devices, the same test (1x M.2, 2x SATA): - 45 mpx: 37 sec - 24 mpx: 24 sec
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‎Sep 05, 2024
02:33 AM
1 Upvote
Although this is a 1.5 years old topic, I need to drop here some information which might give some insights to users upgrading, or thinking of upgrading their graphics card. I came up with a small not-super-accurate-test using two files (Canon 45mpx ISO6400, Nikon 24mpx ISO12800). Both are processed with AI Denoise (value 50). Timer starts when "OK" is clicked and timer stops when Lightroom Classics Process bar disappears. I listed all the participants main data (processor, memory amount and display card) and from the results it became more or less obvious that the amount of memory does not affect the processing of AI denoise virtually at all. What I do not know: How many SATA-devices these users have - if there is too many (or in wrong ports) that will decrease the speed. This I tested on my older computer that had 6 SATA devices (2 min 7 s process time) and after removing most of them -> 2 SATA devices (37 s process time). So better to have just couple of huge hard drives than multiple small. But anyway, screenshot of the results is at the end of the message. In short: on AMD computer 7900XTX is pretty much on par with the 4090, just a bit slower. On intel computer it seems to lose some edge and is between 4070 and 4080. For this I only had one computer of each, so this is not verified in any way. And also the Intel-computer (with 7900XTX) contains many SATA devices which might slow it down (motherboard is Z790). -
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‎Jan 17, 2024
10:18 AM
1) get into a dialogue with the affected users and try to address these issues. 2) However when they chooses not to 3a) there must be other pressing concerns - concerns like its impending downfall/demise. By @10k Portraits 1) We have been in dialoque with multiple users. The method mentioned above came from one of those users. 2) All Customer service messages are checked. Logs, deep logs, special logs etc have been gathered. This bug is no exception. But logs are not collected from everyone because that is unnecessary. 3) No company runs around one issue. There are always dozens of things going at the same time. If something is not solved, it does not mean the reason is concerning - it only means that the specific issue has not been solved. PS. And about thoughts of downfall, If you didn't know, Logitech bought Loupedeck last summer. Hard to imagine that would happen if there would be any kind of "pressing concerns".
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‎Jan 11, 2024
01:07 PM
This windows feature requires that you press SHIFT+[something] many times in a row. I have hard time to believe, that people would need to press this keyboard combination many times in a row - except when using shortcuts in an application. But as I mentioned. This is one possibility and it has helped some users (as those users have reported the fix to Loupedeck personally).
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‎Jan 11, 2024
01:49 AM
Hello! We have received a message from a user who has found a Windows based feature that (at least in some cases) causes this behaviour: It is a accessibility feature that "sticks" key down when pressed multiple times in a row. This does not explain all the cases - so it might not work for each and everyone. But give it a try. This should be set "OFF": On MacOS there is a feature that "slowed down" key presses (or something like that) - changing the value on that setting helped some mac users "back in the day".
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‎Dec 30, 2023
09:57 AM
unfortunately no.
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‎Nov 22, 2023
06:16 AM
i have pushed this forward so that development team knows that it does happen with other commands also, not jst arrow. Would be interested to know has this happened to anyone using any other Loupedeck device than Loupedeck+.
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‎Oct 27, 2023
03:41 AM
1 Upvote
Does PS plugin connect to normal Photoshop? After Photoshop starts, you have activated Loupedeck plugin from the menu: Plugins -> Loupedeck > Loupedeck Info ?
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‎Oct 19, 2023
09:17 AM
Hi! That function (Rotate View tool) is not available on Loupedeck system. I made a note about it and we will dig into the matter and see if it is possible to add - thanks for the feedback! It might be also cool to have the view reset to default by pressing a knob/button - we'll check that too!
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‎Oct 16, 2023
01:21 AM
Hi! Have you tried the new Loupedeck Software (5.8) with Photoshop Beta, does it work for you? It now has the support for multiple Photoshop versions including beta/prerelease 🙂
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‎Jul 26, 2023
08:23 AM
We have been looking for a viable solution - but no actual news so far. Hopefully we can get all kinds of beta versions under support sooner than later 🙂
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‎Jul 26, 2023
06:40 AM
Yes, same person. Those were made to come along the Loupedeck Original in 2017 - mainly to be used and boost color within event photos (if photo has e.g. Blue LED lights -> blue event color -preset will boost that up) 🙂
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‎Jun 16, 2023
04:18 AM
Very late reply, but please contact Loupedeck customer support for additional and deeper logging of the issue (if it still persists). Would also be interesting to see from Lightroom logs what kind of messages LR receives from Loupedeck that causes this to happen.
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‎Jun 16, 2023
04:17 AM
Hi, notifications from Loupedeck plugin can be deactivated from Help->Plug-in Extras->Loupedeck Plugin Settings Just unselect "Show plugin notifications"
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‎Jun 16, 2023
04:13 AM
I managed to reproduce this issue also. It seems to be tied to the method Lightroom Classic uses for refreshing history (which is also a bit "not perfect" for console usage). So when user activates a gradient mask, adjusts the exposure but does not draw the actual mask, it kind of leaves the history state open -> When a sky-mask is added "simultaneously" ( read: within 1 second which is the history-state delay) -> that sky is added kind of "inside" the gradient mask (in the history states) and Lightroom cannot understand that at all -> no masks are drawn. But when user clicks temperature -> it forces the change to a certain mask (sky) and that forces Lightroom to sort out the masks. This would be my best guess what is happening. Similar kind of history-state behaviour is if users turns multiple dials within 1 second -> history state updates as "multiple adjustments" -> pressing undo-button will remove all the changes done, not just one. Similarity is in how the history-state is recorded = Everything done within one second are recorded as "one action". It functions on the latest version a bit differently, so some development seems to have been made which affects this - but it is still behaving unexpectedly. I reported it also (LRD-4212713) if Rick or someone from the development team wants to mark my ticket as a duplicate (after recheckin of course) x)
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‎Jun 16, 2023
03:18 AM
Could you contact Loupedeck Customer Support for deeper logging, so that it could be seen what is happening under the hood? It might be also interesting to log this from Lightroom's side to see what kind of messages LR is getting via API to cause this kind of behaviour.
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‎Jun 16, 2023
03:15 AM
Hello, and sorry for the inconvenience with this issue :< Could you contact Loupedeck Customer Support to push in a ticket, so that we could take logs of the issue and see what is happening?
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‎Jun 16, 2023
01:53 AM
1 Upvote
If there is still an issue with this - please contact Loupedeck Customer Support.
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‎Jun 16, 2023
01:45 AM
I am not an expert on the communications things, but Loupedeck is using TCP ports (or something) internally for communicating between the Loupedeck service and target application plugins (Photoshop in this case). It seems that you have restricted communications and that blocks Loupedeck from making a connection with Photoshop. You should whitelist Loupedeck software and allow it access to the TCP ports (or something) it requires.
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‎Jun 16, 2023
01:42 AM
Is there any error during the installation of the Loupedeck Software? If you have photoshop installed -> Loupedeck SW installation should install a plugin for Photoshop automatically. When Photoshop is running, you should see the plugin by opening plugins-menu tab: Currently this works only for the public Photoshop version (prerelease/beta support is not currently available). If that does not happen - the only way to install Loupedeck plugin is via Creative Cloud. And if Creative Cloud is not operational, then I would suggest opening a ticket with Adobe Support to solve the issue..?
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‎Jun 16, 2023
01:14 AM
Open Loupedeck Software Select Loupedeck CT device (unless you see it already on the software) Select Photoshop Profile (top bar, in the middle) Click on the Wheel to open setting up the wheel Create a new Wheel Page (by clicking the small plus-sign under the black wheel-image) You can select which ever template would fit your needs the best Search for "Canvas" at the right side's action list Click on Photoshop sign (that should have purple stroke around the icon) Drag and drop "Rotate Canvas" adjustment to the wheel page's rotation-slot You can also drag and drop the "Rotate Canvas" adjustment over a dial if you want to use dials for rotating the canvas.
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‎Jun 16, 2023
01:05 AM
The system allows to test adjustment to the source (which are not stored) to see how the clip reacts to the changes ("what is possible"). The actual adjustments only apply to the "latest added effect" -> which means that the clip needs to be added to the timeline and lumetri added to that clip ( = can be seen on the effects list). If multiple effects are added -> changes will apply to the latest.
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‎Jun 16, 2023
12:13 AM
1 Upvote
If any issues arise - best way to solve would be to 1) search possible answer from Customer Support Portal, or 2) contact Loupedeck Customer Support directly.
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